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  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    I see the Koch/Libertarian trolls have really been poppin a nut, or ovary, whatever, the last couple days. Who knows why they think the billionaires still need their help??? ....kind of like sending donations to televangelists like Pat Robertson isn't it????

    You'd think by now they'd be so ashamed and embarrassed by Crooked Donny and the party that he represents that they'd just crawl into a corner and pretend they never had that Trump sign in their front yard and or ever watched Foxaganda.

    Self injurious political choice would be fine with me if it the consequences were isolated to only those making the misinformed voting decisions, but unfortunately we all end up getting screwed.

    1692, 1865, 1929, 1945, each year clearly shows us a right and wrong, evil and just side ....The trolls posting on this site seem to have the delusion that truth is just a matter of opinion, that one can argue for and present the case that there is some kind of merit in extreme monetary gain and thus Totalitarian power for a relative few even if it means perpetual warfare, economic misery for the many, and eventual death of the entire planet.

    Well I have one thing to say to you lost and confused souls....I hope your grandchildren don't read your posts 50 years from now...or maybe I do. You can't hide from being on the wrong side of history.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    #46. Have never considered myself a victim and do not expect any support from the Government in my life. I also invest and know that the market does better with Democrats in control. You have obviously forgotten the market crashes under Bush and Reagan. This is fact. Your comments are not.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Deepspace, Thank Gawd! you're back. Been a bit tiresome treading water here in the shark tank.

    I do agree with HC a little bit though. But why stop at limiting billionaires from flooding the political process with money? Why not take money out of the political process altogether?

    Actually, Both president Bush and Obama increased my wealth. I bet against Bush and bet on Obama. Worked like a charm. I may not be fitly rich but I was positioned to live very comfortably for the rest of my life. Then Trump became president. All bets are off.

    Its really a kick in the gut to have worked all your life to build up a comfortable retirement, only to have you're future placed into the hands of a irrational, unpredictable, corrupt, pathological lying dimwitted, criminal thug.

    If Mulvaney is allowed to take over the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, then there is no guarantee that any financial institution will stand by their commitments. You will be on your own. If they default, good luck! This is just one of many examples of Trump recklessness regarding protecting the investments of anyone that doesn't own these institutions, but depends on them to secure their retirements.

    The Republican tax plan is guaranteed to be a rerun of all the failures of the Bush era. Same program, only this time on steroids! And I doubt that even the Republicans believe this tax plan will do anything promised.

    However, the billionaire oligarchs see this as a slam-dunk opportunity to rob the Treasury blind, rob the Social Security and Medicare trust funds blind, steal public held properties that will be forced to be sold off at bargain basement prices to buddies of in-the-pocket politicians. Certainly, they believe nothing can stop them now in their quest to finalize their establishment of the ultimate fascist state.

    Are you ready for some football? One of my vices is watching Sunday Night Football. I suggested that they turn some lions loose onto the field during the game to make it a bit more interesting. They haven't got back to me. So, I'll just have to be content with a concussion or two. I guess, I really am abad person!

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago


    I have no problem with anyones disagreements with my thinking, it makes for better conversation. I simply don't see a need for some like SG to be so vulgar about it. It doesn't bother me personally, but is does distract from discussing issues.

    I think we will see many things come to light when the fbi invetigation is over.

    Clintons and Soros Trump and Kochs all billionaires. Would love it if ALL billionaires were banned from politics....won't happen though.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    @43 Legend

    The Republican Party is where I went, where Ronald Reagan went, where Donald Trump went, where Frank Sinatra :)) went. I have made the 1% richer, but but my net worth increased many, many times since becoming a was not becoming a Republican that increased my wealth (I'm not really a political animal) but changing my attitude is what done it....I stopped being a victim an expecting the government to take care of my needs.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Despite dancing around the edges, there's no mistaking which side of the larger argument people are on. One either supports a fascistic, oligarchical, hybrid form of government, which welds together the ultimate power that Dwight Eisenhower warned us about in his Farewell Address ("The military-industrial complex"), or one doesn't.

    Of course both major parties, along with the compliant media, are guilty of handing us Trump and his insane clown show, while the Koch agenda rots away the foundations of our dying democracy. But to anyone suggesting that both parties have been equally guilty in this decades-long build-up to fascism is the utmost false-equivalency argument and demonstrates just how much of the right's revisionist history has shaped the minds of corporate media's captive audience.

    Unfortunately, there's no time to build an independent third party that would capture enough momentum and money in the fast-approaching midterms -- or for that matter, not become as corrupt as the bigger parties, due to Supreme Court rulings that made political bribery legal. On the ballot, when no one is looking, each conscientious citizen must decide personally which side of the fascistic divide he or she is on, and which party at this juncture poses the biggest threat to a People's government.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Wow! This right-wing "No Child Left Behind" Charter School education system is really paying off. Conservatives can now count up to 10. Some even up to 12. With 3 more years of Trump, maybe they will be able to count up to 20.

    Reagan was senile and Trump and Sinatra were mobbed-up. Some recommendation for the Republican party!!!

    For the last 40 years, the Republican party has pushed the limits of their right-wing, fascist, oligarchical extremism so far that even their great icon Reagan would have been primary-ed out of the party long ago. Nixon might be able to fit in again though?

    Yes, it is virtually impossible to agree with anything Republican at this point. Even Joe Scarborough has had enough, along with a large number of other mainstream Republicans who have questioned the sanity and fitness of Trump.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Leaving the left in Droves? Where are they going? Are they going to the Republican Party so that they can make the 1% wealthier at thier expense? Where are they going?

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, If you would permit me, I disagree a bit. I find nothing wrong with the "normal" leftie or rightie. Both have their points and I find I can agree with many on both sides. You often speak if working together to find a common ground. Many presidents have accomplished that to some degree, Clinton and Reagan immediately come to mind and other than a few little issues, both quite popular and successful in their accomplishments.

    Here is a different story. This world is the very far left and me using the endearing term Leftie/socialists is a way too mild description of most aboard.

    They accuse the right of pumping out "hate radio" ten times a day and yet they spend their entire three hour shows doing the same thing. In Thom Hartmann's case, Trump was elected and in the first ten minutes of his first show he advocated the Democrat party do exactly what he accused the Republicans doing during the Obama terms. Go figure.

    This isn't a forum for sissy's. Buck up or shut up and remember their rules

    1. Anytime they disagree, you are a racist, Nazi, homophobic, misogynistic, white privileged troll.

    2. Anytime the other side wins an election, it must have been rigged, stolen, or the constitution needs to be re-written. If their side wins, it is always fair and square. (think Al Franken)

    3. If it benefits them, re-interpretation of the US Constitution is always fair game and should be amended as such.

    4. All of the above also apply to the wacko's on the right.

    5. I'm going to the range and exercise my 2nd amendment rights.

    6. I hope the pigeon likes the numbers so he/she/alphabet can follow along in order.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Sg & Legend,

    You are a great representation of the vile & putrid examples of why people are leaving the left in droves.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    So, where is the insanity in truth? Though I will admit that responding to the daily, make that hourly, turd showers and shit storms of Republican troll propaganda and insanity is driving me, and every other progressive for that matter, a bit crazy. It's bad enough that we have to hear it from President pathological lying Pussy-grabber, let alone his cult of opposite reality loonies…."That's not me on that Access Hollywood tape."

    One has to ask, what is the mission of the right-wing trolls that infest the site? Could it be the mission of these cult members of Trumpism is to cloud and paralyze the dialogue with buckets of Fox News manure? After all, they have all three branches of government, the military, law enforcement and tons and tons of money on their side. If their policies are so wonderful, the only thing that could stop them is reality. Therefore why waste your time here. Maybe another welcome mat would be more to your liking. One with some swastikas perhaps?

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    A few quotes from just the last week or so begs the question, who really has the mental stability issues?

    "their insane pussy-grabbing, child fucking president and the lying, child fucking, greedy Republican senators

    But the peanut gallery of Trump supporters can't pull their heads out of his ample ass long enough to get oxygen to their brains…so we have this dumb-ass, heartless, moronic, nazi/fascist, bigoted, ignoramus clown tweeting-up shit-storms every day, making a total fool out of himself, alienating all our allies, while this cult of Republican lemmings are rushing to jump off the cliff with the rest of us in tow.

    They can't get enough of kissing Trump's ring, then kissing his evil, corrupt, rotten ass.

    This fucking pig president of theirs, was just caught tweeting fake videos as a way of validating his nazi fascist, bigoted program...and when caught, all his spokesperson Sarin-gas Huksterscumbag could say is, that its only the point that he was trying to make that mattered.

    And now this shit-head Trump

    Even though these despicable shit-heads on the Right can't get a thing through congress, they have been busy loading up the courts with lying, greedy, incompetents or religious fanatic nut-bags to enforce their power grab, while Trump with juvenile arrogant vindictiveness, goes about his mission to undo every action that Obama took to make the planet more livable"

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Diane Chelsea Clinton Reynolds, Is there a point to your #37 post? Or is it just more evidence of vacuous conservative mental instability?

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago


    1. I never said you voted for Trump!

    2. Where the fuck is Hatti?

    3. Numbering sentences doesn't make them any more true or valid.

    Your point #3 is a true classic.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Totally agree with Stopgap. If you cannot see the damage that this administration is doing to the country by now, then you probably never will.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 43 weeks ago


    1. I never said you voted for Trump!

    2. Where the fuck is Hatti?

    3. Numbering sentences doesn't make them any more true or valid.

    If all you say about Hillary is true, then how could you have voted for someone who had been so easily duped by Hillary? As soon as Hillary locked up the nomination, Bernie enthusiastically jumped on board the Hillary train, praising Hillary, campaigning for Hillary, fundraising for Hillary and giving a passionate speech at the convention endorsing Hillary.

    If you think that I'm so naive, birdbrained and stupid for voting for Hillary, then how could you have voted for someone who by all appearances was even more naive, birdbrained, and stupid? Shouldn't that have disqualified him by your reckoning? Why would you vote for someone that was in a better position to have been able to have seen and believed all the things that you see and believe about Hillary, but went ahead and passionately joined the Hillary team anyway? It doesn't make any fucking sense!!!

    If everything you say about Hillary is true, then wouldn't that have made Bernie naive and stupid or a hypocrite? Or maybe he is just another political hack that would compromise his values by running as a Democrat and compromising his values by later endorsing Hillary. Wouldn't that make him just another political hack doing and saying anything just to keep his political career alive and therefore the same as Trump and Hillary?

    But I guess I'm naive and stupid like Bernie. I know you won't believe it, but when Bernie first announced his candidacy, I was among the first wave of those to donate to his campaign and added another donation later on. I never donated a penny to Hillary or the Democratic party which I have my own differences with. I further voted for Bernie in the primary over Hillary. But when Hillary won the nomination, like Bernie, I refused to cut off my nose to spite my face.

    You may have not voted for Trump but you sure love spooning with the Trump supporters to the point that no one here can see the difference. Even the Trumpers can't tell the difference! No doubt you're hatred for the Clintons has led you to continue to stew and obsess over Hillary to the extreme that no one can make any point about Trump, that you won't bring it back to you're hatred for Hillary.

    What the fuck does Hillary have to do with the current conversation anyway? Hillary is not the president! Hillary is gone! Hillary is ancient history! Hillary has little effect on my life but Trump affects very aspect of my life. Stewing about and obsessing about Hillary at this point is a total waste of time. How can this constant ranting about someone that no longer has anything to do with the process unite the nation? Why are we expected to catalog all of your Fox News, Brietbart, Republican think tanks accusations about Hillary every time we try to make any point about Trump? Why do we have to waste our time covering this territory over and over again?

    As long as the Republicans peruse their immoral, treasonous and profane agenda, I will utilize the language that best mirrors that profanity.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago


    1. I never said I voted for Trump...I said I didn't vote for Hillary...I said I did vote for Bernie ...then I didn't say what I did.

    2. Your presumpsions are so wrong.

    3. Why didn't you worry about the children in Hatti the Clintons ripped off.

    4. If your upset about repubs why doesn't the Clinton Bush team bother you.

    5. Ask Hungry about what a great guy Soros can google it. I'll post more later on Soros. So, I thought you didn't want Billionaires running the show...except Dem supporting Billionaires???

    6. I have no clue who ou812 is or who you are..and you have no idea who I am.

    7. The treasury robbed social security long ago.

    8. Calling me a troll doesn't bother me a bit...go for it. It does cause me to wonder about your assesment of people in gereral.

    9. I don't care if Hillary got 30 million more votes she knew how the game is played and if she had won and Trump used that excuse you would be as livid as you are that he won.

    10. If you don't realize that Bill Clinton ( welfare reform ) did nothing to save the people and Hillary who called black people super predators is not your friend...that she is a two faced liar..then so be it. And then there is Janet Reno happy to burn up babies

    11. We are in deep poop and dems and repubs hating each other takes the focus off the real problems. Actually hate is a poison people are drinking by the gallons.

    If Trump goes down so be it...But Hillary needs to go down too. Trumps snake song fit her perfectly. I promise you I'm not the only Dem that believed that.

    12. If you don't like me trying to get that across to anyone I can...well too bad.

    I believe I mentioned before no matter who's in office we don't seem to win...left right left right...and on and on.

    And thank you for cleaning up your discriptions it reflects better on you.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Dearest Diane Chelsea Clinton Reynolds and Hot Coffee, I'm sorry if the actions of Republican politicians are offensive to you. But, by the time Trump and his criminal cabal of billionaire oligarchs are finished, my profanity used to describe those actions will be the least of the children's problems.

    By the time Trump and his gang of rightwing thugs are done making the air unbreathable, the water undrinkable, the climate unlivable and the economy dysfunctional (just like Bush tried to do before him) and all government services and Social Security, Medicare and the treasury bankrupted (just like Trump's casinos) then the "children" will be lucky if they get to celebrate Christmas under a freeway overpass with the rancid scraps of tossed out Christmas leftovers that they are able to scrounge out of the well-to do's trash. That is if we are not all incinerated by a nuclear holocaust resutling from Trump's chldish insults to Kim.

    Maybe they will be able to scrape up a little money performing sexual favors for Senator Roy Moore? No doubt if Roy Moore is elected, other Republican politicians will feel emboldened to become child molesters too!

    I notice that you don't seem offended by OH YOU ATE ONE TWOs despicable, sexist logo. But hell, he's a Republican and its all right for him to come on this site picturing Michelle Bachman about to go down on a phallic corn dog, captioned Ou812, no doubt this is his sick Gay bashing way of implying that all liberals are just a bunch effete homosexuals. Actually, because of his fixation on this image, I've naturally presumed that he is a self-hating closet homosexual crying out for help.

    And Hot Coffee, your "Love This Site" is typical of what you expect to hear from every right troll that comes on every Progressive radio show when they begin talking about what a big fan they are, and how they are long time Democrats, before suddenly wandering off the rail with their Fox News talking points.

    But as ever, like the good cult members that you are, you still can't fathom the fact that Hillary got about 3 million more votes than Trump. Still not able to accept the affect of Russian influence and collusion (actually, you probably accept it…just don't care) to make sure that Trump wins. Still not able to accept that Operation Cross Check purged thousands upon thousands of minority voters from the polls. Still not able to accept the purging of minority voters by voter ID laws. Could care less what effect extreme gerrymandering had on the election. Still not able to accept what possibilities, hackable and unverifiable voting machines had on the election. Only the result mattered to you!

    Again, "…insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Here the Republicans go again. Only this time there may well be no going back. Heil Trumpler!!!!!! And You're calling me sick????????

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    HC you seem to be fixated on George Soros. He mainly gave support to the Democratic Party because he hated George W Bush policies. Has done very little since. You might read up on him.the Kochs have donated billions to their cause.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    #15, Actually Eisenhower sent the first troops into Vietnam and had the first troop deaths. But when Johnson escalated the war, and was a big investor in Bell helicopter and supported by Brown and Root I protested againt the Democratic Administration gone wild. Now that you have a Republican Party that has gone wild do you protest? Yes Nixon pulled us out of Vietnam but only after extending it by several years and thousands of deaths by sabatoging the Johnson peace negotiations.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Sheldon Adelson not Shelly Adelson

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    It appears somebody here has a fascination with the penis.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago


    I hope children aren't reading this really should clean up your adjectives.

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    {{ No one deserves the despair and misery that this economic armageddon will result in, than the cult of bigoted, greedy, delusional followers of the Church of Trump. }}

    Right on, stopgap!

  • Why The Founding Fathers Would Impeach Trump Now!   6 years 44 weeks ago

    Ha ha, the lady with a dildo in her mouth for an avatar thinks she has anything important to say!

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