Recent comments

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Nobody needs to "belittle you. Your profile picture does a really good job of that all on its own...

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Thom, I found this interview by Bill Moyers to be very interesting. The playwright, Ayad Akhtar, discusses how we have monetized everything we do, how we no longer have a society but instead a marketplace.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    @16 Legend:

    How's that resistance working out for you? Nothing from you washed up lefties but complaints that those with more than you ( which is everyone else in the country) are getting more than you. What do you expect. You call everyone names, cuss us, try too belittle us and where suppose to smile and take care of you. Paybacks are a bitch :):)

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Tax reform, passed. Commence the hyperventilating....

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Georgia; color: #444444; -webkit-text-stroke: #444444}
    span.s1 {font-kerning: none}

    Republican tax bill is the crime of the century. Self dealing, extortion, racketeering, rampant corruption and pretext to destroy American middle class and pillage planet earth.When does corrupt self dealing pretext legislation acquire mens rea to become indictable as a felony?

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Providing tax incentive at the same time you deregulate industry ?

    Rather than promote integrity , greed is incentivized.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago


    Rick Steves,

    As usual you missed the entire point of my post. Go back to fretting over anyone who has more money than you.

    Merry Christmas,

    and thank you Al Gore

  • How Net Neutrality Can Still Win!   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Rick Steves, Thanks, I just did.

  • How Net Neutrality Can Still Win!   6 years 41 weeks ago
  • What happens in a musician's brain when they play a song?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    I think that creative people(like case study writer) much more smarter and often they look different from other people not because they want to show something, but why it's manifestation of the inner world.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Diane and OU812 I have a bridge that I have for sale. Interested?

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    What we really need to know is when the economy hits the big wall again created by the GOP and their henchmen. Prepping for the next depression is paramount in our mind. We though Bush/Cheney had killed the golden goose that propped them up but despite no help Obama managed to get it up and eating again.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    @13 Diane:

    You've nailed it. Even the left leaning NY Times says the tax bill ( soon to be tax law) will benefit 75% of Americans. It's hard for the washed up lefties to argue their abstract and just plain weird theories, when citizens are receiving larger tax refunds.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    If the Republican tax bill is really the horror story the malcontent lefties are declaring it to be, why the hell would they spend all the thousands of hours screeching and squawking like angry howler monkeys. I would think it would be more prudent to shut their pie hole and let this piece of legislation destroy the Republican majorities in congress come election time.


    Is the Democrat party is scared shitless the Republican tax bill will prove to be popular?

    Quiet logic has never been a leftie/socialist trait.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Election Day would be the best day for a protest against

  • How Net Neutrality Can Still Win!   6 years 41 weeks ago

    I woke up this morning and this post proves Al Gores invention is still up and running.

    Merry Christmas

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Democrats don't want to win this. However, they do want to look like they're trying. Thom's perspective on what's going on would provide overwhelming ammunition to wage a serious battle. And yet, everyone focuses on what is, and not on what's to be. Speculation is Trump's greatest weapon, and no one seems willing to fight fire with fire.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Greed and lies. And arrogance.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Greed is their downfall.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    How come no one says anything about voting these people out? Even the Republicans have had it with these clowns..

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Where is the Leader?

    Said this before

    There will be no action without a Leader

    Every revolution that occurred throughout history had a leader... always!

    I don't think we have such a person at this point

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Polls indicate the tax scam overreach is severe, only about 30% are in favor of it. I'm willing to bet that same 30% has no idea Ryan and McConnell are about to use the massive revenue loss, "transfer to billionaires," as justification to cut their Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. Actually PAYGO will be a default start for their savage assault. The Kochs are about to get their Libertarian/Fascist wet dream come true with this bill.....Old Geezer Scrooge Nuts on anabolic steroids.

    Here's a good example of that same 30%: Obama was at a town hall reading a woman's question/comment, went like this... "I don't want stinking government- run healthcare. I don't want socialized medicine, and don't touch my Medicare." Hey Legend, do you think that woman was Diane, or maybe Bachmann? LMAO

    My point is, the Kochbagger Party is in big trouble with this overreach, even foxaganda won't be able to shift the blame away from the party in control of all branches right now. The 30% will finally know what suckers they have been...most of them anyway.

    I wonder if when Sheep's Clothing Collins, Kochboy Ryan, Anti-american McConnell, Kickback Corker, and the rest of the Koch Party sidewinders go to bed on Christmas Eve..they all pray for forgiveness?

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    So; we're done? Even without a fight? Paper houses they reside in, even if it is a gated community which is where most stay. But I'd hazzard a guess that most all have bunkers. Should that be the situation that your survival was dependant; they would become "Rats in a barrell" of sorts wouldnt they? Find the (well); I'll quit now...... Ventallation too!

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Nope, There are still way too many brainwashed idiots out there. Dianereynolds and )U812 are examples. The mainstream media is way to right. Just the other day I heard that a local TV station is being bought by Sinclair Broadcasting, an ultra right wing broadcaster.

    They now have, with this tax cut a lot more to spend and they expect a huge amount on their Return On Investment (ROI). Oligarchy, Fascism pick your choice. The normal person is screwed.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Yep; they just keep on keeping on, the "goading" to try to get some violent response from progressives. All their "blinded" sympathizers/supporters (hard right "Shira-christian" fundamentalist that most have their own Madrasa's in the name of Christian schools) are so fervently wishing for Armaggedon they aren't even looking at what the tax scam is going to do to them. The Republik cons are banking on using martial law to unleash their shira-christian soldiers on us, if and when something does happen. They are already preaching this civil war crap on right wing outlets. Guess we will have to use lamb's blood to mark our doors with a big T for Trump; to get passed over......What fools. The Pied Piper is leading them off the cliff!

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