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  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    It's well known that republicans will donate to third party candidates in order to defeat progressive dems. Had Clinton even got a fraction of the votes that went to Johnson and Stein she would have overcome the election fraud and won.

    Clinton and more importantly her cabinet picks could at least be stopping the madness unfolding had she been the one seated in the White House...not to mention her pick for Supreme Court Justice, a pick we just lost to the Fascists.

    It should also be noted that she had one of the top progressive voting records while in the Senate.

    I'm a pragmatic Socialist in it for the long game, a person who hates giving up any ground to the Fascists....propaganda and election fraud got Crooked Donny elected.

    I wish the god damn Kochbaggers were a third party.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    I will never understand the left. You loved a president that was putting you a trillion in the hole a year and hate a president who wants to cut taxes. It is like you have no financial responsibility at all. What you where doing with the previous government was not working. You can not keep going in debt more every year. How can you service all that debt. What you need to do is change policy to get those "rich white guys" to spend money. Trumps plan will do that.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    How do you think we treat poor white people? We consider poor people of color as "disadvanatged," but even today's liberals turn up their noses and contemptuously define poor white people as a collection of ignorant, right wing yahoos. "Trailer trash" is the term they use for many of the low-income, and just orginary "white trash" for the masses of homeless poor. Many noticed.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    As much as it angers people to hear it, what we seem to be seing at this point is the rich doing to the middle class essentially what the middle class already did to the poor. Today, the rich have full representation in government, the middle class have some, and the poor have no representation whatsoever. Probably the only thing that most people seem able to agree on, is the idea that the US itself is in its last stages.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Well, from another perspective, we can note that there is one segment of the population that is so despised, that we stripped them of a list of fundamental civil and human rights: America's poor. The majority of these are white. We got so tough on them that the overall life expectancy of the US poor has already fallen below that of every developed nation. This is treated as an issue of no significance.

    Beyond that, yes, we've seen a remarkable surge of blatant racism, white against black, black against white, with a resurgence of anti-Semitism way too reminiscent of the 1930s. Thrown into the mix is a wave of anti-Russian propaganda, rooted in absurd stereotypes, with a daily barrage of allegations that defy logic and the facts. Put together, this defines this era.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    The entire problem is that the duopoly is and has always been the servants of the very, very rich. We, The Rubes of all stripes are NOT represented by either the right wing Democratic Party or the very right wing Republican Party of the Wall Street Owned One Party System (WOOPS). Until we wake up, organize and reject the corporate owned duopoly and especially the Democratic Party wing of it we WILL NOT have representation in Washington or the various state houses. The very dysfunctional democracy we once lived under has been reduced to little more than ink on the brittle parchment paper of history. However, as the ruling elite has always known, history is only manageable after it has happened. Accordingly, if we do not recognize that the GOP wing and the Democratic wing are THE PROBLEM history will continue on its present course. If we remain rube like ostriches all of us will remain the exception to the old political adage as a people who is fooled all of the time.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    While the Republicans are really showing their cards, the Trolls like Dianereyenold and OU812 have disappeared.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Most Trump supporters are white people who can't come to grips with the reality that American-style capitalism, as sold to them by the Republican party, is throwing them under the bus. Now that the people in power are treating them more and more like any non-white person who isn't rich, they become even more desperate and resentful. So they embraced Trump, who ran on being the anti-Republican Republican. And now it is even harder for them to admit that they have been conned big time by a carnival barker who will deliver on exactly nothing that he promised. They will desperately cling to their fantasies, until the reality becomes to ugly to pretend away. I say this as an old white guy.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago


    I'm not sure what you are trying to've provided the reference, how about some substance.

  • We Need To Stop Blaming China and Blame Ourselves   6 years 46 weeks ago


    Thom likes to find the slightest excuse to blame everyone but the individuals that signed the bill. I don't care if a majority or either party liked or disliked the bill, it was given to a president that could have stopped it from happening. Time to face reality, the democrat party is just as corrupt as the republicans and all the fodder the leftie/socialists threw at the republicans for trying to stop Obama is miniscule when compared what President Trump is dealing with. He gets little cooperation from either side.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Thom, as an American disabled senior who spent 35 years working in the hospitality industry, I have witnessed the power of the hospitality lobby. Every state feels they are a tourist destination and so a functioning hospitality sector is a must. Labor unions that speak on behalf of the workers have shrunk from 1 of 3 employees in 1965 to 1 of 10 employees in 2014. This has happened through a calculated and coordinated attack by “think tanks”, politicians, and media; serfs, all owned by the corporate and economic elite.

    We, the workers and common folk, have suffered economically as this insidious ideology, developed. From the 1930's during America and Europe's heyday of “fascism”, they continue to vitiate and inveigle our democratic values and social fabric through it's agenda of duplicitous and malevolent coercion(populism). An ideology that allows unfettered peculation, perpetrates corporate hegemony that undermines civil laws and absolves the transgressors of any responsibility for harm or cost to citizens resulting from their disregard and disdain for anything but profit.

    Fascism did not die at the end of WWII. Instead a euphemism for their fascist ideology of greed and power was created..... “Free Enterprise”!!! Yes... “Free, unfettered capitalism for the few, Enterprise” and the “Road to Serfdom” for the rest of us.

    Sadly, they are very close to turning the world into riches for the oligarchs and perpetual serfdom for the rest of the world. The fact that there are so many fatuous apostates filled with betise and perfidy of quislings singing a song by abnegated pharisee's spewing the nihilistic and seditious rhetoric they've learned from their masters, the corporate and economic elite.

    We are witnessing the emergence of the fascist “Fourth Reich”. It never went away, it just changed clothes and put on the euphemistic dress of “Free Enterprise, Capitalism=democracy, Individual freedoms, etc..

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    "Remember I said Republicans don't think health care is a right, it's a privilege." TH

    Newsflash for Thom. Health care IS NOT a right. Stating so reveals a total lack of understanding of what rights are and where they come from, on your part and many other liberals.


  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago're correct, I have little respect for those who condemn the Dems with almost no condemnation of the Koch party. I don't trust where you're coming from at all.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago


    Thank you for your response, I was concerned that any LGBT might take unintended offence, and it's definatly not meant that way.

    I was done when Bill C shook his finger in our faces.

    Nice wordpress articles.

    I have found writting our Dem leaders pretty useless,

    Did you know that on medi cal when they covered dental they would send dental impressions back and forth to Florida prisions to make the dentures, it could take a year or more to get a partial that fit....I have a friend who went through the process.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago


    Medi cal in California will also wait for you to die and take your home for services rendered.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Obamacare is not single payer because they could not get the votes. Joe Lieberman (IND) from CT was the swing vote. It did a lot of good things but is Corporate for profit insurance. Dealing with for profit medical industry. But ask yourself, what have Republicans done for healthcare compared to Democrats?

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Why this struggle with taking care of poor and frail humans in our country?

    The wealthiest place on the planet

    Individuals who propose these suggestions need to go and live in countries where people die, and young, because they can not afford to see a doctor

    I'm talking "so called" third world

    America is like this

    No money... get sick... die... dead... get outta here

    Supposedly a Christain country

    Damned shame... shame... shame!

    To use Christian language "go to hell"!

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    HotCofee: I'm a gay activist myself, of many years (as well as a progressive) and couldn't agree with you more! Obama is just a brand, a corporate shill. I have zilch faith in our party any more. In fact, I lost faith back in 1996, when Clinton was in office and signed DOMA and DADT, and threw the poor under the bus, to become a puppet for major corporations, as a "Centrist Democrat." It is during his term that "Republican Lite" was coined. I remain an independent to this day.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    2950-10K: You wouldn't respond so flippantly, had you bothered to take a little time to do your own research.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    It is a misnomer to imply that Medicaid is free to those poor enough to be eligible. In fact, even most of our blue states with Obamacare's Expanded Medicaid, still require their clients to pay such an exorbitant share of cost (SOC), that they cannot afford it. This is not the case in a few (or several or a bit more) states, such as Minnesota, which does not charge any SOC if your income is around $1,300 or less. However, dental care is not covered.

    Now here in my home state, California, SOC was established in 1989...and is based on that year's cost of living, which is a humble $600! And since that cost has never been adjusted over the years, this means someone on Medi-Cal who collects a monthly Social Security income must pay the remainder of that income beyond $600, for any month he or she uses Medi-Cal, which only covers any expenses /over/ that amount.

    This means that many, if not most, Medi-Cal recipients cannot afford to pay the SOC, thus must go without the vital health care they need and deserve. (I also want to point out that no one so poor as to be eligible for Medicaid should ever be required to pay /any/ SOC in the first place!) We Californians have had a Democratic governor for some years now (Jerry Brown), yet he has neither addressed nor rectified this egregious ripoff to the poor...who must, as a result, continue to live with more misery, pain and early death, thanks to an astronomical, MONTHLY Medi-Cal fee. If you doubt my claim re. high SOC, see:

    --from which I quote:

    Share of cost is calculated on a monthly basis by deducting a set amount called a "maintenance need level" from the net income. That is, Share of cost = Net Income - Maintenance Need. A Medi-Cal beneficiary’s share of cost is the difference between her income after allowable deductions and the Maintenance Need Level (MNL), which is a set amount allocated for her living expenses.

    The MNL has not changed since 1989 and is $600 for an individual. Thus, anything an individual earns over $600 a month becomes that individual’s share of cost. For example, if an individual earns $1,100 a month, that person must incur $500 in medical costs each month before receiving any coverage from the Medi-Cal program. For consumers with a high share of cost, Medi-Cal provides little more than catastrophic coverage and does not enable them to access health care services. --end

    In my online research, I've discovered other blue states that also charge an exorbitant SOC, including Washington and Oregon. And it seems that the majority of blue states are guilty of this denial of basic health service to the poor. Medi-Cal's own site once had a page where they admitted this terrible arrangement, but they have since taken it down, and replaced it with a very deceptive statement, making it look like no one is charged too much for their care. And that is why I had to find another site, to verify my claim.

    I don't know why alternative (progressive) news sites and whistle blowers like Thom Hartmann never seem to bring this matter to the public eye. I have emailed my Medicaid grievance to many popular alternative news sites, as well as to notable liberal and Democratic politicians. Yet not a single one ever got back to me, or has covered this issue. The important thing that comes out of this, is:

    The Democratic Party is just as culpable for hurting the poor in a most vulgar way (because invisible)...and it has been going on in many states for a long, long time. To point one's finger solely at Republicans is not just a misnomer: it is a shame of the worst kind. Yet the Democratic Party bigwigs are patting each other on the back, over the "miraculous" achievements of Medicaid.

    You may read my original letter of outrage to the progressive media and politicians (including Nancy Pelosi) here:

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Zeke, I don't have time to verify your statements, but consider this, how many Kochpublicans want Medicare for all????....something many Dems are already pushing for.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago


    With this conservative takeover, you certainly have a lot to write about. But it must be disheartening to see all that you have worked for as a writer to be dismantled before your very eyes.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Experts predict that Kochpublican tax/ACA repeal legislation will cause health insurance premiums to rise by at least 10%, which means an increase of $$$thousands$$$ to most. It's pretty simple math, if your health insurance plan costs you and or your employer $10,000/yr, then the increase will be $1000. Even this low-ball amount is far more than the temporary tax cut that only some "working people" will get.

    States like Calif. and N.Y. need to go single-payer my opinion this would be best way for the , "We the People," Blue States to fight back. Lead by example and let the, "We the Billionaires," Red States continue to pay for their sins.

    Kochbaggers will tell you that massive tax breaks for the rich will grow the economy and thus offset the 1.7 trillion being added to the deficit, in other words their talking point is the biggest economic lie already told....many decades old and proven to not work.

    Yep, they're going to break it and not know how to fix it. Get ready for the fall of our empire...seriously. Putin will tell you what that feels like. He's about to get his revenge.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    The Dems had 8 years to make Obama care work, why didn't they? They would probably be in office now if they didn't run princess pantsuit. What I saw was 8 years of Dems with their head stuck in their underwear, all things LGBT were the priority. Obama care and LGBT are the only accomplishments I can think of, and neither group seem very happy with the results.

    So... if California goes single payer on it's own how long before everyone without medical moves to California? Which has no housing or water???

    As bad as it is the Dems brought it on themselves.

    Keep letting the Corporations lobbists run the country and you won't even want to use the health care we do have.

    Please lets not forget they successfuly lobby both sides.

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