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  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    We need some people more knowledgeable than Thom and us to jump in and comfort us. To gently correct our flawed thinking, and why we need not be in fear of the wealthy taking anything else from us. How they will instead give back to us as promised, as they prosper more. Time will tell who is right here. I hope it's you.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    All of that stock is bought with paper money. Or as MaxM calls it MMT.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Fake money???? How about we focus on the hyper inflated 1929-esque stock market? When this massive bubble bursts and craps out the economy.... working people get ffkkk.ed, not the lazy bastards who committed the fraud in the first place.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    #18 I use to think that people would not sell their car for crummy paper dollars and would sell it for Krugerrand or gold coin of your choice. Why sell a good car for bad money? But I never saw it happen. People will sell a car for crummy paper dollars because they can buy another for crummy paper dollars. In other words the gold coin has not become a currency of choice. But I can buy one for $1256 crummy dollars on todays market.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Oldskool--Do some homework before trashing valuable ideas.I am not expressing opinion on MMT. This is the work of professional economists who have the nerve to challange orthodox economic thought. You know, in the manner of Galileo. Do not be afraid. What they are laying out is quite liberating and holds great promise for society (assuming you would like to see less poverty and unemployment, Medicare for All and more generous social Security).

    Here's a good place to start:

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    I see Rubio pulled a fast one on the tax bill .....yep he's truly worried about the child tax credit, what a great guy, and the media fell for it, he got free publicity alright. These self-serving hypocritical scoundrels never cease to amaze me. What a Teabagger.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    But of course, zero info from the corpse media on PAYGO and how that relates to the tax bill triggering mandatory cuts to the programs we already pay for through our payroll taxes. Keep the masses confused and misinformed and when that fails, just blame Hillary and Obama.

    The Kochpublicans have no problem with massive out of control spending on war for profit though...the right-wing fascist SOB's.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Hey MAX: Your boy Rand Paul is voting yes on the tax bill, thus adding trillions more to the deficit, just saying!

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Legend: How right you are! We all need to vote Democrat in every direction we can; we have no other choice at this juncture, no matter how justifiably repulsed we are, by our own party's decades of spinelessness and kissing the ass of big oil and other corporate entities. "Republican Lite" as the title goes. (Here I'm assuming you're a registered Democrat; my apologies if you're not.) Then, once we achieve /that/, we must just as rapidly, and forcibly, shove out all the Centrist and other DINOs if we are to have any hope in real change. Or...we can form a spanking new, grassroots movement that doesn't necessarily need to function within the structure of the Democratic Party...nor for that matter, within any kind of party structure, including one that doesn't yet exist. Though I strongly doubt we can achieve such heroic victories above the ground. If you get my drift. My web site FWIW:

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    In Illinois, republiCon venture capitalist Bruce Rauner over two years ago donned blue jeans, a plaid shirt and a carhart jacket and went down state illinois, and talked to farmers and working class people , dropping the "g's"on his ing's in his sentences, trying to talk like local good ole boy , and it worked, even some of my "poorly educated" union brothers bought his line of crap "were going to shake Springfeild up'' (that's republicon double speak, for making Illinois a -right-to-work- state)(his TURN AROUND AGENDA) and for the following two years after his election he vetoed budgets brought forward by the Democratic majority untill he just about broke the state, but his re-election is on the horizon ,and the republiCons worried abought their re-elctions joined the democrats and started overriding his vetoes,we have some good Dems running for governor in 2018, hopefully people wake up to this right wing crap and come to their senses..........

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Uncle Draggi: You just blew my mind, BIG TIME. Thank you?

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    See... The internet done messing up! LMAO!

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    So; MaxM is the troll for the evening..... That is exactly what "they" will be saying in 6 months! Deficits don't matter. After the 2018 (hopefully massacare election); they will say we're broke! Holy Hell!

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    So; MaxM is the troll for the evening..... That is exactly what "they" will be saying in 6 months! Deficits don't matter. After the 2018 (hopefully massacare election); they will say we're broke! Holy Hell!

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Outback: Obama also offered a juicy cutback on Social Security, to appease the Republicans. They turned it down, thank God. Both parties are corrupt. See:

  • How Democracy Dies   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Okay then, thanks Ou812. May I suggest you change your pic to something other than one that depicts you in a trashy light? Otherwise, you give mixed messages and denigrate your own comments.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    One can hope that 2018 begins the can only dream that by 2018, Trump is on his way out.

    At the least, 2018 bodes well (better?) for lower hanging fruit as Progressives, Socialist Democrats, start winning as Mayors, council members, school board members, and dare I suggest it?...Governships

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    People need to educate themselves about how currency actually works at the federal level. There is absolutely no connection between tax revenue and federal spending. If cutting taxes results in cuts to social programs, that is a purely meanspirited political decision, NOT a fiscal one. Over the last 5 years or so, Thom has had on his show economists who are proponents of Modern Monetary Theory, but has failed his listeners by failing to promote their insights. An important contribution of MMT is a factual description of what it means to an economy to have a sovereign currency, as the US does. We learn that our government still operates as though our currency was still linked to gold, as it was until 1971, even though our present fiat currency gives us far more policy latitude than we are using. Here are two key realities revealed by the MMT folks: 1) Federal income taxes do not fund federal spending, and 2) The "national debt" is actually the sum total of savings that individuals, institutions and foreign governments have invested in US Treasury instruments.

    Taxes are collected at a rate to keep inflation in check, then "deleted" once recorded. The government creates new money every time it spends. Since it is the sole producer of the dollar, it never needs to borrow in its own currency. The government can never run out of money (but Congress can fail to authorize spending, creating an artificial currency crisis). The 1% knows how this works and uses that knowledge to their advantage, while keeping the rest of us in the dark. Hence, the huge bank bailout after 2008, and the runaway military budgest, neither of which were support by huge tax increases that one would imagine would be necessary. The trick is to get Congress to authorize spending. Once they do, the funds are guaranteed to be available.

    Learn MMT.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Of course Legend. And 25% still havent a clue! Uncle Draggi; thank you for your service good sir. I hope you are incorrect also but; we have what we have; greed is the driver now! Which sin in the Hiereachary (sp sorry) was that, what number was greed? I'm not versed Biblically by no means....other than the "Golden Rule"....

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    The American population has less than a year to remember all of this and vote them out. This tax cut gives Trillions more to the 1% to bribe politicians and run ads. That is what they count on. Everytime they expect a large ROI and they get it. This is modern day Fascism.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Lets hope that day was yesterday with the absolute theft of "Internet" ! And to turn it over to the corporatist? Just wait for inflation as it relates to that! I know many southern rednecks that ain't a gonna be happy with that. They and he knows it's over (hence the FBI attacks). This weekend I think, is one of the most dangerous times we have ever faced, even more so than October 1962 when I rode my bicycle on a ballfield under convoys of planes headed to Florida. It really is amazing what they have done in brainwashing merely 30% with Algorythyms and KGB help for Damn sure! Are we gonna jump in and try to save them? Usually people who are drowning will do the same to you if you try to help them. Just saying; no "bless heart" left in me for any of them! Not very "Christian" but; they have redifined that term "themdamnselves" to zealot fools. Perhaps "I hope the real God has mercy" is applicable; and that is meant for all elected senators and congresspeople, all "R's" that vote for the tax burden on 99.7% of Americans.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    "One day they will go too far." It is my opinion that -that- day is going to get here far, -far- quicker than people -- =all= people, rich, poor, liberal, conservative, et alia -- are aware of and/or may want. I 'read' -a- =lot= of history. I notice patterns (among other things). When "the balloon goes up", as we used to say in the army =many= years ago, it will surprise, shock, and scare the pee out of people to quite an extreme degree. Yes, even the utter nut-jobs who -want- to see the world burn! Only this time, unlike the French Revolution, very few, if any, of the self-styled "aristocrats" [read here - the ultra-wealthy and heads of mega-corporations .. and congressional Republicans] will survive with their lives and/or sanity.

    I sincerely hope I'm wrong .. but I have 'a feeling' I won't be.

  • How Democracy Dies   6 years 42 weeks ago

    @ 18 & 19 Krahlin:

    Nice intelligent reply. You've nailed it, and didn't call anyone names. Thank you.

  • How Democracy Dies   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Willie W: Not just the poor and elderly, but LGBTs are definitely on the front lines, what with Christo-Fascist Republicans clamoring for their blood. They will be rounded up just as peremptorily as the Jews were, in the very near future. And most folks, including progressives, will look the other way. Homophobia is the weakest link in any LGBTs are considered trivial, disposable, and a poison on our "godly" society. More so than any other group, bar none. To not fight for LGBTs will spell the doom of every other oppressed group...and they will therefore deserve a horrid demise of their own making. Just like what happened the last time around...for homosexuals were the very first group to suffer Nazi persecution. And many Jews participated in that, turning in their own gays before the rest of them were rounded up.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    They've already been starving Social Security recipients. We go no COLA the year before last, 0.3% last year which all went toward a Medicare premium increase and a whopping 2% COLA for 2018, 1% of which was offset by a Medicare premium increase in my case. They claim no inflation. I've noticed my home-owners insurance, property taxes, utilities and food have all gone up significantly, however. Obama presided over much of this Stagnation in Social Security and even flirted with the "chained CPI", code for "let 'em eat cat food" (which has also gone up). These heartless fat cats, and it's not just Republicans, are not about to cut anybody a break, except for members of their own "class". One day they will go too far.

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