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  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago


    BTW... This "so called" lefty, socialist. Grew up on a farm in rural southern Wisconsin. Ive been growing a large vegetable garden for most of my life I've been an avid hunter since a young teen. Bow, muzzleload, and modern firearms.... I avidly hunt big and small game.

    Oh my... Does that go against your Fox - Breitbart stereotype of all us so called lefty socialists!

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    jefflisse is relatively new here and does not know that with Diane Leftie/Socialist is as original as it gets.

  • How Net Neutrality Can Still Win!   6 years 41 weeks ago
  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago


    If it's not, nuclear war, the Russians, net neutrality, melting ice, ISIS, it's too hot, it's too cold, hurricanes, tornados, cow farts, air pollution, tsunami's, overpopulation, floods, choking dolphins, the Koch brothers, parrot fever, Melaina's shoe choice, Donald's hair,

    but #1 on the list,

    wearing far too many tin foil hats.

    Shit happens,

    Learn to hunt and take care of yourself.

  • Unequal... and we don't even know it...   6 years 41 weeks ago
  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    The "Merchant Prince's".... To quote Machiavelli.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago


    Lefty? Socialist? No, lm a realist. There is hundreds and hundreds (I've heard/read different figures... exact amount?) of trillions of this "faux money debt" thats spinning around the stratosphere of this tiny planet! Way more than the total GDP of every country combined... Way more than enough debt to bring down the whole world financialy.Now, thats reality!! And it has nothing to do with left or right... Socialist, Capitalist, or Fascist! Its the insane politics and religion of greed and power that is in the hands of a very few psychopaths...

  • Unequal... and we don't even know it...   6 years 41 weeks ago
  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago

    @38 Rick Steves,

    Cool. Company's that can't manage their business will not continue to be in business. Others are hiring. It's called the market.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Do you have a reference Kilo? Here is one.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Interesting how Thom Hartmann selectively picks an event in history and then attempts to find something that will support his hatred or love for what caused that particular event.

    One question for all you malcontent leftie/socialists. If the rich (defined as anybody that has more money than you) are in control, things are rolling along at a strong pace, and they are in fact getting more wealthy, why the hell would they want to crash the economy? Your "logic" is bullshit and even the dimmest of you ought to be able to figure that out.

    Learn people, that there have always been economic cycles and world markets will respond accordingly. Few, if any, can be blamed on one singular event as the cause.

    Just don't pretend to be an accurate prognosticator of these cycles as you all can see clearly is a yuge mistake.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    I joke on the "golden parachutes"... Though, maybe there is some truth to that! "Chuckling"... But, what we gave was the proverbial "drop in the bucket" in the 08 "bailout".

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Odd isn't it that not one of those passages in the scripture says that government should do those things. Just as Christian conservatives give more and do more for the sick and poor than any liberal group(s) do. Liberals want to give money to the government and then throw up their hands and say "see, we did all we could".

    Here's a quote for you deepspace:

    "The devil can quote scripture for his own purpose" William Shakespeare


  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    The 700 billion that we (the taxpayer) gave for the supposed bailout of 08, was used for all the golden parachutes of the "to big to fail " CEOs... Its absolutely insane! And they're doing the same crap again on steroids!!

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Yep. The giant crash (bust) is just ahead of us. Its not even around the corner... The crash of 08 was saved by the "merchant princes" who own the federal reserve. To the tune of tens and tens of trillions of dollars (in the form of digital zeros and ones, not even worthless paper money) that they injected into computers of these " to big to fail" financial banks all over the planet... That trick wont work this time, because all those banks are still flush with all the "digital" money from ten years ago...

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    They only use religion when it is in their favor.

  • How Net Neutrality Can Still Win!   6 years 41 weeks ago

    I am trying to find the app, Thom recommended to use to see how our ISP will block/slow content. It was mention in the show on December 21, I think.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago


  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    stopgap. Extremely important point! Fascists must be held accountable at every level in every instance; otherwise, they'll only increase their power over the rest of us. That hard reality has slapped us upside our stupid heads repeatedly.

    Great comments all to a great blog!

    2950-10K. Absolutely! The corpse media may not be the original perpetrators of the Koch's Goebbels-esque "Big Lie" against the proper roles of government and private industry in a healthy economy in a functioning, constitutionally-protected, representative, PEOPLE'S democratic republic, but their crony corporate "news" rooms certainly are the loudest, most effective purveyors of the billionaires' libertarian, free-market (for the wealthy and the privileged), fascistic agenda.

    Un-frigging-believable! The Republican reprobates in a stolen White House and Congress tripped all over their corrupt selves to ram this cynical, 100% partisan monstrosity giveaway to a small cadre of some of the richest bastards on the planet right before Christmas, right before God and everybody -- at the ultimate expense of every working stiff, present and future, especially the working poor in dire need of benefits to minimally fill the gap between starvation wages and the barest of living expenses.

    When the Kochs ,Trumps, McConnells, Ryans, and the families of all the other Republican traitors who voted for or supported this purely evil legislation gather around their gaudy Christmas trees to open their shiny baubles and trinkets and Santa sacks full of donor cash, will they have the shameless audacity to kneel in prayer before their plastic idols of Christ on a cross? And what will they pray for? More and more and more?

    Maybe they should actually heed their Saviour's admonitions:

    Matthew 25:34-40 34 Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,[a] you did it to me.’

    The parable of the great banquet seems to allude to the cozy relationship corporatized politicians have with the donor class:

    Luke 14:12-14 12 He said also to the man who had invited him, “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers[a] or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. 13 But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”

    Or perhaps all the truly righteous priests and preachers across Trump's kingdom should just hogtie his sycophantic trolls, hypocrites, liars, and other fake Christians who don't believe in adequate welfare and healthcare for the disadvantaged and downtrodden. Get the worthless bastards pinned down and brand 'em with a pithy proverb right in the middle of their sloped foreheads above the unibrow between their horns. Here's a few for starters:

    Proverbs 29:7 A righteous man knows the rights of the poor; a wicked man does not understand such knowledge.

    Proverbs 22:22-23 22 Do not rob the poor, because he is poor, or crush the afflicted at the gate, 23 for the Lord will plead their cause and rob of life those who rob them.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    And why are they doing it again? Because, there was no accountability for the last time they did this. If anything, their actions were validated and rewarded with being allowed to keep most of their ill gotten gains with not even one day behind bars. So why wouldn't they do it again? How could they feel there was anything immoral about what they did if society and the criminal justice system were not willing to exact any punishment? If it was alright with the American people i.e. the American government, then it was certainly alright with them. What was the lesson learned?

    So the logical, if somewhat shady, conclusion would be, wait until there was a President of a more favorable attitude. There dream has come true! The door was left wide open and now the welcome mat has been replaced with a red carpet.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Important discussion, but just to be fair there were other causes of the 1929 crash. Germany's inability to borrow more money to pay its ruinous war repatriation debts was a big factor. Incidentally, there was also a nasty smash-up in 1921, though it ended in a couple of years. That was largely due to economic dislocations as the country got off a war footing. So cutting taxes on the rich is only part of the story, though one we forget at our peril. Expecting this to lead to more jobs is as stupid as supply side economic theory, and I suspect most Republicans know it too.

  • The Spending Bill Charade   6 years 41 weeks ago
  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    You knocked this one out of the ball park, Thom!!

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago
  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    It has a recorded history. Except this time we are cutting taxes in a boom, not during a bust. What are we going to use in the bust?

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