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  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Birdbrain: you are the poster boy/girl/alphabet answer as to why so many people voted to elect President Trump. You irrational ranting has added a thousand birthdays to the daily Christmas morning so many of us enjoy. Move back from the cliff, seek therapy, and smoke lots of pot or consider Xanax.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Our Reverse Robin Hood Republicans in the Senate have just turned the US Congress into a massively deadly "death panel!"

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Hierarchical human competition is built into the human genome. Even democracies will always sort themselves out by relative status: money. However, we have proxy politicians now: falsely elected stand-ins for the financial interests of competing millionaires and billionaires--"the donor class". Thus we have a fascist state, as Thom has courageously pointed out. Our democratic experiment only works with an independent central government, sworn to represent the general public and forward the interests of our United States, including the regulation of Capitalist excesses with Glass-Steagal (sp?), the CFPD, Dodd-Frank, HONEST TAX REFORM, labor unions, etc. This current "tax reform", which is actually flat out thievery from the less fortunate and weak, with no economic justification of any sort, will further stratify our society economically. The only real question now is just how much repression and oppression the bottom 50% will endure. Revolution is becoming an inevitability. Us old SDSers are smiling, unless we were in Chicago in 1969, when the Days of Rage resulted in some property damage, but, also, 31 young zealots with GSW's and many other serious injuries, including the paralysis of the mayor's assistant. Revoultions are a bloody mess and only of interest to those of us who've never been near one personally. We desperately need incresed regulation of Capitalist excess, in order to prevent a breakdown of civil society, ala FDR in the 1930's, when the wealthy were taxed at a 95% rate IN ORDER TO SAVE AMERICA FROM A COMMUNIST STYLE REVOLUTION. The uber riche believe they'll find a place to hide, as they've managed to hide their money. Good luck with that one. We may, afterall, be forced to "eat the rich". God help us!

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    This is simply a repeat of the Bush administration. With a crazy perverted idiot at the helm. The results will be the same. Economic crash. Massive Tax cuts for the wealty + massive defense spending increases = economic disaster.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Yup... we have always had "taxation without representation" thus the words of the founders is reduced to "marketing collateral" to sell their product: Their legalized economic entitlement... not yours and mine... "theirs." It follows the same "sales strategy" implementee in the Nazi Concentration camp Motto: "work will make you free" or in teh inscription on the Statute of Liberty: "Give us your tired an hungry" and we'll figure out a way to profit from them. Our Presidential Motto should now read: "A day without Trump is a day without prunes"

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    So the cult of Trump lying hypocrites that were so appalled by the massive deficit, are now bending over and spreading their cheeks as a way of thanking their insane pussy-grabbing, child fucking president and the lying, child fucking, greedy Republican senators for the privilege of being totally ripped off to make their rich overlords immorally richer by robbing the treasury and ballooning the deficit, thereby threatening the viability of the government itself and the economic security of everyone but the richest of the rich.

    Good work!!! No one deserves the despair and misery that this economic armageddon will result in, than the cult of bigoted, greedy, delusional followers of the Church of Trump.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Rick Steves, other peoples money is none of your business just as an individual moving from one state to another just to avoid high taxes. (sound familiar?)

    I could care less if someone inherits a lot of money. That inherited money has been taxed over and over plus it will be taxed again when the kids piss it away as they most always do. Too many people here are disappointed in their lack of ability to save and manage their own funds. I laugh everytime I hear Hartmann tell his lemmings only the "rich" have an money in the stock market. Clearly he has no knowledge of company, unions both public and private, not to mention any of the those where smart enough to invest in 401k or Roth IRA's which ALL have money invested in the US stock market. In spite of what Hartmann's offshore "girls" tell him, when the market us up the economy is prospering.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Wonderful speech ....boy do we need leaders like this now on our planet .

    We have the oppressors against the oppressed .

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago


    You can be as pissed as you want but the voters warned the establishment long before the election they did NOT want anymore Clintons or Bushes. It's not the voters fault they ran Hillary & Jeb. The repubs just found a way around that problem and the Dems didn't.

    Or actually they did, tried to run Bernie but madame pantsuit cheated her way to the election.

    Now you can Gripe forever or you can run someone else next time like the Repubs had to do after Obama.

    I don't believe the dems or repubs ( voters not politicians ) want Soros or Kochs running our neither group is getting what they want. Being crappy to each other won't fix a's what they ( Soros & Koch ) want. Get it??? Vote with your $$$ in the meantime...just don't buy their stuff.

    Most heirs don't do well handling the money they get and either piss it away lose it in other ways.

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    “Why do Republicans not take responsibility for anything?” That’s because they are sociopaths.

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Well said Mr. Hartmann, keep up the good work

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Not much human love and understanding in this convo... jeez!

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago


  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    @11 Legend:

    You are staying in the USA because someone like me told you to "Love it or Leave it". So you are staying because of me....Aw that's sweet....Crazy, but sweet .Just to refresh you rememberance of history. The Democrats started the war in Vietnam, and Richard Nixon (a Republican) ended it....And now you want me to leave the country...I guess for a better life, that's what you say I'll find...That's crazy too.....So I guess crazy is the answer. You're staying because you're crazy:))

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago


  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago


    Did you not read #3 of my post????

    And I also opposed the Viet Nam war.

    I'll keep this short so you can find your answer


  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    #9. You did not answer any questions. Where do you stand on inheritance tax. The Fascist Repubicans are eliminating it. Answer the question.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    #8. I recently answered that question. I will answer it again for you. I was a Vietnam War protestor in my teens. People like you were saying "Love it or Leave it". I was proven to be right. We wasted trillions of dollars for a corrupt war and lost 450000 american soldiers lives for nothing. Not to mention the wounded, Vietnamese losses etc. We now consider Vietnam a number 1 trading partner. Because I was right, your type should leave the country for the damage that you did.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago



  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago


    1. It's not my list

    2. I do not owe you answers to anything

    3. I believe they should pay taxes.

    4. The money the treasury has "borrowed from social security et al" needs to be paid back.

    5. Everyone under 62 capable of working should be and not fighting at walmart for their cheap 54" TV's.

    6. We shouldn't have secret funds in congress paying taxpayer money to cover perverts. $17 million or so.

    7. Just try to find a financial breakdown of your state. There are so many gov. agencies you can't even find all of them. No waste there i'm sure.

    * I just showed several billions of dollars in the above post that could have gone into services for citizens. Unless you think we can take care of the entire world??

    Hope that answers some of your questions.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    @#7 Legend:

    Quit trying to bully people. Speaking of answering questions, you never answerd mine. Why are you still living in the USA, when you say life is so much better elsewhere. "Answer the question, do not avoid as you have in the past." :))

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Hotcoffee, you have totally avoided my question about inheritance tax. Now that YOUR list of billionaires, and the vast sums that they have, will no longer have their heirs paying any taxes on these vast sums that they did not earn. Because of this they will have to cut spending on medicare and Medicaid for children. Are you for these vast sums not being taxed at your expense? Answer the question, do not avoid as you have in the past.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Here are some costs after prop 187 won in California and was overturned by the court in 1994.

    This does not include the feds expenditures.

    A nickle here a nickle there pretty soon your talking real money. being said, here’s a list breaking down the States with the highest expenditures for illegal immigration according to FAIR.

    1. California - $23,038,125,353

    2. Texas - $10,994,614,550

    3. New York - $7,489,141,357

    4. Florida - $6,290,429,108

    5. New Jersey - $4,466,838,574

    6. Illinois - $3,220,767,517

    7. Georgia - $2,487,719,503

    8. North Carolina - $2,437,965,113

    9. Maryland - $2,378,996,947

    10. Arizona - $2,314,131,964

    And this is before Ca. hired Eric Holder and a new legal force to defend Illegal immigrants.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Dang, you mean Trump & Koch's are doing what Obama and Soros were doing???

    How long has this been going on......

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Mainstream news may not be covering it but I see I see desperate spouses and parents screaming at the Republahblah governors. It' ain't going to well for them. Well, we will see how they go.. er, it goes.

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