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  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    This was the subject of a radio talk show. (Rush) He likened it to paying more for two day shipping instead of waiting a week. Or better TV picture quality for a higher price. I understand paying more for better service, but when a company cuts back on an existing service unless you pay more to restore it (like the nickel and dime airlines) well, that's a different animal and it needs to be squashed. (I wish.) I think he made just enough sense of it to sell it. And so, corporate greed will creep on.

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    What I was writing about is the fact that I wrote an email to the POTUS about saving Net Nutrality and it was rejected. This is a first. Are you not concerned about Net Nutrality? Or do you just not care what rights this Fascist Administration takes away from you. Our internet is on the way to be worse than China's, which I had no problem with when I was there. I understand that somethings are blocked but it did not affect me at the time.

    Go to China Diane. Maybe you will see what I mean.

  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 44 weeks ago


    Why doesn't everyone just shut off the net, the day before they vote and show them your vote that way? Seems peaceful & less expensive to me. Seems to be working in NFL and Hollywood.

    On Topic,

    There should not be a poll tax. We should have voter ID, given free if need be by the DMV.

    You can snarl about Trump until your teeth fall out....but also remember it was Dem Hillary who has been caught rigging the election.

    All Dems are not one set of insults and the conseratives a different set of insults.

    hate is not the answer.

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Remember when they first started selling us on the concept of cable (pay) television, that there would be few it any commercials? Of course, that was a lie, just like convincing us of the benefits of ending net neutrality and Richie Rich's promise of the "All Purpose, One Size Fits All" tax plan. This is just more of "if we just make the rich richer, everything will be fine."

    But the peanut gallery of Trump supporters can't pull their heads out of his ample ass long enough to get oxygen to their brains…so we have this dumb-ass, heartless, moronic, nazi/fascist, bigoted, ignoramus clown tweeting-up shit-storms every day, making a total fool out of himself, alienating all our allies, while this cult of Republican lemmings are rushing to jump off the cliff with the rest of us in tow.

    Go ahead trolls. have your little laugh. After all, the joke is on you and your children and grandchildren. If you thought the shit had hit the fan by the end of W's reign? Trump will make even that hapless goober look like a genius.

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago


    What has that got to do with your proclamation that People in China are more free than in America?

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago


    The response was:

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    Last-Attempt-Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2017 20:17:10 -0800 (PST)

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    So, Riverplunge, are you proposing some central point featuring an array of supercooled servers? Perhaps "gravity wave" routers in each home directly connected to the "DEEEEEP WEB"? It's taken five decades to develop the infrastructure that we have today. I believe our only option is to wrest control of this beautiful architecture out of the hands of these greedy bastards, breaking as meny wrists as possible along the way.

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    There is an old saying: " if you can't go over something, you go around it.. Time for a "second Internet". The first one is getting too crowded with too much money garbage. (Tech savvyness overcomes all obsticles.)

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    @rick steves

    Any facts to support this wild claim?

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    How can the trolls support this? Is there not a point when you see the light as to the objectives of this adminstration? I wrote an email to the White House to stop the Axing of Net Nutrality and it was rejected. This is worse than China. I have been there and it is more free than America.

  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Off topic:

    We need 100,000 or a half million surrounding the FCC Building on the day the net neutrality vote occurs! Peaceful protest.

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    "a rat's ass"? Oh, surely , Thom, you overstated that. I'm certain they care a little about their cash flow, and that's us. What I'm waiting for is is an army of 16 year old hackers just poised to bring this mother fucker down, if they start pulling this shit! Parden my French.

  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Also, please eliminate the Electorial college.

  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    If and when Democrats become a majority in Washington DC, the priority should be to Make Paper Ballots mandatory across the USA, enact California style gerrymandering, and reaffirm voting Rights for US Taxpayers.

    Alot of HUMANE Legislation would fall into place under these circumstances.

  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Republicans see the New Deal and the growth of a solid middle class as nothing more than a disturbance to a permanent state of oligarchy. They want to take us back to the 'good old days' of a small group of plutocrats controlling and owning nearly everything, with companies issuing their own script for workers, worker contracts, debt peonage and as Thom pointed out, poll taxes. A country run and owned by the greedy.

  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    "What is the reasoning behind contending that the measures that worsen conditions for the poor and low-income harm "especially people of color?" Why would they reach that conclusion?" DHB

    The democrats and the democrat party know that they need a permanent underclass to continue to vote for them. The less people need government assistance, the less they need the democrat party. This is why democrats (for the most part) favor open borders. Promise people healthcare bennies, welfare and food stamps, etc. Only just enough to keep them on the edge of misery so they keep coming back for more. It isn't a mystery.


  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    A poll tax is just another barrier when it comes to the "rights" of the poor to vote. Still, in desperately trying to find a "silver lining," for whom could the poor vote today, when no candidates, no party, represents their greatest concerns?

  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Perhaps a side issue, but it is one that is very troubling, and is common in the media marketed to liberals. It's difficult to discuss due to the hyper-sensitivity of the issue, but it needs to be addressed.

    What is the reasoning behind contending that the measures that worsen conditions for the poor and low-income harm "especially people of color?" Why would they reach that conclusion? Surely they know (as the statistics show) that the majority of US poor are white. Millions of these live in the vast spaces between cities, where services have always been scarce-to-nonexistent, and schools have always been grossly under-funded.

    The poor are keenly aware that it was Democrats who brought the war on the poor to fruition, and that middle class liberals simply dumped the issue of real US poverty. Is some reason that media disappears white poverty or, in fact, do even (US) liberals think that poor white people are something less than humans (and therefore not qualified for fundamental human rights protections)? These are issues that beg for mature discussion.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    You are right Ben but I hope a better issue !!!!!!.

  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Yes, the "Poll Tax" did orginate in Alabama, and spread throughout the South, Not mentioned (an honest oversight I'm sure), is that it was implemented by Democrat politicans. Of course, that's not my point---though a subtle reminder---is that there will be a new round of tax hikes on what remains of the "middle class", which perhaps should be renamed the "The Survivors Club" and are more the upper tier of the working poor. Whether the GOPers or Democrats will play the heavy this go around doesn't really matter since both parties are merely the middlemen for the same corporate masters. Ultimately, they are the one's who will benefit while the "unwashed masses" strain a little more to support the ruling Oligarchy and the political class. Though it will never happen, I personally believe we would fair better under a consumption or maybe even a flat tax, I've always thought that we Americans should have the final say in any tax increase, be it federal, state, or local since we are the ones who will either benefit or suffer (this includes pay raises too) and will have to live with the consequences either way. Certainally, no one can realistically argue that the political class is an unpartical arbiter.

  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Tyranny is abound

    T'was ever thus

  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    I can't argue with LEGEND'S synopsis! I am afraid of what's to come unless Mueller can wrap this up soon and arrest everyone in the White House. We are seeing the crescendo of the "brainwashing operation" that started with Rush Limbaugh and continued on steroids with FOX. Damn shame Clinton let the FCC get away!!!! When I first heard him (Rush) on AM in the late 80's I thought; well he won't last long. I surely hate I was wrong! I just gave the American people more credit then and I was so incorrect. I didn't factor in the assault on education and the aftermath of stupid/hateful citizens buying that wagon load of shit. There will be " nashing of teeth" when the dumbasses realize what they have done. It is a tightrope we must walk on too in attempting to help them figure it out on their own. No way to tell them since it is hard to admit you were wrong. They want Armegaddon anyway..... Onward Christian Soldiers!!!! LOL! No; LMAO! Hell will be crowded with Republican Faschist!

  • Are Republicans Trying to Bring Back the Poll Tax?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Fascism is in full march forward. Tweet denouncements of the Democrats, claim Government shutdown is their idea. Even though you said that a shut down would be good for the country. Blame them for it. 1% owned mainstream media covers you. Trolls obviously do not see what is going on. Fucking blind as they can be. The tax bill will pass. Billionaires will not hesitate to dump more billions into advertising and bribes as its ROI is more that 10:1. You will see children be medically disabled and starving to death in this once great country. Make America < Great Again.

  • So you think You'll Get a Tax Break, or tax cut? Really?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Show 11/28/17. Taxes: You mentioned no breaks for College Intuition. How come no one mentions online degrees?? ...Phoenix College NOT good enough for you??

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    chuckle8, Trying to talk to these trolls is like trying to talk to the walls, but at least walls serve a purpose. Trolls on the other hand are like toxic germs that seek to destroy every living thing. The've now mutated into child molesters.

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