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  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Logan Act violation?

    After reading the description of the Logan Act; didn't Tom Cotton and all the GOP who signed his letter to the Ayatollahs; violate the Act?

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Can't argue with Randolphgarriso...... (Damn, hard to spell). Looked back twice to get it correct...... But that will mean another "uncivil war". Not that it won't happen and isn't in the cards , but; I would care to avoid such if at all possible. They keep a puntching the envelope though, don't they..... The "Fundamentalist" want Armagaddon however. Second thought.... It would confirm their beliefs. That somewhat explains why they vote against their own interests. They are brainwashed beyond repair. I keep going back to the adderss though; 666, really? What fools!

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    NOT POSSIBLE! trump administration and the corrupt politicians are protecting him every step of the way. It seems they want this Fascist takeover of America. This has been in the works since before Truman and most likely will aculeate before the next election cycle. The corrupt republicans have already stopped the start of an impeachment presented to congress today!

    I say we need a revolution to clean the government from local , state and federal levels and hang the enemies of the constitution and all trump supporters.

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Diane the sales girl!..... Regarding your comment #27 Dec 4th. You're not getting off that easy.

    In summary your answer to my question was: "When Republicans are in office, my income goes up." Is that all you got? Really? I hope you didn't hurt yourself with the overly thoughtful defense of Kochpublicans...LMAO.

    Congratulations.....the increase, however small, in your personal income during Kochpublican rule means more to you than the survival of the human race. Do you happen to have grandchildren?

    Nothing like cocky Libertarians proudly expressing their selfish and shortsighted personal agendas.

    Hey Diane... A complex world demands more than self-serving light thinkers obsessed with nothing more than money and power running the show.....and I'm afraid we're all about to find out why.

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    To address the posted question by Thom; Logan Act prosecution? Probably not. 25th Ammendment? Seriously doubt it due to the tax scam. He is the "useful fool" to the Republican fascist movement and is safe from them till they pass it. If they somehow get their tax scam into law Trump will be toast and probably banished to Siberia if Putin will take him. What a sorry state of affairs we live in. Rather interesting though, really. Alabamans think it's better to vote a "mall troll" (for barely teenagers) and then base their support of him citing biblical references and say that's better than having a Democrat senator from Alabama? Yes; now black is white, up is down, and common decency done with. It will be "money laundering" that gets the Trump/Putin crime enterprise and that has been happening for years, way before the campaign started. He is a rat in a barrell and the "merry people" around him are too. I'm curious; if Hillary/Chealsa owned a property that had the address of "666" (Kushner) what in the hell would these bible beating fundemental (supposed) Christians be saying? The Southern Baptist Gospel Fundamentalist Church (on the Frontage road congregants) are the same as Muslims that use their religon to justify terrorism. What a shame on humanity!

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Why did anyone elect a POTUS that refused to show his taxes? You were asking for corruption.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    #21. No where near the hate of the right wing. The hate goes so far as to let children die so that the 1% can have its massive tax cuts. Open your eyes.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    #21. No where near the hate of the right wing. The hate goes so far as to let children die so that the 1% can have its massive tax cuts. Open your eyes.

  • Will the GOP Accomplish Giving a Tax Give-A-Way to the Wealthy?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    And Big Oil will drill on 400,000 acres in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge's coastal plain where 35,000 walruses haul out because of lack of ice, porcupine caribou herd calves here, and the world's migratory birds nest and raise their young plus any polar bear who wanders into oilfield will be shot. Great going Repubs!!!!

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Not a chance. It's pretty obvious that the republicans are more concerned with getting their agenda passed than moral or ethicle values. Roy Moore is the best example.

    Trump will sign anything they slap on his desk so why would they try and let him be removed? Doesn't any of this have to go through the house?

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago


    I agree!


    I agree!

    Legend # 20

    That was true however left radio has more than caught up in the hate department.

  • Republican Tax Scam Is Either Evil Or Dumb, Maybe Both!   6 years 43 weeks ago


    The Republican Tax Bill looks to me like a "Republican Door To Future Elections" . They know Trump and their own inability to govern makes this Administration the last Republican-owned congress and presidency in a long time.

    If they can act now to destroy the future American economy while Democrats and progressives are in power, then they will do it. Democrats will be forced to "raise taxes" to pay for debt incurred by this enourmous handout to the corporatists and 1%. It is cynical at its core. It is unAmerican in principle.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Why is right wing radio known as hate radio.

    And The Republicans own the White supremacist movement.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Recent shows are in studios not meant for radio. Sounds like Thom is in the bottom of a garbage can. Need to check your audio Thom.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    HotCoffee #14

    To understand who is pumping out hate, you only have to turn on leftie/socialist media bobbleheads for the first ten minutes of their show. To prove my point, check the content of Thoms last ten blog posts. I am excluding the whackadoodles here that are storing up ammunition and survival gear or ironing their antifa pussy hats preparing for another public display of their stupidity. Check out their language, they are a special breed of malcontents.

    The right is not much better but I was buoyed by the fact I saw none of them marching, blocking freeways, and burning police cars over the not guilty verdict in the Kate Steinle case. Had that been a person of color that died in her fathers arms and the shooter been a (horror of horror) a white male, we all would be knee deep for weeks in coverage of looting and burning of buildings while the press calls for laws to prevent stolen guns from shooting people. They also seemed to accept the loss of two Governorships without accusing the left of stealing the election by voter suppression.

    The sad part is the fact neither side sees the handwriting on the wall. Every evening I thank God for Netflix.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    It looks like the president has no real control over the military industrial congressional complex that currently exists much less the CIA. Obama certainly seemed bedraggled about any military business allowing drones, getting talked into Lybia, allowing big arms trades, etc. At least he didn't actually start any new wars. As bad as Trump is he actually campaigned big time on NO wars. Any informed person new he was an uninformed arrogant jerk but anyone but the establishment was bound to win. Makes one wonder if there really is an unwritten agreement that both parties should trade political power every other cycle. The dems certainly don't fight back when they could easily show what crooks all the GOP people have become then do something about their own people sucking up to big money.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    "...government of the people, by the people, for the people" If the government sucks, then the people suck. The government was not formed in a vacum. Politicians are nothing more than the heart and soul of the people that elected them. Elections matter. Are we great again yet?

  • Child Evangelism or Child Abuse?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Children have the right to be loved. But there are those children who suffer child abuse in the very sense of the word. It feels really bad to see children who are suffering from abuse, whether it could either be physical, sexual or mental abuse. Many NGO's like mission humanitaire and many more who works for the humanitarian aid by providing them help.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago


    I agree with your statement.

    The fascists are created from from both sides.

    #13 Sg

    The people are great...the Government sucks.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    So sorry Legend, I thought it was pretty obvious that I was responding to oldSkoolds comment.

    Subject at hand...I think Thom is being dramatic as usual so as to promote responses like Oldskooleds...pitchforks. Drum up the hate.

    I also think Eisenhower was correct as was Kennedy's speach on the same subject.

    I do not however believe that most people of either party use that as their criteria for voting, so demonizing them is useless and destructive.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Are we great again yet?

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    "If my sons did not want wars there would be none"

    Was this not a statement made by a mother

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    The absence of cradle to grave healthcare coverage and free college in this country isn't because of an absence of wealth, it's because of the presence of an out of control military industrial spy complex....owned and controlled by Fascists.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Program citizens with fear and hate and the Fascists have their justification for unending war for profit.

    Trump is truly a political product of the Foxaganda/Breitbart fear and hate machine. He's right at home as a charter member of the goofy Alex Jones/Bannon club. I'm sure while pissing their old man attends with uncontrollable laughter, the Kochs mock all of these god damn fools.

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Huh! The convo always has to involve GUNS

    Whooo haaaa!


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