Recent comments

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Nothing classes up a protest march like a bunch of screeching women with very angry faces dressed like a vaginas. Oh, God, I always reflect on the poor men that were dragged there and had to spend the day silent while staring down at their shoes for fear of being caught on camera. I wonder how it went for a couple of male marchers that post here.

    Makes one proud of their sex.

    Monty Python could have never envisioned anything so comical and delightfully stupid.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    What the world is watching....

    This weekend women across the country are dusting off their pussyhats for another march for women. Rallies are scheduled for January 20 and 21 on the anniversary of the Women’s March on Washington. It was the largest single day protest in American history and everyone is still trying to figure out what their actual grievances were. It was in fact an Anti-Trump protest in pink clothing. It has been a year since grown women dressed like giant vaginas and carried illustrated signs that read:

    Now for the nasty language...rated R

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Kend...Thanks for your comment

    Hi, DianeR and OU812

    OK, this will set me up for in-comming!

    Pussy Hats And Church Hymns: A Tale Of Two MovementsThere could not be a starker contrast than that between the March for Life and the Women's March.

  • Wednesday 3 January '18 show notes   6 years 36 weeks ago

    If you just listen to the first 20 minutes of each hour of podcast, you will have a close replica.

  • Thursday 11 January '18 show notes   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Is Sue on vacation?

  • GOP Gave Democrats a "Sophies's Choice" on Gov Shutdown...Will They Choose   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Dems NEED to really grow some KAHONIES and start to fight fire with fire and a SH%Tload of FACTS , barrage the media with it ..yes in yo face TRUTH with FIRE !! Dems also need to hand the reins over to thee youngerbloods .

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    "My dad cant possibly be a racist"...
    "The only color he cares about is green."

    what his son Eric said earlier this week on fucks and friends.
    Just what we all need in a leader... Someone who only cares about money!

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Hot coffee. That homeless video is incredible. I could never understand why the Democrats push so hard to nationalize healthcare but now I get it. California could easily have their own HC system but they are in big trouble. With their pension and healthcare liabilities, huge homeless problem, state healthcare would be far too expensive. They need it done by the fed so they can get all those liabilities off their books. Before I get shit for not having documented proof of this I will disclose that this is just a theory.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Don't worry.................Be happy.

  • Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Ce que vous dites est très important et en tant que psychologue je trouve cela essentiel. Je vous souhaite une bonne continuation dans vos projets personnels.


  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Hey Willie

    "There's room at the top they are telling you still."
    "But first you must learn how to smile as you kill."
    "If you want to be like the folks on the hill."

    John Lennon "Working Class Hero" 1970

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    And, we're off again. More confusion. Chuck Berry nailed it years ago with his lyric. "Some times I will, then again I think I won't." Poor children and the DACA youth? I thought Trump loved those people. So, if you're going to help them anyway, then help them now. Why the holdup? Actually, I think I know what it is. "RUMOR ALERT!" The far right shadow government said NO!

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Stubbornness is a trait disliked by everyone but it is an absolute joy to watch the offender keep dig their pointless hole deeper and deeper.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago


    It looks like you're the last "washed up lefties" standing. No one is rushing to help you out. Could it be they too think you position is ridiculous:)?

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    The Republicans use the Healthcare of poor children and the DACA youth as bargaining chips. How low can they go to protect the 1%.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    And it took a good "progressive" chuck schumer to get the job done. See, reaching across the aisle is a good thing. Everybody wins.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    "America needs a good government shutdown" Donald Trump POTUS

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago


    Great info,

    I will scratch blowfish off my menu for awhile and I will try to mail a package to myself containing the night sights for my Sig P226 and have it routed through a Japanese Post Office. The tritium's half life is causing them to dim a bit.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    #46 Diane
    Actually there is a sizable part of Northeast Japan that is now a radioactive "no-mans-land".. And is still spewing highly radioactive water into the Pacific. Thank you nuclear power!!

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    Willie, I agree with Ou812. Relax and enjoy life. Leftie/socialists come here after listening to "progressive" hate radio to have a pity party over the nothing burgers fed to them by talking heads. Give me a period in time when you spent the day listening to the whining "progressives” and tell me any of them enjoyed actually themselves while on the air. It's either the poop joke hour with Stephanie Miller and other idiots screeching in the background, or the sky is falling everything is bad hour with some other bobblehead.

    Conservatives come here purely to watch in amazement how far a leftie/socialist will go in an attempt to make their point and then laugh out loud at their lunacy.

    Let it go and understand they have their tripe to shovel out as do the righties. Most righties just do it with a bit of tongue in cheek ala Limbaugh.

    Build solar panels in your spare time or proudly don that pink hat so carefully knitted by a Joy Behar fan and go outside for long walks (avoid the times leftie/socialists are outside screaming at the sky in protest) and when you return, your internet will still be there (thank you Al Gore), Netflix will still allow you to completely avoid biased politics pumped out from the Fox News wannabees, NYC will not be six feet underwater, people will still be able to mail in as many early ballots as they want, your paycheck will be a bit larger, Japan will not be irradiated, dolphins will still be free from tuna cans, and this one's for all the leftie/socialists, Donald J. Trump will still be your president.

    Above all....,Resist, have a nice day, and try to manage a smile for at least one second every waking hour. It will make a difference in your life.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    S&P 500. Obama's first year was better than Trumps.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    My daughter, a honor student at Ashwaubenon high school in Wisconsin. Recently had a civics class in school. She posed a question to me-because she knows that this is an interest of mine. She said...

    Quote: "Dad, in a mathematical equation where there is a baseline number. And then there's a set number added. But then a larger number subtracted"... "Again and again and again"... "Well dad, you eventually end up in negative integers". She then said...

    Quote: "Dad, you sure don't need advanced math to figure this one out". "So why does our government continually spend way more than it takes in"?

    From the mouths of babes...

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    #44 Willie,

    You come across as a reasonable person. Relax, don't fret about things you have no control over....leave that to the washed up lefties. Smile alot, have fun, do something you like...

    “Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live.” ---Rachel Ann Nunes

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    What cutting corporate taxes does. It increases payroll taxes.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 37 weeks ago

    HC California's homeless problem has a lot to do with its climate. Would you rather be homeless in Minneapolis or Long Beach? Not to mention the $0.10 cent a can fee. Which is a great way to keep cans off of the street but also provides an income source for the homeless. You see them every morning searching the hotel garbage bins. One thing that I notice in CA is a lack of public restrooms. You go into a grocery store in my state and there is a clean restroom that you can use. In CA they are locked up. My small town has 2 public restrooms at each city park. You do not see that in CA. I am going there next week for 1 week. Every time I see things that amaze me. It is a big problem that more has to be done about. Put porta potties on the streets of SF. Build housing. Provide jobs cleaning streets etc. Soup Kitchens. Do more than what is being done. When Reagan shutdown the mental hospitals in CA what was the effect?

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