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  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago


    From what I see it's the left going down at about 80 to 1 when it come to inappropiate sexual habits. You know the ones that are always pretending to have the high moral ground.

    I don't watch TV...but bye-bye Matt Lauer, NBC, Charlie Rose, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, al.

    people in glass houses.................

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    The only time I almost lost my house and did lose my grandmothers house, Obama was forking money over to the bankers. W caused the problem but it was Obama who decided how to "fix it".

    As for some of the chatter here, what ever happend to "taking the high road"???

    Or is this your high road???

    We bounce back and forth between D & R presidents yet nothing changes for the better...why???

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago


    Help for little Johnny,

    You can learn anything.For free. For everyone. Forever.

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Regarding Ohe8-12" #1 post: this is a classic example of the thinking of many Americans regarding how the economy and taxes work. But particularly the thinking of Republicans, that love to pretend when convenient, that the economy works like a light switch that you can just turn on and off at will. To pretend that the effects of the tax bill, if enacted, will have any major affect by the elections in 2018 is just a bald-faced lie.

    The effects of economic change, when new tax legislation becomes law, often moves with glacial slowness initially, but eventually can steamroll to train wreck speed. It took almost 8 years for the disastrous effects of W's economic policies to smash head-on into reality…and he had the benefit of being able to start two wars and pump trillions of dollars into the economy via the defense industry, leaving us to foot the bill while all his rich buddies walked away scot free, leaving near total destruction in their path.

    Sound familiar? They wouldn't really do this again…would they?

    Of course, that's what makes it such a great scam every time. The corndog suckers are buttered up with a bunch or nationalist or bigoted propaganda, then promised that a bit of small change will piss down upon them. Before they wake up to being duped again, the billionaires have made off with their house, savings and IRAs. Then the Republican voters come crawling back demanding that someone be held accountable for their own stupidity.

    Time has told us over and over again. But if your refuse to listen because it conflicts with your opposite universe agenda, don't be surprised when your opposite universe implodes.

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    #14. Why do I stay in the USA? Because I was a Vietnam war protestor that was told to "love it or leave it" by your kind. I was proven right and stayed. Your type should have left. I never said that every other country has better healthcare. Do not quote me without fact or reference. I will say that we are certainly not best but we do have the highest costs for medical care by far. I will not bother posting references because I have posted them all before and you just ignore them. " You say China has better internet and treats it citizens better." I did not say that China has better internet and treats it citizens better. With the demise of Net Neutrality (by the Republican Fascist Party) we will soon (through unregulated capitalism) have a worse internet than China. You are supporting that. As far citizen treatment goes, just one small aspect:

    "You say all we have in this country are bigots, racist, and to use the words of you washed up lefties, a foxmerized population". Show me were I said that. It is really cheap to post such trash. I expect an apology. I will say that you are Foxmerized.

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Labeling people as evil, dumb idiots is not much of an argument. Why is that all of our well paid mainstream journalists don't feel it necessary to explain things. As for conventional wisdom, is that the kind of thinking that has brought America to a state of affairs where we are deeply in debt and yet see nothing wrong with spending trillions on foreign adventures? I don't share Tom's support of Eisenhower's interstate highway idea that he brought back from Nazi Germany. It was and is a massive bonus for the automobile industry and destroyed our railroads. Now we're facing the threat of climate change and would be far better off with more trains and less automotive traffic. As for the last stimulus, it was a big favor to corporate interests and finance.

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    As deepspace once pointed out about my posts.... I'm just shouting into the god damn wind....and I believe that comment to be true.

    My heroes are the patriots who protested on inauguration day and are now facing 75 years in jail for exercising their First Amendment rights. Millions of us need to follow their example.

    Fascism is real and it's here. Money and power has been extremely concentrated, so next thing to go is our First Amendment. This isn't rocket science.

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Part of the tax scam not mentioned nearly enough is the already effective corp tax rate...which is under 20%!!!! Not even the Dems point this out. Jobs leave this country because slave labor turns millionaires into billionaires....not because of our tax rates.

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Pretty certain that food content is full of addictive elements that are mind dulling... TV is mind dulling... TV content is biased and mind dulling... politically correct education is mind dulling

    The opioid pandemic openly accepted

    All doing well for the wealthy and corporations

    Keep the peasants ignorant

    Legally STUPiD: Why Johnny doesn’t have to read.

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Bachmann: LMAO... we've seen this tax bill show before, it's called trickle down! We already have the god.

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Why isn't Pelosi demanding that Trump step down? He's accused of being a pedophile rapist with an untold number of sexual assaults on women. I'm so disgusted with Dems like her never willing to go on offense...much safer to attack your own....huh?

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    #1; 2; 3; Correct... there is stupid in spades all over the place

    Not too sure if that is part of a design

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Many years ago I confronted a Teabagger who was handing out pamphlets in a Walmart Parking lot. In fact it was when the Kochbaggers were just getting organized. He muttered something about fighting to rescue our government from big money interests. I laughed and tried to explain who was behind his astro-turf delusion by pointing out how he was fighting to prop up the very elites already controlling our government. I could tell by the look on his face that he was lost in the O-zone with zero comprehension of who the Kochs were and why they were using gullible citizens like him to satiate their own out of control greed/mental illness at all of our expense.

    Just like Bachmann, the guy in the parking lot had nothing to fnn offer, not even a defense of the Kochs..LOL...just a dumb ass stare!

    I knew right at that moment this country was under a full on assault by the Fascists and that we were in big fnn trouble.

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    question for the democratic party: why haven’t the democrats picked up the banner thom hartmann has put out there? the powell memo shpuld be much more widely known, and certainly there must be another bernie sanders out there who is willing to help wake up americans to the fact that they need to take their country back from the oligarchs that own congress, the white house and the supreme court.

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Holy Hell; Normastrump! In such a short post you explain my contempt for the human species rite now! Hate to be a fatalist here but; the coup is in progress and if they get the tax legislation we are done short of fires/torches and pitchforks! Yes; we must be entertainment to something!!!! And, just digest this; it was with 25% of voters that they had to "turn" against their own interest using racism and mysonogy.......Not many mirrors in houses anymore!

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Let us build space ships... search for intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.. there isn't any here on this the "turd" planet from the sun. Through the lens of an anthropologist: we are just another species doomed for extinction by our persistent dedication to Social Darwinism. If there is a "God" we must be his favorite show.

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    There's a simple answer to the dilemma presented. If the Republicans are wrong about the Tax bill, they will lose big time in the upcoming elections. If they're correct about the tax bill, well I guess a lot of Democrat politicians will be out of work. It's really that simple. And all the theories about what will happen when it becomes law are meaningless...time will tell.

  • Would You Ban All Guns If You Could?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Homeowners/ renters etc covers gun liability. However, no insurance will cover intentional or illegial actions.

    Compare to car insurance. If you intentially hit someone with your car your auto liability will not cover the loss. Accidental damage by a gun would be covered.

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Hey Legend, Interesting to hear form these Republican trolls. Apparently through Trump, they want to make this country safe for child fucking, greedy bigots. They confirm it here day after day after day with their undying support for this insane orange head pile of shit. As Trump said, he "could shoot someone on 5th avenue in New York and they would still vote for him." They do get a bit sensitive though, when you point it out to them.

    Interesting that instead of competing with the health services and internet services of other countries, they want to race to the bottom, if somehow it can make their rich overlords even richer. They can't get enough of kissing Trump's ring, then kissing his evil, corrupt, rotten ass. And then they can't wait to come here and brag about it and tell us how foolish they think we are…even though they didn't learn a thing from the Bush presidency.

    But, when you are the party of child fucking greedy bigots…then you have to keep telling yourself how screwed-up you think everyone else is, because if the reality of who you are and what your stand for ever sank in, you could never forgive yourself.

  • So Few Americans Understand What the Second Amendment Is Really About—or Its Dark History   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Gee, ErinRose , I thought the purpose of the second amendment was to protect the people against tyrannical rule. Yet you see it as the basis for vigilantism and self-defense. In any case, that's quite the fantasy you've conjured there. If the mafia has become so intent on extorting your money, and your weapons are holding them at bay, why haven't they simply set fire to your house, or started a firefight which I'm sure they would win because they would obviously have many times the resources you would? It's not a good idea joining an intellectual forum armed only with hysteria.

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago


    You are much dumber than I initially thought. Why do do stay in the USA? You say every other country in the world has better health care. You say China has better internet and treats it citizens better. You say all we have in this country are bigots, racist, and to use the words of you washed up lefties, a foxmerized population...It seems to me that if someone really believed all of that, they would have to be stupid and/or crazy to stay here. So what are you stupid, crazy or both?

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Do y'all realize that your streaming app cuts out and cuts off frequently? Love the show! Thank you for all you do!

  • Is Our Government Any Different from a Fascist Government Now?   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Congressional Willingness to MASSIVELY KILL Americans!

    The alleged anti-Muslim atrocities re-tweeted to by Donald Trump PALE IN COMPARISON to the hundreds of thousands of American men, women, children, babies, and fetuses that our Republicans in Congress are presently attempting to LITERALLY KILL (by denying them healthcare in their “tax reform” proposal) in order to please their MALICIOUSLY GREEDY corporate and billionaire sponsors!

    Feel free to publish this or to use these points in your own articles

    Christopher C. Currie, 161 Lake Shore Drive, Pascoag, RI 02859 401-568-8266

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Your opinion is based on ignorance and what right wing media has told you. I was there when the police at Berkley sprayed the sitting protestors with high powered pepper spray. Of course it made the headlines and every Engineer at the site that I was working at brought the newspapers to show me. They were truly shocked at what a society we live in. They also act this way after every mass murder that we have that makes the headlines in China.

    Yes China has some control of its internet. How do you think that it will work in the USA when controlled by unregulated capitalism? Notice that you do not answer the hard questions.

  • How The Loss Of Net Neutrality and Citizens United Work Together To Create Fascism   6 years 44 weeks ago

    @rick steves

    I am happy China's internet did not affect you. After all it is apparently all about "you" not the other 1.4 billion people living there.

    After you touting the benefits of living in China's "free" society perhaps you gather a robust band of leftie/socialists and set up a community there. I am sure their government would welcome with open arms your group all dressed in pink pussy hats standing on a soapbox and screeching at the sky calling for the removal of government leaders.

    BTW, they kill you guys first.

    Merry Christmas

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