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  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Might I add: January 22, 2018: Brandon Griesemer..... "A madman who was arrested after railing against CNN as fake news and pledging to travel to the network's Atlanta headquarters and committ a mass shooting." NY Post.

    Just like the gun toting pizzagate madman, someone had to program ole gun nut Brandon. Geez, I wonder who convinced him that CNN was fake news?

    These are two examples of right wing terrorists going after perceived liberal targets. Trump's hate speech has consequences....doesn't take much to manipulate foxmerized minds.

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    #7 - The human need to identify mystifies me

    Like 'i am an agostic secular jew'

    With no disrespect... of what import is the choice?

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    #2 - You state well indeed (beautiful piece of doggerel)

    Religion has the same approach

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Shit man... Im as far as anyone could get from a " Christian fundamentalist"
    Im an Agnostic Secular Jew.
    Sorry again for the misunderstanding.

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago


    I think you misunderstood what l was saying. Im not defending them. Quite the opposite..
    The "other" is anyone who is other than themselves...
    Be it a different race, creed, religion, political viewpoint and on and on and on... Sorry for the misunderstanding!

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Yes Deepspace, It is very frightening. Wonder what website told "Jeffessee" he should spew the vitrol and hatred here. This is getting frightening. What I proffer is that; the fundamentalist christian leaders (so called) have partnered with the Russian Ortahdox and Putin took GW's (the second's) playbook and ran with it since they got him elected with help from the Supreme assholes! . ( Franklin Graham & Sameritans Purse and all his op ed's factored in and I'm wondering if Mueller will question him.) The "Fundamentalist Churches" require (by admonishment subliminally) if they don't come on Sunday twice and Wednesday they are sinners. Especially if they dont tithe. And then you have choir practice..... That's usually when the Preacher or Choir Director (or organ player/piano player) hook up in a storage room or basement. The hypocracy is so evident. They (evangelicals) want the end to come and quickly. Before they sin even more! Not against sex mind you; merely the HYPOCRISY! And now; we are rendered with the 25/30% that have "God on their side (in their minds)" Just like he Crusades......... Dangerous times! And we look back and say the Civil War was terrible? Just wait; unless something really Big and Good happens soon! If not; this will be the modern Crusade; and for greed! They really have lost the concept of our constitution and the role of a government. They wish for anarchy and sorry but; it seems on the horizon soon.

  • Will the Dreamers Be Protected When This Shutdown Is Resolved?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    The desires of the American people are no longer taken into account. Only the rich have a voice.

    The rich fail to realize how easy it is to slip posen into drinks, bacteria into food, loosen bolts and nuts on bicycles, cars, trains, planes, and rabid dogs in yards.

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Las Vegas NV will soon have the largest weapons of mass destruction gun show. This following the massacre at the Country Western Concert this year. Only in Vegas I guess.

    Since as usual our Government did nothing about the gun laws after the Vegas massacre, when and where is the next one?

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Absofrigginlutely, Arrgy!!! The simple truth in all its glory. Thanks for just saying it plainly.

    Thom laid out a damn compelling narrative, one that has the advantage of also being true, backed up by the reality of America as a racist nation, about 30% anyway.

    Notice how lopsided the evidence is. Can you imagine the right-wing outrage if most of the sad stories above reflected the same trend but could be attributed to liberals instead, never mind the oxymoron? Although our big bowl of nuts contains all flavors, learned bigotry and racism -- as always -- is by far the biggest one to crack.

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago


    You've got to be carefully taught. You've got to be taught to hate and fear. You've got to be taught from year to year.

    It's got to be drummed in your dear little ear. You've got to be carefully taught. You've got to be taught. To be afraid of people whose eyes are oddly made and people whose skin is a diff'rent shade. You've got to be carefully taught. You've got to be taught before it's too late. Before you are six or seven or eight. To hate all the people your relatives hate. You've got to be carefully taught!

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    If most of these " Right Wing Terrorists" are..
    Home grown, white, god fearing, Christian, males... Then..
    Your question is answered!

    They're not the "OTHER".

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    # 32

    Your "earth is flat" example is too simplistic. That argument is quickly disproved by hard science.
    What l am saying is that most (not all) people ( if they bother at all) tend to listen to, read, or watch news shows that cater to and reinforce their- already existing beliefs. In fact I'd argue, even shape and manipulate the said beliefs for ulterior motives... Whether it is good or bad, left or right, up or down...

    And its very hard to.. In fact, almost impossible to, have a reasoned, civil discourse between different or opposing viewpoints - On a myriad of issues. Their opinions and beliefs ( no matter how crazy they may be) get in the way of hard facts or truths.

    And I'm sorry, but most people (l believe) aren't critical thinkers anymore... In fact they dont/cant even look beyond the tips of their noses!

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Speak for yourself there are those who have been Dumped Down and there are those who continuously are divisive against values the United States was founded on and even Christianity for that matter including taking part in a commonwealth. Most likely this group consists of about 30% of the voters.

    In essence, if there are two people arguing and one of them demands that you agree with heshe that the Earth is flat while heshe is also a nutjob, that does not make both individuals dumped down and divided against each other.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago


    Yes, this country needs a reboot. Tom also mentioned this today. But..
    How can this possibly take place? Realistically?
    Almost all of our news is spoon fed by only a few giant, for profit, privately owned-corporate news agencies. And they have their own agendas ( profit and manipulation) for delivering their version of the "news".

    In essence: They've dumbed us down and divided us against each other...

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    @#27 roadrunner,

    Good information. Thom has been preaching the very same since the Dow was at 9400 and look where it got him.

    Beep, beep

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    It's time to reboot, the sooner the better.

    The daily news cycle in America is being consumed by the shallow thoughts of racists, about 30% of voters, of whom Trump is the leader. These gullible fools are indoctrinated from birth to believe that most of our country's problems are because of "other" people with different skin pigmentation or who believe in non-Christian religions -- and because of liberals who think diversity in society is a good thing, healthy and vital for the economy as well as progress toward a greater understanding of what it means to live this miracle called life in all of its rich expressions.

    The rapacious billionaire class, controlling the narrow issues to be discussed in the corporate news bubble, are using so-called "conservatives" and their inbred bigotry to push for welfare-for-the-rich policies that steal the wealth from the majority of working citizens, be they white, black, brown, yellow, red, or whatever. Is there any clearer indication of this basic motivation of the 1% than their latest tax "reform" legislation, rammed through Congress with virtually no significant input from anyone else?

    Why do we allow them to frame the arguments with half-truths and lies? And why do we respond by conveniently fitting into that framework? The bill for reality is way past due for several generations to come. For the sake of our children, forget Republican World; progressive Democrats need to make it very clear what the issues should be, ones that reflect science and truth rather than bankrupt economic theories, false religion, and overt racism.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago


    Yes, I'm in total agreement with you. I personally own no stocks ( other than the union investments in my union retirement pension) and have no desire to buy or acquire any. Totally a fools investment!!
    And yes... Realy SCARY times we're living in!

    This massive, humongous, worldwide bubble of phantom (yet all too real) debt encompassing the whole planet... 100s and 100s of trillions of dollars of this phantom debt!! Its not going to pop like a bubble. Its going to blow up like a powder keg... A complete "worldwide" financial collapse. Very scary and very real!

    Some countries will ride it out better than others... But...
    This country will not be a good place to be in when it happens. Because of all the firearm weapons that most of us (me included) own...

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Jeff: Owning stock right now is fools gold, and buying stocks right now would be insanity. We're at a bubble point more severe than 1929.....with no way out once it bursts. So the term luxury may not apply to the 60% without it at the moment.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Democratic Socialism is 100% pure good government....true Democracy. Norway knows what time it is, the 21st century .. they get it.

  • Will the Dreamers Be Protected When This Shutdown Is Resolved?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    The American People, that majority with a heart that is not frozen, will demand that Dreamers be welcomed in our country.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    All you "right wingers" on this blog, keep trying to demonize and refute what Tom posted yesterday. His comparison of the Norwegian economic/socialist society to our capitalist/greed based society.
    And so far..
    You've all fallen flat on your faces. Your all so quick to point out that "most of their wealth is from oil and gas revenues." When in fact, its actually only about 20% of the country's GDP. And 67% of the country's oil company(Statoil) is owned by the government. Yes, the majority of shares (the controlling interest) are owned by the goverment. And because of that, a large percent of it's profits are invested and distributed amongst ALL the citizens of Norway in numerous ways and to varying degrees.

    Unlike all the oil companies based and operating in this country. All giant Multi-National Corporations who's only motive for existing is profit. Where the controlling interest (majority of shares) is in the hands of a very few.
    And while yes... Average Americans can buy and own stock in energy companies. And by doing so, (hopefully) reap financial benefits. Most Americans dont! Almost 60% of Americans own no stocks at all.. IN ANYTHING!! Thats a LUXURY that most Americans cant afford...

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Bachmann: We progressives don't move to Norway because we intend on catching up with the standard they have set for a free people being represented by those they elect. It's called good government.

    Why don't you move to Russia?...Putin is a Crooked Donny with brains.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    In 2015, 1.38 million foreign-born individuals moved to the United States, a 2 percent increase from 1.36 million in 2014. India was the leading country of origin for recent immigrants, with 179,800 arriving in 2015, followed by 143,200 from China, 139,400 from Mexico, 47,500 from the Philippines, and 46,800 from Canada. In 2013, India and China overtook Mexico as the top origin countries for recent arrivals.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Wise up leftie/socialists.

    1. Norway is a tiny little country that has been awash in oil $$$$$$$$ for years.

    2. Before that, it was a very tiny country where the residents lived off of goats milk, cod, reindeer, and stood around carving little wooden animals to entertain themselves.

    3. If the oil drys up they will go back to being #2 only with more expensive knives.

    The Swedes are the same people without #1 plus a whole lot of undesirable immigrants that are currently destroying the Swediish culture of standing around carving little wooden animals to entertain themselves.

    Planes leave the US daily for that idyllic lifestyle.

  • Why Don't Norwegians Immigrate to the United States?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    In Norway, the average person and those who enjoy substantial wealth do not have to pay extraordinary taxes to compensate for the morbidly rich not paying their taxes to accommodate an extremely successful functioning state of the art envy of the world status society. Oddly enough, in Norway they probably have very few uncouth eating habits.

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