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  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    The extent that they go to cover money donations:

    The real reason Trump won, the 1% owned media.

    Billions in free media coverage. See, posting fact and reference is easy.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Haha -- "I feel your pain!" Truth tellers and Trump trolls mix together about as well as oil and water ...and guess who represents the oil slick in this analogy.

    Those who worship money over life forever fail to justify the real-world wickedness and destructive consequences of their selfish attitudes and bankrupt ideologies. Obscene profit-taking does not excuse the inherent evil of unregulated greed, i.e. , unregulated capitalism -- extreme poverty, endless war, irreversible environmental degradation, the inevitable decay of democracy and rise of fascism, in short, the end of human "civilization."

    That is the harsh reality. Wishful as they might be, the Republicans' happy-talk "alternative reality" simply does not exist, nor will it ever.

    Your heartfelt frustration is loud and clear, 2950-10K -- eloquently expressed, completely justified, and clearly understood by those with the ability to hear.

    Out of respect for his bravery, the Sioux never mutilated Custer's body in order to cripple him as a warrior in the afterlife, which they did to most of the soldiers under his command. Instead, one of the women stripping bodies and collecting weapons after the battle grabbed a stick and reamed out his ear canals, so that he might hear better in the next life.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Kend: STOP, For christ sakes, listen to me for one second, every Dept. head Trump has installed, every cabinet pick, every sexual assault, every lie, all is reality...How can you defend him and the party that supports him, unless you live in an evil alt reality??????? What don't you get here?????.. are you simply naive, misinformed, what the hell...or are you a troll looking for this response to make it look like I'm picking on you???? What the hell?

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Cha Ching Diane and Kend: The Fascists who can afford to purchase your party and our government are the wealthy elite I refer to. The Kochs being the most aggressive have funded the Teabagger movement and thus far have gotten a fantastic return at an extremely high cost to the rest of us... the demise of representative government.

    Talk about being washed up. What don't you get about what is happening? After all of Crooked Donny's lies, his cabinet picks, and the upcoming tax scam bill, you still have the nerve to post without embarrassment ..really! god what is between your ears???

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Legend. The problem with your fascism and oligarchs theory's is the Democrats out spent the Republicans last election and lost. So the one person one vote holds true. Plus most new billionaires are Democrats. So I am not convinced money has a whole lot to do with elections anymore. I think Democrats should start looking at their policies and candidates to blame for their loses.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Al Gore and the internet. Seems that right wing Troll Diane cannot post fact or reference. Fake News.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    It is easy to research. Amazed how right wing trolls seem to be incapable of crasping fact and reference. Do they teach this in Canada Kend? Do you ever have a fact or reference to your points? That is what makes an opinion writer. Not just posting what comes out of your asshole. Simple research. Just 1 of many.

    The real problem is the 0.1%. The ones that dropping a billion into an election is like me donating a $100. Just the other night they showed Rupert Murdochs home in CA being threaten by fire. They said it was worth $39 million. They did save it. But when you are worth $80 billion that property is nothing but pocket change. These people are so rich that they cannot conceive of the way that anyone else thinks. They donate so much that they now have total control.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Kend, were talking about billionaires controlling the government. Millionaires are just willing participants going along for the ride. What could it matter what I quantify as rich? Believe me, I'm not a millionaire. But I have no debt and I have a good deal of cash and a variety of other desirable assets, and I'm richer than I ever thought I'd be. Believe it or not! As I said before; rich enough to live out my life comfortably, at least until Trump came along and everything became a crap-shoot.

    At 71, there is a good chance that I can slide along before the ultimate shit hits the fan. But uncertainty has definitely clouded the picture and if anyone thinks that the rich are going to invest beyond reasonable limits while there is this unstable, delusional president in power, then buy my toll gate on the Penn. turnpike.

    Economics 101. Supply and demand. There will be relatively little extraordinary investment beyond reasonable or actual demand, pure and simple. No matter how much extra money you give the filthy rich, they will not feel the urge to return it to the economy on extravagant excess, unless they think that they are guaranteed a profit. This bullshit of "build it and they will come," aka, "trickle down economics," is pure fantasy that only exists in Hollywood. They will not invest in ventures that there is little or no demand for and as a result, will not expand the economy unless they are assured that there is a demand for the product insuring them a profit.

    They will invest in research, regardless of any tax benefit , because they know that innovation is the mother of invention, resulting in products that there is actually a market for and that they can actually profit from, wether there is a tax benefit or not. Because, if they don't, someone else will. That is what competition is all about.

    So, even if they don't have some incredible tax benefit to encourage them to explore new innovations. They will be compelled to do so to stay ahead of the game.

    If this tax bill goes through, my advice is: buy gold!

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Stopgap you didn't answer my question. Is it 100 thousand or 100 million or somewhere in between.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Close enough.

    Kind of like Rubio derailed obamacare

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Kend, since we have no way of verifying your wealth or lack of it, your point about the wealthy regarding Social Security or Medicare cannot be considered valid. For all we know, you may think you are Napoleon too.

    Again and again it has been said here a million times; to insure the longevity of the Social Security trust, all that would have to be done is to at least raise the earnings cap that is paid into Social Security from about 117,000 currently, to say 250,000 or so. That is by far the easiest and most feasible way to solve the Social Security problem. And it could be done immediately. If it was raised to a million or so, we would never have to worry about it at all.

    A sure sign of the rightwing's desperation is Diane "Pussy Hat" Chelsea Clinton Reynolds' reaching back into the old Republican bullshit lie bag and pulling out one of their old tried and false myths about Gore claiming that he invented the internet. However, I guess if you believe a pathological liar like Trump, why wouldn't you believe all the other Fox News and rightwing think tank lies.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Well said Kend.

    "rich" to the leftie/socialist crowd is anybody with more money then themselves and "tax the rich" is their mantra but only until it invades their own tax bracket.

    BTW, after last weeks net neutrality kerfuffle, it is a nice surprise to see Al Gore's invention is still up and operational.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Stopgap. I respectfully disagree. The "wealthy" which I guess I am. Do not want to touch Social Security or Medicare. Actually we would like to increase it. The problem is it is not substantial at the rate we are going. Our population is aging, living longer and the medical advances that make that possible are extremely costly. So how can we maintain even what we have. The problem is people like me are not going to invest or spend our wealth if the return after tax is minimal. Why would we we have a great life now. So for the last eight years the fifty rich sat on their wallets waiting for a government who they believe would put in some ridiculous tax to pay for their spending problems. I know that sounds bad but it is the reality. I wouldn't be to worried about the debt as soon as this tax cut is passed the Republicans are going to go on a massive spending cut so it will balance. They just can't say it now.

    By the way what do you consider rich or wealthy. Million or millions.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    The thing that should make any voter skeptical about the Trump "Christmas gift to the middle class" - "tax reform bill" is the hard sell that Trump and his fellow Republicans are using to push this ugly monstrosity through.

    Just like Bush when he began selling the need to invade Iraq, the hard sell was relentless. No matter how many debunked lies piled up to the contrary of Bush's case to invade Iraq, the hard sell became more and more strident. As Bush himself said, "the message needs to be repeated over and over to catapult the propaganda."

    Good things usually sell themselves, but rotten turkeys need the hard sell to make the unreal real, the wrong right, the lies facts, the experts uncredible, propaganda truth.

    Anyone who believes this tax bill is for the benefit of anyone other than the richest of the rich, I have a choice toll booth on the prestigious Pennsylvania Turnpike, I'd like to sell you. In no time at all you should become richer than your wildest dreams. Imagine the steady income, day after day, week after week, year after year, just from owning this one property…never have to work again. I've made a fortune from this asset, but now it's time for me to pass it on to some other lucky , enterprising individual. No reasonable offer refused.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Less than 11 months to vote as many Republican Congressmen and Senators out as possible.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Legend and stopgap are spot on wiith their comments, just too bad the general populous doesn't get this same info/truth via our much needed fourth branch of government.

    Case in point: This AM Chuck Todd let George Will lie to millions when he stated that the effective corp tax rate is currently at 28%...fact check, the OCED charts shows it at18.6%, which is below the 21% rate proposed in the tax scam bill, thus no new business stimulus will be generated from this fake tax cut ....just further evidence that this is all a scam to increase the deficit in order to go after the social security, medicaid, and medicare programs.

    In fact on the same Meet the Republicans show, Kochpublican John Kasich admitted "everyone knows this tax bill won't reduce the deficit , so we're going to have to concentrate on savings now," or something very close to those words. Well I guess almost everyone on this site knows what that means....Paul Ryan calls it entitlement reform, Tom Reed calls it fixing social security, etc. This is really all about transferring the trillions in the social security trust fund over to the fascist bankers and ending Medicaid and Medicare...but don't worry, Kochbaggers are convinced your local church and charities will take care of you.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Actually, I give the deficit hawks about 6 months after the ink is dry to emerge. Given the current unpopularity of this "tax reform" bill, it would be too much for the majority of Americans to swallow the immediate need for deficit reduction after being sold the promises of sweeping economic growth resulting from this action. And even his sycophantic base is starting to show cracks and after all the 2018 elections are right around the corner.

    No, better to wait 6 months or so while the public's attention span loses focus and the propaganda machines can do their work. Then as the failings of the new "tax reform" begin to sink in, then the need for deficit reduction could be more easily sold to the American public as the next logical step in Trump's guarantee to "Make America Great Again." Not to mention fulfilling a major campaign promise of Trump and his fellow Republicans.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago
  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Yes Kend, as always, you are a bit confused. If fact you are more than a bit confused. You are very confused in your Hooverish appraisal of the economy and state of the Union.

    But it begs to question, if everything is going so swimmingly as you say, then why would you want to fuck it up by gambling on this "trickle down" gimmick…the biggest, so called "tax reform" ever? If everything is going so well? Why change horses in midstream?

    But of course, the billionaire oligarchs cannot stand the fact that there are trillions of dollars in the Social Security and Medicare trusts that they cannot get their hands on. It no doubt, eats at them every second of every day. Like the bank robbers they are, they cannot stand the idea that there is this money there that is not in their pockets, where they believe it belongs! After all, God made them rich and God wants them to be richer. Wouldn't it be immoral and anti-American to think otherwise? There is no end to their ability to convince themselves that this money belongs to them and not to the people that put it there.

    They somehow assume that their wealth was given to them by divine intervention…in a vacuum...without any help or obligation to anything or anyone else. Least of all, the great unwashed masses.

    Of course, this is not the first time they have tried to raid the treasury and bankrupt the country for the purpose of gaining complete control over the wealth of the nation. It started with the "Voodoo Economics" of Reagan, then again with the Bush's. But now they believe this is their best opportunity. They are literally licking their lips and foaming at the mouth in anticipation of the great windfall…the great "sucking sound" of money gushing into their bank accounts as the middle-class and poor are left more and more to fend for themselves.

    Much of the nation seems mesmerized by their prophet Trump. There is nothing he can do or say…no lies…no hypocrisies to great, that can dissuade them from their adoration of Trump. They can easily ignore his obvious transgressions and his total ignorance of all things presidential, his myriad of lies, his endless contradictions, his embarrassing lack of diplomacy, his total lack of knowledge of foreign policy. In fact, they believe Trump can do no wrong or say no wrong. The cruder and more unbalanced he seems, this they interpret as desirable and the new normal, even though it flies in the face of everything that thousands of years of societal evolution, progress and enlightenment have brought to us in the forming of our constitutional government. To them, he is perfect in every way, and to say otherwise is blasphemy.

    So, the greedy power hungry oligarchs watched as Trump descended from his heavenly perch, via the Trump Tower escalator, as the selfish, ignorant bigots bowed and scraped and groveled at his feet, and they said to themselves "now is the time."

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Trump is just another step along the way on the course that was first set by Reagan, when the US began shipping out jobs. Democrats ended actual welfare aid in the 1990s. We lost over 5 million manufacturing jobs alone since 2000. Ever wonder what happens to those who are phased out of the job market? Nothing to worry about, until you become jobless.

    Overall, the US itself has slowly been transitioning into just another third world labor state that discards those who aren't of current use to employers. Again, no problem, until it's your turn to go.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Every step of the way since the 1990s, it is Democrats that have been dismantling the New Deal/Great Society. Reportedly, Dems agreed to slash or end Medicaid in 2018, the program that current liberals disregard. The elderly poor and the disabled rely on dual benefits, Medicare/Medicaid, with Medicaid covering essential prescriptions, etc. Targeting Medicaid ensures a falling number of elderly poor and disabled. This is not a surprise. Note that in 2015, Democrats agreed to slash food stamp bemnefits to the same group, from $115 per month down to $10. Did you hear the liberal outrage? Right, neither did I.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Well once again I am a little confused. What is it that is so scary? The booming economy, record low unemployment rates, investor confidence at a all time high, rising wages for the first time in decades, lower taxes. Lighten up. It's not so bad. Ya Trump says the stupidest things you have ever heard from a president but he is getting gray haired white guys to invest again. That is good for everyone.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    You cut taxes and lower interest rate when a recession starts to stimulate the economy. The Economy is booming with low unemployment and Bull Market. Interest rates cannot go to much lower and how can you cut more taxes If the economy turns, and it will. This will only make a recession worse and make it longer to recover from. A repeat of the Bush 2007 Depression. If you gave the middle class and poor a tax cut, increased minimum wage dramatically then money would be spent to stimulate the economy. As it is the 1% are just going to stash more money. Corporations will buy back more stock. All proven before.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Let us not forget that the billionaires and corps behind the fascist tax scam are already awash in more surplus billions than they know what to do with..... We all need to continue to call attention to the big lie that they'll actually do something to stimulate the economy with the theft of more billions.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 42 weeks ago

    Cut tax ? Less revenue. Less revenue, more deficit. More deficit ? Cut spending. Cut spending? Infrastructure decays, poverty increases. and military strength diminishes. Solution ? More deficit. More deficit ? Cut spending ? Infrastructure decays, poverty increases, military strength diminishes. Solution ? More deficit ? More deficit ? A bankrupt casino !

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