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  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Irja O -- Who do you think is on the extreme left? Thom has pointed out there are only 200 to 300 communists in the U.S.

    What policies would you describe as on the far left? In my mind the extreme left would be the view that any economic stratification is bad. Also the extreme left would think that entrepreneurship is fraught with peril.

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    DianeR -- Where did you see Thom mention the word Nazi in this rant? I mentioned it previously, when I should have used Mussolini. Adolph as an example for comparison to tRump is so compelling because of his seductive qualities of lying to the masses.

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Perhaps it is better to wait until there is actually a bill before leftie/socialist radio bobbleheads try to panic their malleable flock of sheep with "facts" that may or may not even be in the final bill.

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Pigeons being a prime example.

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Merry Christmas Dianereynolds. First you got a child molesting rapist for president, now you're getting a child molesting rapist for the senate. Birds of a feather flock together.

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Trickle Down economics works! It Trickles Down to the Bahamas!!!

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    It is really hard to believe that NO ONE is talking about the EXEMPTIONS being eliminated, even though Republicans keep touting about doubling the Standard Deductions. So, married couple now gets $12,000 more deduction on Standard. They LOSE $8,000 from Exemptions = a gain of only $4,000. Add (1) child dependent, minus another $4,000 Exemption- Break even. (2) children - a $4,000 LOSS, (3) children - $8,000 LOSS. If anyone doesn't want this to pass, they BETTER let the American People know!!!

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Thank you Irja Orav as you are the only one so far that understands what has to be done to move forward.

    To the others, and a couple of other overly crazies here who sit in their bunkers on the dark web and plan on defending themselves by throwing their pink pussy hats at the brownshirts marching through their neighborhoods, weren't those the exact same tactics you accused the Obama haters of doing? Brilliant plan.

    Keep up your Nazi shit Thom as you have pointed out in the past, it only makes you look smaller as you lose the argument.

    Thank you fools who continue to provide me with a daily Christmas gift.

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    FASCISM may well be the perfect definition, but QUICKSAND is the perfect analogy… and the American people stepped right into the quagmire with the pseudo election of Donald Trump...and every day we sink more and more into a trap that becomes more and more impossible to pull ourselves out of.

    Even though these despicable shit-heads on the Right can't get a thing through congress, they have been busy loading up the courts with lying, greedy, incompetents or religious fanatic nut-bags to enforce their power grab, while Trump with juvenile arrogant vindictiveness, goes about his mission to undo every action that Obama took to make the planet more livable. Even as the planet is already on life support and all systems are blinking red…soon to be to the point of no return…if that hasn't already happened.

    Again, we hear this plea to meet in the middle, ignoring the fact that the Right has for the last thirty or so years moved their goal posts further and further out into never-never land completely devoid of any sanity.

    Again, we have this garbage that the Left is extreme, even though the policies of the Left, when polled on their on, are very popular with the majority of US citizens and are often derived from scientific observations, and common sense for that matter, and are genuinely moderate compared to the extreme failed retreads of the Right.

    But of course the Right is busy with their think-tanks and media machines trying to make voters believe up is down and black is white, grinding out delusional bullshit to keep their cult following in tow while they sell them their faith based fantasies, all the while stealing everything they can, while billing your children for their criminal behavior.

    What part of child molesting are we supposed to compromise on? Apparently it's alright with the Right if it can get them tax cuts for the rich.

    How many millions should a compromise throw off healthcare that is certain to result in many deaths?

    How many mega storms do we have to have? How much destruction does Climate Change have to cause? How many people do these storms have to kill? How much misery are we expected to bear before the Right comes to their senses. Apparently shock-treatment is having no effect!

    What kind of political dirty tricks do we compromise on to win elections? Is it OK to purge voter rolls with bigoted gimmicks like "Operation Crosscheck?" The time for compromise and meeting in the middle has long past.

    Obama tried to reach out to Republicans and they shook his hand while slapping a "Kick Me" sign on his ass and proceded to kick it every chance they got. You cannot compromise with insanity if you expect to have realistic results. Each compromise just takes you deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole.

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    It's one thing to be a conservative or a liberal. It's another to go to the extreme right or left. Isn't there some sort of middle where our nation chooses ways to make life better for all?

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    This last year has exposed the severe contrast between the two major political parties. The Dems are polite, meek, and mild, even when in power. Christ, they wouldn't even fight for single-payer when they had the majority. Look how easily Chuck Todd just walked all over Pelosi on Sunday, Bernie wouldn't have let that happen, which is why they won't allow him on.

    On the other hand, Kochpublican's are always relentless with lies and deceit, they'll stop at nothing to gain power and foment their agenda. Look how McConnell held up the Supreme Court pick...with so much at stake, he knew the Fascists would fix the election. Take note of Trump's cabinet and judicial about an attack on the will of the people with extreme agenda. The Kochpublican Party is using bump stocks while the Democratic Party is still showing up with quiet and polite words....look where that has ffnnn got us...

    Look how easily Crooked Donny got a pass on the child rape and numerous sexual assault charges, and the corpse media focus on Dems being accused...look how successful the distraction is while the tax bill flys under the radar from the citzens who will be hit the hardest.

    BTW: Putin still has the PP tape, yes it's real...!!!!! He owns Trump's sorry ass with far more than just this tape, and thus sadly Putin indirectly controls our executive branch. I hope our CIA is proud of this.

    The Koch's party is about to reverse more than a half a century of environmental, economic, and social gains in just a matter of months. I have no idea why Thom refused to use the word Fascism much until now....sure Oligarchy fits, but again, why not just come right out and call it what it is?

    I've tried hard to sound the Fascist alarm for years on this blog. Mark my word, this is going to end very very ugly. The election should never have been declared valid.

    Many of the Fascist billionaires currently manipulating the Kochpublican servants are every bit as insane as Trump.....isn't it obvious?... just look at what they want from the Kochpublican party...same things as Trump.

    I'm sorry, for old men like the Kochs to not understand the ramifications of what they've been doing, and are about to do, is insanity! Welcome to hell!

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Our Government is not Democatic if Corruption Rules.

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    A Responsible Science Organization should produce a better website for CLIMATE CHANGE and promote it or post it on Facebook.

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    I agree with Oldskoold, however I would add that the Fascists have been behind the scenes/discreetly full blown for years.....the recent difference, they now have their Kochpublican servants in the majority of all three branches of government. Thus they're on an hasty and piggish overreach march, not unlike Hitler's manic strategy in 1939, however the Koch onslaught is economic, not a land grab....the same mental illness though.

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    # 8

    You are correct but it's not "full blown Fascism".... (Yet). And note though; all republican presidents have used Treason to get elected since Eisenhour. "Full Blown" means what they are attempting now. Takeover of the free press, silencing people and most probably removing people..... Not much said about the 80 +- year old Smith guy who "committed suicide"..... He had much information on this collusion and treason. Yes; we are in the middle of a coup. Phsychological coup for now but I suppose we will see. It all, and I mean ALL, rests on Mueller and how they will relieve this bunch of their duties......It's not time to appease anymore!

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    how is fascism different from our current government? it isn’t, and where the republicans are concerned, every republican administration since eisenhower’s has been fascist.

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Thom- check out for trucking info

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    I believe the "crap" is fixin' to hit the fan. I just hope when Mueller comes out with his charges, he has all law enforcement necessary to relieve the "Administration" of it's duties and get them the "hell out of our house!" That's when the 30% will go crazy and start shooting any progressivives they know. They are brainwashed, think God is on their side, and insane. Anyone who drives around with Rebel battle flags secured in the Gooseneck 5th wheel hole on their 20 year old pickup truck supporting a Wall Street millionare is certifiable! It will be anarchy! I agree that violence has no place but; I have been developing quite a defensive cache and posture if it does come to that! I would recommend others to do such. They are well armed and just wanting to have an excuse.

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    This type of government activity is what Mr. Trump's bombastic and erratic behavior covers up with the media attention he gets. These changes will influence not just our lives for future years but our children and grandchildren as well. In regard to the bombast and show he is not very different as Mussolini as Thom Hartman has suggested.

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    #3 - Leader required now!

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    #1 - You are right!

    Where a leader will arise to get the country out of the malaise is awaited

    None on the horizon I see!

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago


    I know that you adhore any form of violence but you brought up Mussolini. Please note it took a world war to get him out of power. Currently in the USA things are changing very fast away from a form of Government that serves the people. The American people need to recognize that we as citizens need to act to stop this attempted take over of the US Government.

    I am not advocating WAR but I will make this point. What happens here will have effects on the whole world. If it is allowed to continue on the current course pushed by Trump, Russia, GOP it will be a disaster for people(not rich) but average people of the world.

    If we Americans do nothing then How long will the world allow this drastic change continue without interceeding? That is the real question here folks. Mussolini and his cronies thought the world would do nothing, so does the current pact of 3. Mussolini was wrong and so are the fascists pushing things now.

    Just how much carnage is caused is up to us Americans and what we do or chose not to do.

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Can not really understand how the rich will be okay when all consumers are gone

    And / or we are all destitute or dead

    They might be rich but they seem to be stupid... very!

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    By definition, we've had a Fascist Government for at least since Reagan, but it's shifted back and forth until voter suppression, Gerrymandering, and Russian manipulation of the weak minded finally sealed the deal. Only a citizen revolution will restore democracy and the former Republic. We've only got one shot at this and time is running out. The 2018 election will tell the tale. Mueller is a last hope. tRump is a wannabe Fascist dictator and well into making his Fascist regime permanent. Thank you, Thom, for paying attention!

  • We Need To Stop Blaming China and Blame Ourselves   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Two other reasons that Red China's economy has been booming and our economy has not is because the Red Chinese Government is (Reason 1) smarter than us and l(Reason 2) less corrupted. When Red China created a western-style banking system (where their government had to borrow money in order to create new money) in order to join the World Trade Organization (WTO), they retained their previous banking system and decided to call it a system of "policy banks" where they could "create money out of thin air" without incurring any "national debt" and use that money to pay for massive infrastructure programs that created many millions of Chinese jobs.

    The United States could easily do likewise with the same beneficial consequences were it not for the fact their a majoriy of our members of Congress have been thoroughly corrupted by greedy Wall Street banksters!

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