Recent comments

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago


  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 45 weeks ago

    @39 If you don't like my comments, don't read them. I don't know what makes you think that you and your alter-ego Deepspace have all the answers. Is no one else entitled to their own opinion? Unless that other opinion is so spot on and so true it shows yours to be pathetic.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Ou812: You have all the answers, don't you? All the wrong ones. The only one who's bullying is /you/, snowflake...especially against the poor. Aren't /you/ just such a glowing example of the Ugly Amerikan! You add nothing to any topic, only hostility and ignorance.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Reference HC's billionaire lists. Under the Republican tax plan none of their beneficiaries will have to pay inheritance tax. So the government is cutting that much revenue. It has to either cut that much spending or get it from somewhere else. Care to donate?

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Well said stogap!

    I do want to clarify my #34 post. At the state level, The Fascists do in fact have their "smart" ALEC organization. Fascists employ private sector lobbyists to bascially manipulate state legislators to enact laws ending our founder's wish that government promote the general well being of, "We the People." Instead ALEC promotes of the piggish greed of the elite few at the expense of the powerless many.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Yes 10k, Trying to prove anything to conservatives is a total waste of time. Time after time, over and over again, I've watched Deepspace on this site, show with lengthy painstakingly detailed, referenced and documented posts that prove and make clear the fallacies and inanities of the Trolls that are on some religious crusade to spread the gospel of rightwing thinking.

    Personally, I really don't have any intention of trying to prove anything to them, nor do I care what they think of my posts or my thoughts. If Deepspace's tome-like efforts have zero effect on them, then why the hell should I waste my time trying to convince them of anything! I'm perfectly content to sit in the backseat and enjoy my small part in driving them further over the edge by getting under their skin, provoking them to expose themselves as a cult of propagandized, delusional drones in the service of their lord and master, one Donald J. Trump.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Deepsapce, Legend, stopgap, and all others fighting on the enlightened side of history..... after all that's been said and done by Trump and his Kochpublican Party this past year, anyone still on board with this madness has their head stuck up their ass so completely, there's zero hope of intervention and extraction. With this said, I'm sure my #34 post was a total waste of time. It's like swatting at green flies on a hot and humid day....they just keep coming.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Diane #15: Your behind the scenes Fascist leaders have very little interest in State Governors. That said, keep an eye on the Alabamastan Senate race, something they do have interest in. McConnell is certainly obsessing and "moaning" about it.

    His billionaire Fascist benefactors have a lot at stake with their plan to run up the national debt by trillions so they have an excuse to defund all of the programs the 99% love. Yes, there will be election fraud in this one, just like all close Red State House and Senate races ...count on it. The exit polls verify it every god damn election.

    Anybody aware of being thrown off the roles by Kobach ..... seek legal advice and charge him with election fraud. Force the Corpse media to report about it.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    If lowering corporate taxes was the answer then Kansas would be The Billionaire Mecca, instead of the Bay Area.

    I'm content to use the info that you and D supplied.


  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 45 weeks ago

    @37 you started it asshole. You want to be the poor victim. The evil California government is responsible for your toothless mouth, because they wouldn't pay to have your teeth fixed. Poor baby, why don't you try paying your own bills. By the way, quit trying to bully people.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    No it isn't.....either is pretending the Dems ( Soros et al ) are different from the Koch's.

    So then, where are your references for your comments???

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    So it appears then, that lowering corporate taxes is not the answer!

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    # 29

    this might help you out a little

    2014 Top Donors to Outside Spending Groups

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    So which of these billionaires are Democrats and which are Republicans? How much did they give to the respective parties? Just listing a bunch of billionaires doesn't mean a damn thing. Just because a person lives in California doesn't mean they are a Democrat.

    Interesting though that they prefer to live in California where Gov. Brown raised taxes, rather than Kansas where Gov. Brownback slashed taxes.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago
  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    According to Forbes, these are the richest California residents in 2017, along with the source of their wealth. We've included those that are among the top 200 below and you can follow the link at the bottom to the full list of 400:

    • #4 Mark Zuckerberg: Net worth of $71 billion. He lives in Palo Alto and made his fortune via Facebook.
    • #5 Larry Ellison: Net worth of $59 billion. He lives in Woodside and is famous — and rich — from his software efforts.
    • #9 Larry Page: Net worth of $44.6 billion. He lives in Palo Alto and made money in Google.
    • #10 Sergey Brin: Net worth of $43.4 billion. He lives in Los Altos.
    • #21 Elon Musk: Net worth of $20.8 billion. The CEO of Tesla Motors' primary residence is in Los Angeles.
    • #24 Laurene Powell Jobs: Net worth of $19.4 billion. She lives in Palo Alto and the source of her wealth is Apple and Disney.
    • #28 Donald Bren: Net worth of $16.3 billion. He lives in Newport Beach and made his money in real estate.
    • #32 Dustin Moskovitz: Net worth of $13.6 billion and made his money through Facebook. He lives in San Francisco.
    • #35 Eric Schmidt: Net worth of $12.6 billion. He lives in Silicon Valley, in Atherton. The source of his wealth is Google.
    • #48 Jan Koum: Net worth of $9.6 billion. He lives in Santa Clara and made his fortune via WhatsApp.
    • #55 Patrick Soon-Shiong: Net worth of $8.3 billion. He lives in Los Angeles and works in pharmaceuticals.
    • #63 David Geffen: Net worth of $7.8 billion. He lives in Beverly Hills and made his money through movies and record labels.
    • #65 Gordon Moore: Net worth of $7.5 billion. He lives in Woodside and made his money through Intel.
    • #71 Eli Broad: Net worth of $7.3 billion. He lives in Los Angeles and made his money through investments.
    • #75 John A. Sobrato: Net worth of $6.5 billion. He lives in Atherton and made his money in real estate.
    • #76 Brian Acton: Net worth of $6.4 billion. He lives in Palo Alto; source of wealth: WhatsApp.
    • #87 David Sun: Net worth of $6 billion. He lives in Irvine; source of wealth: computer hardware.
    • #87 John Tu: Net worth of $6 billion. He lives in Rolling Hills; source of wealth: computer hardware.
    • #91 John Doerr: Net worth of $5.8 billion. He lives in the Silicon Valley community of Woodside and works in venture capital.
    • #97 Steven Rales: Net worth of $5.5 billion. He lives in Santa Barbara; source of wealth: manufacturing.
    • #97 Edward Roski, Jr.: Net worth of $5.5 billion. He lives in Los Angeles; source of wealth: real estate.
    • #108 Rupert Johnson, Jr.: Net worth of $5.2 billion. He lives in Burlingame; source of wealth: money management.
    • #108 George Roberts: Net worth of $5.2 billion. He lives in Atherton; source of wealth, private equity.
    • #115 Travis Kalanick: Net worth of $5.1 billion. He lives in San Francisco; source of wealth: Uber.
    • #115 Sumner Redstone: Net worth of $5.1 billion. He lives in Beverly Hills; source of wealth: media.
    • #118 George Lucas: Net worth of $5 billion. He lives in San Anselmo.
    • #118 David Filo: Net worth of $5 billion. He lives in Palo Alto; source of wealth: Yahoo.
    • #122 Tamara Gustavson: Net worth of $4.9 billion. She lives in Malibu; source of wealth: self storage.
    • #140 Gwendolyn Sontheim Meyer: Net worth of $4.7 billion. She lives in Rancho Santa Fe and "inherited an estimated 7% stake in food giant Cargil," according to Forbes.
    • #150 Marc Benioff: Net worth of $4.5 billion. He lives in San Francisco; source of wealth: business software.
    • #156 Jen-Hsun Huang: Net worth of $4.4 billion. He lives in the Silicon Valley community of Los Altos and made his money via semiconductors.
    • #156 Jeffrey Skoll: Net worth of $4.4 billion. He lives in Palo Alto; source of wealth: eBay.
    • #167 Archie Aldis Emmerson: Net worth of $4.1 billion. He lives in Redding; source of wealth: timberland, lumber mills
    • #179 Rick Caruso: Net worth of $3.9 billion. He lives in Brentwood and made his fortune through real estate.
    • #179 Stewart and Lynda Resnick: Net worth of $3.9 billion. The couple live in Beverly Hills and made their fortune through agriculture and water.
    • #179 Dagmar Dolby: Net worth of $3.9 billion. She lives in San Francisco and her fortune comes via Dolby Laboratories, which was founded by her late husband, according to Forbes.
    • #186 Nathan Blecharczyk: Net worth of $3.8 billion. He lives in San Francisco and is one of the three wealthiest Californians to make his money via Airbnb.
    • #186 Brian Chesky: Net worth of $3.8 billion. He lives in San Francisco and made his money through Airbnb.
    • #186 Joe Gebbia: Net worth of $3.8 billion. He lives in San Francisco and made his money via Airbnb.
    • #186 Henry Samueli: Net worth of $3.8 billion. He lives in Newport Beach and the source of his wealth is semiconductors.
    • #200 Jack & Laura Dangermond: Net worth of $3.7 billion. The couple live in Redlands and made their money through the mapping software company Esri.

    >>>Click here for the full Forbes 400 list

    So either California is Republican or there are no homeless because the California Dems take care of their own or someones facts ain't facts at all.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    When the wealthy have bought and paid for all of the Republican legistrators that now control the government, who the fuck else should you fixate on?

    Not surprisingly, these same greedy Republicans now support a new tax plant, that even they admit will balloon the deficit. Oh, but of course…giving billionaires, millions of more money through tax ripoffs that are not available to anyone else will make them magically start hiring people for jobs to make things that there is no demand for.

    When do billionaires have enough extra that they will feel a new incentive to invest in the economy? Exactly how much will they need? What will make their ne'er do well heirs feel any obligation to invest in the new uncertain trickle-down theories? The wealth gap is alarming to even Alan Greenspan, but billionaire Republicans still haven't stepped up to grow the economy.

    Instead, they play race-baiting games to divide and conquer, knowing that they can lead the bigot rubes down the garden path while they enact new laws to take more and more, leaving the rubes with less and less. Apparently, a billion dollars is not enough to live on these days.

    And of course, even if they do spur new economic activity, they give no thought about how it will affect the environment. The planet is drowning in the byproducts of the economic activity that we currently enjoy. But, what the hell, keep the party going!! We need more big screen toys! We need more gas guzzling Hummers and SUVs! We need more McMansions! Gotta pay for that 400million dollar Da Vinci! Forget about tomorrow…worry instead about those people of color that are killing your American Dream.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Ou812: "Better an online prostitute than an angry, toothless washed up lefty:)"

    If you really think that, you're an uglier person than I first thought. I pity any person you get close to. To mock someone due to their disability, or misfortune, is the lowest one can get.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Ou812: Nothing says "dumb and tacky" like a corn dog hovering before a woman's face in a political forum. It also serves to declare yourself as irrelevant at best, and a low-brow creep at worst. Way to go, lady!

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 45 weeks ago

    "Newsflash for Thom. Health care IS NOT a right. Stating so reveals a total lack of understanding of what rights are and where they come from, on your part and many other liberals."

    Newsflash for Kilosqrd: Every democratic nation on the planet but one (guess which one that is) has outgrown its adolescent phase, to realize that health care is a right by birth of all its citizens. You simply parrot the 12-year-old IQ and EQ of the Republican Party. In fact, the right to pursue happiness cannot be guaranteed without universal health care. Without which many suffer through no fault of their is our present situation. Republicans and conservatives are sadists, pure and simple, and have nothing to do with the ideals of democracy.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago


    And you Rick Steves are talking out of your rear end. I noticed the leftie/socialist crowd wasn't calling them minor demonstrations when they were happening. My God, we even got on the spot reports from breathless anachartists calling in for radio time, and the pussy hat march, what more needs to be said about that, although I was a bit disappointed in the coverage of the "scream at the sky" demonstration. I only heard the caterwauling of a distant neighbor that actually may have been a Ferrell cat being thrown into a woodchipper. Who knows? It was over very quickly.

    Perhaps you should stop worrying about other people that have more money than you as they are all probably Nazis anyway. Where is your brain that you feel the need to fixate on other peoples wealth all the time? It must be a leftie/socialist thing. You spend far too much time listening to Thom Hartmann's financial advice. Turn him off and prosper. Take your profits (300% since he told everyone to get out), stuff that cash in your mattress, and let the rest ride the wave or crash on the beach. At that point who cares, you lost nothing and have still more than doubled your money. Think positive, if this market does continue to march upward, a lot more people will have the ability to buy the private jet you so dearly long for. Think of all the jobs created building those toys. I will even let you give all the credit to the Obama years if that makes you a happier person.

    My best

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Diane are you talking amount the minor demonstrations at the "largest inauguration in history"? Maybe they looked large on Fox News.

    No one was thankful for the tax deduction that they get on their private jet or golf courses? Come on Diane surly that will make your jet much more affordable.

    And nobody commented on the Bush 8 years and what it did to this country.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Deepspace. Maybe the reason the teflon Clinton's haven't been put in jail is every time they get close someone ends up dead. I would be scared to.say anything as well. Just look at what she did to poor Bernie he never had a chance at least the Republicans let the voters decide.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 45 weeks ago


    You know, I may have a touch of Alzheimer as I struggle to recall angry hordes of Republicans marching in the streets, painting vulgarities on buildings, burning cars, breaking windows, and shitting on the side of police cars. I also can’t recall Republicans in so called "occupy" protests pitching tents on private and public property and rioting when the police tried to remove them. I am sure it happened, but remind me of the Republican marches blocking traffic in our major cities, freeways, or parks, the most wonderful of them being leftie/socialists both male? and female proudly running around in knit pink pussy hats (one of the saddest sights I have ever seen is an occasional lone male forced to parade in his little pink hat. I hope yours was only worn in the confines of your basement). I also missed all the Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts attempting to get Republicans to all go into the street and scream helplessly into the empty sky. Oh, I almost forgot, conservatives always block any liberal from speaking at college or university, right?

    Republican hissy fits you say? Give me a break. There is no comparison and you know it.

    The most telling of all, is listening to talk radio and television bobbleheads repeatedly complain for the better part of eight years about the Republicans meeting and planning to make Obama a one term president and one minute after the election of President Trump they themselves are trying to make him a one day president. How f’ing dumb you all sound now. I delight in leftie/socialist hypocrisy. At least have the balls to do what many of you promised, move to Canada, (notice no one promoted the wonderful beaches of Mexico where you need two forms of ID to vote).

    I won't thank you for all the fine fish as I am now going to watch a few YouTube videos replaying election night and the violent, tearful, and bitter reactions by Republicans.

  • Trump Is Using Racist White People To Make The Rich Richer   6 years 46 weeks ago

    15 and 17. I have a memory that is good enough to remember the hissy fit that the Republicans put on for 8 years after Obama was elected and re-elected. You must have Alzheimer disease.

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