Recent comments

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    It is difficult for me to fathom why (at this point), anyone would defend this "Psychological Coup" that (Putin and preceedors's) in the KGB put in motion as far back as Krushev? Krushev said to the effect "Your Freedom Will Bury You". Well; look at how most have the same envoy of information and means of forwarding (blots. etc) from all the outlets HC was citing erlier on the assault on Thom. There's a PC in every home now (I'm being nice by not going further with that. Hell; I have lived in a mobile home and may again but I don't sit around and blame people of color for it). Were here looks like. I never thought though that the Republicans (the real ones) would be involved. Nunes? He be in deep shit. What a damn traitor! And the RNC? Yippie Kayo Kaye! They in deep shit too! Obvious who was in the inner circle now. Old saying but; guilty dog barks!

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Thank you Oldskoold. I was thinking the same thing about the troll bull hooey.. Get your wading boots on! ..One example: They don't even realize that old folks vote for the party that SUPPORTS Medicare. And a lot don't drive any more.. They still need a driver's license as an official means of identification for voting. So they're blocked.. The regular NEWS won't tell you that.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Eyeballed the latest Whitehouse fiasco with Drump citing Rosemary Woods. What a laughing stock of such a clown. Oath or no Oath he will still face the consequence of Mueller, having his head up his aXX. PERJURY!!! Can't wait for the interview.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    They are finally starting to realize they are wrong Jeff. We are losing our Govt to well organized Crime. 8 yrs of that and nothing will be left. If we're even alive the public will struggle for the next 50 yrs. Who would ever want to live in that?


  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Ya but We got the commonsense and we're gaining on them because people are coming over to our side learning the truth. I'm going to call in some serious power Of Music they will never Stand a Chance.

    All you guys on here I love and care about everyone. I'm trying to stomp out the Hatred one day at a time anymore if you want to follow me come on over at my Twitter @RobertSandera

    We have to start calling out The Melenial Youth they have no opportunity like we had. Explain to them how great the late 70s were that we didnt have this Propaganda machine and hatred.

    And Thom thanks for aways being well organized and doing a fantastic job.

    I hope to have some major coin to donate to freespeech TV this year. All you other guys doing it for Progress Forward DM me your links to check out I want to UNITE US ALL AND WIN! #PresidentRob

    My friends are telling me start raising money to customize a Motorhome to Blast accross America and meet you all with #RobRadio Cranking it live all the way. My services Web, Graphic, Cgi, Internet, Marketing are Free to all making a Difference.

    I have been trying to tell my own best friends for 40 years they are not Republicans that those people hate their guts.

    Some people would vote for them even if they had a machine gun ram down their mothers throat right in front of Them I just can't understand it.

    At the very least this Country needs to Laugh and have some HOPE

    False Messiah Headquarters are about to self implode Lol,

    Rob @RobertSandera

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Wow. So much already.... I do see we have trolls now (again; apologies Jeflisse for last night's misinterpetation). HC in full form tonight.... I must digest. Hell; I Just got here.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago


    The intercept does really good articles in general, including the one you posted.

    They put alot of thought into their blog. Unlike Thoms tired retoric.

    It's my opinion that Hillary brought down the Democratic Party with a lot of help from her " friends ". Before Hillary, people were unaware of just how bad things were. Tulsi Gabbard spoke up and was promptly booted from her position by DWS.

    I would vote for Tulsi in a heartbeat! Don't think Dems are interested in anyone that honest or intelligent.


    Gabbard is noted for her charisma and unorthodox political positions.[7] Gabbard supports abortion rights, opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, has called for a restoration of the Glass–Steagall Act, and has been in favor of same-sex marriage since 2012. She denounces regime change wars like those in Iraq, Libya, and Syria, and has opposed the U.S.-led removal of Bashar al-Assad from power, arguing that the country's civil war is a source of the Syrian refugee crisis. She has been mentioned as a potential candidate for President of the United States in 2020.[8][9]

    Tulsi Gabbard (/ˈtʌlsi ˈɡæbərd/, born April 12, 1981) is an American politician of the Democratic Party serving as the U.S. Representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district since 2013. She was also a Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee until February 28, 2016, when she resigned to endorse Senator Bernie Sanders for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.[2] Elected in 2012, she is the first Samoan American[3] and the first Hindu member of the United States Congress.[4]

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    I vote democratic and I was a democrat since 1974. I left the party and the county democratic committee after the 2016 primaries. This attached story in The Intercept is the problem I have with today's Democratic Party. They continue to have their thumbs on the scales of who wins nominations. The establishment is out of touch if they are continuing to go after Republican "moderate' votes instead of letting small d democratic votes decide who gets the nomination in races. People are tired of the party controlling primaries and it does not get the base excited, enthused and motivated to get democrats elected. I would love to know what you th

    ink about this article.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago


    If you go back I posted after watching just how bored you were without us to B*tch at. Maybe they thought Thom shut down the's so eratic.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Late night radio almost all stations are Coast 2 Coast...with something for everyone.

    Nibiru anyone?

    Many things to discuss and Thom misses them all.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    It's not just news. Look at what is passing for programming these days on cable channels like History, Discovery, TLC, A&E and National Geographic. Loaded up with militaristic, law & order shows focusing on crime and war, mostly with a strong conservative slant. All had been quality channels going back in the past. Maybe with its switch from Fox to Disney, National Geo will improve (it can't get much worse).

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    ABC, NBC, KRON, PBS, MSNBC, CNN, LINK TV, Google, Twitter, FaceBook, Mother Jones, KGO, Intercept, Rolling Stone, Greg Palast, Chris Hedges, Amy Goodman and many, many more.

    as opposed to "Drudge and all these things"?????

    Again Thom divide divide divide! And not very well thought out either!

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    lindsncal: Would you care to interpret that rather ambiguous comment?

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    "Democratic Party is just a foil for the ruling class"

    Hah...You merely prove Thom's point.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    I dont mean to start this blogs post "off subject" but...
    For all you right wing trolls who ALWAYS have a response to Thoms blogs... Where were you yesterday? Not a peep from even one of you!
    I guess your silence... Says it all!

    I posted a response to your question to me on your #9 post yesterday.
    I explained and clarified what l meant in my earlier posts.
    If you could, I'd really appreciate it if you would go back and read it.
    And I'd welcome your input. Thanks.

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Thom sure does his best to keep the propaganda going....divide, divide and then divide. Don't want the people to see that out of hundreds of millions of people very few are terriorists. The terriorists that exist are on both sides.

    Tell the truth for a change!

    Antifa & KKK suck!

    Also hating Christians is no different than Hating any other group of people, Jewish people should be especially aware of that.

    I'm not a part of any hate group so I guess that makes me a "Troll". I prefer to care about our Whole Country and all of our people no matter what color, who they voted for, or why.

    Still don't like Hillary though, and I think she's going down.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Pick their fights? Like Schumer rolling over after the weekend government shutdown in exchange for a promise from the Reps to talk DACA, then having Mitch (the turtle) McConnell smirk the next day and say "we'll see...."?

    Jesus, give me a break. Your Democratic Party is just a foil for the ruling class, Thom. Stop evangelizing for this corrupt bunch of weaklings. Throw your shoulder behind something meaningful. I mean a third party. ANY third party at this point!

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago


  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    No problem. :-) Speaking of the right wing trolls. Their silence about this particular blog... Says it all!

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Sorry Jefflisse! I obviously did misunderstand your comment. I have seen these people being brainwashed since around 1987 and it truly disgusts me!

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Hephaestus #9

    Me being agnostic is a choice. To believe or not believe in faith, or to not even put any importance on it is most definitely a choice.
    Extreme belief in faith can breed distrust, ignorance,hatred and even violence towards "others" who are different, who dont share the same beliefs

    But me being a Jew is not a choice. History has shown again and again(3000+ years), that If your born a Jew...then your a Jew till the day that you die. You can choose to embrace it or deny it. But it wont change that truth.
    Down through the millennium, we've been subjugated and oppressed by one conquering force ( or rapacious foe )after another... We were murdered and enslaved again and again. We were forced to flee from one land to the next. And seemingly always finding ourselves unwelcome... Yet we always held true to our culture, faith and heritage.We never gave up and assimilated. Maybe that's where this hatred and persecution stems from? Im really not sure?

    Now its got a name. Its called anti-Semitism. And its very much alive all over the world. And this "melting pot" country is definitely not excluded.
    In my 58 yrs. on this rock, I've seen it first hand. I first experienced it in my youth, when my family moved from a heavily Jewish populated suburb of Chicago to small town, rural Wisconsin in the early 70s. I got in fist fights over hateful things said by some of my classmates. Of course they were just repeating what their parents instilled in them. In later years l saw or eard it on the job site, in bars, gun shows, motorcycle rallys, etc... Hell, I've sat down in public restrooms, and read the hate on shithouse walls.
    In Madison and Milwaukee, synagogues and Jewish cemeteries have been vandalized numerous times...

    1 killed and 5 injured in a shooting at a Jewish center in Seattle in 2006.
    3 killed in a shooting at a Jewish center in Kansas CIty in 2014.

    Unlike a person of color, l can hide my "Jewishness." l can blend in... So through the years, I've heard these haters Let their guard down and spew their bigoted vitrial!

    Im not sure where it all started? Is it when we crawled out of a cave, and ventured forth to discover a different group who crawled out of a different cave?
    But the sad and scary fact is... Bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism, the whole shebang! Its here!
    And with that absolutely disgusting racist pig in the White House. It aint getting any better soon!

    So yes, l "identify" with being Jewish...
    I DONT have a "choice."

    There is a reason why "Never Again" is tattooed on me!

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Maybe some fascist will chime in spewing out worn out already chewed talking points.

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    When we had an economy that worked for the people, the happiness index of the U.S. was good. The neo-cons have destroyed that happiness. They took away all that made America a good country to live, work and play in. Too many desperate Americans with no job, no security, no well being, no future. Desperation is what makes people go bad, and that is why we have so many bad people today. All due to the greedy and corrupt destroyers of the Roosevelt economy.

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    like oldskool ... I FEAR this is not gonna end well at all . It is like I can hear a sucking sound . I am pressing my old sunday suit just incase we are all ORDERED to attend the white church at the corner ,the one with the knucklehead bible thumpin , gun totin ,hypoctrite preacherman . And with that said MAY GOD BLESS America just one more time as this sucking sound can't be good .

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Diane Reynolds: Regarding yesterday's stock market reply: Inflated, excessively or unreasonably high.

    What do you think will happen this time when too big to fail, fails? ....another round of privatize the profit and socialize the loss? Guess again! Thom has been right all along, there is a wicked crash coming....not even up for debate.

    In my opinion the crash will finally do Crooked Donny in....he'll simply resign in a state of confusion, a version of his habit of declaring bankruptcy. Oh but wait, he's a successful business man!

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