Recent comments

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    #2 #18 HotCoffee
    You must've spilled some of that "scalding" hot coffee on whatever is between your legs...
    Because you sure seem to have a hangup about women..and what's between their legs!

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Easy there Thom,

    Norway is one of THE MOST homogeneous nations in the world.

    This villiage sized country became wealthy on oil by the way. They have so much kroner that they can easily afford to give it all to their citizens, which is totally awesome. I agree with others in the list here. Let those that do not believe in America go there. Start with Hollywood's Limosine Liberals.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Hephaestus # 16

    Therefore we know just electing a woman is not a Merkle clearly shows.

    She has almost single handedly wrecked Europe, Just as would be happening here if Hillary Rotten Clinton was elected.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    #15 : Sorry! You can not educate pork!

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    #13 : Scandi nations became overspill due to EU spinelessness

    That, so called, migration boondoggle was all to do with the EU piddling around... as it does... and a dumb Merkel character... quite prepared to impose 1,000,000 immigrants upon her own population without any due process whatever... because she felt like it!

    Actually, those people were not escaping anything but desperation from despotic rule in their own countries... no refugees!

    The blasted EU now appear to have successfully delegated responsibility onto Greece and Italy by dint of money (normally named bribery)

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    You ask a question in an unintelligent manner. With name calling.
    You want an answer in an intelligent manner, without a lot of name calling.

    How about getting that... "er..ahh..corndog"outa your mouth!
    And practicing what you preach?!?

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    #9 : What myopic righty / facists convenientlty forget is all their wealth has been accumulated from those that spend

    When the middle class and those who fritter dry up they will have no more income

    They do appear to be intent on this incidentally

    A sucidal trajectory for sure

    When all the real generators of an economy fall down there will be no business

    When there is no business the stock market crashes

    The wealthy lose their money because it becomes worthless

    It can not buy anything

    Because there is nothing to buy

    There's more

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    In recent decades Sweden has become a more culturally diverse nation due to significant immigration; in 2013 it was estimated that 15 per cent of the population was foreign-born, and an additional 5 per cent of the population were born to two immigrant parents. The influx of immigrants has brought new social challenges. Violent incidents have periodically occurred[72][73] including the 2013 Stockholm riots which broke out following the police shooting of an elderly Portuguese immigrant.[74] In response to these violent events, the anti-immigration opposition party, the Swedish Democrats, promoted their anti-immigration policies, while the left-wing opposition blamed growing inequality caused by the centre-right government's socioeconomic policies.[75]

    In 2014, Stefan Löfven (Social Democrats) won the General Election and became the new Swedish Prime Minister. The Sweden Democrats held the balance of power and voted the government's budget down in the Riksdag, but due to agreements between the government and the Alliance, the government was able to hang onto power.[76] Sweden was heavily affected by the 2015 European migrant crisis, eventually forcing the government to tighten regulations of entry to the country, as Sweden received thousands of asylum seekers and migrants predominantly from Africa and the Middle East per week in autumn, overwhelming existing structures.[77]

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago


    I know of and have discussions with someone in The Netherlands reguarding alt. energies often. He is very dedicated to solving the problem as are many people around the world. He too is very discouraged by his Gov. as is a Swedish man living in Germany also into alt. energy. Can't name names as one of them is well known.

    Most of the worlds best ideas came out of someones garage. As did personal computers.


    So true.


    "Language. Climate - long winters/short summers. Loss of Social Security and or/ Medicare. Family ties. Risky: If things go wrong there, we will be the FIRST to go.. Do you think that Norway is that stupid enough, to risk, taking aboard a large portion of population that hasn't given something first-- what to we have to offer Denmark? -- Fitting enormous populations into society and labor is a huge task and financial lift.-- At the very least: You have to have big money for countries like, even, Canada to consider taking you..."

    Now if the left could only translate what you wrote into why we should adopt some of those values!

    The rest was a bunch of huey.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Kindly let us not forget about the lovely people of Norway before oil discovery in the north sea

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Sometime, when the thick and self interest gets out of the way, the penny will drop that money is to be made from renewables

    Along with, associated technologies

    The Chinese are already "on the ball"

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Ou812: Language. Climate - long winters/short summers. Loss of Social Security and or/ Medicare. Family ties. Risky: If things go wrong there, we will be the FIRST to go.. Do you think that Norway is that stupid enough, to risk, taking aboard a large portion of population that hasn't given something first-- what to we have to offer Denmark? -- Fitting enormous populations into society and labor is a huge task and financial lift.-- At the very least: You have to have big money for countries like, even, Canada to consider taking you... Believe me If it were simple and similar, the Lefties would be a ghost. Getting away from the tyranny and misery making of the Righties. Leaving the left behind Righties to tear each other apart for the last dollar. Capitalism is based on greed. It needs to be regulated. GOP has systematically gotten rid of regulation. You don't have to look hard to see the affects and results of deregulation.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    @ #1 - Just moving down the street would be a major headache, let alone, moving to another country. The logistics, and cost would overwhelm me. Casually mentioning it as a simple doable solution to an ugly problem is not realistic.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    #1, simple, I do not speak the language. I have worked in Sweden (in the summer) and found it to be very nice. I however would have a hard time with the winters. Most speak English but you are still an outsider. Yes many came here in the earlier years. My Grandparents in 1917 and my Mother was born here in 1918. Farming life was difficult in those years. Now They have an excellent economy.

    One thing about Righty/ Fascists is they seem to think that they live in the best place in the world yet are oblivious to the world around them.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    #2 : Sadly! The US does very little inovation anymore

    Even Silicon Valley is bought and paid out from brains not of American roots

    It usually waits till things get outside of some kind of jelousy / envy zone where "nobody is better than me" kicks in

    The space race is a classic

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    My ancestors came from Norway in the early 20th century.

    Seems to me they must have said “Let's leave here and go to America. There, we can live in a house made of sod, burn cowpies for fuel, raise crops that fail due to flood or drought, or get eaten by hordes of grasshoppers, weather temperatures 30 below zero and winds of 50 miles per hour. In the summer we get to burn up in 100 degree weather and watch the well go dry. That’s got to be better than where we live now!”

    If that was the case, then Norway must have been one “s#it-hole country”

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    #1 : Buffoon!

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    I'd like to know why we are so high on the happiness scale.. Is the bar THAT low around the world??

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    In California Jerry Brown has a very delayed...very expensive train to no-where being built. Of course the people of California would have rather had more reservoirs to catch all that rain we got last year. Especially after 5 years of drought. But then again who needs water when they could have a train to no-where?

    I really do not think thats how things are done in Norway, It does seem more like Mexico"s politics.

    California = taxes, taxes, and taxes on your taxes.

    And the homeless line the streets.


    And miss the vagina movement???? No way! Look at all the time & energy that went into those outfits...:)

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    A simple Question. If Norway is so great, why aren't the washed up lefties moving to Norway? Who can answer this question in an intelligent manner, without a lot of name calling....Anyone.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Well I'm grateful that China, Russia and N. Korea didn't decide to gang up on us and blow us all to hell...while the gov. was shutdown and the vagina's were marching, Soros funded I'm sure.

    Legend #15

    Since you couldn't leave Rio fast seems like a good reason not to move Rio to California, Arizona or Texas. Isn't it Better to help people where they are.

    Jefflisse #17

    Generalities don't apply.

    Peaceful ( choke choke ) Hillary destroyed Lybia in her sleep. But...what difference does it make?

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Where have all the right wing loons gone to? Spewing, gasping, spouting hate and disinformation, clutching onto old fashioned worn out shoe talking points. Angry with what is up in the air, screeching out with no one listening may have caused them to run out of gas.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago


    Totally agree. History has shown again and again, that when women are in charge (Matriarchal)... The society, goverment, tribe, civilization, etc. is peaceful and harmonious! This country definitely needs more women in charge!!
    All the rightwing trolls comparing the womens march, to one big pink female genitalia..
    They obviously have no decency or shame! WTF!!

    Yes, it is obvious why Tom has washed his hands of this blog...

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Hey brainwashed Kochbaggers have certainly fanned the flames of vitriolic speech on this site and may think you have defeated Hartmann along with other typical faint of heart Dems, but I for one believe that fighting back with righteous vitriol is imperative....backing down to loud ignorance from simple minded citizens like you and the other righties posting here has got us to where we are now....Kochs and a Fascist regime. Polite silence has allowed Fascists like Putin and the Kochs to destabilize representatvive governance in areas where they can beneifit from that chaos.

    Even today the shout out everywhere is that the Dems have caused the shut down....with very little push back.. Crooked Donny again is successfully diverting attention away from the recent attention to his perversions with prostitutes, young girls, and countless assault allegations.

    Thom may have thrown the towel in on this blog, but I'm not defeated in the slightest bit.

    The Women's march should be 24/7 news, yet barely a peep out of the fascist media. Be warned, that march is the unstoppable direction we're headed and your foxaganda will be powerless to stop it.

  • Organized Money Is Dangerous To Democracy   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Just returned from work plus vacation in Brazil. From the airport you drive south on highway 101. You cannot get out of Rio quick enough. The poverty is absolutely depressing. You see nothing like it in the worse cities in the USA. Reasons are obvious. The 1% run the country. They live very well with a maximum 27% income tax. Sales tax at grocery stores is 100%. So the poor, who spend most of their money on groceries pay 100% tax. This is what ineqauality looks like. The "shithole" countries that Trump referred to have the same basic governments where 1% have the money and power. But he did want people from Norway, a socialist country with equality.

    Poverty in Rio

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