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  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Barking mad!!!

    Definition of insanity "Doing the same things over and over again expecting different results" Albert Einstein

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
    Read more at: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    #35 - Small beans against the 22 trillion bailout 2008... paid by us!

  • Should Senator Al Franken Have Resigned?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Franken needs to reverse his decision...the fight for our democracy is far bigger than the PG rated activity he "may" have been involved in. I was hoping that when he had his media moment and the nations attention, instead of resigning, he would have used the moment to put the spotlight on the pussy grabber by speaking about Trump's admitted immoral activity.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Buy gun... have deep joy... have orgasm

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    It begs the question, are Trump trolls celebrating Christ this season or the troll responsible for his capture? After all, Judas sold his soul for thirty pieces of silver too.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Thom just stated some facts surrounding our 20th and early 21st century economic history. Conversely the Kochpublican Party leaders have totally ignored these economic facts and trumpet their own fairy tale trickle down lies in defense of the massive transfer of wealth from people who work, to those who don't work, the extremely rich, .. ...and the corpse media lets them get away with their god damn lies.

    For example, why is the media repeating over and over that Trump is keeping a campaign promise with his tax scam? Yeah right, he told voters that he was going to run the debt up by trillions in order to give those who already have billions, more billions. The corpse media even calls this an achievement..LOL

    Anyway, for those gullible foxaganda drinkers like Diane and Bachmann, I've got news for them. Their health insurance will soon skyrocket as well as their state and property taxes, or maybe Bachmann will get laid off from her Public Employee job, can't have it both ways ...good luck with coming out ahead.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago
  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago're really pathetic and have a lot of nerve posting the crap you do on Thom's blog. Take about stupid! Post something with substance and prove to me you're not a complete foxmerized fool.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Thanks Thom....
    This narrative needs to be ACTIVELY, DAILY voiced by Progressives and Democrats from today on.... The Republicans must be publically called out on their cynical willingness to manipulate the economy and the very lives and meagre treasure of ordinary Americans in order to become electable in the future. Who would have imagined Tea-Party Republicans being so eager to add $1.4T unnecessarily to the national debt...this after their crucifixion of Obama for his increase of the debt in response to an actual economic crisis? Hypocrites all.

    With this tax bill we are being set up to repeat the experience. A crashed economy is easily within the long-game plan of Ryan and his ilk.... blame the crash and debt on Democrats and social services like Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid etc... then repeal them.... political cynicism at its worst; a "tax plan" that is immoral and unethical by design.

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    @20 & 21 I don't waste my time talking to stupid people.

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    I notice Bachmann and Diane never talk about meaningful issues, they avoid all that is related to their Kochbagger Party legislation .....are they ashamed? Merry Christmas? Really? Tell that to those who have a grasp on reality.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    During the Great Republican Depression of 1929 my parents, who lived in San Francisco, were hit hard. They were married in 1930 and In 1935 my father got a WPA job drilling holes in Acorns. In the 1930's people used curtains made of Acorns. Other people painted muras on the interior walls of Coit Tower, a local attraction. My father worked for a time before that for my grandfather in his auto shop. Then in 1939 he obtained a job with the Postal Service as a "speedy" working nights delivering Special Delivery letters. Times were tough. My brother was born in 1933 and myself in 1936. Things improved a lot when my father got the post office job which later turned into a regular mail carrier job. Because universities were free, my brother and I both attended UC Berkeley which had no tuition. We could not have gone to college if there was tuition. My first job was with the National Park Service in Yosemite National Park. The WPA built all those rock walls along the highways, they also built trails and bridges and the park service buildings. This was true of most national parks in the west. Contractors built the highways in the parks. Then along came Saint Raygun and screwed the pooch..

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Bachmann: Are you really sucking off the taxpayer's tit as a public employee while simultaneously posting mind numbing alt reality crap??? So you make your living as a Socialist, but claim to be a, keep government out of my way, Koch idiot? I'm sure in your foxmerized little mind you see no hypocrisy with this. Why don't you live up to your rhetoric and beg for a job at Walmart?'s citizens like you that have brought this country to the hell we're in....and you're still clueless.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Thom, you're wasting your breath. The electorate of this country has been so dumbed down by lack of fundamental education, the corporate media and mental sloth in the form of identity politics and religion that no amount of bellowing about the trickle down scam trademarked by the Republicans (but practiced equally by the Democrats) will make any kind of difference. This bovine population will only turn back on its tormentors when driven into a box canyon. And the ruling elite class is smart enough to avoid that outcome. Can you say "mooooo"?

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    man, Tom, you hit it with this article. this is the direction to follow in the middle of a recession. you rock!

    only thing different now, though, is that the stock market is rolling along at such a spate that no one cares about the possibility of something bad happening in the future. we want to live in the present. oooooopps!

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago


    Us and them.
    And after all we're only ordinary men (and women).
    Black and blue.
    And who knows which is which and who is who.
    Up and down.
    And in the end its only round and round.
    Down and out.
    It cant be helped that there's a lot of it about.
    And who'll deny its what the fighting is all about...

    Im really not angry.. Just sad that we've all done this to ourselves.
    There really is no us and them...
    Theres just all of us!

    Happy holidays.
    And salad days.
    And days of moldy mayonnaise...

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    @18 Lisse :

    You did say please, do I'll give you a partial answer. It's an inside joke for the sane among us. Attend some anger management classes and get over the better than you attitude and I'll let you in on the joke.

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    What is the real Christmas? This secular, agnostic, jewish carpeter has been pondering this question for 58 years. Could you please get that Kosher dog out of your mouth and explain the "real" meaning to me...Please!

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    @13 Diane :

    We won't have to tweak these crazies for a few months just sit back and enjoy. Merry Christmas for the real Christmas.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago
  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago
  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago
  • Should Senator Al Franken Have Resigned?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Franken like Reagan .. Trump et al should stay in the "entertainment" business.. say that is what Government is isn't it? In fact, US Congress is the largest "whore house" on earth. Elected officials are just "whores" mostly... not really dedicated casuists... Franken is like Joe Biden... just a smiley face of insincerity. We all seek the impossible: honest politicians with integrity. As a life-long Democrat, Franke was at the top of my "fecal roster" when he admitted he was openly in it for the money.. job benefits... celebrity status. While I working as a senior level professional for IRS at DC headquarters, I learned this axiom: "How do you know when a politician is lying?" His/her lips are moving. Franken was/is no different. he can now be placed on the "dung heap" of useless politicians. Like Biden.

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    The good news,

    It's still up and running and malcontent leftie/socialists continue to provide their daily Christmas humor to the sane among us.

    The bad news,

    It's still up and running.

  • Do The Koch Bros Hate Everything That's Good For America?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    deepspace,Oldskold: I'm on board with your battle tactics...already cut and burn my own firewood, have solar, fruit trees etc....anything I can do to fight back. Regarding deepspace's comment. My lawyer has told me the IRS can't even figure out their own tax code and he wasn't joking..just saying.

    BTW: The tax bill is violent....meaning it will kill people, just in a more discrete manner than bloody warfare. Why do protesters face 70 years in jail for breaking a window, yet fascists and their servants like Senator Collins are allowed to get away with indirect murder????...not to mention all the domestic misery and violence their legislation will foment.

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