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  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 44 weeks ago


    I was an advocate for the poor and saw DiFi in action, or I should say in non-action. For an old lady she sure can run away from the poor if they happen to get past her aid Yaki.

    How much is she worth...what is her salary? How many of DiFi's votes have benifitted her very wealthy hubby? Do you think they issue traffic tickets in her neighborhood?

    Malibu is in Ca. for goodness sake totally Dem controlled state, While the " workers" in silicon valley sleep in their cars. Isn't silicon valley supposed to be wealthy Dems.

    Face book workers in S.F. complaining they have to see the homeless as they are bussed to their S.F. offices. Want them removed.

    Doesn't seem like being in a Dem controlled State makes all that much difference to me.

    Could you tell me one aspect of your life Government doesn't have it's nose in ????

    I've asked that question many times at many sites I no one has ever answered.

    How much of the education budget do you think trickles down to students after the Feds and State get done taking their cut?

    Repubs are bad....Dems are no better. The difference is the Dems pretend to be on the side of the poor.

    Nuff said.

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    HotCoffee - What are you talking about? We need a much bigger government to protect us from the billionaires. It seems the conservative definition of liberty is to provide the freedom to concentrated wealth to run our lives. My definition of freedom is for the government to protect me from the oligarchs, billionaires, multinational corporations and the other definitions of concentrated wealth.

    In the case of Malibu, the home of concentrated wealth, it is those same wealthy people who have bought the government and to use it to stop the riff-raff from bothering them.

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    DianeR do you keep telling yourself Adoph H was a great leader, and you are pleased that tRump is leading us to the same place?

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 44 weeks ago


    Keep telling yourself Hillary is president even though Trump is appointing judges and issuing executive orders.


    Every night before you go to sleep ask yourself if Hillary had different position regarding firearms, could Bill still be inviting interns into the oral office?

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    No Diane...Hillary handed Trump the election by conceding, Obama advised her to....she knew all about the election fraud/conspiracy, just like our CIA did. It was just like when the Dems gave Bush the two illiget wins ...the Dems would rather have peaceful transistion instead of unrest and chaos. Your fake President was ready to not concede had the election fraud failed. Can you imagine if Putin had installed Hillary and she was under investigation????...or are you too foxmerized ?????

    What ever happened to your wacky Benghazi and email crap????

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    One thing that always sticks out to me about people who basically take another persons property to get rich with various schemes, things like, not paying their fair share of tax, not paying their employees a fair wage, commit fraud on Wall Street, maybe start a fake University, a fake foundation, stiff contractors, launder money for despots, take your pick,...... they're all lazy as hell. However they're sure quick to condemn poor people who they perceive to be lazy just like them. Truth is, most of those poor refuse to rip their fellow citizens off to change that circumstance.

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Merry Christmas Rick Steves

    "Congress has handed Trump a historic presidential victory"

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    All the Democrats have to do is keep pushing radical bills like: No Taxes for people earning below 250k/year. Single Payer ( or Medicare) for Everyone, etc. And just keep on slamming them out EVERY DAY like a printing press. Make them as outrageous as they can. That will get them back in the NEWS. And there is nothing wrong with repeating bills. Remember how many times the Repossessicans tried VOTE to repeal Obamacare? Almost 60 times.. Find it by using a famous search engine using: 2016 Republicans vote to repeal Obamacare - This search string will get you there.

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Zeke, Insightful and enlightening link, but hardly necessary on this site. The endorsements by Hot Coffee and Dianereynolds are, in themselves, enough to set off red flags and generate skepticism and suspicion regarding this candidate.

    Lets examine HCs first post #2. In the first paragraph HC makes a blanket, general statement, but as Perry Mason would say…"hearsay, facts not in evidence." Maybe the statement is right? Maybe it's wrong? We have no way of knowing. Are we supposed to believe it's true just because HC says it? Are we to presume it's just common sense? For many years, considering the earth to be flat was considered sense.

    Then we have other paragraphs about a family of 16. However, we have no way of verifying the truth of these statements. Maybe they're true? Maybe not? Again, "facts not in evidence."

    This is the kink of reporting that dominates Fox News, Hannity, Rush, Brietbart and the rest of the rightwing media…"facts not in evidence."

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    It's not necessarily the size of government, but rather who controls it and their corresponding agenda... Witness the contrast between the govermnent of FDR and that of Reagan...

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    They are Stealing elections to steal money

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Sadly! It can be assumed that a decision of this sort evolved in a committee somewhere by such means

    Institutions should be abolished

    Such a human self inflicted scourge upon us all

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    #5 - That is blasted UNBELIEVABLE

    So, now we can't help each other

    How in hell does that work?

    What is in the mind of those who initiate this stuff???

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    #5 - That is blasted UNBELIEVABLE

    So, now we can't help each other

    How in hell does that work?

    What is in the mind of those who initaite this stuff???

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Is America Becoming A Police State Where Churches Can’t Feed The Homeless And Kids Can’t Set Up Lemonade Stands?


    The bigger government gets, the more oppressive it tends to become. But most people don’t understand that there is an inverse relationship between liberty and the size of government. The more government grows, the less freedoms we have, and this is true on the federal, state and local levels.

    For example, all over America laws are being passed that make it illegal to feed the homeless. Every new law, rule or regulation restricts our liberties and freedoms in some way, and in this case these sorts of laws restrict our freedom to help our neighbors in need.

    Earlier today I came across another example of this. A church in Malibu, California has just been ordered to stop giving food to the homeless

  • Do Republicans Fundamentally Not Understand the Point of Healthcare?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Hey Thom! new radio interview w./Phil Proctor/Firesign Theater HERE!

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    The "lucky sperm club" will most of the time be just like Donald Trump or the lucky sperm club that inherited the Schwinn Bicycle company. They don't care about the company and its workers, the future of the company. They do no research and development, they just rest on their parent's laurels and worry about the bottom line or about how much money is at their disposal. If they don't make enough money they sell the company out or go bankrupt. Perfect example: Pacific Bicycles (a Chinese company) ownes the Schwinn Bicycle company, and have owned it for a number of years.

    They turned out to be nothing more than sell-outs with no respect for their predissesors' accomplishments.

    I had to pay the taxes on my inhertence, so must they. If they can't make due with a few million dollars, then they aren't worth skunk meat in the first place.

    Trump and his kind of American pie hogging pigs aren't even grateful for the fact that if it were not for all of us working people, they would have no means as for how to make any money at all.

    If there were to be such a tax break, it should be for the middle class that leave a few thousand dollars to their sons and daughters, not these billionares that have millions of dollars stashed in reserve that they never payed taxes on. Tired of the lucky sperm club? I sure am.

  • Will the GOP Accomplish Giving a Tax Give-A-Way to the Wealthy?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Yes. Voters have not demanded to see Trump's tax returns. Voters are disengaged. Too many accept what FOX and false news tell them. They are too busy to look at the details & protest. Congress and the Senate work for what their rich donors demand. "Ivanka's tax cut" will pass.

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Please let us all now go to a place of worship

    And pray "You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?"


    Can we ever get off subject?

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago


    Over three centuries ago, our forefathers in Virginia and in Massachusetts, far from home in a lonely wilderness, set aside a time of thanksgiving. On the appointed day, they gave reverent thanks for their safety, for the health of their children, for the fertility of their fields, for the love which bound them together and for the faith which united them with their God.

    So too when the colonies achieved their independence, our first President in the first year of his first Administration proclaimed November 26, 1789, as "a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God" and called upon the people of the new republic to "beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions... to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue . . . and generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best."

    And so too, in the midst of America's tragic civil war, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November 1863 as a day to renew our gratitude for America's "fruitful fields," for our "national strength and vigor," and for all our "singular deliverances and blessings."

    Much time has passed since the first colonists came to rocky shores and dark forests of an unknown continent, much time since President Washington led a young people into the experience of nationhood, much time since President Lincoln saw the American nation through the ordeal of fraternal war--and in these years our population, our plenty and our power have all grown apace. Today we are a nation of nearly two hundred million souls, stretching from coast to coast, on into the Pacific and north toward the Arctic, a nation enjoying the fruits of an ever-expanding agriculture and industry and achieving standards of living unknown in previous history. We give our humble thanks for this.

    Yet, as our power has grown, so has our peril. Today we give our thanks, most of all, for the ideals of honor and faith we inherit from our forefathers--for the decency of purpose, steadfastness of resolve and strength of will, for the courage and the humility, which they possessed and which we must seek every day to emulate. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.

    Let us therefore proclaim our gratitude to Providence for manifold blessings--let us be humbly thankful for inherited ideals--and let us resolve to share those blessings and those ideals with our fellow human beings throughout the world.

    Now, Therefore, I, John F. Kennedy, President of the United States of America, in consonance with the joint resolution of the Congress approved December 26, 1941, 55 Stat. 862 (5 U.S.C. 87b), designating the fourth Thursday of November in each year as Thanksgiving Day, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 28, 1963, as a day of national thanksgiving.

    On that day let us gather in sanctuaries dedicated to worship and in homes blessed by family affection to express our gratitude for the glorious gifts of God; and let us earnestly and humbly pray that He will continue to guide and sustain us in the great unfinished tasks of achieving peace, justice, and understanding among all men and nations and of ending misery and suffering wherever they exist.

    In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.

    DONE at the City of Washington this fourth day of November, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and eighty-eighth.


    By the President:
    Secretary of State

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Tulsi Gabbard for president in 2024.

  • Will the GOP Accomplish Giving a Tax Give-A-Way to the Wealthy?   6 years 45 weeks ago


    Lets get our act together and end the two santa cluase hypocrysy.

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 45 weeks ago

    As an 8-year member of CREDO I am incredibly upset by CREO's call for Senator Al Franken of MN to immediately resign because two women have come forward to report he engaged in sexual misconduct. There are at least THREE FUNDAMENTAL FLAWS in CREDO's taking this action: First, CREDO's claim that "Sen. Al Franken had the chance last week to take full responsibility for past sexual harassment, sexual assault and any other behavior that demeaned women. He failed to do so[,]" is demonstrably false. Contrary to CREDO's press statement, Sen. Franken in fact took immediate responsibility for his actions, apologized to the extent he remembered his misconduct, and HE CALLED FOR A FULL INVESTIGATION by the Senate Ethics Committee. Second, CREDO's call for him to resign presumes he is guilty of EVERYTHING that has been alleged without any Due Process whatsoever, which is fundamental to our principles of fairness as set forth in the Constitution; and Third, CREDO's call for him to resign is tantamount to calling for a political "death penalty," which might be warranted in the case of serial pedophiles or serial offenders who call their accusers liars and threaten to sue and intimidate them with their power, but is NOT remotely appropriate for someone who responds respectfully and without recrimination. CREDO are acting like the "purity police," which I find deeply disappointing. Moreover, CREDO Mobile has, in my view, violated its own principles, at least as I understand them. I joined CREDO because of its claims to employ democratic principles in deciding where donations will be sent and by implication in deciding how to represent the membership on such issues as this one. There was clearly no use of a democratic process in making this precipitous, unsupported decision under the mantle of the entire organization. I call on those responsible for this decision to IMMEDIATELY resign. If I had not just been enticed to sign a new two-year program with the promise of an upgrade, I would terminate my CREDO service in favor of another carrier, who at least makes no pretense before acting against my wishes behind my back. Bryan Wm. Blakely(970) 222-6394 Fort Collins CO 80526

  • It Doesn't Cost Billionaires Anything To Oppress You   6 years 45 weeks ago

    Yes, most of our Republicans in Congress literally "have no god but money" (along with their coporate sponsors). They can't call themselves "Christian" WITHOUT LYING! That's why I often refer to them as "screw-your-neighbor Republicans". (Ref. Matthew 22:37-40).

  • Where is Donald Trump's Worldview Leading Us?   6 years 45 weeks ago

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