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  • How the GOP Tax Cut Will Also Shrink Your Paycheck   6 years 39 weeks ago

    america is at a juncture. tax cuts for the rich have just become law but unemployment is not yet whereit was in 1932 when america flipped from red to blue. the nation needs intelligent leadership, poised to take control of the helm when the republicans are voted out of office, and my vote is for thom hartmann. articles like this one perfectly demonstrate why he is needed in the cerebral void known as congress.

  • How the GOP Tax Cut Will Also Shrink Your Paycheck   6 years 39 weeks ago

    I agree that tax cuts for working people actually decreases their income, it's a measurable phenom. It's also well documented that workers aren't being rewarded for their productivity gains. That's the problem with unionless capitalism...workers remain vulnerable and oblivious to the evil that piggish employers do.

  • Is There Anything More Important Than The Democrats Taking Over Trumpism in 2018?   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Yes, turn HARD left or the dem party remains an ineffective joke.

  • How the GOP Tax Cut Will Also Shrink Your Paycheck   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Just more fodder.

    Ronald Reagan changed how they calculate inflationGeorge W.Bush counted McDonalds workers as manufacturing jobs and Donald Trump changed something elase that I can not recall.Anyone know what they recalculated?If so pkleae let us know.

  • How the GOP Tax Cut Will Also Shrink Your Paycheck   6 years 39 weeks ago

    There are many problems with the Republican tax bill. That said, we have had bad tax policy for a very long time. In economics, the term used to describe the negative effects of taxes on the production of goods and services or even commerce is "deadweight loss." Deadweight loss can be avoided, however, if we were to shift the tax based to what is called "rent" in economics. Rents are the exchange value associated with natural resources in the ground, locations in towns and cities, the broadcast spectrum and even take-off and landing slots at airports. These are assets not produced by individuals, assets that have a finite supply provided by nature. Urban rents are based almost entirely on locational advantage, and the locational advantages are either associated with geography (e.g., a beach or mountain lot in a thriving tourist area) or the quality of public goods and services provided to the location.

    Location rents are today minimally captured by local communities via the property tax, but the property tax also heavily taxes houses and other buildings.

    The federal individual income tax could capture rents by combining tax simplification with progressivity. We should exempt all individual incomes up to the national median. Eliminate all other exemptions and deductions, then impose an increasing rate of taxation on higher ranges of income. Most very high incomes are derived not from wages and salaries but from passive and speculative investments. Such gains are called and treated as "capital gains" even though actual capital goods never appreciate in value over time; they depreciate.

    Edward J. Dodson, Director

    School of Cooperative Individualism

  • How the GOP Tax Cut Will Also Shrink Your Paycheck   6 years 39 weeks ago

    This huge tax cut for the super wealthy ( that all ready have more money than they can spend) just gives them more money to bribe more politicians and pay for more advertisng to get them more tax cuts. They own the mainstream media, The courts, The Republican Party.

    Now that they have increased the debt they have to cut healthcare and Social Security. But the spending has just begun. They want a bigger, stronger military. They want the Wall and Mexico will not pay for it. They talk about infrastructure but where is the money? At the same time we are stirring the pot in virtually every part of the world.

  • Is There Anything More Important Than The Democrats Taking Over Trumpism in 2018?   6 years 39 weeks ago

    If all we end up with is GOP Lite and Corporate Democrats -- it won't make all that much difference. Less people "Looking Forward" and less people "Taking Impeachment OFF the table"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Is There Anything More Important Than The Democrats Taking Over Trumpism in 2018?   6 years 39 weeks ago

    A Spine

  • Is There Anything More Important Than The Democrats Taking Over Trumpism in 2018?   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Yes. It is more important to avoid massive civilian casualties in the Korean theater.

  • Who Is Watching You?   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Everyone is watching. Before the internet, I ordered things by mail. Even back then, every business in America knew where I lived, and what I bought, as evidenced by all the junk mail that would follow. Now, it's all electronic.

  • The GOP Is Wrong About the Economy - Dead Wrong   6 years 39 weeks ago


    If you are a wealthy Evangelical or even just a wealthy Christian with large sums in financial reserves, then by definition you are Anti-Christ. Thank you very much.

  • Who Is Watching You?   6 years 39 weeks ago

    We want the damn internet back.

    Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me (1984)

    Michael Jackson is singing the chorus "I always feel like somebody's watchin me.."

    Happy New Year to all the friends and family of the Thom Hartmann Program!

  • The GOP Is Wrong About the Economy - Dead Wrong   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Lower taxes discourage employee benefits because when corporate taxes go down, the after tax cost to the corporation increases. If the corporation is taxed at 50%, the net cost of $100 of benefits paid to employees is $50 (assuming profitability of the corp); If the taxes are reduced to 20%, that $100 of benefits costs the company $80 after taxes.

    The lower tax rate drives up the actual net cash payout for their expenses, reducing the incentive for corporations to offer benefits (or higher salaries) that are not required by law and puts pressure on the company by stockholders to increase After Tax Profit by reducing those benefits.

    As a CPA with a Bus Econ degree, I see this lack of understanding all the time. We need to teach economics and basic accounting to all high school students. Everyone should understand these basic concepts that affects every person’s cash situation, not just those who open businesses or take college courses in accounting and economics.

  • Who Is Watching You?   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Happy New Year! When Republicans lose Congress!

    Unless Americans really are as dumb as the world thinks.

  • Who Is Watching You?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    1984 is finally here

    The representatives of "we the people" appear to be quite happy about this for some reason

  • The GOP Is Wrong About the Economy - Dead Wrong   6 years 40 weeks ago

    VOTING OUT EVERY TRUMP AIGNED GOP MEMBER in 2018 - sparing only the few that are not afraid to challenge him - is the ONLY way out. If we fail, we risk losing democracy forever. It takes ONE generation - 20 years - for the new crop of humans to completely forget about what life in a true democracy was like. We must go all in in 2018. Trump, if he survives, will too.

    I dont think we should run on impeachment. Trump is an asset to advertise our cause. Keep him IN until we take both houses. THEN - if we succeed - which we must - Trump, Sessions, Pence and ANYONE close to that conspiracy should go!

    I think maybe Tillerson will end up being president for 2 years. We can do ANYTHING we want when we take control of the 2 houses. We should know that. We should not govern softly. Obama's one fault was being soft. This is a war!

  • The GOP Is Wrong About the Economy - Dead Wrong   6 years 40 weeks ago

    Here is a classic of what is going on. Tim Cook of Apple gets $12.8 million in Compensation plus $89 million in Apple stock. Tim Cook is nothing but a hired hand that happens to have inherited the CEO's position from Apple's founder Steve Jobs. He is living off of the legacy of Steve Jobs and has invented or brought to market virtually nothing on his own. Why not spread some of that wealth that he will never be able to use among the employees of Apple, the ones that really make the company work.

    I have worked for companies that have been driven into the ground by over paid CEO's. They walk away with a golden parachute and more money than they can spend in a lifetime. They do not even have to be smart or competent. Just in the right place at the right time. I am sure that some are very smart but in the case of Charter Communications CEO is he worth (being generous and saying that he works a 72 hour week, 52 weeks per year) 98,000,000/(72 x 52) = $26,175 per hour?

    Most of these types are completely out of touch with reality. They live behind secured gates with private guards. They socialize in private clubs only. They have several homes (with property managers) and travel to them in private jets that land at tax paid airports and are controlled by tax paid FAA. The jets and clubs are tax write offs and/or provided by the company. They donate money to politicians to protect this life style. The Republicans just paid them back. The link in post #10 is well worth watching.

  • Who Is Watching You?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    When I click on "Read More" it goes to a New York Times website that wants me to sign in???

    I agree with the first 3 lines.

  • The GOP Is Wrong About the Economy - Dead Wrong   6 years 40 weeks ago

    OrgDevGuy #2; ikeberltersen #5. Yeah, lately his blogs are largely taken from the transcripts of his radio show. That's cool, because it's a venue covering a lot of important but difficult topics; plus, you're witnessing Thom's mind as he works live with callers and guests of different political persuasions, along with many others who are experts in their particular fields.

    When he puts pen to paper (fingers to keyboard) in the conventional fashion, he usually tightens up his syntax like any professional writer would do. But his on-air program is also a great, easy-to-listen-to resource, especially the commercial-free podcasts. A glimpse into his raw thought processes as they unfold in real time offers a unique, more natural conversational eloquence. Of course that's why he's a popular talk show host as well as an accomplished author.

    2950-10K; stopgap. Right on. The best way to balance the economy so that it works for everyone is to bring the wild inflation of wealth at the very top down to realistic levels that would be in more proper ratio to everyone else. And the best way to accomplish that amazing feat is to pass a tax bill that significantly raises taxes on overly concentrated wealth as it reaches heretofore unimaginable heights.

    Then taxes can be lowered and benefits increased on the middle and lower classes, so that consumers with money in their pockets to spend can create a natural "aggregate demand" -- not based on personal debt -- and therefore create a vibrant economy. Call it "trickle up," which is how actual successful economies have worked since early man and woman first learned to cooperate by trading resources and labor in order to collectively survive and thrive.

    Ignore whiny rich bastards pleading for the rest of us taxpayers to please understand their horrible and terrible plight, sniff, and to please provide the poor babies much needed "relief." (And change their diapers while you're at it.)

    Bullsh*t! Reframe the argument: taxes are not penalties to "punish" the so-called "makers" just because they had the wherewithal to get fabulously rich, as they would have us believe. It's about objective reality, simple math, and pragmatically calculating what makes for a healthy economy; it's not about the gossipy lives of the rich and famous and how they are God's gift to humanity in some Ayn Rand, Koched-out fantasy. So just follow the damn money and tax accordingly. What the hell is wrong with that?

    Progressive, graduated taxes are more than a fair price to live in a large modern country. Wealth is not generated in a vacuum; and the more it accumulates and concentrates, the more it utilizes an infrastructure that must be paid for, including: an education system that produces an educated workforce; public investment in unbiased scientific research void of partisan politics and aggressive greed; water and sewer systems; electrical and communication grids; public transportation routes and structures; roads and bridges; fire departments; a police force; a court system; a postal system; an emergency response system; a National Guard; international diplomacy and defense treaties/agreements; forests and other protected publicly owned lands and waterways (ours, not theirs); clean air, water, and food; product safety guidelines; etc., etc. -- the rules of the road, so to speak.

    Or, the alternative: Try making that killer billion-dollar Wall Street deal in the Mojave Desert, cowboy ...and here's a bottle of water to get you started. Ain't socialism great!

    Oh, you'd like a little more, a better balance between reasonable capitalism and reasonable socialism, between "private enterprise" and "the commons," to use our forefathers' words? Well finally, welcome to the real debate.

    The link provided by Legend, with Judy Woodruff interviewing Warren Buffet, says it all:

  • The GOP Is Wrong About the Economy - Dead Wrong   6 years 40 weeks ago
  • The GOP Is Wrong About the Economy - Dead Wrong   6 years 40 weeks ago

    As usual, conservatives like Kend don't bother to ask why these numbers are the way they are. They just throw the numbers out there for whatever propaganda value might be garnered from them without ever asking why? Maybe his numbers are right, but they don't really tell the real story.

    The question that Kend should be asking is why do CEOs now make 500 times the wages of blue-collar workers when in the past they only made 40 to 50 times what blue-collars workers made.

    Kend's numbers only prove the extreme disparity of wealth that has resulted from Reaganomics. Of course the super wealthy will pay the bulk of income tax, since blue-collar wages, relative to inflation, have remained flat during the era of "tickle down economics," while the wealth of the 1% has skyrocketed.

    After all, you can't squeeze blood from a turnip.

    Bottom line, Reaganomics has created a nation of turnips.

  • Do We Have To Fear The Possibility Of A Police State?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    "There needs to be a non-military option for conscientious objectors, for people who are not fans of being part of the military, so that they can work in a hospital or a school or something like that. But everybody takes one year after after high school and either goes into the military or does public service. It's a rite of passage, something that we have lost and are lacking in our culture. It would be a good thing psychologically and culturally for people."

    Is this root of the sentiment?

    i think the intent of the article is to instil respect in our young for a concept of civil responsiblity

  • Do We Have To Fear The Possibility Of A Police State?   6 years 40 weeks ago

    #12 - That's an observable constant

  • The GOP Is Wrong About the Economy - Dead Wrong   6 years 40 weeks ago

    Thom is exactly right, as well Richard Wolff.. ...labor unions are the pathway to economic justice and prosperity for all in a capitalist system.

    "I'm sticking with the union!"..till the day I die.

  • The GOP Is Wrong About the Economy - Dead Wrong   6 years 40 weeks ago

    The Koch Party might be dead wrong about trickle down and its impact on 99.99% of us, but their aim is true if you look at how the few hundred Fascists who own and manipulate them benefit. They're the true deep state that Fox News and other propaganda sites keeps hidden from their cult followers. The deep state fascists will actually increase their wealth and power as the economy becomes unraveled for the rest of us. They always do.

    The Fascists have successfully inflated the stock market to record levels which brings up a question I've never heard addressed by anyone. Why is it that "main street" inflation is always well attended to in a timely fashion by the federal reserve managing credit via raising interest rates, yet they do nothing to curb the extreme inflation of "Wall Street markets?"

    In fact the almost zero percent rates Thom mentioned create the opportunity for the Fascists to buy back their own shares and thus inflate the market. Ultimately the upcoming crash will do at least as much if not more economic harm than equally unattended main street inflation.

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