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  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    A leftie/socialist breakfast, free shit and other peoples money. Go back to name calling and resisting, it is sooo much more entertaining.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Why stop at "net neutrality" we also should have car neutrality, and house neutrality, oh wait that's called communism,. Why do Liberals always think they should get everything for free.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    The money that The Republican Fascist Party is giving to the 1% in tax cuts will only be further used against us. How many of these loopholes were eliminated?

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    (Sorry! Do not understand how comment #5 becomes comment #1 on reply... the blog needs some attention I believe)

    #5 reply: Great idea and magical leadership... how it will go forwards on a small scale like this will gain low traction I suspect

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Outback: Please use common sense and do a search on 'Slipped Ring Encoding'. I have no links, because it was a magazine article.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Woah! Faster than light? Rick, you're way over my head and I'm headed for Google to check some of this stuff out. I guess my formal education has become seriously outdated. And Oldskoold, god bless you bud - kieep slugging. I'm right behind you ;-)

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Outback: There is also another technique that the FCC has no control, called longitudinal waves, or scalar waves. They are faster than light and don't use the standard EM bands. Scalar varies in speed depending on the power levels. I know two methods of making them, a rectangular plate, and destructive interference of two EM beams.

    The FCC only controls US territory, and has limited enforcement resources. So pirate it is.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    But; (Outback) The "president" can't obstruct justice nor do anything wrong..... And damn sure not any of his merry men and female/male prostitutes! LMAO! The "Merican" people have been had! Some still don't have a clue!!!! I would "Bless their Hearts" but; it's got too damn criitical now. I have no humanity left for anyone who was that damn stupid. No; still no "bless heart". To hell with them. May the "Real God" have mercy. Glad I realize i'm much lesser. Otherwise I could be committed... involuntary!! LMAO! Big Time! Joke and not intended Blasphemous!!!

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Rick: You're refuting Nyquist? I'd appreciate your sending a link supporting this. I'm genuinely interested if this counts.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    The bandwidth is an illusion, and radio has an advantage to produce a modulation scheme called, slipped ring encoding. You can use a sliver of band to form a large band effect, and produce over 20 times the data throughput, or perhaps 30 times higher. FM base transmitters have been doing this. The cool thing is the narrower the bandwidth, the higher the throughput, which is the opposite of traditional modulations.

    I'm a computer engineer by trade.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Don't buy a damn thing! Online nor in person. See nature. Go to the ABC store. Take a break!

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Going beyond that, control of the radio spectrum, last I checked, was still the province of the FCC, unless of course they have quietly outsourced that responsibility to some private entity. Therefore, using unlicensed spectrum would be an illegal act and would only fly on a wholesale basis through a general act of insurrection. Why not take down the internet (through hacking) until the Amazons and Comcasts of the world cry "uncle"? It's an existing and perfectly usable infrastructure that was never intended to be monopolized by special interests. Just saying ....

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

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  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    The real "plans" was what I said. Shut the economy down! Period!

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

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  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

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  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Bet so.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    I hear a bunch of complaints, but nobody is doing anything to produce actual results. Where is the real plans? Protesting does zero. Fighting them does zero. Organizing gives the illusion you've don't something, but petitions end in zero. You've elected somebody that said they will work for you, but it's also zero, because system it useless to getting anything done. Back after WW2, when the computer was being developed by Seymour Crey, he had ideas to make the world fastest computer. He actually created something and his workers organized a way to make it happen with working prototypes. They showed it worked, and raised money to start the world's first supercomputer business, Cray Supercomputer. They didn't complain, they did something, and look at them today. Lots of people who came back from the war, did this and made businesses with solutions, they planned all the way through to visualize a finished product.

    This is what The 7C Constitution is all about @ Making things happen by actually volunteering with your body and mind to get an actual task done.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Rick Loll: Interesting concept. Seems like an useful idea for urban settings, but how about networking the country as a whole, much less the globe? I mean, "pirating" RF isn't new (the fabled campus "pirate radio station"), but how to duplicate the bandwidth we have become accustomed to by way of satellite communications and fiber optics? Intrerested in your take on this....

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Too "involved" for me and most (although this audience are "thinkers" ), as far as ways around net neutrality (LOL) . Redneck as I am, I see whats a coming if "we" don't take control. And; we have the controller in fingertip and appendage's "at hand". Don't buy a damn thing from January 2nd through 4 th!. Would like to take it through Friday (the 5th) but I done declaired! Didn't think that through as far as I should have. I'll do better "in the future".

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    This is where we need to promote white space modems, because they are free. Universities have been using them, but it's just a matter of time before they get out to everyone. They use the bands that broadcast TV used to be on, from 54MHz to 800Mhz. Nobody controls it, but it's just a matter of having enough modems about 1km apart, and we all have internet access for free.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Dang; Didn't mean to leave fellow citizens speachless. Merely providing a solution... That would work. Let's go! As far as dates, I propose January 2, 3, and 4th. Isn't that the days people spend more than they have for "things they didn't get"? That's Tuesday through Thursday after the first New Year and hopefully the last (if he/they survive till then) as supposed leders of the American people? It is that simple. Occams Razor!!

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    To answer Thom's question he left us with; It's time for questioning everything. What I have observed is that once money is interjected into what should be a basic "human service"; it's done. I wonder; I have seen some post today that opined "what if Mueller's case isn't enough to unseat the antichrist and his merry men/ and some idiot females/Alabamans and mother"? What would happen if us, the 70%, refused to go to work; spend a dime, stay at home, not buy gas, not order from Amazon, (or any other online establishment), nor post on Facebook, I mean totally get out and walk for the day(s) for 3 days? It would bring our economy to it's knees. I say we choose the dates here and get on social media and shame anyone who breaks the code. We all must adhere but by God; it would work! "Natitional Admonishment Day" for the real America! Think about it? I first thought April 1st but that's too far away.... Just ask other countries. We can call it when the massed got "NADS!"

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }

    Can the sick, sociopathic motives of the “establishment” (both Republican and Democrat) be in doubt here? Controlling the internet is key to squelching the free exchange of information, because sharing knowledge about what is happening might lead to some form of organized resistance. These greedy bastards have just passed a “tax reform bill” that cuts taxes on the wealthy and balloons the deficit by over a $One Trillion dollars. Next, they will use the deficit to justify cuts to safety net programs and even Social Security. There is no depth to which these greedy assholes will not stoop to win their game of monopoly. And do not be taken in by the false narrative which touts the Democratic Party as the friend of the working class. They showed their true colors long ago. They all work for the same bosses, as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama revealed during their presidencies and the DNC amply demonstrated in 2016. If we allow this rapacious minority to continue having their way with us, we will deserve exactly what we get. We need to fight and fight hard against this takeover of our country by the rich, and open our eyes to the stupidity of the notion that there is any difference between the motives of either of our two major political parties.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    As the Republican Fascist Party grows, with all of the money it just gave itself in tax breaks, It will further censor the media and internet.

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