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  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    The Funny thing about "Merica" ending up with Crooked Donny is that those of us without our heads up a foxaganda ass knew what a wacko he was almost instantly after the first debate. How could anyone not percieve what a hoser he was instantly, even if you were handicapped with foxbrain? Ya know, I'm willing to bet that the Koch's , Mercers, Adelson's, Walton's , DeVos, and all of the Fascists are just as fffddd up as Trump. That's the real danger when government goes to the highest bidder...the highest bidders are usually nut bags.

    Man, the Hillary sht has gotten so old. Really, nothing to see emails again..LMAO. Is that all the Fascists have? Beat down the normal citizens employed by the FBI and let the alt right co-worker jackasses get there way ...give me a break.

    Well all of this will be a moot point when the economic house of cards comes crashing way out this time. That is, no way out without real and permanent progressive change.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago
  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    @36 Legend

    You haven't answered the question? Be specific, what "rights" are being taken away from you?

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    One in three is middle class? I'd like a current definition of what the middle class is... How much (in todays dollars) would the average American have to make, to be considered "middle class"? I have a feeling its substantially less than one in three. At least by the 60s and 70s definition of "middle class". No doubt... We are losing!

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    I see that our sales girl..Cha Ching Diane never answered my question about her post accusing Thom of being a communist. I didn't expect she would.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Sorry I'm late to this one... but I'll get my laughs anyway. Hey Bachmann....explain to me why you vote for the Kochbagger Party, yet choose to be employed in a job supported by property and state income tax? As a closet Socialist, have you ever looked up the word hypocrite?

    Wow.... a public educator who apparently doesn't believe in the science of climate change, and also hates the idea that everyone should have government sudsidized health insurance except for yourself.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    I think until we address the issue of campaign financing the root of the problem will never be solved. Thing is, I suspect that people in general are wary of initiating a Constitutional process such as the one which would be required to undo Citizens United.

    So for now there will be two types of political organizing: short term and long term.

    Short term needs to focus on movement building somewhow or at least intelligently address the connections between issues. We need to know how Democrats' approach to things like DACA will result for that issue and also how the larger political process will get tied up with it.

    One problem from my perspective as a newspaper-reader is that I have to try to suss out the strategy from the rhetoric when it comes to thinks like building the border wall on the part of immigration activists. The border wall is an upopular idea but fairness to immigrant workers is not. So making it a political issue is wise to an extent as long as the strategy is effective. But, if it winds up making Democrats look bad in relation to infrastructure spending for example then 2018 won't see much of a change in the makeup of Congress. And we should try to accomplish as much as we can which will make a difference in people's lives rather than worry too much about symbolic boodoggles like the wall which will make the right base happy but no hurt too many people.​

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    %34 The rights of the middle class vs the 1%. You and I are obviously losing.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    @ #34

    I cant help but chuckle every time l see one of your posts. Its pretty much impossible to take anything you write Seriously. Its not just the fact that your completely shallow and down right nasty... Hell, l cant even get past that juvenile picture of you. Do you even know, how absolutely ridiculous it is?!?

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    @32 Legend

    And pray tell, what "rights" are you fighting for?:))

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    No Disney Reynolds, the question is have Republicans ever won an election since Eisenhower without committing election fraud, treasonous deals with Iran to hold hostages until the election of Reagan, voter ID gimmicks, closing polls in minority districts, purging of names from voting registers in minority districts, a full fledged rightwing propaganda network (Fucking Old Xenephobes, aka FOX) and so on.

    So DHBranski, what the fuck do you think Gen Michael Flynn and George Papadopolous pleaded guilty too? What do you think the indictment of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates is all about?

    How can you say "the debate--has run its course. Every allegation has fallen flat under the weight of the facts," when Special Counsel Robert Mueller has not even released his report. Do you think he's supposed to call you personally and fill you in on each days activities? What the fuck do you think he and his team of lawyers/prosecuters have been doing since May?

    To say "the debate has run its course" and "the allegations have fallen flat under the weight of the facts," is either grossly delusional or a baldfaced lie, both of which are the Republicans M.O.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    OU812, None of it matters if you want to live with your head in the sand (politely stated). Fighting for your rights will give you much more satisfaction in life.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Currently in Brazil for work and vacation. Always interesting to see how another country works and why. Brasil has been one of the most unequal countries in the past. Lulu a liberal was elected about 12 years ago and turned the country around a lot in his 8 years. Then his self appointed replacement Rousseff won. She had a difficult four years and was impeached in what some call a 1% coup. The Government is very complicated and I am certainly not an expert or authority of any kind. But some of the thing that I have seen. The progressive income tax maxes out at 27%. The "consumer" tax is a knockout. It is 50% of your bill at the grocery store. It is shown at the very bottom of your receipt. If you spend 100 real, 50 real goes to the Government. In this case 55% of it goes to Federal and 45% of it goes to state. So the middle and lower class who spend most of their money on groceries spend 50% in taxes. Corporate tax maxes out at 17%. Import taxes vary from 30 to 150%.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago


    Good insight. Now if I could only convince you that none of this matters. The only person who will get you exactly what you want is you. Live your life, make the best of whatever comes your way....You'll be happier, and much more successful.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    The entire anti-Russian Tale -- the many versions from both the D and R sides of the debate -- has run its course. Every allegation to date has fallen flat under the weight of the facts.

    Democrats can't address what really happened with the 2016 campaign, but it's not overly complicated. Years of research have consistently shown that most voting choices come down to economic issues. The Dem voting base had long consisted of the poor and middle class, for the common good. Before Bill Clinton, Dems were keenly aware of the significant shortcomings of our capitalist system. The Clinton wing split this base wide apart in the 1990s, and the Obama years confirmed that this split is permanent. It was only more deeply reinforced when they selected Hillary Clinton, who had played a lead role in formulating the policies that split so many poor families apart, plunged so many into hopeless poverty.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    First off, thank you for another Christmas feast prepared by malcontent leftie/socialists.

    Now to the desert,

    Compiled here is a list of excuses Hillary Clinton uses that she says caused her to lose the election.

    This particular list is from that radical right wing rag, the Daily Kos.

    Non-voters, Independents, Democrats, Republicans, Progressives, Alt-Right voters, Jill Stein voters, Gary Johnson voters, Men, Women, African-Americans, Hispanics and Latinos, White Working-Class, Millennials, Seniors, Illegals, The Primary, Bernie-bros, Messaging, Violence, Tactics, Progressivism, Donald Trump, Sexism, Racism, Deplorables, Emails, James Comey, the FBI, Vladimir Putin, Hackers, the Hacks, Paid Trolls, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, Hillary Clinton critics, Social media, Newspapers, TV Media, Fake News, Facebook, Twitter, Online Media, Vast right wing conspiracy, The Electoral College, Gerrymandering, Fundraising, and finally, Barack Obama.

    Breitbart’s list is virtually identical but well worth reading as it was written months after the one by The Daily Kos.

    All this leads to the question, have the democrats EVER REALLY lost an election?

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    The bigest election fraud of all is The Man hiself... "Who's gonna pay for the wall?" Etc.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    "Oh you ate twelve [inchers]" doesn't get out much. I mean out of the Fuxed-up bubble.

    My my, how fascist followers love that word "authority," as in "authoritarian," as in "The Pussy-grabber in Chief." (Your -- hahaha -- "president," certainly not mine ...EVER!) Don't choke on that, ah, "corndog" you're sucking, but the proof HAS been brought to the "proper authorities."

    If you would have done your homework -- all those many links to credible sourcing so generously spoon-fed to you by the adults in the room over the last year, and repeatedly on Thom's show to which you don't listen (it shows) -- and act like a good little tax-sucking "washed-up leftie and/or leftie/socialist," i.e., public school teacher, then you would have already known that and maybe not have displayed your ignorance, yet again.

    Republicans' decades-long "election fraud" schemes (not Trump's fake "voter fraud") in all their Machiavellian forms have been exposed and brought all the way up to one of the three highest authorities in the land, the U.S. Congress. A while back, even the Supreme Court had to step in and force the "Grand" Old Party (What a joke!) at every state and federal level to quit "caging" legitimate voters -- who were of course mostly Democrats.

    Republicans are a billionaire-fed crime family running a racket, and the other side of America's power structure, the Democratic Party, is finally getting real about it. As we speak, the rumblings are getting louder and louder about this final nail in the coffin of democracy.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Inebriates looking for an argument... guess who... two!!!

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    When it comes to expertise regarding horseshit, there is probably none better than Disney Fantasyland Reynolds.

    And when it comes to bitter angry name-calling whining, just because those living in the real world of facts have doubts about the legitimacy of King Donald's election; who is more bitter delusional and fact-less than Ohe8shit2?

    By the way Deepspace, Don't just assume that Dianereynolds is a woman. It wouldn't be the first instance of a self-hating, hypocritical, cross dressing Republican.

    Regarding the Michael Wolfe book: Tell us something we didn't already know. Maybe there are new specifics here, but anyone with a pulse could easily see Trump for what he was and is. So, it appears we ended up with Trump because of an invasion of homo-oppositus from the flat planet FoxGOP, where Backwards is the the divine law and Forward is punishable by death.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago
  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago


    Every morning we wake up, Donald Trump is President of the United States and he will be until at least January 2021 (and probably until January 2025). You and the rest of the "washed up lefties" need to accept that. If you have evidence that proves election fraud, or anything else that proves the election was dishonest, you have an obligation to bring that proof to the attention of the proper authorities. If you don't have any proof, you constant crying about the lost election only make you and the rest of the washed up lefties appear angry, bitter and hopelessly lost....I'm guessing it's the later.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Dear Legend Thank you very much for taking the words out of my mouth. The Republicans stole the 2016 election by throwing millions of voters off of the voting rolls check with Greg Palast for the exact number. THe corporate media refuses to report these facts and that includes MSNBC. I would like to ask Legend to put this on Social Media and try to gget it to go viral. I would do it but I don't use social media and dont really know how to do it. Thanks again Legend for your post. I of course am talking about Kris Kobach and Interstate Cross-Check.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    Yes Legend. Like you l was a Bernie supporter. And l (and many others) worked on his campaign here in southern Wisconsin. Knocked on countless doors. Passed out pamphlets...Went to numerous rallies, etc.
    And low and behold.. He won my state in the primaries.
    But, when he lost the Democratic nomination through dirty dealings, gerrymandering and corrupt cronyism from Wasserman Schultz and the corporately controlled DNC... And them then anointing Hillary!

    Well, l didnt heed his advice and campaign for Hillary... "Chuckling" Maybe l sould have. I guess l was just too busy... Like her! Too busy to come to my state even once and campaign, after she was nominated...Not even once!! And as we all know she lost this state...

    Of course, we ALL would be way better off with her at the helm. That goes without saying... Even though l just said it.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 39 weeks ago

    #14. Actually I voted for the only candidate that I thought could beat Trump as an anyone other than Trump candidate. Even third party was bad or would pull less than 1%. I know that we would be in a much better place if Hillary had won. Originally I was a Bernie supporter and followed his advice when he lost the primary. I worked on Bernies campaign the Hillary's. Every day confirms my beliefs.

    #13. It has been shown to you countless times that Trump got billions in free Media time by the 1% owned and operated mainstrem media. Why do you keep ignoring that and that Hillary did win the popular vote. The electoral college was lost by Republican Governors and Kris Kobach disinfranchising voters. Do you like living in a country that make Communist Russia or China look honest?

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