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  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago
  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    Banks borrow money from you know who at who knows .25% then loan it out (if at 32%) a 6400% increase.

    Banks get bailed out by the people after failing in their casino like environment.

    This puts "who" enjoys "free stuff" into perspective.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    Not sure yet how tax cut will affect me at present. This is my first full year of retirement with low income. What I object to is the Republican method of throwing a bone to the middle class and acting like it is huuuuuge. Then giving the 1% a huuuuuuge tax cut. Then on top of this driving the debt to new massive highs when they campaigned on lowering the debt in every election. This being a repeat of the Bush tax cuts which eventually caused a huuuuuge recession. On top of this is a lot of spending still on the plate. Military, Infrastructure and the Huuuuuuge Wall. All of this is fact and not just opinion. In post 15 2008 was typo for 2018.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    You know after all is said and done regarding the Kochbaggers with their election fraud, trickle down lies, religious hypocrisy, second amendment bull, Citizens United, free trade, bigotry, anti-single payer, out of control military industrial spy complex spending, etc. .....the one thing that stands out as being by far the most dumbfounding of all is denial of climate change. If this one issue doesn't convince a citizen of which party is built upon lies and deceit I don't know what ever would.

    I mean I guess if you're really an idiot you could still be against something like single-payer by arguing the rest of the world has it wrong because it's always better to pay twice as much as you have to for something. Climate Change however stands out from everything, nothing else is even close, not even how obvious it was about who was right and wrong during our Civil War. With Climate Change every living thing on this planet will lose.

    So to all the Trolls, if it isn't obvious by now that you're on the wrong side of history in the most heinous manner by supporting the Kochbagger Party, I pray for your lost souls.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    #62...There goes Bachmann again, in her alternative reality she dismisses Ryan's stated intent to voucherize/privatize medicare, which means massive cuts, simply because of a McConnell and Ryan joint statement about PAYGO. The Kochbaggers have already repeatedly stated their intent to "reform entitlements". Now that either means to cut or to increase entitlement spending Bachmann...seeing how McConnell and Ryan are so honorable and trustworthy, you figure it out genius. LMAO. You are one of the most illogical Trolls to ever post on this site.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    @#12, page 2: You mean like the promises McTurtle made to Susan Collins? Alas, the corndog "lady" is relying on the word of McTurtle and puppy-eyed Ryan?!!! Facepalm.

    Meanwhile -- contrary to mere promises made for political expediency, the type of promises repeatedly broken by Trump and his lying congressional cohorts (How many times will Charlie Brown let Lucy hold the football?) -- a 2018 voter would be wise to focus strictly on what is still already on the books and on the extremely complicated details of what is actually in this so-called tax "reform" (hahahahaha).

    So far, most independent assessments have concluded that, as written, the Republican tax bill (a bill for which the poor and middle-class workers far into the future will be liable) is a 10-year, slow motion transfer of America's wealth to the one percenters. (Since such cold-eyed assessments are ubiquitous, I'll let the gentle reader chase down the appropriate links.)

    IOW, it would behoove all of us to start paying attention to the expert analyses of independent scholars, objective tax professionals, and credible economists rather than the endless, self-serving spin emanating from the primary beneficiaries (the obscenely wealthy) of the Republicans' "reform" (hahahahaha) package, haphazardly slapped together mostly behind closed doors and then quickly, quickly, quickly (Crack the whip!) rammed through Congress without any public hearings or bipartisan input or support.

    On a side note: the following puts the lie to what Granny Di and Corndog have glommed onto as one of their key winger talking points:

    "Contrary to companies’ stated reasoning, many of those wage increases and bonuses would have happened anyway, it seems, given how low the unemployment rate is right now. Though wage growth has been in a long-term slump, paychecks are finally rising as the jobless rate has fallen below 5 percent and stayed there, with earnings growing the fastest for the lowest-wage workers. Plus, 18 states are raising their minimum wages in 2018, requiring businesses to pay out an estimated $5 billion more to 4.5 million workers.
    "Given those dynamics, businesses are likely using the tax cuts in part as a way to advertise pay increases that were already planned and to curry favor with the Trump administration and Republicans on the Hill.
    " --

    BTW, if overly partisan Republicans are trying to give Trump credit for our heated-up economy (a bubble about ready to burst), then why don't they also give Obama credit for steering the nation and the world out of the doldrums of the last Republican regime, which cut taxes on the wealthy, deregulated the financial markets, and tanked the world economy?

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    @15 Legend:

    Did your tax obligation increase or decrease as a result of the new tax law? I'm guessing the rest of the post about debt, the 1% and fiscal responsibility is your opinion since you furnished no references. Also I don't care what you say (your opinion again) was going to be done in 2008. It's 2017 and none of us own a time machine. The remainder of the paragraph is again your opinion. I see it as your attempt to create another issue. Nice try, but I deal with reality, not make believe.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    Oh how DianeyWorld loves to quote me. I'm honored. There is just one little problem, however; the quote she used in #13 above (which must have deeply wounded her fragile ego, since she seems obsessed by it) was a fragment of conversation that she deliberately lifted out of context of another, different discussion, which was, if memory serves correctly, in response to her very specific (and untrue) critique of what I had then written. The original author, which is his right, has counseled her strongly before about this shameless intellectual theft. Alas, she has once again proven that she has no honor.

    Continuing to use it for her own purposes as a bludgeon to wield against others with whom she disagrees, and without proper accreditation of authorship and reference, is flat-out plagiarism of the worst kind. Instead of shamelessly misconstruing what others have said (a common Fux News debate tactic), why doesn't Diane use her own brain to formulate her own thoughts as she responds to ongoing posts? Or does that question also contain the answer?

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    First time that I went to Brazil the 1% were extremely wealthy and the rest extremely poor. The inflation rate was 3000%. Prices for most everything was on chalkboards and changed daily. I exchanged money with the workers on a daily basis. They wanted the dollars that were not subject to such inflation. I stayed on the coast where i worked. A nearby resort on Friday and Sunday evenings was incredibly noisy with all of the helicopters bringing the banksters from Sao Paulo to their beach homes and yachts. Yet very few at the plant that I worked at could even afford a car. Even I rode a bus to work. That was the early 90's and it certainly has changed for the better. Still a lot of poverty in Rio but not nearly as much in the coastal resort areas. It is a beautiful area now.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    Happy holidays.
    And salad days.
    And days of moldy mayonnaise...

    Frank zappa. Circa: 1969

    I know it was yesterday... But...
    Its not too late for us to...
    Air all our grievances.
    And perform acts of strength.

    All we need is an aluminum pole.

    Seinfeld. Circa: 1997

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago
  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    So basically you agree to $1.5 trillion in debt so that the 1% can have more money to stash away. That is not fiscally responsible. They were going to cut it out of SS, Medicare and Medicaid then they had their meeting on the election in 2008. This is going to get worse. They still want massive increases in military spending, infrastructure and the wall that Mexico is going to pay for.

    #13 I prefer to keep it an intelligent Comment blog. If you go to Yahoo or especially Fox News comment sections you get the kind of posts that Kend does. mindless, baseless opinion. I will continue to call him NofactsKend. It worked on the other blog to get rid of Tomnofactsdorr. Deepspace has very intelligent posts with some good humor.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    Kend, it doesn't seem you have any un derstanding of basic economics.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    @ rick steves #6

    Instead of getting your pink pussy hat all balled up in a knot worrying about Kend or other posters,

    How about just following this sage advice direct from the horses mouth,

    Mr. Ed sez, “You're not Mommy the Monitor. This is a free-speech zone, so post as much or as little as your black heart desires. If you can't handle my politically incorrect posts, then don't read them and don't respond.”

    Thanks for the daily Christmas presents and please take note the world is still turning, Al Gores internet is still running, so you all will have yet a few more months to complain and push divisiveness and hatred for anything you don't personally subscribe to.

    To you all I say, Merry Christmas, Ramadan, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, Tet, Festivus, whatever...

    To the few sane and happy among us, Merry Christmas!! Rest assured, you will be recieving your daily gifts until Al's internet disappears and we go back to reading newspapers and magazines.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    The following quote is from

    McConnell and Ryan issued a joint statement on Dec. 1, saying Congress would waive the pay-go requirement.

    McConnell and Ryan statement, Dec. 1: Critics of tax reform are claiming the legislation would lead to massive, across-the-board spending cuts in vital programs—including a four percent reduction in Medicare—due to the Pay-Go law enacted in 2010. This will not happen. Congress has readily available methods to waive this law, which has never been enforced since its enactment. There is no reason to believe that Congress would not act again to prevent a sequester, and we will work to ensure these spending cuts are prevented.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    Since nobody bothered to read the bill very little is actually known at this point what takes affect and what does not. This was supposed to be a simplified plan, but is far from that. This article says they waived the PAYGO cuts. Must have been stealth bill. Very little about it. Of course that means that you ballon the deficit which Republicans scream about. Thats all right, my grandkids do not mind paying for the 1% tax cut.

    This is about the best I found on it.

    PAYGO was axed. Wish that I could be as fiscally responsible with my money.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    "The law limits Medicare cuts to 4% of its budget per year, or $25 billion of its $625-billion budget. Because the tax cut proposals the Senate was preparing to vote on late Friday would expand the deficit by about $1.5 trillion over 10 years, it’s likely to trigger the cuts." --Michael Hiltzik, business columinist.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    One thing is for sure; the Republican tax scam certainly won't fit on a postcard. In fact, the Congressional cheap whores who service the donor-class managed to increase the complexity so much (in favor of the rich, naturally, who can afford to pay top-notch accountants and sleazy lawyers to tear it all apart and dig out all the loopholes and other hidden goodies for the one-percenters) that the IRS is facing a steep uphill climb to rejigger their systems, almost from ground up, before the 2018 tax season kicks in. Only a couple of changes are meant for the 2017 season.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    @7 Legend:

    Sources please on the alleged Medicare cuts.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    Has anyone heard if Turbotax and the others will be updated in time to complete 2017 taxes. Because (his highness) Trump has signed it, it went into effect in 2017. So Dianes 4% Medicare cut also takes affect in 2017. That is 4% per year for 10 years. That is more than a 60% cut compounded.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Back when Thom had the Forum, there was a lot of discussion about what should be posted. Generally it was agreed that one should not just post baseless opinion. Like Kend does and many others. But fact should be posted. Fact that could be backed with reference. From now on I will reply to Kend (and all should) as NofactKend. You can go to the "COMMENTS" sections of Fox News (a bunch of total wacko's) or Yahoo (Not much better) if you just want to post crazy unsubstantiated opinion.

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    Spelling correction..."chuckling"

    Jeez Kend...

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    @ Kend

    Jezz Kend. Are you really that ignorant?
    To conflate two totally different things...
    Wow, there probably isn't any way to have a reasoned discussion with you?

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    @ OU812

    Nothing to say to me?? Whats wrong... " cat got your tongue"? Oops... Maybe l should say "dog got your tongue?

  • Will The GOP Tax Scam Crash The Economy?   6 years 41 weeks ago

    That'a troll Ou..2, get that nose way up there in Trump's ass. Smells good to you doesn't it? Better watch it though…you're making Pence jealous and giving Kend a big corn dog. Maybe Disney Reynolds can put some mustard on it?

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