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  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    I happen to own Apple Stock, so do not think that Righty/Fascists have a monoply on that. The article clarified that Apple was not employing 20000 new employees as implied in lower quote but creating 20000 new jobs most in App fields. You also have to look at how that money overseas was created. A lot of it was made here but creative accounting makes it overseas. Who losses in all of this? The USA is getting 15% in Revenues. Much less than it would have. Less Revenues means that someone has to pay more. You might as well get your check books out.

    "The $38 billion tax payment from the Silicon Valley giant is set to be among the biggest payouts from the tax bill, and Apple said it would put some of the money it brought back toward 20,000 new jobs, a new domestic campus and other spending." Post 34.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Round and round we go. And where we stop, seems obscure. what does the right know that the left is missing. Did we get a check from Mexico? Is Trump's tax audit over yet? Can we see it now? Are SS benefits safe from cuts? No Medicare cuts? Medicaid OK? Infrastructure repair gearing up? World class health care for all knocking at the door? Stock Market stable? Will these tax cuts actually raise federal income soon enough to avoid all this? Are Trump's genes really superior? Healthy enough for this presidential term, and the next one? (I want his doctor.) Seems like I should be worried. Please enlighten me so I can relax. Thanks!

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Unlike the S.F. streets, here on the T.H. streets we have vampires lurking, clawing and prowling about, diehard scavengers until they wrinkle away into the past.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    REPORT: Democrats Worry As Wealthy People Flee California Over High Taxes

    I wonder how many libs posting here are actually from a democratic state???

    I remember when you could walk S.F. streets barefooted.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Democratic California....where 80% of the land mass wants to suceed.

    What the Democrats have wrought...

    WATCH: Footage Of Homelessness In California Shows Devastating Effects Of Democrats' PoliciesCalifornia has the nation's highest poverty rate and is home to more than 25% of the nation's homeless population.

    Don't miss the 10 min video!

    Yup! We definatly need more destitute people! Keep up that surfer beach boy image.

    We'll have FUN FUN FUN till daddy takes the TBird away!!!

    And Ca. AG... threatening Employers to protect illegal imigrrants.
    I guess we don't have any citizens that need protection.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Ou812, there is no point. You are dealing with a very angry, bitter old leftie/socialist. Their purpose in life appears to remain unhappy 100% of the time 365 days per year. I did not listen today but from the lack of attention here by Thom Hartmann over the last couple of weeks I suspect it's,


    That ought to lower the plood pressure of the malcontents by at least 40%. Saves on medical care costs for sure. Everybody wins.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Number 38 Legend

    What's your point.....citing an article that says the vast majority of money is coming to the USA and that 20,000 jobs will be created by Apple is marketwatches point, what's your point???

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago
  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Numbers 30 and 32 legend:

    In 2010, democrats lost the house of 2014 Democrats lost the Senate....hardly an endorsement of the Obama administration.....Apple is paying 38 billion in taxes (not 38 million) and bringing the entire 246 billion dollars back to the USA. The 15.5% is a one time only offer. Apple's income tax rate will be 21%. Like every other corporation in the usa. Apple will use the remainder of its repatriated money 246B-38B to expand operations in the USA. Creating 20,000 jobs in the next 5 years....I do hope you washed up lefties run against all the positives coming from tax reform pointed out by Diane, you have absolutely no business sense.

  • GOP Gave Democrats a "Sophies's Choice" on Gov Shutdown...Will They Choose   6 years 37 weeks ago

    They will simply cower in a corner and let the Repiulicans do whatever they want... it's what Democrates do best

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Well, you are definitely corrrect about the democrat party melting.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Just curious... What is it with these far right ( white) Republican teabagger or neocon crazies? When they put their feet in their mouths, and blurt out quotes that are blatantly "racist"... They either lie, and deny ever saying it.. Or.. They try to defend their statement/actions by doubling down and saying -"I'm not a racist, I've known lots of blacks (or Mexicans, or Asians, etc)... Or... I cant be a racist, l have/ had a black friend...

    I'm not naive. I'm not saying there's absolutely no racism or racial disagreements/issues in the party with the big "D" in front of it... But,you NEVER hear Liberals or Progressives pull the outright lying or ridiculous doubling down crap.

    The big "D" party (flawed as it might be) definitely does an infinitely better job of representing the "melting pot" that is America..

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    More depth on Apple and reinforcement of leftie/socialists lack of business acumen.

    "Apple, Capitalizing on New Tax Law, Plans to Bring Billions in Cash Back to U.S."

    "SAN FRANCISCO — Apple, which had long deferred paying taxes on its foreign earnings and had become synonymous with hoarding money overseas, unveiled plans on Wednesday that would bring back the vast majority of the $252 billion in cash that it held abroad and said it would make a sizable investment in the United States.

    With the moves, Apple took advantage of the new tax code that President Trump signed into law last month. A provision allows for a one-time repatriation of corporate cash held abroad at a lower tax rate than what would have been paid under the previous tax plan. Apple, which has 94 percent of its total cash of $269 billion outside the United States, said it would make a one-time tax payment of $38 billion on the repatriated cash.

    The $38 billion tax payment from the Silicon Valley giant is set to be among the biggest payouts from the tax bill, and Apple said it would put some of the money it brought back toward 20,000 new jobs, a new domestic campus and other spending."

    Apple: $350 Billion Contribution to US Economy over the next five years.

    The iPhone maker will give most employees a $2,500 bonus, building on Wednesday's blitz of investment announcements.

    Apple: $350 Billion Contribution to US Economy Over Next Five Years

  • Is Trump's Button Bigger than Kim's Button?   6 years 37 weeks ago

    All buttons look big when compared to weenie hands.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Rick Steves: What I love most about leftie/socialists is their blind stubbornness and absolute refusal to accept reality.

    It's isn't hard to figure out the political leanings of the author you provided in your "mindless baseless" link.

    I have no idea what you did for a living but clearly you had little contact with the actual owners or top decision makers in a company so do this for me, take a few minutes while you are picking through shells on the beach in the county of who gives a shit. Walk into any business , ask to speak to the owner and ask him if he/she/alphabet has a more positive outlook on the economy. Follow it up with, is it better under Trump or obama? Ask the same of your local banker, hardware store, realtor, or with few exceptions, any businesses other than federal or local government workers or firearm manufacturers.

    Come back and try to sell anyone of us that this sudden change in optimism is President Trump's is riding on obama's coattails.

    Don't bother to bore me with your lifetime work experiences because I could care less. I am talking about real time right now.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Out of 246 billion cash overseas Apple plans to invest $38 million in the USA. Also they are getting a 15.5 percent tax rate and they are leaving most of it overseas. What am I missing about this being so great?

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Yesterdays phone problems were really bad. The call waiting tone needs to be eliminated. Dozens of callers were cut off. You should stop call ins until you can straighten it out.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Bad news for Righty/Fascists. The economy is a carry on from the Obama years.

    Remember the economy that Obama got from Republican Bush? I am sure that you have forgotten.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Even more bad news for the washed up lefties:

    Apple announced plans to ramp up spending in the U.S. and make a one-time tax payment of $38 billion to repatriate overseas cash holdings, as it seeks to emphasize its contributions to the U.S. economy after years of taking criticism for outsourcing manufacturing to China.

    Apple said its one-time tax payment was the result of recent changes to U.S. tax law, a reference to the tax bill that passed in December requiring companies pay a one-time tax of 15.5% on overseas cash holdings repatriated to the U.S. The company said in November that it had earmarked $36 billion to cover deferred taxes on roughly half of its $246 billion in overseas cash holdings, assuming that it would eventually pay some tax for bringing that home.

    From the Wall Street Journal January 17, 2018---online edition.

    Also from The NY Times Apple to create 20,000 new jobs in the USA as a result of new tax reform law.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    The absolute biggers fear the leftie/socialists have is the potential for President Trump to be successful. I tuned in today for about one hour and there is no question Thom Hartmann has driven himself further over the cliff than Thelma & Louise.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Even Tom was talking about it today.

    Poor little "Koch whore "... Scott Walker is getting nervous! The nitwit twit is tweeting on Twitter... Like a scared little birdie!

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    I've got to learn to be more optimistic. Maybe there's hope for my state yet...

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    When describing the "Don", l think Clark Griswald did it best...

    Clark: Hey! If any of you are looking for any last minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Frank Shirley (Donald Trump) my boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy slumber over there on Melody lane (Mar-A-Lago) with all the other rich people and l want him brought right here, with a big ribbon on his (orange) head, and l want to look him straight in the eye and want to tell him...
    What a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four flushing, low life, snake licking, dirt eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless,fat ass, bug eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?

    But, when describing the "Don", l think a few more choice expletives are in order...
    Like: Xenophobe, racist, shallow, insecure, coward, vain, morbidly obese, pig headed, womanizer, thief, hateful, illiterate, unfeeling, cruel, clueless, a dangerous cheeto faced fool he is!!

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    @#20 Apparently not going well for leftie socialists.

    "Guess which state has the highest poverty rate in the country? Not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia, but California, where nearly one out of five residents is poor. That’s according to the Census Bureau’s Supplemental Poverty Measure, which factors in the cost of housing, food, utilities and clothing, and which includes noncash government assistance as a form of income."

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Now thats some funny stuff... LOL.
    Bill Maher is back on Friday after over a month long hiatus. I'm sure he'll have some choice things to say!

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