Recent comments

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    NO! Regarding Net Neurtrality - I agree with everything you say, Thom, but evidently you don't know that Rachel Maddow on MSNBC DID spend at least five minutes discussing Net Neurtrality about two weeks ago. At least it was something. I haven't heard anything else. Perhaps MSNBC gave their blessings to Rachel to discuss Net Neurtrality as a token or so they can say they aren't biased = ho, ho, ho1

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago


    "Almost all that have run for President since Nixon released their taxes." Legend

    Totally irrelavent. However, it shows you have zero trust in the IRS to review/audit tax returns. Which is kinda surprising since liberals have such faith in government bureaucracies.


  • Will the GOP Accomplish Giving a Tax Give-A-Way to the Wealthy?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Well, you can see what the problem is, just reading the comments here. If the founders had been this demoralized, we wouldn't have a country. I hope to up my support of young people (I'm 70) and get behind those who are pissed enough to get onto the streets. We are too comfortable.

  • Who You Gonna Call.... Koch Busters!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    #5. It is probably too late. They (the 1%) own the Supreme Court. They own most of the politicians. They own and operate the mainstream media which has been very effective at brainwashing a large part of the population to support their coup. Our right wing trolls do not care if they take their money. That the 1% does not pay its share of taxes. They do not care that the POTUS has 17 sexual harrassment allegations. They do not care that the POTUS has mafia and Russian connections. They do not care that the Government is on the verge of taking away the free internet and controlling it as they please. They do not care that Paul Ryan openly admits that his next target is their Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They do not care that Congressmen and Senators can be legally bribed. They do not care that there are 15000 lobbiests in Washington DC and that is what runs our Government and writes our laws. They only care about having the opinion that Fox News tells them to have. They are puppets to right wing media which is the vast majority of our media.

  • Who You Gonna Call.... Koch Busters!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Yes.. it's what America is all about: power-privilege. When average citizens finally realize that Congress is the largest brothel on earth, maybe change to a democratic society could merge. America is run for the benefit of those that run it... make that ruin it.. for the many so the few can proclaim "America is great"... it isn't. I has evolved into nation much like the third world nations we criticize. As a US Army vet, I no longer salute the flag... it's not the country I willingly, volunteered for and served... and I am no longer a valued member of this society vis-a-vis my old age and now economically challenged to survive. All power-based nations in history have reached chaotic endings, perhaps what we are witnessing now is the beginning of ours. Germany's Reich had many supporters... even Trump affirmed his admiration in 2002.. citing his own "racial superiority".. and so it goes... as TS Eliot noted: this is the way world ends, not with bang but with a whimper... (of what might of.. could of.. should of... been for all)

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago
  • Who You Gonna Call.... Koch Busters!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Sorry! I now have to fill in a comment on this thread that I deleted because it was from another thread

    Something is wrong with Thoms blog software

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    17; 18

    Are you just having an argument online?


    Logan act is the subject... kindly note!

  • Who You Gonna Call.... Koch Busters!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Legend: I've been talking to a lot of people about the Kochpublican deficit justification strategy to voucherize/defund medicare and medicaid while also handing the 2.5 trillion in the Social Security trust fund over to Wall Street banksters. Even the extreme right-wingers I've talked to agree that just an attempt to do this would be the end of the Kochpublican Party. It's just a matter of getting the truth out, which is easier said than done with a corpse media that will spin it as a rescue of these progarms...which has been the Kochbagger talking point for years.

  • Who You Gonna Call.... Koch Busters!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Tom Reed is not key at all, he's a self-serving Teabagger and will absolutely vote yes for his Koch benefactors. He's a foxaganda sucker, and thus severely limited, but is still cashing in on his government/socialist job.

  • Who You Gonna Call.... Koch Busters!   6 years 43 weeks ago
  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    @17 Legend:

    I’ll take your none answer as a no, you would not have voted for President Trump, even if he had shown his taxes.....Where are your tax returns? You raised the issue that you pay a large percentage than billionaires....are you going to show the readers your tax returns or is that just more BS from you. When you show me your tax returns, I'll give you an answer too your question.

  • Who You Gonna Call.... Koch Busters!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Paul Ryan all ready has Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in his sights for massive cuts. You know stuff that you have all ready paid for. Fact is he went to college on Social Security. People will die to give his tax cuts to the 1%.

    numerous other sites available.

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Your first question was so stupid that I did not bother to answer. Before taxes I weighed the fact that he is a childish name caller (kind of like Diane). He is a narcistic consistent liar. He is a pervert with taped proof and 17 sexual harrassment accuasations. He has ties to the mafia. I could list more. Taxes to me would have added to the list. But maybe opened the eyes to some of you idiots.

    You did not answer my question. Who wrote this tax cut policy?

  • Who You Gonna Call.... Koch Busters!   6 years 43 weeks ago

    these people were picked because they are basically paid to be deft to the people.

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    @ 14 Legend:

    You haven't answered my first question, was it too hard for you?

    Are we just suppose to take your word, that you are paying a larger percentage than billionaires. How about releasing your tax returns. Copy and paste them into this blog...

    I know you won't object. You are always calling out others for not having sources. This is your chance to step up and show all that your statements are not just bluster.

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Rick Steves, answer OU812's question. I am curious.

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    He did not release them and Romney only released 2 years because they do not want you to see how little they pay in taxes. At that Romney was at 13%. The laws that the 1% writes has all ready lowered their taxes to next to nothing. Yes I worry about other peoples money when billionaires are paying less of a percentage than I am. You are a fool if you do not. Who do you think is writing this current tax cut? Hint: it is not the Senators and Congressmen.

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    @11 Legend:

    If Trump had released his taxes, you would have voted for him.

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    More worrying about OTHER peoples money. Oh hum!

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Almost all that have run for President since Nixon released their taxes. You were a fool to vote for him without a release. Not only do you have no idea of his finances he lied to you every day and you believed him.

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago



    Trump doesn't have to release his taxes. If you suspect him of cheating on his taxes, well the IRS is set up to handle that. I guess you have zero faith with the IRS.


  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    #5; 6 - For revolution a leader is an absolute necessity

    None are on the horizon so far as can be seen

    Very sadly!

  • GOP has Become Fear and Hate President Eisenhower Warned Of   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Taxes deception.

    Taxes as the problem are a deception; the GOP have successfully propaganized taxes as the problem when the problem is really spending; taxes/revenue is only the means to pay for spending. If there was no spending, there would be no taxes. Also part of the deception is the GOP are telling us that they are lowering taxes which is a good thing and they are doing us a favor; and also debt/deficit are not significant. Not said is that debt has to be paid sooner or later, and taxes must be collected to pay that debt. A couple things we need to emphasize are; 1) the problem is spending, not taxes, and we need to get our representatives to frame/focus on spending and less on taxes; 2) debts are future taxes.

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Pence is also implicated in the to just replace Crooked Donny with him might be easier said than done.

    Unrelated: 53% of white female voters voted for a known/self admitted sex criminal for president. They knew they were voting for a pussy grabber and accused child rapist. But somehow the Dems continue to think they'll get political points by making examples out of their own colleagues. I'm not defending sex criminals, but for christ sakes, get back to the fight at hand. Focus on sex scandals after the god damn tax break for billionaires fight.

    I want to hear Dems like Gillibrand and Pelosi shouting to the media about the lies behind the tax bill....or at least demand Trump step down for his sex crimes. They can shout later about their co-workers personal problems.

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