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  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Why aren't there charges being brought against Matt Lauer for kidnapping? My understanding of kidnapping is the taking of a person in such a way that prevents them from leaving at will. Isn't that what was happening each time he managed to bring his "target" into his office and lock his door with the press of a hidden button under his desk? I call that "kidnapping."

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    When you look closely at what's been going on in this country, even a blind person can see that we have not been a democratic Republic for a very long time. We are beyond oligarchy and well into fascism. I find it disheartening - crushing - that our current population, Democrats & Republicans alike, still want to hold onto their personal political party even though a number of these political figures are working to make life even worse than ever for each of them.

    My blessings go to the police in Honduras who have taken the position of standing with their fellow citizens in fighting against the dictators who want to quash the uprising for democracy in that country. I only wish the police in this country would stand with the people for a change and not beat them, pepper spray them and cripple them when they take a stand against this fascist regime and push for free speech. Where are the hearts and minds of police in this country?

    There's so much work to be done in this country, saving Social Security & Medicare, saving public education, saving the public from abusive and thieving banking institutions. This affects ALL Americans, yet instead of being united in this work, they work against their own interests.

    It's one hell of a bad time to be living through.

  • Should Senator Al Franken Have Resigned?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    I believe in forgiveness when transgressions are admitted and apologies are made with sincere Franken has done.

    THAT is the Christian position on this issue....

    That is NOT the Alabama Evangelical application of "Christian morality" on sexual harrassment...the worst sort of hypocrites that Jesus, himself, called out.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    The way I look at our current people power situation is:

    we still have two powers left that we better utilize before they vanish-

    1, Our purchasing power ( soon to disappear)

    2, Our LABOR.

    We have a system of capitalism speciffically built on consumerism. We stop "consuming"long enough - the system goes down so, Days of Admonishment sounds great to me since when one "gives"money one "gives" power.

    In terms of the internet- I am wholly supportive of #43 here. Very accurate.

    To our second power, - this is the one that might have to be used due to nothing else bringing fruits to our cause. Our labor or, more specific, US refusing it, is the most powerful arrow in our quiver. It might be necessary releasing it from our bow even, when it will hurt us most at first. However, do not forget- our labor is what is making "their" profits. Making "them" profits, BTW, is the only reason we have jobs. If "they" could make as much profit without our labor as with it "they" would not hire any of us.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    You really don't get it do you? It is nothing about Trump and everything about all the whackadoodles bouncing around like a fart in a hot tin skillet with their panties in a wad. It is absolutely hysterical reading rants from leftie/socialists that are clearly in serious need or therapy. Jesus people, get a grip.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    That's right Diane Chelsea Clinton Reynolds, I'm Santa Claus and Trump is a dumb ass lump of coal in the planet's stocking, which is all that will be left when the right-wing is finished…a huge smoldering radioactive cinderblock whirling around in space.

    Every time this buffoon Trump opens his mouth, the likes of Diane Chelsea Clinton Reynolds will be there as his loyal, unconditional echo-chamber and megaphone, never questioning or doubting the wisdom or veracity of the Donald. Wildly barking like a rabid pit bull at anyone that happens to be walking by. Content to curl up at his feet, waiting for a scrap to fall from the table…waiting for Donald to reach down occasionally and pat them on their heads, tail awaging as they try to lick his fat little hand.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Thanks #43

    AHHHHHH! Incoherent babble from a leftie/socialist.

    Great way to start another Christmas morning.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    To paraphrase Bill Hicks, how far do you think Trump has to have his dick up your ass before you think you are being fucked?

    Liberals want to get everything for free? What the xxxx do you Trump ass-kissing, greedy, bigoted, xxxx-heads think we pay taxes for?

    Who do you stupid xxxx-heads think developed the internet in the first place? Who do you think made it accessible to the public?

    It was the government, you xxxxing dumb-asses!!!! It was the xxxxing government that made the internet possible and workable with tax payers money!! Is that too hard for you xxxxing greedy, bigoted, child xxxxing, right-wing nazi/fascists to understand?

    Do you stupid xxxx-heads think that we should just give it away to a bunch of greedy scum-bags that can buy all the political influence they want, so they can control the most important development of our time that is the result of taxpayer money and has been made possible by taxpayer money?

    Of course you do!! That's why Trump is president!

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    MAIL IN BALLOTS would be a Big part of the Political Revolution the USA NEEDS.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Internet freedom...when Thom posted this same subject way back last week I showed two new freedom internet projects attempting start ups. It's only a matterof time until someone is succesful.

    Off Topic: Truth! If you're interested in it you might want to read the whole article...

    Glenn...definately not a Republican.... speaking the truth. Most likely not what you want to hear.

    December 9 2017, 7:17 a.m.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Okay, So he attacks our good neighbor Canada. What has he done about tariffs on the countries that are the real problem? China, who we had a $347 billion dollar deficit. Mind you that most of the trade treaties have been set up by Republicans. We do have a large trade with Canada but it is reasonably close to even.

    Judge for yourself. Bombardier got some loans to keep it out of bankruptcy from the Government. We have done the same with our auto industry etc.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    The ISP corporations are relying on corruption rather than innovation for excessive profits.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Legend. Our stupid Liberal government gave Bombardier hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars to a perfectly sound company to buy political favours. Which of course gives the Canadian mfg. a huge advantage over Boeing . Trump was right to even the playing field. Softwood is complicated. Most of Canada's forest are on government land which also is a tilted advantage to Canadians. Although Canadians pay the government a lease fee to harvest the logs American land owners feel it isn't enough. You should be proud to finally have a president who puts his country first Instead of a idiot like our Prime Minister who could care less about Canadians and puts every other country before his own

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    #34. Kend, As with most everything with the Trump administration, tariffs on Canadian goods does not make much sense. Is that part of NAFTA? It is not like you are paying your workers $0.50 per hour. You have lots of forests so why do we want to destroy our forests? Then you had the unmitigated gall to manufacture a jet that can compete with Boeing. So the Fascist Trump administraion slaps a 300% tariff on it. Boeing probably had some input. Meanwhile Trumps ties and Ivanka's goods still come from China with no tariff. We still import goods from Vietnam where they do pay $0.50 per hour. They must have a lot more leverage. Like China could cripple our economy if they wanted to.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    We're all getting what the Nazi coup and rise of the Confederacy are giving us. And we're too lazy to vote?

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Legend, Trump has put tariffs on Canada's Aero Space and soft wood lumber industries already and we are extremely worried there is more to come.

    10K. My internet is far from free Canadians pay way more tha Americans for cell, cable, and internet services. It is horrible as well. I understand the industry is growing so fast it is hard for the provider to keep up. We are well regulated by government as well.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Diane the sales girl! Thank you for trying to educate yourself by reading my posts. I don't support a standard of living that amounts to nothing more than slavery anywhere on this planet. Companies that are already profitable leave this country because of greed, not because of taxation, unions, and or high wages.

    Taking advantage of desperate citizens in countries with Trump like leaders is immoral. Fair wages need to be universal law. Support of unending greed and the free-trade race to the bottom ultimately hurts everyone but the piggish few, the elite who fool light thinkers like you and Kend into voting against your own self interests.

    You've been brainwashed by the billionaires Diane, and your small minded selfishness harkens back to 14th century Europe at best. BTW: I don't buy your import tariff rhetoric simply because you support the very party that would never enact such a cut the bull. .... cha ching!

    Another thing..your fantasy image of me is so far off the mark I'm very openly pleased...LOL For example road running????? really??? LOL... Not a chance, I value healthy knees way too much.

    Kend: glad you get free internet, I don't and I have to put up with unending advertising, not to mention my personal info gets sold by those same advertisers. Kend, c'mon ...raise the bar dude.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Trump promised tariffs. Where are they? Of course there were lots of promises. He could place tariffs on China. But then, China might start trading with North Korea again. Hmmmmm. I personally would be for tariffs. But the 20% that he proposed is not going to bring your tee shirts home. By the way I do not remember you ever proposing that. But I am sure that your wardrobe is American made. And Birkenstocks are so out.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Thanks for another Christmas gift road runner. Ever consider the wages paid and the standard of living in the country making the product? I didn't think so but in case you are concerned, go back and read my past posts where I have suggested that everything brought into this country is taxed at an enormous rate and that tax money all be given to US manufacturers to keep them competitive. You then would pay ten times for that Tee shirt you are so egar to tie-dye but $8.00 of that would go the local manufacturer for producing it in our country. The down side, you may have to reconsider replacing your Birkenstocks.


  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    The killing of net neutrality is another step closer to the point of no return ...won't matter what we do to fight back. Our elections aren't unlike Russia's already...I can see Crooked Donny, the sex pervert who won't step down, winning with a Putinesque 99% of the vote in 2020! ... wake the f up!

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    DianeR: The queen of name calling herself..LMAO! "Free shit and other peoples money" ... you mean when right-wing vulture capitalists like Mitt Romney steal pensions????...or do you mean when the same rightie capitalist pigs make massive amounts of money shipping our jobs overseas to markets where labor is paid 35 cents and hour. Yes, 35 cents an hour is stealing from people... it's other peoples money.

    You're so boring!

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    I believe attempts to remove net neutrality would infringe first amendment rights... no?

  • Will Trump Be The First Person Prosecuted Under The Logan Act?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    The problem is you were willing to accept a crook and known pervert. Having knowledge of who you were (are) voting for is important. You obviously do not care for that. You will call Hillary a liar and scream lock her up. But everything about her was out there in public view. Virtually everything about Trumps finances reeks of corruption. And you accept it without question.

  • Is it time to Democratize The Media to Fight Net Neutrality?   6 years 43 weeks ago

    Then 2 of the right wing trolls post completely stupid postings with no intelligent input, fact or reference. Kend, Net Neutrality is about Freedom of the Internet. Not Free Internet. We all or most have ISP's (Internet Service Providers) that we pay for. It is about not letting them (or the governnent) control what what we do on the internet. Do you not want to protect your Freedom?

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