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  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    It was very simple for me to vote for Clinton. With our system (which I cannot change) it comes down to voting for 1 of 2 people. I firmly believe that you are wasting your vote on any 3rd party that draws 1% of the vote. Besides last years 3rd party candidates were not very acceptable. Of the 2 that I could vote for I evaluated which would be best for the country. Who was the most honest between the 2. Who was the most experienced. Etc. I also remembered what the Republican Party had done to this country under Bush. Lower taxes on the wealthy. Increase Defense Spending. Send the country into a depression that took years to recover from. Put us into 2 Trillion dollar wars that also took us years to recover from. It was an easy decision to vote for Clinton. Everyday in the last year reconfirms my decision.

    Hope that you right wing trolls enjoy the tax deductions for your private jets and golf courses. Plus I am sure that you are happy that you will be able to Pass on all of your assets over $11 million with no inheritance tax. Plus you will not have to deal with that nasty alternative minimum tax. Also you will be able to repatriate all of those billions of dollars that you have stashed in foreign accounts for 8% tax. I wish that I could do arithmetic like the Republicans. Cut my revenues, increase my spending and smile into the camera.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    My first Poly Sci professor, about 50 years ago summed up the history of mankind, "advance through crisis." The trolls that check in on this site are a perfect demonstration of why this is so.

    ikeberitersen summed it up perfectly in the first post.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    My, my, the true colors are coming out spades.

    No, Kend, a good job would be to back up Republican false accusations against Hillary with actual, objective, prosecutable evidence, which no legitimate investigative body thus far has ever been able to present successfully in a court of law -- not public opinion -- despite decades of wasting taxpayers' time and money, which could have been spent doing the much neglected and sorely needed People's business. Endless hyper-partisan Congressional hearings, the FBI, NSA, CIA, military intelligence, various inspectors general, numerous watch-dog agencies, peer reviewed investigative journalism, nor any other entity existing outside the feverish wet dreams of far-right conspiracy theory nutjobs -- including, especially, the widely panned and completely debunked book, Clinton Cash, or its equivalent of ubiquitous Republican yellow journalism and fake news -- has come up with a damn thing worth a damn. "after reading this I can't believe anyone voted for [Trump]."

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. It's not for lack of trying. Bill and Hillary are perhaps the most investigated couple in history, yet are totally, laugh out loud, walking free. Why is that?

    Three basic possibilities: #1. They are super genius villains who've outsmarted nearly everyone on the planet, except of course the even greater super genius seekers of truth, mesmerized by enlightened Fux News gurus who magnanimously impart esoteric wisdom, elevating their congregation of unquestioning worshipers to a higher intellectual, moral, and spiritual plane (Can't quite put a finger on it? How about putting a middle finger on the gag reflex at the back of the throat?); #2. All the investigative bodies above either really suck at their high-paid jobs or, even more astoundingly, are all in on the biggest cover-up ever; #3. Occam's razor, in that the simplest hypothesis for why neither of them is locked up is because neither of them broke any laws, other than Bill lying to a grand jury about consensual sex between adults, over which he was impeached, disbarred, and publicly humiliated ad nauseam even to this day -- impeached, let's never forget, by Republican hypocrites who were cheating on their wives at the same time. "after reading this I can't believe anyone voted for [Trump]."

    It begs the question: Shouldn't all the good Christian soldiers out there in Lie Lie Land practice what they preach and praise Hillary for having the virtue of forgiveness in her heart and preserving the institute of marriage, which the holier than thou crowds believe is sacred? Or does that only apply when Republicans cheat on their wives, like the serial cheater pussy grabber, whom the hateful hypocrites excuse and forgive at every opportunity? "after reading this I can't believe anyone voted for [Trump]."

    So where is the similar accountability for Trump's felony sexual predations, mob-infused New York real estate deals, numerous self-dealing bankruptcies, billion-dollar tax dodges, very probable Russian collusion to undermine our election, and hundreds of shameless lies shoved directly into the numbed faces of the American people -- to the bemusement and bewilderment of the rest of the world? (Where are his tax returns, and what else is he hiding from those dumb enough to have voted for him?) "after reading this I can't believe anyone voted for [Trump]."

    The sounds of partisan silence and Republican double standards may be deafening, but the day of reckoning will soon be upon him and his congressional enablers. (By the way, the one glaring omission on the phony list of why Hillary "lost", which is extremely well documented by a former top FBI investigator in his numerous books on the subject (especially The Best Democracy Money Can Buy), along with many other serious investigative journalists not on the payroll of the right-wing, billionaire-slanted corporate media juggernaut, is that millions upon millions of Democratic votes were deliberately stolen by massive Republican election fraud, like it or not, believe it or not. "after reading this I can't believe anyone voted for [Trump]."

    Facts don't lie. Hillary, despite the pure hatred in the "dark hearts" of her minority of detractors, was by far the most preferred candidate of the People in the general election -- whom even Bernie preferred over Trump for chrissake, despite the finagling of disingenuous Hillary supporters on the back benches at the DNC! (Of COOOURSE no such infighting has EVER taken place at the RNC, model politicians all! And, boy, do they have a bridge to sell nowhere.) "after reading this I can't believe anyone voted for [Trump]."

    No, Kend, a good job would be a side by side comparison of Trump's well-documented, on the record, in his own words, right in front of God and His dogs, almost daily list of huge intellectual and moral failings -- a list so long and detailed that it would keep a conspiracy nut's calloused fingers pounding away until the key pads break apart. "after reading this I can't believe anyone voted for [Trump]."

    Rather than trying to counteract each and every example of "Hellary" hate and despicable lie listed, and rather than trying to fit into the false framing of a one-sided, deluded presentation and mindless distraction and deflection by highly partisan trolls, which has nothing to do whatsoever with the topic of Thom's weekend blog, I would suggest that anyone who might be susceptible to such nonsense to list every possible accusation against the lady who won over the majority of people -- much to the chagrin of Trump and his starry-eyed bootlickers -- on one column; on the other, list all that are credible, provable, or have any more significance than the perceived transgressions of any other politician in the U.S., regardless of party affiliation. (Oh yeah, and right-wing, dead-end circular sourcing from the Republican bubble doesn't count.) "after reading this I can't believe anyone voted for [Trump]."

    One will soon find the same thing that every honest investigator has already found: One side of the ledger would fill several books; the other side will be largely blank. Now, do the same with the "LOSER" of the popular vote, who has one of the all-time lowest job approval rating at this point into a first term, not even a full year. Both sides of his ledger would fill a library. "after reading this I can't believe anyone voted for [Trump]."

    So why do trolls readily believe the lies about Hillary but stubbornly refuse to believe the truth about Trump? Easy answer: those steeped in blind hatred are simply incapable of intellectual honesty.

    Republican trolls: Go waste everyone's time and energy elsewhere, and quit pretending to be "fair and balanced," paragons of virtue, arbiters of truth, when you're nothing but dime-a-dozen, hypocritical partisan hacks who think they're so clever posting raw ignorance on progressive blogs -- the very definition of a troll. The only people you are fooling are yourselves.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago


    I wouldn't even post this stuff here but I don't think the Dems ever look at anything that doesn't come from CNN.


    I really can't believe the hissy fits the Dems have had since Madame Pantsuit lost. Like spoiled two year olds that can't have what they want at the candy counter.

    If Dems aren't happy now they really won't be happy if they end up with Pence.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago


    Better an online prostitute than an angry, toothless washed up lefty:)

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Hot coffee after reading this I can't believe anyone voted for Clinton. Good job

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Ou812: Nothing good comes out of your mouth...or into it, snowflake. I'm surprised that Rehab even lets you onto the Internet, unless they have no hope for your recovery.

    PS: Posing as an online prostitute only serves to show everyone else where you're /really/ coming from. Your avatar screams: "I'm a disgusting lady." Self hatred is a common trait among right-wing nimrods.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    HotCoffee: Regarding dentures: partials are not a part of Medi-Cal's services, even though most dental care has been reinstituted via Expanded Medicaid. So, after my teeth rotting away thanks to over a decade of cutbacks on dental (and other) care, they will only cover removel of all bad teeth, and restoration of the few good teeth that remain. (They will /not/ remove any teeth that can be restored, even if only one left, in order for one to get full dentures.)

    I am therefore better off w/o dental work, because I'd be left with just several teeth sticking out. Besides, I can't afford dental care anyway, due to the astronomical share of cost. This is a nightmare, created by Democrats, not Republicans solely.

    Before Bill Clinton's draconic cutbacks, Medi-Cal gave full dental coverage, w/o any share of cost. Including partials. But I must also note that, even in the best of times, Medicaid services were grossly inferior to the health care that the affluent could afford. And it remains that way. As for Bill Clinton:

    His signing not just one, but /two/ bills that vilify homosexuals (as if they are actually a threat to heterosexuals), opened the floodgates for Republicans and their Christian lackeys, to raise the bar against LGBTs, and make them the key scapegoat for their disgusting "fambly valyooz." IOW: the Democratic Party paved the way for the GOP to persecute queers to a greater degree than ever, yet act like their own (liberal) hands are clean.

    Not to mention Obama selecting a virulent and popular preacher, Rick Warren, to speak at his first spite of his extremely homophobic stance. Even though many excellent Christian leaders of a progressive bent were freely available. Obama's catering to Muslim fanatics was no help, either. He did not mention even once, homophobia, in his speech about the Orlando massacre. Instead, he chastised so-called Islamophobia (which does not even exist) and gun fanatics. Check this out:

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Well I see deepspace has returned as Zeke Kahlin. Nothing but name calling so sad. It's not my fault you have limited comprehension.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Ou812: "I'm not sure what you are trying to've provided the reference, how about some substance."

    You have offered no substance in your own, pointless statements to this discussion...just a meanspirited attitude. No surprise, though, considering your disgusting phallic-inspired avatar that appears in every one of your posts. (Holding what appears to be an oversized corn dog to your lips...though it may actually be a dildo.)

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Willy Lohman: "We are witnessing the emergence of the fascist “Fourth Reich”. It never went away, it just changed clothes and put on the euphemistic dress of “Free Enterprise, Capitalism=democracy, Individual freedoms, etc.."

    It is a frightening truth that you have just declared. I'd like to say you're wrong, even in some little aspect, but I can't.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    2950-10K: I condemn /both/ the Dems and the Koch Brothers, as well as the GOP. Those who point their fingers solely at the Democratic Party are Trump ass lickers. Thank you for your reply. No need to trust what I say, you can find all this on your own...though it's kinda hard to dig it up, as the states that charge a high SOC conceal that dirty secret very well. It's like pulling teeth.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Hephaestus: "To use Christian language "go to hell"!"

    Right on. What we have here is the result of an utter failure to truly keep church and state separate, all the way back to when this nation was created. All these cutbacks on the poor and low income, and draconic laws established to opress minorities and the disenfranchised come out of fundamentalist Christian dogma. Including homophobia, racism and misogyny. As well as needless and unending wars. Muslim jihadists have nothing over Jebus butt kissers.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Dianereynolds: "When it comes to the Constitution, in leftie/socialist world, anything can be added to, removed from, or interpreted as they wish."

    That's not /you/ speaking, that's the Trump snowflake koolaid.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Ou812: "Nowhere in the Constitution is Healthcare required."

    Nice of you to take time off from licking Donald Trump's ass, to share your valuable insight on this matter.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago



    In leftie/socialist world, ANYTIME an election is lost to a Republican, it is stolen by ballot stuffing, election fraud, it rained last night, voter suppression, voter fraud, the election laws need to be changed, the constitution sucks, gerrymandering, white privilege, male dominance, racism, or a myriad of other pre-programed whiny snowflake excuses.

    It is NEVER the fact they ran a horse shit candidate that stuck her middle finger up her closest contenders ass and spun him right off the ticket.

    I still await the donning of pussy hats, bitching & moaning, stomping of feet, gnashing of teeth, and screeching into the sky from Republicans after losing two Governorships in leftie states last week.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    When it comes to the Constitution, in leftie/socialist world, anything can be added to, removed from, or interpreted as they wish.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    The preamble of the Constitution says to provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare.

    1. make available for use; supply:
    "these clubs provide a much appreciated service for this area"
    synonyms: supply · give · issue · furnish · come up with · dispense ·
    make adequate preparation for (a possible event):
    "new qualifications must provide for changes in technology"
    synonyms: prepare · allow · make provision · be prepared · arrange ·
    3. stipulate in a will or other legal document:
    "the order should be varied to provide that there would be no contact with the father"
    synonyms: stipulate · lay down · make it a condition · require ·


    1. further the progress of (something, especially a cause, venture, or aim); support or actively encourage:
    "some regulation is still required to promote competition"
    synonyms: encourage · advocate · further · advance · assist · aid ·
    • give publicity to (a product, organization, or venture) so as to increase sales or public awareness:
    "they are using famous personalities to promote the library nationally"
    synonyms: advertise · publicize · give publicity to ·
    • chemistry
    act as a promoter of (a catalyst).
    2. advance or raise (someone) to a higher position or rank:
    "she was promoted to general manager"
    synonyms: upgrade · give promotion to · elevate · advance ·

    The Constitution requires a common defense, but it only encourages the general welfare (welfare is open to interpretation). Nowhere in the Constitution is Healthcare required.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 46 weeks ago

    The general welfare.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Trump promised everything in the world while campaigning. People drank the snake oil. Now he is breaking every promise and is doing what most billionaires do. Screw the middle class. All of his voters are to stupid or embarrassed to admit it.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Clinton failed to be bold. Trump got it right away. You don't have to keep any of your promises. You just have to make them. The more the merrier. Fool you once, that's all it takes. Clinton should have promised us more stuff.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    Coffee, You can't put your finger on it because you have it stuck up the wrong orifice.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    I’m still trying to figure out how Hillary lost the election…

    Was it the Russian Uranium Deal?

    Was it Wikileaks?

    Was it Podesta?

    Was it Comey?

    Was it having a sexual predator as a husband?

    Was it Huma Abedin’s sexual predator husband Anthony Weiner?

    Was it because the Clinton Foundation ripped off Haiti?

    Was it subpoena violations?
    Was it the congressional testimony lies?

    Was it the corrupt Clinton Foundation?

    Was it the Benghazi butchering?

    Was it pay for play?

    Was it being recorded laughing because she got a child rapist off when she was an attorney?

    Was it the Travel Gate scandal?
    Was it the Whitewater scandal?
    Was it the Cattle Gate scandal?
    Was it the Trooper-Gate scandal?
    Was it the $15 million for Chelsea’s apartment bought with foundation money?

    Or her husband’s interference with Loretta Lynch & the investigation?

    Or having debate questions stolen & given to her?

    Or her own secret server in her house?

    Or deleting 30,000 emails?

    Or having cell phones destroyed with hammers?
    Was it the Seth Rich murder?

    Was it the Vince Foster murder?

    Was it the Gennifer Flowers assault & settlement?
    Was it the $800,000 Paula Jones settlement?
    Was it calling half the United States deplorable?
    Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders?

    Was it Bill’s impeachment?

    Was it the lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia?

    Was it the $10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich?
    Or the $6 BILLION she “lost” when in charge of the State Dept.?
    Or because she is a hateful, lying, power-hungry, overly ambitious, greedy, nasty person?

    Gee I just can’t seem to put my finger on it…

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    It should be pointed out that the repugs stole the election from Clinton (see Best Democracy that Money Can Buy by Greg Palast). Then the irony of tRump wanting an oath of loyalty to him (mafia Don?) rather than the constitution. Why we should show respect for any cabinet member is beyond me.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    @8 it should also be pointed out that Clinton lost the election. Only the winner gets to pick cabinet members and select Supreme Court Justice. :))

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