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  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    It's never about making people's life easier, less complicated, more joyful, or pleasant. It 's the never-ending scheming of making money and making people miserable.. I'm almost convinced of this hatred of people who are lesser financially endowed.. Seems so sad, life has to be this way, the whole world is ends up being one big jail with endless toil.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    With considerable help from the Republicans on the US Supreme Court, our Republican politicians have essentially converted our government from a democratic republic into an autocratic kleptocracy!

  • Should Senator Al Franken Have Resigned?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    This is a case of two standards - one for GOP people - one for DEMS. Imagine this way and draw your conclusion. #1 assume there is a fight between the parties - and won worth winning. # so one fighter brings a knife and the other a gun. It's NOT a fair fight, is it? That's what Franken quitting is REALLY like. So yes, I guess some can say how can DEMS claim high moral ground if they allow him to stay. You know what I say? I don't think Moore or even Trump was disqualified for being a person who takes advantage of smaller creatures, which women are by nature. They are disqualified for WHO THEY ARE on ISSUES that affect us TODAY! And on that, there is NO ONE BETTER than FRANKEN. These transgressions are hormone driven. Moore was no longer a threat to little girls was he - at 70? No one's going to Trump that way either. They are PAST that stage of life. So YES. Franken, READ THIS. And then get fellow DEMS to read it. Because we will need you in 2018. And one more thing. If you do go and DONT stay in the game from the sidelines - or from another postion - then you really are QUITTING, and then maybe we dont need you. We dont need quitters in 2018. They are going to make it hard. The ONLY good quality Trump has - he does not quit.

  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Will do, Christopher. Thanks for that!

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    In view of all the extensive historical evidence, we must assume that the fascists in power, albeit corrupt as hell, are not stupid. They know fully well where their legislation will lead, but are cynical enough not to care as long as they get theirs. Besides, the ultra wealthy donor class never suffers like the rest of us during a downturn, and their fruit-fly politicians coming and going will always land cushy consultant jobs once their pissed-off constituents vote the bums out. Life is good either way ...for those responsible and unaccountable who live the life of Medieval nobility. Not so much for the expendable proletariat.

    Here's one way to revolt: cheat on your taxes just like the big boys do with their high-paid accountants and attorneys. And since the Republican budget will naturally call for slashing IRS funding, statistically there won't be the resources to catch you.

    Screw good faith and patriotism! Starve the beast! Trump, McTurtle, Ryan, and the Koch machine have shown us the way.

    But damn, then how will we pay for all the Evil Empire's foreign wars?

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    #31 - All these banks raising miserly salaries to $15 per hour and dishing $1000 Xmas bonuses

    This is mean compared to the $22 trillion we bailed them for in 2008 (1)

    As for AT&T... likely buying influence for the abolition of net neutrality (2)

    And, making all look good for their poster boy

    Whilst bilking the simple minded



  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Yup, deregulated banks taking care of their own as their consolidated power over the economy increases by leaps and bounds. We witnessed the same exact thing in the 2000s. And where did this Dark Age dynamic of more and more wealth concentrated in fewer and fewer hands ultimately lead?

    Get your nose out of the criminal banksters' asses for once and study the unvarnished history of how exactly the Republican Great Recession of 2008 transpired. There are many unbiased and comprehensive studies on the subject. The real economy is much wider and deeper and more complex than the "Great Bubble Machine" created by unregulated Wall Street investors; nevertheless, the unconscionable actions of the few and the greedy have an outsized ability to tank the entire world economy, as we have all witnessed. In virtually every instance, Republicans with their fascist tendencies were at the helm -- a clearcut case where correlation does equal causation.

    So, unless God has miraculously changed the dark hearts of the selfish and the greedy, how is it any different today? No matter what they say, their actions will speak louder. Republican platform issues can be boiled down to two primary, almost religious tenets: deregulation of monopolistic industries; permanent, massive, unrealistic tax cuts for the top percentiles, while the unwashed masses are placated with spare change -- a dollar gained in tax cuts and five dollars lost in benefits cuts and deficit spending pushed off to our children's future, not to mention the trillions lost to environmental destruction and infrastructure degradation.

    Yet you rejoice ...while Jesus weeps. Merry Christmas.

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Yes we do; 2950-10K. Just stop consuming except for sustinance. No newest phone, etc......and grow a garden this spring.

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    The Koch Brothers think their wealth equals immortality. They, just like all of us, are only a blink of the eye when considering the planet is already 4.54 billion years old. The problem is, their blink is at the same time as ours.... why do we allow a handful of people like them make our blink experience so miserable???? We have the power to stop them anytime we your history.

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    deepspace: The Fascists have rigged our economy for a collaspe that will be extremely hard to recover from. They've cut taxes for the billionaires during a time when those same elites are already awash in what Thom calls "morbid wealth" and income. This along with historically low fed rates and an inflated 1929 type stock market is a recipe for a Great Depression. The Fed will be powerless to stimulate because there is no room to drop rates ......and how do you raise taxes during an economic collapse?

    In fact I believe the tax bill scam got rammed through totally because of the stock market...collapse would have been instant otherwise. The Kochbaggers just bought a little more time and distance from inevitable blame when the wheels come off.

    I've noticed the corpse media is finally telling the truth about the plan after the fact, they didn't want to end the 1929 fraud either....again it had to pass or the house of cards market would have collapsed.

    Is it all part of a plan to kill representative democracy via desperation and chaos?

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    You ask what I think. I think it is incorrect and misleading to characterize the Koch Bros. motivation for opposing a public project like municipal broadband as having anything to do emotions like "hate". Those guys are libertarian capitalists and they oppose, in principle, any expansion of government or public ownership. They are striving to reduce the role of government as much as possible. They believe everything should be in private hands. They are also quite greedy. They have the resources to pursue a program of killing government and promoting capitalism in every societal institution.

    People need to know that they should oppose the Kochs and their ilk because they are extremely dangerous to democracy, not because they hate stuff.

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Bachmann: Westminster is about 100% Kochpublican?? That explains why your community thinks two monopoly capitalist corps. constitutes competition.

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    I agree with all you said here deepspace. What really perplexes me though is the "love fest " at the white house today with apparently all republicans. That almost made me throw up! Add the defence from some rep's on news reports and the all out assault on Mueller because of texts some FBI agent sent. There is nothing so far that was texted that comes close to what the republicans were saying about him (whom I don't speak his name) a year ago. Alarmingly; I am now thinking that the RNC was compromised as well by the Russian coup. Why else would any breathing/cognisant human being get on Fox views and defend this administration and try and trash the FBI? I hope I am terribly incorrect but; occams razor! Why else? Appears the tentacles went much farther than the whitehouse........

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Our town, Westminster, MD is installing a fiber optic infrastructure system. It's over 50% complete. Speeds are 1gig up and down. Comcast and Verizon are the two incumbent suppliers. Comcasts response to our Fiber optic project is to install wireless internet terminals at strategic locations throughout the area. High speed internet is available to Comcast customers anywhere in the area via WiFi.

    The citizens of Westminster are the winners. We have two excellent high speed ISP's from which to choose. (Verizon uses DSL and is pretty much out of the running). Ain't competition great.

    By the way Westminster is about 100% Republican. Rather than bitch and complain about how unfair through ISP'S are. We went to work and fixed it.

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    The American people and the rest of the world are still reeling from the decisions made in the 2000s by the "Decider," an Air National Guard deserter. "The village idiot" of course had burned his brain out on alcohol and cocaine, but he still looks like a Mensa man compared to the seed of a simian flinging feces at innocent passersby from today's "offal" office.

    If this charade continues unimpeded, thanks to the orange baboon's fellow subhuman cohorts in Congress, what will this failing democracy be like in another 18 years? Who here really believes it will be "great again?" The pie-in-the-sky economic paradise Republican propagandists are trying to sell us? The land of freedom and liberty and prosperity for the common folk who are not millionaires and billionaires?


  • Take It From A Republican, Deficit Hawks Will Emerge Once The Ink Is Dry On The Tax Cut   6 years 41 weeks ago

    A New Day of Infamy!

    December 20th 2017 has now become a NEW DAY OF INFAMY when our “Satanically inspired” Republicans in both Houses of Congress dishonestly and greedily voted to enable Donald Trump to sign into law a tax reform that amounts to a DEATH WARRANT for hundreds of thousands of American men, women, children, babies, and fetuses (by denying them healthcare) in order to FURTHER ENRICH THEMSELVES as well as further enriching their already wealthy sponsors.

    We should establish a new memorial in Washington DC featuring the names, dates of birth and death, uninsured cause of death, and the Congressional district of their victims in this regard. In the meantime, we should establish and widely publicize a website that lists that information for the next ten years at least. We need to hold them publically responsible for the easily predictable consequences of their deadly actions.

    When it comes to killing Americans, Donald Trump and our Republicans in Congress are proving to be FAR more deadly than ISIS, El Qaeda, and the Taliban combined (and FAR deadlier than the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor)!

    PS: It is also important to note that our nation’s highest GDP growth rates occurred during World War II and the 1950s when the top income tax rate was 90% which along with considerable deficit spending enabled our government to win World War II and to create our nationwide interstate highway system. Most of our wealthy Americans did just fine during those years.

    Feel free to publish this or to use these points in your own articles and speeches.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago mean Bachmann has a socialist job way..LMAO

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Diane and Bachmann: Do you two really live in a locked closet with foxaganda as your only stimuli? Ask a Kansassastan citizen about how well they think this revenue transfer to billionaires bill will work out. We've seen this movie before and that's why I for one don't want to see it again. That said, I'm also certain this is the beginning of the end for your Kochbagger Party , even if they go Putin on us.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    ...And she/he brags about being a public school teacher. Scary for the students. :)---

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    OU812 #21

    Maybe you should grammar check your comments?!? Where... Or did you mean we're? Too... Or did you mean to? Hmmm, if "where" ever "too" take you serious! Just another fox propaganda troll...

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Meanwhile countries like South Korea consider internet to be part of the infrastructure and want the best infrastructure for its citizens. It is an infrastructure of education, Banking, finance, etc.

  • Should Senator Al Franken Have Resigned?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Franken was in the entertainment biz, and the women pretty much know what to expect, or they should have quit the skit or show. They were not forced to participate in the scripts.

    No Franken don’t quit, America needs you badly.

    Is there a nation petition to convince him to not quit but fight for us all, including women?

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    #21 OU812. Quote "You call everyone names, cuss us, try too belittle us and where suppose to smile and take care of you."

    Care to show me any of that? Totally false posting.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Diane Chelsea Clinton Reynolds in post #13 has once more revealed a shallow mind out of its depth. She puts party over country and therefore assumes everyone else must do the same. This she calls "prudent."

    She also assumes that the majority of Americans are as susceptible to Republicans' twisted truths and outright lies as their minority base and that their latest tax/spending scam, which by all measures -- according to every nonpartisan analysis -- redistributes trillions of dollars over a ten-year period from the poor and middle-class to the greediest of the greedy, will somehow "prove to be popular."

    If the last Republican deficit-busting tax giveaway to their wealthy donors during the Dubya Bush age of enlightenment is any indication, which led directly to the Great Republican Recession, as greed-mongers poured their undeserved windfalls into the unregulated shadow banking system -- a wild-west casino using OPM (other people's money) -- rather than investing back into the real economy, this repeat of the same folly will be about as popular as bleeding hemorrhoids. So far, the latest polling averages prove it's only popular with less than 30% of Americans -- the same corporate-news junkies tricked into voting for the Trump clown show.

    Similarly, Michele Bachmann, knobbing her/his phallic symbol, is still pleading to be taken seriously. A few threads ago or so, she/he even had the audacity to congratulate HotCoffee for getting though one of her own anti-Democratic Party screeds without gratuitous name-calling. And then there's post #'s 14, 21, and 24 above, which are absolutely typical of his/her schoolyard taunts coupled to skimpy posts lacking credibility and substance.

    "Have you no sense of decency?"

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    @23 lisse:

    I see. I bet you judge people by skin color too.

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