Recent comments

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    The press has bent over too... no free press as advertising dollars disappear. There is enough information to "fry" Trump and that political establishment we call Congress... there is no mechanism other than all out rebellion at this point in our history... the money flow will not go away.. it's all legal and we need tougher laws.. and a legal system willing to jail offenders. But as one Trump official early in his Presidency declared that no one could stop them as they own all three branches of Government. With our elected "Christian Reich" fully in charge, there can be no changes for the many versus the few that get a part of the take.

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Gee.. where you been on this one? Money has always been the malignant "cancer" on our political system. In layman's terms... The US Congress is the largest brothel in the world. Democrats and Republicans both "prostitute" themsleves for their "pimps" money. Joe Biden could a poster child for the Democrats... Mitch McConnell the poster boy for Repigs. Until we as people combine and throw all of them out... Amercia will never live up to it's marketed promises. "Give us your tired and desitute and we'll exploit them for profits.. get them to fight our wars over economic advatages. I ama veteran, I no longer salute the flag. I would welcome the opportunity to join the NFL players and take a knee.

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    United to Amend is doing the same work in Wisconsin. We could not remain in Move to Amend because they require organizations to work on other issues. Wisconsin United to Amend has succeeded in passing resolutions in 110 Wisconsin municipalities. Their website is The state still refuses to put the resolution on a statewide ballot to allow the people to speak.

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Excellent and true. We the people in the Declaration of independence are told to throw out tyrants; yet, now days it is impossible!

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    The Fairness doctrine needs to be reinstalled. All radio, TV, newspapers, magizines, advertisements need to allow both or multiple sides. Eliminate money entirely. Trump paved the road to the WH with his own money. It is not ethical. Poor working class should be able to run for office without needing to drum up campaign support.

    1. Why is it there is more scrutiny for a judge than a politician?
    2. Colleges should be held to higher fiduciary standards.
    3. Anyone completing a degree program should have a job guaranteed.
    4. Communism had the best solution. Most jobs should pay the same.
    5. All income capped at $150k per year and no equity beyond 1 million.
    6. No matter your job status...everyone should have access to a new car.
    7. Food pantries should only have new food and offer healthier choices.
    8. If healthcare ins. will cover a $600 med; then they should cover food!
    9. ALL DC IS CORRUPT. The Pentagon can not account for $6.5 trillion!
    10. The POTUS should be respectful to the media or throw his ass out!

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Plato observed -

    Hated by the people, these leaders will request the presence of a body guard. And now he is a tyrant, the leader has no choice if he wishes to rule. Elected by the people, yet now he is protected from them. Plato predicts that this tyrant will appeal to the lowest form of citizen. He will make soldiers of the slaves and the degenerates. The tyrant will pay them to protect him from the ordinary citizens. And now the leader is a tyrant, born from democracy and propped up by the demand for liberty. And in our quest for liberty, we instead created a monster.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Ou812, you have to cut birdbrain some slack. He/she/alphabet is an admitted Mike Malloy fan. If you think washed up lefties are f**ked up, listen to Malloy for ten minutes. His show was pulled off many progressive stations so you will have to hunt a bit. This guy is full on bat shit crazy but it is good insight as to how far over the cliff some malcontent leftie/socialists have actually gone.

  • Thom Hartmann: Time to Overthrow Our Rulers   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Yes deepspace, he was a wise man. And he saw the writings on the wall in the 60s and 70s.
    In the 80s he was absolutely beside himself... Shaking his head in disbelief, as he watched the "Reagan revolution"unfold, with its massive upper tier tax cuts and the drastic lowering of tariffs on imported goods....
    Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending how you look at it) he didn't live long enough to see all the insane policies/ laws (free trade and then financial deregulation) that were enacted in the 90s (most of them passed bi- partisan) come to fruition.
    He didnt live long enough to see the absolutely insane and totally illegal wars of the 2000s. He didnt live to see the stopgap bailout by the federal reserve to keep this country (and the rest of the world) afloat. No, he didnt live to see this country truly become a corporately controlled oligarchy...

    He warned us kids... But l dont even think he envisioned it ever truly getting this bad. The shear magnitude of greed and power that has been amassed into the hands of a very few...
    The "Merchant Prince's."

    I cant even imagine what he'd be saying, if he were alive today.

  • Thom Hartmann: Time to Overthrow Our Rulers   6 years 38 weeks ago

    As my dad ( a buisness/economics degree, Northwestern University 1958) said to me and my siblings (as children) while we played Monopoly; " Im simpifying. But kids, in this game (as in life) when one player ends up with everything, and the other players are left with nothing... well, then the game is actually over for EVERYBODY!"

    He then said; "lets hope kids...that in real life, it never actually gets this bad."

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Stopgap: I'm going to make an exception to making a reply to stupid people. mother doesn't collect Social Security, nor medicare....she lives off her investments.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    DS so now you're into derogatory racial name calling....How low will you washed up lefties go.....President Trump has appointed 12 district Judges and a supreme court justice in his first year..a new record....with an average of 48, and a life time appointment, the are expected to influence the judiciary until 2050.... That's a pretty good nothin. :))

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Not surprising, treason seems to run in the family of Oublahblahblah. So how long has your treasonous 98 year old mother been collecting Roosevelt Social Security…or did she make a fortune from Reagan trickle down economics?

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Haha, you're the easy mark -- a troll being trolled. At least you admit that you're a clueless addled old woman with a sloped forehead. Now, take the next step and realize that you're also marinated in absurd Republican lies.

    And it's not that I'm always correct; it's that you are always wrong. Sorry to disappoint, but I'll always be here, on and off, to correct your misconceptions, always.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Looks like that oh-so-clever addled old woman with the sloped forehead so easily managed to get the pet goat of a horsey. Your compulstio to always be correct makes you an easy mark. Whatever happened to, So long, and thanks for all the fish?

    Ou812, why do I think the leftie/socialists are unhappy with their president?

  • Thom Hartmann: Time to Overthrow Our Rulers   6 years 38 weeks ago

    #6. Your father is a wise man.

    It not only "gets this bad," it has gotten much, much worse -- so bad that the fun little fascistic jaunt around the greedy millionaire board game of the late 19th century has morphed into sprawling billionaire empires spanning the globe, suffocating all other life and human endeavor, hurtling toward the 6th mass extinction.

    The real "game" is not fun. The amazing woman who invented the board-game version of the sad reality of her era, Elizabeth Magie, was a socially-conscious, progressive feminist way ahead of her time.

    Excerps from the following links:

    "...Elizabeth Magie was introduced to the writings of Henry George by her father. She eventually became one of many people who took on the task of trying to teach others what she had learned from studying Progress and Poverty and George's other works."

    "...her stated goal was to demonstrate the evils of accruing vast sums of wealth at the expense of others."

    "...indulging its cutthroat, ruthless, greedy impulses" ... [The board game is a] "...practical demonstration of the present system of land-grabbing with all its usual outcomes and consequences."

    Since those heady days of the Robber Barons, we've come full circle and then some. History demonstrates repeatedly that such evil behavior never reforms itself; left unchecked, it only gets worse. Ten thousand years of civilization, wealth concentration, and the resulting uncountable wars have taught every generation that the only way to halt the inexorable march toward fascism is for ordinary people to become deadly serious and strongly proactive, to communicate, organize, rise up, and overthrow their selfish, greedy, soulless overlords.

    Now it's our turn.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    #20. What's this "we" shite? Ya got Trump; ya got nothin'.

    #21. An addled old woman with a Fux News brain, wasting the last bit of sand in her hourglass marinated in absurd Republican lies, constantly repeating the few hackneyed bumper-sticker slogans that somehow managed to stick in her sloped forehead, who fancies herself as an oh-so-clever troll on a liberal blog yet has no self-awareness of how embarrassingly ignorant and boring her disjointed thoughts sound to normal people outside the right-wing echo chamber ...should not critique the life of someone else who gets out into the real world and has a firm grip on reality.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Thank you Diane...yes she is a vocal conservative, with a large following.

  • Thom Hartmann: Time to Overthrow Our Rulers   6 years 38 weeks ago

    For years I lived with a Russian artist who had escaped the gulag, along with his white Russian Dad who considered a benevolent monarchy as a possible solution to governing. The monarchy had enough $$$ and it was their country too, so it would enact policies to make it healthy as a whole. Of course his hatred of Stalin, his policies and henchmen so was supportive of anyone who sought to counter them in the strongest possible way. His biggest shock upon coming to the US (it's a long story having escaped 3 dictators) was seeing Martin Luther King led away in handcuffs. One of his most popular and memorable paintings was of this event. However, he totally embraced the America of the 50's, 60's, 70's, etc. but began expressing big doubts when the GOP began embracing the restriction of women's reproductive rights, etc.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Ou812, Happy Birthday to your mother making it 98 years. Hopefully she is still a vocal conservative. Gotta keep those alt-left seniors from tipping over and burning their scooters while raising their fists and screeching "resist" at the sky.

    Rick Steves, you show remarkable boredom with life by claiming you are on vacation in another hemisphere. Holy shit man, the best you have to put forth is trading comments and throwing barbs with the dozen or so Thom Hartmann followers? I would say get it together but there is nothing quite amusing as an old man with a pail wandering the beach looking for pretty seashells to bring home and put in a glass pot on the kitchen table.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Wrong again DS, we have the Presidency until at least January 2021 :))

  • Thom Hartmann: Time to Overthrow Our Rulers   6 years 38 weeks ago

    The 1% have taken over. They have so much money that they think nothing of dumping millions into elections at all levels. They own the mainstream media and brainwash the trolls on a daily basis. They own TV, Radio, Newspapers, Politicians and the Court system. They have such control that it may be impossible to ever get it back. They have militarized the Police to keep control. All you have to do is read the comments section on Fox News website to see how ignorant trailer park America has become.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Unfortunately OU812 demonstrates the inteligence of the average Conservative. Mininformed, uneducated and loving it. America has a real problem with ignorant voters. One of the many reasons that we now have a POTUS that starts his day watching Fox and Friends and then tweeting about it as the subject of the day.

    Oh well, my big decision today is which beach to go to.

  • Thom Hartmann: Time to Overthrow Our Rulers   6 years 38 weeks ago

    First we have to ask ourselves.... what is it that Fascist minded billionaires are so afraid of? Are they terrified of having to perform actual labor? Do they equate wealth with self worth? Do they fear the thought of having to beg for a job? Are they in a protected bubble from birth, one that has created phobias and paranoias of the working class world surrounding them?

    Have they been brought up to be aggressively selfish in order to create and maintain a false sense of superiority? My money is on this guess. Being brought up surrounded by superficialities meant to signify and delineate one from average working people could easily create a head trip leading to the out of control behavior we see in many billionaires.

    Thus what they fear most is the reality that they are no different or better than anyone else. Maintaining self puffery becomes an out of control way of life ... no distance from the average person or amount of wealth is ever enough.

    The choice to live a life of madness like this only becomes a problem when it hurts humanity. Well it has hurt all of us, and as Thom so correctly points out...we need to stop it now.

    To legislate against the inhumanity of greed is the primary reason we have stop demagogues like Crooked Donny from rising to power.

    We've definitely seen this movie before!

    It will take a President Sanders to extricate us this time around.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    You have nothing.

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    @16....who has time to read all that crap....thanks again Al Gore for inventing Deepspace off with you. You are late for tilting at windmills. :))

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