Recent comments

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    And thank you also for your many valuable contributions, jefflisse. Although the tale of trolls writes itself. You just can't make this stuff up.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Thanks deepspace. I do enjoy your posts. You have a very creative and sharp flair for words. A sarcastic style that l find entertaining... I also enjoy looking at the links that you and many others post here.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Thanks again, Legend and Riverplunge, for the many links that expose the huge, nonstop lies and shameless hypocrisy ...of the Trump "Administration," a clown car stuffed full of Koch-head stooges ...of the House and Senate laughingstock of the world, singing and dancing for the billionaires to round out this Republican three-ring circus ...of the sea of pasty-white faces that make up their easily deceived audience, Fuxed-up bucktoothed rubes cheering them on in spite of outside reality closing in on their tattered, sagging tent.

    Well, to be fair, ol' Granny Di DizzyWorld probably traded in her buckteeth for dentures by now -- after chewing on so many sugarcoated lies during all those lost decades that she let slip by, wasting her life on empty calories and junk-food politics. Of course she would vote for Trump! She is that sad, angry, hateful Trumpie-groupie who stubbornly refuses to believe the legions of provable truths about this stupid little man, and yet who is eager to believe the legions of unprovable lies about Hillary. Hopeless addicts are beyond intervention.

    Just like the corndog "lady," who admittedly never listens to Thom but then arrogantly posts on his blog only to criticize out of profound ignorance and inbred stupidity this, that, and everything (the very definition of a troll), it's quite clear that DizzyWorld also doesn't read, let alone comprehend, the numerous and conclusive links and lifesavers to reality provided here by so many other commenters; otherwise, she would be too embarrassed to display such crude naiveté for all to witness, post after post. Then again, the word shame isn't part of the limited lexicon of your average lowbrow Trump troll.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Haha, excellent and entertaining post, gmiklashek950! And thanks, Outback, for the link to Hierarchy in the Forest by Christopher Boehm. Looks like an interesting read.

  • America was Birthed in Opposition to Corporate Monopoly   6 years 39 weeks ago

    The Most Important Legal Issue Of Our Lifetime!

    We need to launch a legal Constitutional challenge to overturn the US Supreme Court rulings that “corporations are people” and “money equals speech” as far as Constitutional rights are concerned for the following reasons:

    1. The claims used to justify those rulings were untrue to begin with. There is NOTHING in the present US Constitution that can HONESTLY be used to justify those two rulings.
    1. It would have required a Constitutional Amendment to the US Constitution to validly make such fundamental changes which have in effect “turned the priorities of our government upside down.” As evidenced by the “Boston Tea Party” and our Revolutionary War, our founding fathers who wrote the US Constitution would NEVER have agreed to approve those two rulings!
    1. Many of the claims that were used to justify those two rulings have historically proven to be untrue since those rulings were made.
    1. Those rulings are turning our government into a MASSIVELY DEADLY KLEPTOCRACY as already demonstrated by the enactment of a tax reform law last month that will literally KILL tens of thousands (and eventually many millions) of American men, women, children, babies, and fetuses by denying them healthcare and eviscerating our environmental protections, food safety protections, worker safety protections, etc. Such efforts by our present Republican-run government are “Satanically inspired” (so to speak), because such changes are based on the sole criterion of MONEY (i.e. making the already rich even richer)!

    It is not just our own futures that are at stake on this issue, it is the futures of all generations of Americans to come. Please contact the ACLU and other activist legal organizations to urge them to begin such a legal challenge through our court system NOW!

    Feel free to publish this or to use these points in your own articles.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    @ Legend

    Aren't you absolutely sick of voting for the "lesser of two evils"? I know l am!
    And yes... I went into the voting booth, and held my nose ever so tight, and pulled the lever for Hillary. Im sure that if she had been the "figure head" in charge of this banana republics executive branch... She Would have (at least) vetoed this latest, absolutely insain, draconian, "trickle down" tax bill if it would have come across her desk...

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago


    Something you forgot to mention about money and politics. HRC outspent DT in the 2016 election. Please explain.


  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Diane -The cost of repealing Obamacare was 87 million, so much for being "Fiscally Responsible"...

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Diane - Just 2 examples: While Obama was in office the GOP tried to block every good thing he did. He tried to repair infrastructure. They said it's over budget. The GOP tried to repeal Obamacare over 54 times...

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Yes gmiklashek950, people have a SHORT memory on what platform Trump ran on.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Senator Cory Gardner (R-COLORADO) learned how honest the Swamp is. Watching the video is the best to see him now trying to save face.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Yes we were given 2 POS candidates. Picking the lesser evil of the 2 was the simple part. We now have the Bond villain and the swamp.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago


    Really Diane...
    Do you really think, this is ALL so "simple"?
    Maybe, from a "simple" mind comes a "simple" explanation!

    Although, l do agree with part of your "simple" explanation. Both candidates were/are a P.O.S. And lm not talking "point of sale"... Although they both have been bought and sold...

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    It's going to take DECADES to repair all the damage "The Thing" and the GOP has caused to this world.... They also love to create chaos!!

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Should have called Bernie. The Right didn't want him. Apparently, the Left didn't want him either. Most importantly, the billionaires said no! The guy just wasn't greedy enough to be manipulated. He would never amass the wealth it would take to properly run the country. (Into the ground :-)

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Sorry Diane Hillary won the popular vote. Trump won the voter fraud manipulated vote called the Electoral College. Kris Kobach threw thousands off of the voter roles in key states.

    Here is his findings. Unfortunately both were Republicans.

    I will also say that your type has turned us into the biggest joke in the world. Everyday the headlines show what a fool your type is.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }a:link { }

    Well Thom, you put your finger on it up front in your piece: The Founders wanted rich folks to run the show, which is why you had to be part of the landed gentry to vote, initially. All of the working class populism that spawned the labor movement and the post WW2 gains of the middle class are really just a flash in the pan. The “monkey business” analogy just mentioned by gmiklashek950 is beautifully described by the book “Hierarchy in the Forest” by Christopher Boehm. For anyone interested you can see it here:

    I don't agree with Boehm's conclusion, BTW, as it is so often the case that the powerful "win", but he sure does a great job of lighting up parallels between human and ape-like behavior.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Please forgive my rational civility, but Mr. Trump presented himself as the large, white, wealthy alpha male leading a Robin Hood style "populist" revolt against the very East Coast entrenched elites so clearly represented by Mrs. Clinton and his predecessor: a highly educated African-American politician from Illinois. HRC was and, sadly, still is the perfect foil for the under-educated, hard working, frustrated, middle and lower middle class white Americans who elected their hero and thereby guaranteed continued control of government by the very corporate elite causing their misery in the first place. All Trump lacked was the white charger on which to ride to the polls ala Roy Moore. I guess a golf cart will have to suffice. Politics, which Trump is a master of, is intuitive and operates at a mostly pre-conscious level of raw emotion. As an old Georgia friend once told me, Georgia politicians long ago figured out that a successful politician simply figures out which direction the crowd is moving in and quickly gets out in front. Trump doesn't have an honest bone in his body and is the perfect political chamelion. You only have to watch a Chimpanzee troop to understand the Trump phenomenon. It's really just monkey-business.

  • America was Birthed in Opposition to Corporate Monopoly   6 years 39 weeks ago

    The empty words of a blind follower.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    It is a lot simpler than that. You ran a horseshit back stabbing candidate that was clearly worse than the horseshit republicans back stabbing candidate.

    You lost, show some class and stop acting like the republicans you were whining about for the entire eight years of the Obama administration.

  • America was Birthed in Opposition to Corporate Monopoly   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Mr. Ed my loquacious little Shetland, the absolute best part of a Trump presidency is watching and listening to you Leftie/socialists do nothing but cry and whine all day long. Thom and his band of merry lemmings are beside themselves with hatred for anything Trump. Listen stud, you want Trump out of office? You are all full of horseshit. Pence makes Trump look like a leftie. I told Rick Steves this well over a year ago., All I want is for Trump to appoint judges, from that point on it is bring on President Mike Pence. Then, all you leftie/socialists will see what a real conservative will do and your panties will be so tightly wound you all will be braying in alto for years.

    Yes, I know the good times will end, but until then,

    ah, the smell of sweat and leather, the sting of the whip!

    Yee Haw!!!

  • America was Birthed in Opposition to Corporate Monopoly   6 years 39 weeks ago

    #22. This from someone who supports a crackbrained, serial-sexual-assault predator with likely progressing dementia and an immature, child-like mind.

    That he must be treated accordingly -- with kid gloves (Spare the snicker and spoil the child.) -- has been related by nearly 100 percent of those who know him best: family, staff, cabinet members, business associates, and other close acquaintances. (Does he even have any real friends or just sycophants?)

    Sadly, he displays the worst child-like behavior you'd expect from a spoiled two-year-old -- pouting for hours on end over perceived insults, interspersed with loud, vindictive, wild temper tantrums, pointing the finger at everyone else for his own serious, extensive mental and emotional inadequacies. But always -- always! -- it's all about him first and last and most.

    So, other than for ridicule and to expose the willful ignorance of his fascist followers, such as Corndog, there's no sense in responding to blind loyalty and idiotic gullibility, to someone who is totally okay that a goddamn fool with little fingers is stroking his "big button."

    The only value this ridiculous manchild has for the efed-up fascist billionaire party, laughably trying to govern, is that he will sign their efed-up fascist billionaire bills -- payable by the poor, the middle class, and the future generations of low-paid worker slaves with few benefits and little hope for a comfortable retirement.

  • America was Birthed in Opposition to Corporate Monopoly   6 years 39 weeks ago

    @20 & 21

    20 the only thing you have correct in your post is I don't listen to Thom's show. The rest is your usual made up, misdirected BS

    21....what is your point, AT&T was broken up years ago. Monopolies are not anyway, shape, place or thing....competition is the key....Governments only function is to make the rules, and "referee" the "game".

    "As a means to success, determination has this advantage over talent--that is does not have to be recognized by others". General Dwight David Eisenhower

  • America was Birthed in Opposition to Corporate Monopoly   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Remembering the "good 'ol days" of AT&T

    I would like to hear a Libertarian's response to some of the restrictions that AT&T imposed in the pre-breakup days. In particular, I would like to see how competition alone would solve the problem.

    1) AT&T owned the phone wires in your premisis or business. Only AT&T could modify or connect anything to the wires. Only AT&T equipment could be used (phones, PBX, switchboards, etc.).

    2) Adding an additional phone to an existing line in your house was a considerable expense, both installation and monthly. I remember shortly after the breakup when phones were first being sold to people that a $125 basic phone was considered a good deal.

    3) AT&T prevented you from using a non-AT&T service for long-distance, radio (cell phone) or similar service.

    Within several years after the breakup the costs for phones, long-distance and business use (PBX, switchboards) plumeted.

    We all know that phone service is a natural monopoly and that without government involvement that AT&T would have forced contracts on customers that would have been at least as restrictive as the above. If there were competition in one area of the country it would be very easy for AT&T to take them out by dropping prices in that locality and then raising them after the death of the other companies.

  • America was Birthed in Opposition to Corporate Monopoly   6 years 39 weeks ago

    In post #18, with a big 12-incher "corndog" stuck in her/his gullet, the washed-up public school "teacher" lapping up taxpayers' sweat is talking out of both sides of her/his mealy-mouth again. Obviously, she/he has no idea what liberals think, because she/he can only process Koch-Trump-Fux News "alternative facts" in her/his rapidly deteriorating cerebral cortex, gummed up with the sticky plaque of right-wing lies.

    Just as obvious, Corndog doesn't listen to Thom's show and so doesn't understand a damn thing he ever says; otherwise, she/he would know that Thom lived in Germany, is quite familiar with their worker friendly policies and trade unions, and has interviewed various people who sit on those power-sharing company boards. He has repeatedly and loudly praised their progressive structure and the liberals who made it possible.

    Try that in fascist America and you'd be laughed out of the board rooms and duly escorted out of the corporate towers. Asking ant-union greed-mongers to voluntarily give up even one iota of their power would be like asking senile Trump to say something if not intelligent at least intelligible. No, our corporate overlords must be dragged kicking and screaming to the table.

    That can only be accomplished by changing the laws to rein in runaway greed. Volunteerism, moral consciousness, or even public shame simply does not factor into Oligarchs' plans for society and an own-everything mentality. With their moral turpitude growing like a noxious weed, they must be forced to do the right thing.

    Say, here's an idea "on where to begin": VOTE THE BUMS OUT! In 2018 and 2020 elect liberals and progressives who aren't afraid to fight fascism every step of the way, including circumventing the corporate stooges on the Supreme Court by passing legislation to GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS!

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