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  • Why Isn't The The Growth Of White Right Wing Terrorists Being Seen as a Threat To Our Country?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Go figure. Family of "rancher" killed in Oregon standoff sues Police and the United States.

  • Net Neutrality Means You Can Have The Internet Your Way   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Gee Thom Sounds great, but now you have Senators like Tom Cotton threatening citizens who write him with prosecution. Doesn't sound much like Democracy to me?

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    @ #15 Rick Steve

    Waiting on your Rove accusing Bush of having knowledge of the financial collapse.

    At least mine had video proof that refutes the leftie/socialist meme.

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    The banksters have been in control of both sides for a very long's not like only one side goes beggin'.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    The Common argument is that their parents brought them here it's not their fault. Don't punish the kids.

    Yet if I commit a crime I would go to jail and my children would suffer while I was one would claim that was unfair.

    No matter how many people come here their will always be more need...better to help them change their own governments. Then the children that don't come here could have a better life too.

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Amazing that you think that a Congressman from MA could be the sole cause of the financial collapse. Both of your videos are after the collapse. You have to remember that Bush had been in office for 7+ years. His bankster buddies were in total control of him.

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    It’s Not Capitalism, It’s Corporatism

    Today, I’m going to describe what is perhaps the largest single lie of modern-day Societal Programming. So successful is this lie that I would guess that a billion people, yes, a billion people believe in it.

    This lie has been building slowly since around the early 1990s. It reached critical mass around the mid 2000s and crescendoed just after the collapse of 2008. Today, it’s simply accepted “wisdom” and not even questioned. The lie is complete, entrenched into not just Western culture but world culture, and is here to stay, perhaps for the next 100 years.

    The lie is this: Capitalism means big government assisting big banks and corporations in ripping off their customers, then bailing out said banks and corporations when they fail.

    You’ve probably heard this statement a thousand times: “The 2008 crash was caused by too much capitalism.”

    When government throws corporate welfare at big companies or bails out big banks, what do you see people screaming about? Capitalism.

    The problem is none of this is capitalism. It’s corporatism, which is completely different.

    more @ link above.

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    @#10 Rick Steve

    I find that to be an intriguing post but without a link it is just mindless baseless opinion on your part. I have long suspected that Barney Frank, Freddie Mac, and Fannie Mae were all tied to the banking collapse but I thought Bush warned congress that it was about to happen? Is that what you speak of?

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    #9. You live in your own world Diane.

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Mr. Thom Hartmann, I believe the option that should be pursued is to provide a better alternative. What the Democratic leaders failed to realize is that our President is so starved for adoration, he would have fought for anything that accomplished this. And yet they offered nothing.

    I attended a Bernie rally and was inspired by the not only the quantity of the turnout, but the fact that the majority of the attendees were young people. If you really want to win a battle, give the young people something to rally around. Jobs, the budget, healthcare, security, energy, transportation, the legal system, political reform, the school system, and our food would be problems that we need solutions for. Hemp would be a good place to begin.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    You speak for yourself Diane.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    I am almost at the point where I hope you will win that November war so you leftie/socialists will stop your continual whining and bitching. I have never seen or heard such childish behavior. I can't imagine how many of you can get to sleep at night. Knowing approximately where some of you live, from the times you post, it is clear you just wander over to the keyboard in the middle of the night to spit out venom.

    Jesus people, get a grip. Your counselling, medication, therapy, meditation, chanting, and safe space hugging your teddy bear is not working, smoke some weed and mellow out.

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    I once saw Karl Rove in an interview brag about how the Bush Administration new the crash was coming. What he did not do is brag about doing something about it.

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    It's just not fair that the other guy has more money than me. It is my right to take some of theirs. My retirement should be paid in full by the government. All corporations should be run by the government. Profits should be outlawed. Everybody should make the same salary. Etc, etc.

    Time for another world appology tour.

    More furtive plea's for a socialist US coming from a communist who I will bet takes full advantage of every tax deduction possible including vacations that are deemed research.

    Why am I not surprised?

    Planes leave daily. Don't be shy.

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    The history of "democracy" in the United States and elsewhere around the world is not well understood. One has to read extensively and even take courses at a college or university to begin to see the grand picture. Of course, historians too often have their own bias when interpreting history.

    For about a decade I have been teaching history in a program the members of which are retired persons seeking intellectual stimulation. So, as adults they have lived through the events of the last five, six or even seven decades. Some hold strong to conservative or progressive perspectives. I do my best to introduce them to the socio-political arrangements and institutions that drive our behavior and our history. The story is not easy to tell because of the underlying presence of vested interests and ideological bias.

    In a chapter of a book I wrote titled "The Discovery of First Principles," I detail the European conquest -- not discovery -- of the Americas. Those who arrived from the Old World sought a number of things. They certainly sought an opportunity for a better life, even in the wilderness of the first century and longer. They also sought to acquire ownership of land as a primary source of wealth. The "first families" of the Americas understood the enormous economic and political power that came with owning enough land they could lease to others and collect rents so that they could devote themselves to the arts, the sciences and politics.

    George Washington, for one, used all of the means at his disposal to amass an enormous landed estate to become the wealthiest person in the newly-formed United States. One of the reasons for his break with Great Britain was the order by the Royal Governor that some of Washington's land grants be cancelled. I tell Washington's story in detail in the classroom. Few of my "students" are aware of any of this.

    Students of American history are almost always assigned to read Tocqueville's "Democracy in America," which paints a idealized picture of live in America by a Frenchman whose country was, by comparison, still a quasi-feudal state plagued by widespread poverty and aristocratic privilege. Tocqueville mistakenly believed the differences were differences of kind when they were really differences of degree.

    The reality of "the American System" was detailed late in the 19th century by Henry George in his books, lectures, newspaper editorials and testimony before the U.S. Congress and other governmental commissions. Other historians and writers weighed in as well with balanced analyses. One was Frederick Jackson Turner with his analysis of how the existence of the frontier (and the potential for access to free land) influenced the behavior and attitudes of those of European heritage who populated the interior.

    As Henry George detailed, already by the late 19th century, the land and natural resources and much of the industrial enterprise of the nation was in the hands of a powerful minority. In the early 20th century, the historian Charles Beard made the case in his book "An Economic Interpretation of the U.S. Constitution" that the game was rigged from the very beginning. Who were the White men who met in Philadelphia to frame a new government? They were its most powerful citizens, members of the rentier and financial class. Beard's analysis was then and is still attacked by those who want the "have nots" of this country to believe that with hard work and self-control that they can become "haves."

    Democracy in America has always been more myth than reality. The philosopher Mortimer J. Adler wrote that we may not be able to define the just society but we can see its effects where they exist. If all of the citizens in a society have access to adequare food, clothing, shelter, education, medical care, the time to participate in civic affairs, and leisure time to pursue interests and talents, then one can safely conclude that the laws of that society are just. By this measure, the United States is becoming less and less just every day. The rentier interests are winning. The conquences will be severe for the majority of us as the social fabric is ripped apart.

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Modern History is defined by 1993 Solar Mortality Theory wherein human species is Sun-Synchronized to grow in wavelets of 1 solar cycle per generation so when 4th arrives after 3x22.2yrs=66.6yrs, CHAOS occurs IF there was NO Birth Control, so Death Control ensues wherein gov'ts become authoritorian to protect institutions from TURMOIL Google "Solar Mortality Theory" to read "" that gives scientific reasons why this phenomenon occurs> We R now in one of those periods and it'll last until 2nd Great Depression arrives @2029 or 1 solar reversal of 11.1yrs after 2018 stk mkt correction>

    SMT predicted in 1996 an event would occur precisely 2007.5 that would TRIGGER onset of global socio-economic upheaval (Arab Spring) and it was Bush SEC removal of 1937 Uptick Rule on 7/7/7 (pretty close to 2007.5) W/in 2 weeks Bear Stearns saw 2 major hedge funds fail & they began to unravel & the rest is history leading to stk mkt crash of fall 2008 when 1st post war baby boomers began to retire at age 62> Its all written so no one can say it was unexpected> SMT & some economists R predicting 2029 stk mkt crash because of housing bubble> 100M baby boomers R counting on houses for retirement but there's only 50M Millenials to buy their homes, so the bubble will burst, just like '08

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Values and beliefs drive behaviours. Sadly the Iraq war and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein replaced a dictatorship with democracy and the country was destroyed by "democratic countries" some of whom perpetrated unpunished war crimes. It was a demonstration of the devious and corrupt undemocratic politcal system in both the US and UK. What it illustrated that when you scratched below the surface that Saddam kept a very diverse country under control. With Greece and our slide to Brexit, was an illustration that the "democratic" EU was actually far from democratic and our well known British sense of fair play was affronted, and hence the rise of UKIP particularly overturning the Labour Party of Blair/Brown to the point where Marxists run an apparently centre Left party (itching for a return to authoritarianism. In the US the populist rise of Trump's authoritarianism seems to be strongly affected by Democrats appalled by the thought of voting for Hillary. Trump's approach has to be unconventional but that lays him open to an onslaught from the Deep State who must be scared to death of a revolutionary change in US politics hence the focus on whipping up anti Russia feeling again replacing Islam and ISIS as the US enemy in the relentless search for an enemy to fight and justify the Pentagon's wartime budget. I wonder whether we are seeing the stupid ignorant bigoted Trump to get the US popular mindset in such a state to force all Americans to think more deeply about America and its place in the world, so that a fundamental commitment to all Americans getting some"skin in the game" to make America different (Kennedy - ask Not what America can do for you speech). Finally I am reminded of the metaphor about how to deal with a baby with a sharp knife, you distract them with something else, take the knife off them, keeping them happy and preventing them from crying. Is Trump distratcting everybody across the world, and doing other things by changing other things quietly? I thought last year that filling the 520 top jobs was the administration being totally inept, by April he had filled 50+. If you were 'draining the swamp" would you fight conventional warfare with the the establshment / Deep State/ MIC with no hope of winning or fight a guerilla war to beat a much stronger opponent? There again I have always been an optimist hence giving Donald far too much credit - back to the meds.....

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Values and beliefs drive behaviours. Sadly the Iraq war and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein replaced a dictatorship with democracy and the country was destroyed by "democratic countries" some of whom perpetrated unpunished war crimes. It was a demonstration of the devious and corrupt undemocratic politcal system in both the US and UK. What it illustrated that when you scratched below the surface that Saddam kept a very diverse country under control. With Greece and our slide to Brexit, was an illustration that the "democratic" EU was actually far from democratic and our well known British sense of fair play was affronted, and hence the rise of UKIP particularly overturning the Labour Party of Blair/Brown to the point where Marxists run an apparently centre Left party (itching for a return to authoritarianism. In the US the populist rise of Trump's authoritarianism seems to be strongly affected by Democrats appalled by the thought of voting for Hillary. Trump's approach has to be unconventional but that lays him open to an onslaught from the Deep State who must be scared to death of a revolutionary change in US politics hence the focus on whipping up anti Russia feeling again replacing Islam and ISIS as the US enemy in the relentless search for an enemy to fight and justify the Pentagon's wartime budget. I wonder whether we are seeing the stupid ignorant bigoted Trump to get the US popular mindset in such a state to force all Americans to think more deeply about America and its place in the world, so that a fundamental commitment to all Americans getting some"skin in the game" to make America different (Kennedy - ask Not what America can do for you speech). Finally I am reminded of the metaphor about how to deal with a baby with a sharp knife, you distract them with something else, take the knife off them, keeping them happy and preventing them from crying. Is Trump distratcting everybody across the world, and doing other things by changing other things quietly? I thought last year that filling the 520 top jobs was the administration being totally inept, by April he had filled 50+. If you were 'draining the swamp" would you fight conventional warfare with the the establshment / Deep State/ MIC with no hope of winning or fight a guerilla war to beat a much stronger opponent? There again I have always been an optimist hence giving Donald far too much credit - back to the meds.....

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    I agree with the above posts...we're on the verge of a historic crash. The buy back bubble has inflated to beyond 1929 territory and hardly a red flag anywhere. With a fraud friendly government the current market inflation is just as much a fascist political statement as it is fools gold. Yes, Crooked Donny filled his cabinet swamp with Goldman Sachs sidewinders, but they'll be the first to bale....don't expect answers from them.

    Why would anybody believe earnings reports issued in the Trump era anyway? I've also seen recent adjustments made to employment stats after the fact....over reporting of new hires. No watch dogs anymore!

    How curious to hear nonchalant corpse news market reports if this extreme climb is something that has always been the norm, nothing to question or be alarmed about here...LOL

    Not to mention Crooked Donny just replaced Yellen with a guy who has no degree in economics. I'm afraid ole Jerome Powell is about to go down in history in a most painful light.

    Isn't unregulated capitalism just another term for feudalism? Hasn't that already been tried?

    I'd like to hear from one of our Koch/Libertarian trolls.....explain to me how Democratic Socialism would have a negative impact on your life.

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago
  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Well said Dude! However, (and unfortunately) we have been saddled with those who cannot think or reason for themselves. Really is scary times here.......... Amazing that they comprise 25/30 % of the electorate too! That's what concerns me Big Time since even after all this they are still there. And, they do flipping vote!!!!

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    And we're running out of time before the next great war in November -- a potential congressional victory provided that true-blue progressives and liberals can overcome their biggest obstacles on the battlefield: Republicans who vote; Democrats who don't.

    Good read, norotoad!

  • Thursday 25 January '18 show notes   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Thom, Isuggest reviewing for validity of its topics.

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 36 weeks ago

    Humans are inherently hierarchical and will vie for greater status (measured by money in Western culture), thus increasing the inequality in society, unless regulated by government. This process is quite evident in America today and will result in social rebellion and collapse without dispassionate governmental regulation. History is replete with numerous examples of this process. FDR implicitly understood this process and used his personal charisma and high office to re-regulate an out-of-control Capitalist catastrophe and save the nation in the 1930's. If you do not understand this, you do not understand modern human history. The current federal government is awash and without competent leadership. Don't let the rising DJIA fool you. A collapse due to unregulated Capitalist excess is right around the corner. We are in desperate need of another FDR or what's coming will make the 1930's look like a picnic in the park.

  • What To Do About The Right Wing Media?   6 years 36 weeks ago

    The Democrats are not going to outshout the elaborate and well organized Republican propaganda machine that has been in development for decades. The main fuel for that machine is fear. Sounds simple, but fear oriented decisions bypass the cortical functions necessary for critical thought because fear responses have to be quick as they are triggered by percieved threat patterns processed by the RAS (reticular -"reptillian"- action/activation system ) of the brain. You don't have time to contemplate de natura rerum when facing a sabertooth tiger. Propaganda science finds this system very handy. FDR defanged it by stating: "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." Unfortunately, history, art, and music programs were on Ronald Reagan's hitlist in terms of "worthless education." The rationale f was that, according to an official in Reagan administration at the time, these were the programs that gave people "ideas." Hence, such programs were de/underfunded in public schools. Math, science, technology, on the other hand, were very much desired. Result: a useful population smart enough to sustain the machine without the creativity or historical information to critique it. Brilliant in terms of propaganda.

    Add to the neuroeconomics of fear, the mechanics of the "one voice" consolidation of media by the right wing (this comes out of the Goebbles/Hitler playbook), the seizure of the control powerful symbols (Sun Tzu, Goebbles/Hitler), and the economic instability/ desperation of the lower/middle class thanks to Alan Greenspan and you have the perfect recipe to cook up some serious fascism. Another little gem that the Right knows is while we were distracted after 9/11 and the destruction of New Orleans, I found out with the aid of some second order maxent correlated modeling of the gdp-- thanks toMatlab, Java, C++-- that forces that usually result in lower gdp (decrease fed revenue and middle class wages coupled with massive lending), set up the perfect Wiley Coyote Curve leading to the economic collapse of 2008. Trump leveraged, and is leveraging, this. And is doing a timing game in the expectation that the economy will crash when the Dems come into some power. Fear based strategies are wonderfully effective and highly scalable. Brilliant, in an evil genius sort of way.

    The good news is that this makes the right strategically predictable. The bad news is that progressives are in "hemmed-in" headed for "desperate" land as Sun Tzu would say. The options at this point is the effective use of strategem. The goal is to nullify fear, and to increase investment in the commons (the Repubs have framed this as a cost to loss activity with the anti-tax "gubmint dumb" meme). Simple enough to get around this permitted you have the time. Good luck.

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