Recent comments

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    #6. CA has a lot of homeless because you turn into an ice cube in MN if you are homeless. The oppotunity is there if you work for it.

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Amen ;-)

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Well, Outback I'm afraid your right.

    It's possible I will make it a decade but 3 no way.

    Hopefully us commoners on both sides will stop tearing each other up and come together against the real problems.

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    #5 HotCoffee: I don't believe it matters in the least who the Dems decide to run in 2020. It would take a total "purge" of the DNC to alter their "DNA". We've seen what happened after the debaclke of 2016 and it's .... nada. It'll taka a total tsunami, similar to what happened with Bernie, but much, much larger to tilt the balance of power between the real interests of "the people" and these two political abominatinations (I'm talkinhg BOTH established political parties, which are only variations on the same theme) to make a significant difference in our leadership. A) Ginsberg needs to hang on until the mid-terms of 2018. B) We need a Dem sweep of at least the Senate to block any further right wing justices being installed. C) Only then can the real work begin of throwing out the career corporatists of both parties in favor of a really progressive government. It'll take at least a decade, maybe three. I won't be here, but I wish you the best ;-)

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago


    And you do know the people serving Silicon Valley are living in their cars and vans....not my idea of oppertunity.

    Silicon Valley’s homeless: Everyday workers in shadow of tech affluence

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    So lets assume that Trump is Hitler re-incarnate....who do the Dems plan to run in the next election? It seems bashing Trump is the only thing on the agenda. Dems are leaving office so as not to be outed for sexcapades. A subject dems don't want to talk about, unless it's a repub.

    I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard ( Hawaii ) in a heartbeat...A woman president...intelligent...been in the military, not a warmonger...thrown out of the DNC by DWS for speaking up about the BS going on there, a Hindu..what more could you want...disipline and nuturing.

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; direction: ltr; color: rgb(0, 0, 10); line-height: 120%; text-align: left; }p.western { font-family: "Liberation Serif",serif; font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-family: "Droid Sans Fallback"; font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-family: "FreeSans"; font-size: 12pt; }

    p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; direction: ltr; color: rgb(0, 0, 10); line-height: 120%; text-align: left; }p.western { font-family: "Liberation Serif",serif; font-size: 12pt; }p.cjk { font-family: "Droid Sans Fallback"; font-size: 12pt; }p.ctl { font-family: "FreeSans"; font-size: 12pt; }

    Thom, interesting you bring up 1920's Germany in this context. Hitler's book “Mein Kampf” is fascinating in the parallels one notes between German society in the period between 1920 and 1924, which is the period during which he was building the foundation for his “Third Reich”. In particular, his observations on the politicians of the day and a bovine society that could only barely glimpse the corruption of their government.

    One doesn't have to embrace Hitler's anti semitic views or radical solutions to appreciate that the man (perhaps nuts) was an astute observer of human nature. His treatment of propaganda, the press, entrenched politicians, and an international cabal to bleed sovereign nations dry are absolutely eerie when compared to conditions that exist globally today.

    And interesting also are the parallels that can be drawn between Hitler and our present POTUS.

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Silicon valley has more wealth. CA may have the highest taxes but it also has the most opportunity.

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    The family that is too strict will have rebellion...the family thats too lenient will have spoiled children with no sense of responsibility. Maybe somewhere in the middle might work.

    Everyone does deserve food, shelter and health care.

    That being said there was a family with 16 children that I grew up close to. About 1/2 of the children would not go school....I can't go, I broke my shoe lace...etc. This entire family was on 1/2 of the children and their children are on welfare. This was the lenient family....or what you call nurturing.

    I also knew a young girl that could never go play. When she wasn't in school she was polishing the doorknobs, silverware, etc. I don't know how she turned out.

    In many families papa is the boss and they aren't all Germans from the 1920's....take Italians for instance.

    Seems I'm always pushing for a middle ground....All left is not good...all right is not good.

    Nurturing and disipline are both needed.

    So going back to the family with 16 kids....who's responsibility is it to give them shelter, food etc. Mine, Yours? What if you only have enough to feed your own children should you take from them for others that just showed up illegally?

    For me it is not as cut and dried as Thom presents it. But then I'm not impressed by credentials.

    If the government is telling you...Gov. Brown...don't use the electricity, gas, there isn't enought water, housing,but come on in everyone you're welcome here...that just doesn't compute. If California is the only state that has single payer for everyone then everyone desperately needing health care will come to California...right? Even if they return home after being healed, where does California get the money, we are already the highest taxed state in the nation?

    LA has many of the wealthy hollywood types with their indoor and outdoor swimming pools while they rob Northern Ca. and the Colorado river of their water. It's a desert in more ways than one.

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Humans are by nature hierarchical and align themselves in a status hierarchy, which in our society parallels financial worth. So we submit to an alpha male with the most money, who demands our subservience. The lack of these behaviors on the part of our former president was one of the reasons he was (is) seen as weak by many in need of a powerful alpha male leader. Relatively few animal species sort themselves out below an alpha female, but it does occur in nature, including many examples among humans. I had an old fellow physician friend in Georgia, who summarized Georgia politics as: "he just figures out which way the crowd is heading and hurries to get out in front".

  • Republicans Admit to Accepting Bribes, Why Aren't They In Jail?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    2950-10k. Yup, corporate-sponsored political dialogue is a sick joke played on the lazy minds of American voters. I only pick up Sunday morning talk-show clips here and there on the internet in the course of chasing down other news stories (or at least what passes as "news" nowadays) -- before moving on to more credible sources. But it sure seems like the whole point of "Meet the Republicans" is for Chuck Todd to keep his millionaire job by being a patsy for Kochpublican idiotology, while trying mightily (and failing horribly) to appear bi-partisan and fair-minded.

    Yellow-journalism "reporters" feverishly regurgitating the latest scandal du jour, avoiding like the plague the hard news of the more pertinent stories that really matter to the People, is yet another symptom of a dying military-economic empire in the final stages of collapse. For the sake of the environment and humanity, it can't happen soon enough...

  • Republicans Admit to Accepting Bribes, Why Aren't They In Jail?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Excellent deepspace!

    BTW: It doesn't help that Sunday AM shows like Meet the Republicans, pretend to be bipartisan by asking questions based in truth, but then give a Republican most of that part of the show to lie with impunity and make it seem like Chuck Todd is the misinformed one. Rarely do you see the show allowing a Dem to counter the lies with facts to back up truth... actually never lately. It's like sly foxaganda.

    I'm a little shocked about how relative little attention has been spent on the tax bill by even many media progressives, a bill that most certainly will speed up total collapse of the empire. Trillions on war for profit with simultaneous tax cuts for billionaires, this at a time of already record concentration of wealth, LOL...the Romans of the 5th century are also laughing loudly in their graves.

    Sex scandals both sell and distract ..... the focus and timing isn't coincidental

  • Republicans Admit to Accepting Bribes, Why Aren't They In Jail?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    I am a flat tax person. Two line tax form.

    1. You made this

    2. You pay this

  • Republicans Admit to Accepting Bribes, Why Aren't They In Jail?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    "But when fascism comes it will not be in the form of an anti-American movement or pro-Hitler bund, practicing disloyalty. Nor will it come in the form of a crusade against war. It will appear rather in the luminous robes of flaming patriotism; it will take some genuinely indigenous shape and color, and it will spread only because its leaders, who are not yet visible, will know how to locate the great springs of public opinion and desire and the streams of thought that flow from them and will know how to attract to their banners leaders who can command the support of the controlling minorities in American public life. The danger lies not so much in the would-be Fuhrers who may arise, but in the presence in our midst of certainly deeply running currents of hope and appetite and opinion. The war upon fascism must be begun there." -- John Thomas Flynn in As We Go Marching, 1944.

    The wealthy donors are always going to do what they always have done: line the pockets of corrupt politicians who will do their bidding. And corrupt politicians are always going to do what they always have done: do the bidding of wealthy donors who will line their pockets. This is the immutable law of what America has now become: a fascist oligarchy.

    But understanding this fundamental dynamic of a society that has such a huge wealth disparity won't change a damn thing, because it is only one predictable symptom of a much deeper problem, a problem little understood on the right. Think about it. The super wealthy and their bought and paid for politicians are only a tiny minority of the population; so how is it that they wield such outsized power over the majority, which has almost no power? How did We the People allow our Founders' dream of a People's government to turn into a military-industrial-congressional-Wall Street, fascistic nightmare from which we can't seem to wake up?

    It's the "mainstream," or rather, the right-wing corporate media with their flickering mindless big screens, little screens, blaring hate radios, and meaningless internet word salads firmly planted on every street corner in every pocket, in every gas-guzzling car, in every crumbling public building and gleaming private skyscraper, and even in the inner sanctums of our private homes, our last places of refuge from the greedy, violent rat race.

    Our ubiquitous, hypnotizing devices have replaced Mao Tse-tung's Little Red Book as a means of corporate-sponsored political discourse. If you control their minds, you control the People. That's Chapter One in the playbook of every despot down through the ages. It's as old as dirt.

    For-profit news and shallow infotainment have utterly failed their primary mission under the First Amendment: to inform voters of objective, relevant, and consequential reality -- so that the People can make, yes, informed decisions when they fill out their goddamn ballots! How fockin' hard is that supposed to be for chrissake in this high-tech world of advanced information technologies!? It should be as easy as it has ever been in all of human history to get at the simple truth of things. Then why has our most important and sacred civic duty turned into such a monumental problem and gut-wrenching experience for most people -- to the point where so many just curl into the fetal position and refuse to vote at all, election after election?

    Is it by design? Fact: The fewer people who vote the more power millionaires and billionaires accrue for themselves in their zero-sum game, a deadly downward spiral to oblivion for everyone else, the little people who are nothing but gum on a Gucci. In less than twelve months, voters will once again be asked to step up and save their nation from the abyss. The climb is steep, the time is short ...and the People are still ignorant as fock!

    It's a sad statement of how far we've devolved as a democratic republic when a comedian can tell more truth in 24 minutes than all of corporate media has in, what, a whole year, a whole decade ...or ever? John Oliver nailed it last week! (It's like he's talking directly to the delusional trolls who insist on shamelessly posting -- and linking to -- their far-right brainwashed nonsense all over this blog and virtually every other one, forever deflecting, diluting, and detracting from the absolutely critical conversations Americans need to have at this no-turning-back juncture of history.)

    Informed ridicule is sometimes the most effective weapon against the abject insanity of publicly subsidizing and facilitating tax-dodging millionaires and billionaires and the idiocracy that is Trump Land. If you haven't seen this episode yet, ​it's worth a look:

  • Republicans Admit to Accepting Bribes, Why Aren't They In Jail?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    #6. The 1% does not care what you live in. They live in private communitues, behind closed secured gates. Travel is in private jets. Infrastructure to them is the tax paid airports that they land at. Then the road to their (1 of many) homes behind secured close gates. They belong to multible private clubs for golf, restaurants, skiing and socialization all with a tax write off. Everything that you talk about is completely off of their plate.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 45 weeks ago


    Thanks for your conclusion, that conclusion and a dollar will get me a cup of coffee at McDonalds

  • Republicans Admit to Accepting Bribes, Why Aren't They In Jail?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Our illegit President has bragged about buying Kochpublicans. "When you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do." Well I guess being king snake of the swamp, exempts Crooked Donny from purchasing fellow sidewinders...for the time being anyway.

    Now that many Kochpublican servants are admitting to their willing participation in Fascism, with anti-americans like Trump even bragging about it, why isn't our corpse media sounding the alarm??? Yes, the part about the media, that's sarcasm!

    Back in the 1930's, many German citizens let the creeping evil slither with silence too.

  • Republicans Admit to Accepting Bribes, Why Aren't They In Jail?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Are the wealthiest so insecure that they have to have all the money in the world? Or is there a mindset that other people don't matter? I mean is it truly a blindness to the problems we have just in the U.S.? Homelessness, crumbling buildings and roads, losing insurance, drug addiction, hatred, not enough jobs, environmental problems, hypocracy, etc. There is so much more that is wrong, but apparently money speaks louder than people who would like a country that actually believes in equality and helping each other.

  • Republicans Failing Their Corporate Sponsors Could Be a Miracle For Democracy   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Ou812: You don't like /my/ answers, yet you reply to them. Hypocritical much? Of course you're entitled to your opinion, no matter how stupid or bigoted. Just don't whine about anyone who challenges your vulgar comments. Whoever this "Deepspace" is, must be a good person for pressing your buttons of ignorance.
    Piece of advice: take that corn dog out of your mouth, and maybe you might appear relatively sane. My conclusion:


  • Will the GOP Accomplish Giving a Tax Give-A-Way to the Wealthy?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    No one said it would have to be anywhere near legal. trump will sign it.

  • Republicans Admit to Accepting Bribes, Why Aren't They In Jail?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    American is dying! The life support is not helping. It should be all over by New Years eve I would think! All that is left is the funeral fires to be lite.

  • Republicans Admit to Accepting Bribes, Why Aren't They In Jail?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Dianereynolds, How are you doing with your medicare? Want to lose it?

  • Republicans Admit to Accepting Bribes, Why Aren't They In Jail?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Hi Thom n Staff,
    This blog is total truth. Tax scam for the rich to live off the people like fat ticks on dogs... The rich say some in society are living off their money, but in reality the rich are living off the working n middle class. If they are not paying taxes, yet live free and still get the benefits of American infrastructure, they are the ones living free.

    Why don't they move to Europe where taxes maybe 50%. Remember when Italy imprisoned Sopia Loren for tax evasion???

    Don't know why I can't talk on the radio program, did I do something wrong and got banned, I do make mistakes at times, but I ask that my voice be heard n I love ur show...

  • Republicans Admit to Accepting Bribes, Why Aren't They In Jail?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Hi Thom n Staff,
    This blog is total truth. Tax scam for the rich to live off the people like fat ticks on dogs... The rich say some in society are living off their money, but in reality the rich are living off the working n middle class. If they are not paying taxes, yet live free and still get the benefits of American infrastructure, they are the ones living free.

    Why don't they move to Europe where taxes maybe 50%. Remember when Italy imprisoned Sopia Loren for tax evasion???

    Don't know why I can't talk on the radio program, did I do something wrong and got banned, I do make mistakes at times, but I ask that my voice be heard n I love ur show...

  • Republicans Admit to Accepting Bribes, Why Aren't They In Jail?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    In yesterdays post, Hotcoffee gave several references with lists of billionaires and how many billions that they have. Under the Republican tax plan none of their beneficiaries will have to pay any inheritance tax. So the government is cutting that much revenue. It has to either cut that much spending or get it from somewhere else. Care to donate?

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