Recent comments

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Individual candidates wink in and out of existence like fruit flies, some good, some bad, few in agreement on important issues, such as: money and religion in politics; extreme wealth disparity; the rise of modern-day fascism; elective wars for profit; and of course, Anthropogenic Climate Disruption.

    Actors on the stage are merely following the billionaires' script, thanks to big-business right-wingers on the Supreme Court. It's our job as responsible citizens to pick the candidates who are willing to buck the fascists and protect the People's goverment and the Constitution's principles -- IOW, not to put party over country. At the moment, who are the real villains in the story?

  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    As a troll posting on a progressive blog, you're part of the Hillary Hate Group, blind to false-equivalency, double-standard propaganda disseminated by right-wing corporate media, which has clouded your judgment and affected your vote, helping to install the Pussy Grabber as America's greatest fascist leader, regardless if your vote was cast for a third party.

    So how'd that work out for the country? Fortunately, your particular hate group is only a small minority of the electorate and could never win the popular vote ...or even the Electoral College, that is if Republican red-state legislatures and Secretaries of State would never again disenfranchise millions of Democrats.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago


    I'll be interested in what you find out during your adventures!

    It seems like our friends here were at a loss without us to bark at.

    Too funny :)

    I noticed they didn't even comment on Tulsi Gabbard.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Even if you think that they are liberal, Their networks restrict what they can say.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    HotCoffee, the leftie socialists have always operated under the principle of dividing people into small groups with the intent to gain voters. Their approach is to select words like, fascist, racist, misogynist, homophobe, and one of my particular favorites is Thom’s continual oblique references to Nazi’s, will go on and on so expecting a change in this behavior is a pipe dream. I find the all too often “I will never forgive my parents for being white” segments to be mystifying but entertaining on an odd sort of way.. Limbaugh actually makes far more salient points in his daily three hour tongue in cheek comedy show doing much the same thing. Thank God for channel options which leads me to the utterly stupid comments here that the media is all right wing. Obviously these idiots are sooooo far leftie/socialist they think Rachel Mancow, Don Lemmon, Wolf Blitzer, Chris Matthews, are Nazis. They appear to be oblivious to the fact President Trump gets virtually no positive press out of 90% of the mainstream media which is just fine with me as it may have been one of the primary reasons I voted for him.

    Sorry I could not respond yesterday as I was touring most of the world’s largest cities for work and vacation. Soon, I will publish a post on how good it is to live elsewhere in a country where I do not have to worry about other people’s money. North Korea comes to mind.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    The 1% owns and operates the mainstream media. You hear what they want you to hear. You do not hear what they do not want you to hear. In the case ofFox News they also tell you the opinion that you should have. They own the vast majority of Networks, TV stations, Radio Stations, Newspapers and Magazines.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Amazing, how 30 years of systematic deregulation has destroyed our news media. It enabled the super wealthy to buy up and consolidate all forms of our media.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Thank you Legend for supplying links for my post.
    I really should do that more. :-)

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago
  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Once the Fairness Doctrine was repealed in 1987..
    And then the Telecommunications Act was passed in 1996..
    All chances for fair, equal and relatively unbiased news ceased to exist on radio and television.

    Now. With the recent repeal of Net Neutrality..
    Im afraid the same fate is soon to befall the internet.

    Obviously. The owners of these giant media conglomerates dont want an intelligent and well informed public... It's a threat to their existence!

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Vote with your wallet.

  • Thursday 14 December '17 show notes   6 years 36 weeks ago

    (Catching up with old podcasts)

    In this show, 12/14/2017, Julio noted that his upload internet speed was only 12 megabits and that he's in a rural area in NJ.

    Truth be told, rural NJ or non-rural NJ, all areas are limited to 12 megabits upload if you're on cable. That's an issue with all of my clients (I'm a computer consultant). Nothing to do with being rural.

    FIOS has symetric upload/download speeds, but Comcast has asymmetric speeds, so you get fast download and slow upload. That's just the way it is. There may be higher cost business plans with faster uploads, but everyone's home plans are 12 megabits upload and that's it.

    Hope you get this message! Do let me know via email if you get this comment. Thanks -- listener since Thom filled in for Al on Air America.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago


    Well done.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Thom bemoans the fact that "The Establishment" expresses its agenda through a wholly owned subsiderary of "The Establishment". My claim is that there is no essential difference between the Republican Party, the Democratic Party and "The Establishment". In other words, it's a giant Kubuki Dance designed to distract us dimwits from what's really in play. Can anyone here point to a single significant act by either major political party since WW2, for example, to put the brakes on what Ike described as the advance of "the Military Industrial Complex". I think not. If we confine our discourse to "local political issues" ("you're a troll", "Trump's a jackass", etc.) the movers and shakers on this planet will continue to eat our lunch. We need to call these bastards out by whatever means necessary and stop carping at each other.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    What To Do About The Right Wing Media?

    Replace them with the personality and voice of the wise exquisite woman of color who called in late in Tuesday's program with specific suggestions for the Democratic Party regarding all constituents, and the original Dreamers, especially those dear to her (and the rest of us). She was the most amazing caller in a very long time. Thom should offer her a premier regular spot on his program as her call was extremely inspirational.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Those who need to propagandize and lie in order to cling to power cannot do it without control of the message via the so called "free press." In fact the average consumer of mass media wouldn't even know that the Democratic Party exists.

    I've tried to express this next thought a few times in the past and probably won't succeed with concise manner this time either..but here goes. If half of the voting population believes a lie that causes them to vote for the liar who ends up getting elected, then does that liar have a legitimate base?

    So for example we know that the Foxaganda network or Russian bots can easily convince gullible citizens like Diane, Kend, Coffee, or Bachmann to vote for the candidate who obviously based on his past is not only a bankruptcy king being blacklisted by U.S. banks, but also a sex offender, racist/bigot, financial fraud criminal, pathological liar, wife abuser, etc. etc.......that instead of voting for the dedicated and proven to be qualified candidate who would keep expansionist dictators in check. sex tapes to be blackmailed with.

    More importantly, how can a Democratic Rep now say they are reaching across the aisle in a quest for bipartisan compromise when that reach only extends to a few billionaires? Those who vote Kochpublican actually desire what the dems are fighting for...not what the Kochs want.. lies caused them to screw up at the polls.

    Without Corpse Media complicity the Kochbagger Party wouldn't exist. Heaven forbid Chuck Todd would allow Dems to speak truth to power. He is a good example of how asking seemingly sensible questions only allows the Kochbagger to lie with impunity and beat down the counter point of truth allowed.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Right wing media is bought and paid for... this is quite clear

    The sad thing is that the audience can not see this... just as you can not see under your nose

    It is obviously very difficult to change the status quo by rational means

    Historically, great change in the way humans accept being governed has only occured by revolution of some kind

    And, revolution has had to require a leader

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    #2 - jefflisse

    Having read your post I empathise

    You have, indeed, taken not little time to explain

    I thank you for that

    And, obviously, “import of the choice” means a lot to you

    Sorry! But the human need to identify still mystifies me

    No one has to pigeonhole or put themselves in a box(s)... do they?

    Peace! Love! Joy!

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    You must have watched "Wrestling (WWE/ Big Bill Ward, etc.) when young (last # 22). Ever see anybody throw "sand in the eyes" of the one they were "wrestling"? Sorry; but, that's all the direction/compass I can manage after that exchange. Good Night.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago


    First show us the missing texts from Strzok...and the FISA memos. Nothing to hide right?

    Comey lawyers up.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    They will never admit they were "incorrect"! I, at the very least, apologize when I mistake the intent of a comment here.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    I said from the start it was all about "Moneylaundering" And to Practicing attorneys that didn't attend "Liberty University". Those mentioned attended Georgetown/Carolina/Wake Forrest. Im talking well over a year ago. The chickens a coming home to roost now but; we have had more than a year of the brainwashing and now the attacks on the FBI? We in deep shit cause the so called "Deep State" is doing it's best to save us from the most dangerous of all; a "Mob Boss" that the fools elected flipping President of my country!! Get ready.......

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago


  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Everything that you think the Democratic Party is multiply that by about 100,000 and you got the GOP. Because of the way our constitution is written we have to work with in the two-party system it's really a handful of bad up at the top.

    Nomiki Konst busted them basically for stealing $900 million to a handful of consultants while screwing all rest of us She Whooped Butt ck it out

    I'd like to steal Nomi for my Campaign Manager i'll be in the primaries this time but I'm going all way to November 2, 2020 no matter what we're not losing this time.

    I will have every Law pre-written to just go in there and go BLAM problem fixed

    Lets jail a few people too lol!



  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

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