Recent comments

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 38 weeks ago

    For those that think block-chain/crypto currency is the answer. Look up "Fedcoin" that should make you all really uneasy. Watch cashless economy evolve and watch the end coming.

    I am liquidating, keeping cash on hand. When cash is scarce, cash will be king. Even today, cash is king. One Fedcoin comes in, the banksters will be unnecessary. only one bank will be available and they will control the "ledger", only fedcoin will be accpetable for paying utilities, taxes, social security, medicare, etc. Check it out "Fedcoin". Come to your own conculsions. Good luck

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 38 weeks ago

    For those that think block-chain/crypto currency is the answer. Look up "Fedcoin" that should make you all really uneasy. Watch cashless economy evolve and watch the end coming.

    I am liquidating, keeping cash on hand. When cash is scarce, cash will be king. Even today, cash is king. One Fedcoin comes in, the banksters will be unnecessary. only one bank will be available and they will control the "ledger", only fedcoin will be accpetable for paying utilities, taxes, social security, medicare, etc. Check it out "Fedcoin". Come to your own conculsions. Good luck

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 38 weeks ago

    For those that think block-chain/crypto currency is the answer. Look up "Fedcoin" that should make you all really uneasy. Watch cashless economy evolve and watch the end coming.

    I am liquidating, keeping cash on hand. When cash is scarce, cash will be king. Even today, cash is king. One Fedcoin comes in, the banksters will be unnecessary. only one bank will be available and they will control the "ledger", only fedcoin will be accpetable for paying utilities, taxes, social security, medicare, etc. Check it out "Fedcoin". Come to your own conculsions. Good luck

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 38 weeks ago

    chuckle8: In reply to yesterday, thanks for the info. Yes, I'm aware of the disbanding of Kobach's voter fraud commision. Kobach realized the Dems on the commision would eventually expose his crimes.

    Anyway, regarding provisional ballots being handed out to those being dumped from the voter rolls.... ACLU lawyers need to do a little cross check of their own. They need to show that the generic names being used by Kobach do not match the names of those being thrown off the rolls. This would be quite simple because the middle initials, adresses, SS numbers, not to mention signatures , etc. do not match the generic name being used in the fraud. This is a clear case of election fraud ..... Kobach as well as the red state participants should all be charged with the crime. lock them up, lock them up, lock them up...LOL

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 38 weeks ago

    I can't help but think of Bernie when I read FDR's words. Maybe he should pick Oprah as his VP running mate. How could they lose?

    Organized money has given us a corpse media monopoly that both distorts and suppresses political truth to the point where many in this country now blindly support Fascism. I shake my head in disbelief when I see Kochpublican Trump supporters fly the American flag.

    Allowing millions to put their faith and trust in a so called news channel that is nothing more than propaganda meant to manipulate the gullible into voting against almost everyones best interests has been a severe blow to liberty and the American way. Murdoch's organized money has undone well over two hundred years of progress. Foxaganda is anti-american!

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    chuckle8: Thanks for the info. So based on what you said, it seems to me that anyone handed a provisional ballot under questionable circumstances needs to demand the cross check documents. Once they verify that the middle name, SS number, and address of the generic name being used by Kobach does not match theirs.... then at that point they have evidence of election fraud and need to file suit. We still have laws in this country......election fraud is illegal.

    It seems to me that ACLU lawyers would already be seeking those being handed provisional ballots and following up on the fraud...looks like an easy case to prove...lock him up, lock him up! LOL

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Might be wrong here!

    It appears that anyone with fortitude and courage always get assasinated in "the land of the free"

    Can you reember them and recall their vision for humanity?

    Why do they get murdered?

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    #26 - Bless you!

    Find solace in that - "reality is merely an illusion" Albert Einstein

  • How America Ended Up With Donald Trump   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Deepspace, keep digging....the hole will only get deeper.

    Anyone can go to the cited reference, and see who is lieing.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 38 weeks ago

    If you think there is any difference between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to Banksters, then you are in complete denial. The only way to get away from the control of the Banksters is Crypto Currency. If you do not know what that is, you owe it to yourself to get educated.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 38 weeks ago


  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Im having trouble with my app. Its not working the way it was on the 8th of January and wont let me download the show

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 38 weeks ago

    It is not difficult to understand. We had the Bush/Cheney administration just 8 years prior to the last election. Yet the Trump voters seemed to ignore how bad it was and vote Republicans in again. How stupid can you be?

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    I wonder where the "trolls" have been? They must crawl back under their faux news bridges during the week.

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Help me Tom

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    My industrial design produces vegetables as well.

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    I have placed my design and related issues on a website I will share it with you personally if you ask. After 6 years of harassment from the Koch brothers I am reticent 2 share it with you at this time.

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    My fondest wish is that the United Federation of planets is clandestinely interfering in America's government as we speak. With the sole intent of saving us from Blotus 45.

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    If aliens came we would instantly classify ourselves as Cartoucheve level 1.

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    If aliens came to earth...
    deepspace # 19

    Reminds me of the 1968 episode of Star Trek. "Patterns of Force" Where the Enterprise visits the planet Ekos in the M43 Alpha system. In the episode...the planet is dominated by a copy of the earths Fascist Nazi regime. But with late 20th century technology...

    "Chuckling" But, l think the "turds" still circled the toilet bowl on the Enterprise.

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Climate change, green energy, clean energy, renewable energy, green energy, I am attempting crowdfunding on social media, I have a great many fears in this area as well.

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    I have tried to have a successful conversation with Thom Hartmann for 6 years. I have PTSD and anxiety issues. A host of other issues that make a phone conversation on live TV difficult. The day before the Tea Party shut down back in 2011 was the day after I called Eric Crawford Republican Arkansas District 1. My district. I called for constituent services 4 an sbir Grant. Because of Fukushima Joplin Missouri and record gas prices I felt called apawn as an industrial designer to produce a device capable of putting fossil fuel out of business. Boy did I learn a lot that day. I have been trying to recover emotionally for the last 6 years. I am still unable to call you or show without having an anxiety attack. I'm hoping that there is some way that you might contact me and learn more about the tribulations of the last 6 years.

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Been busy the last few days and haven't had time to comment; I know the trolls, as a result, are deeply saddened, but I feel compelled to add my support for a constitutional amendment to remove money from the election process.

    There; see how nice I can be!!!

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    And the abuse continues...

    More evidence brought to the "proper authorities," which should alert even disbelieving wingnuts to Republicans' underhanded election-fraud tactics to purge legitimate voters. This case is just the tip of the iceberg. Now we'll see how the Republican Supreme Court handles a dire threat to democracy, with other red states chomping at the bit for the go ahead:

  • The Cancer Metastasizing Our Body Politic - Time To Cut it Out   6 years 38 weeks ago

    Hephaestus #1. Very appropriate and timely passage! And thanks for that awesome link.

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