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  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago


    You talk about Jesus? What would Jesus do?...Really?!?
    Just maybe, If the majority of this country's "Christians" weren't actually just a bunch of... "HYPOCHRISTIANS!" Then this truly would be a..NON-ISSUE!

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago


    Too bad the DACA kids didn't come from Denmark...
    Then this would all be a non-issue!

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    It's all about the wall. A huge beautiful wall that will bear his name and immortalize him for all to see. Border security be dammed. High tech will take care of that. What ever it takes, he wants his memorial.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    There was no need for DACA when immigration was from white countries.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    Personally I detested Regan from the time he put the mentally ill out in the street back when he was Govenor of Ca.

    However I have 2 very special Mexican and 1 Salvadoran friend that became citizens during his Presidency. My Salvadorian friend goes to see his parents every winter. He just told us he is going in Febuary this year as we asked him if he wanted to help with building some houses after the fires in Ca.

    We will be working together soon, as we have many times in the past.

    Contrary to what Dems think you don't have to be racisist to see what is going on now isn't working and we can't bring the whole 3rd world here.

    And for #2

    Even Jesus said I go to prepare a place for you. Not everyone just sneak in willy nilly and lie about who you are with forged papers...all though Jesus said some will try by saying Master, Master didn't I cast out demons in your name. So much for the phoney christians.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    The Kochbaggers will never escape being attached to the current insanity ... people will look back in horror at all of the complete idiocy unfolding. Trump's willing participants will go down in history much like Hitler's gullible 1930's Germans.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    My god what has happened to this country? The DACA issue is another Grapes of Wrath story. Humanity vs Inhumanity! We can afford to add trillions to the deficit in order to facilitate a massive transfer of wealth to lazy billionaires, yet have no compassion for hard working fellow citizens because of a manufactured right-wing distraction.

    The immigration issue is a fascist creation meant to scapegoat the innocent for a problem Reagan started.....unregulated greed. The billionaires are the problem, not immigrants. Those who take advantage of desperate fellow human beings for self enrichment need to be prosecuted and deported.

    If you ask me, after all of the environmental disrespect by the current regime, I think native americans should deport all of us.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    Our schools have gone to the dogs in the process of trying to deal with multiple languages and needs of so many from so many different countries. Then you complain we're dumbed down. Most of the immigrants are in California and our schools are in the toilet...they were once the best.

    Trump has said He will let DACA children stay if you stop chain migration. Really seems fair enough..

    I remember in the 60's the Dems kept telling us about our over population and how we should never have more than 2 children, people took them seriously....Now suddenly we have room for everybody. How many tents and cardboard shacks are leaning up against your house?

    So where does California get more water, electricity, and housing? In S.F. the once nice Mission District now looks like it belongs in Hondurus or Argentina. Wake up!

    Everyone deserves Respect & Dignity yet not even all my friends can fit in my house.

    Lies & Politics...Politics & Lies.

    After this is resolved....

    I think it would be good if the educated DACA children could come and go from their countries as they please in order to teach, be doctors and attorneys and help better the countries they came the people create a country they wouldn't want to leave. Or as some say Sh*tholes. They could see their extended families as they please. Just like the legal immigrants do now.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    Maybe Trump Does Not Want a Wall

    I think it is telling that He will undermine any attempt at an agreement in congress for a Wall or for DACA. These issues more than anything else got Trump in the White House. If he gets a deal on either, his all important loyal following will dissolve into arguments about whether he got enough. I heard this the other day on the radio and I don't know who said it but it makes perfect sense. Success on The Wall and DACA will destroy his support. This is the same cynical thinking that leaves the Republicants to avoid finality on abortion. Abortion, the Wall and DACA keep voters in line and campaign money flowing like the goose that lays the golden egg. I am beginning to think that as long as this 71 year old adolescent sits in the White house there will be no substantive movement on any of these issues.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    Sorry it was posted twice I try to raise it but but it wouldn’t erase

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    Very well said and written Mr. Hartmann. One fact that nobody has looked into is that we have spent tax dollars educate these young children through grade school up to high school and some college, now we will send these young adults back to a country that is not their home, giving their birth country the benefit of education that they have receive here in this country, which is a loss to us, which is a not a good deal for the American people, but a benefit to their birth nation. Maybe Mr. Trump can understand by not having a good deal for Americans, if we send these young adults back to their birth country, since he likes to use the word deal a lot, personally I do not think he knows the meaning of the word deal for the benefit of Americans.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    Very well said and written Mr. Hartmann. One fact that nobody has looked into is that we have spent tax dollars educate these young children through grade school up to high school and some college, now we will send these young adults back to a country that is not their home, giving their birth country the benefit of education that they have receive here in this country, which is a loss to us, which is a not a good deal for the American people, but a benefit to their birth nation. Maybe Mr. Trump can understand by not having a good deal for Americans, if we send these young adults back to their birth country, since he likes to use the word deal a lot, personally I do not think he knows the meaning of the word deal for the benefit of Americans.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago


    What do you have against Childern that are citizens, that have parents that came here generations ago...many of them are living in our streets. Shouldn't we care for them first? Why are you so unwilling to see them, Why are you in favor of bringing in more? Why is it so hard for them to get one is advocating special and otherwise for them. Ask any local motel how many children live there week to week.

    Where is their advocate? Oh I forgot we advocate they be aborted.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    Racist, the same law applies to all illegal immigrants not just ones from Hispanic countries. If anyone is to blame it's the parents who put those kids in this mess. Yes I know, they where just trying to make a better life for their children but they still broke the law. Every other country in the world would have found them and sent them home long ago that is way they don't have this problem.

    Trump has already agreed to let them stay if they simply stop chain immigration and beef up border security. What is wrong with that.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    #1 and #2

    Being Black does not prevent you from doing evil any more than being white does.


    I would suggest you be very careful that you speak truth when speaking for GOD

    or you might find yourself Rolling in the mud crying your butt off.

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    Thom, you already know the answer to your question =and= stated it in your post above. You went on further than you needed, but the essence is right here:

    "Conservatives don't seem to give a rat's ass about people"

    The only 'problem' with that, of course, is "seem to" -- there is -no- "seem to" about it! I know quite a few people who consider themselves "conservatives". Many of them even call themselves "Christians" .. but they're not.

    The reason I say that is quite simple, but people =hate=, =HATE= hearing it. If you look -very- carefully at what Christ =actually= taught, his actual teachings as stated in the NT, they are almost completely different from what ::Paul:: used to make 'his' new religion. Paul claims to be about love and the (supposed) teachings of Christ. But Paul's religion is really about control [>=especially= about control!!<], hate, and doing what you're told .. .. and God forbit you should try to -think- on your own, much less notice the serious discrepancies in both doctine -and- practice!

    In addition, "conservatives" are hypocrites of the first order .. and they don't care if you know it. They want what =they= want and to hell with -anyone- else, no matter who it is or what the ultimate 'cost' is. Unfortunately, one could call them "psychopaths" and -not- be far off the mark. No, that -is- =not= "name-calling", it is simply acknowledging the reality of what they are, based on their -own- words and actions.

    Yes, this makes "dialog" with them very difficult, especially in politics. What people - both Progressives and so-called Democrats - =won't= -face- is that conservatives are totally uninterested in "dialog". They will ::pretend:: to engage in it when it serves their purposes, but not a millisecond longer. Their own words and actions prove it.

    My only, and final, words to any of them: "Be -very-, =very= careful what you ask for, or even :think: you want, because if God gave it to you, you would be in -suuuuuch- deep $hit, you would then pray for a quick trip straight to Hell just to get out of it." ((And I would ROTFLMAO at you.))

  • How Can Conservatives Claim to be Pro Life and Still Oppose DACA?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    This is all about racism... blatantly!

    Trump simply opposes anything the first black skinned potus tried to accomplish... period

    The hate is almost palpable

    Let's not forget rebublican "spitting out the dummy" childish histrionics whilst the man was in power who opposed anything he attempted to achieve

  • Net Neutrality Means You Can Have The Internet Your Way   6 years 35 weeks ago

    Maybe we need a co-op Internet Service Provider as well as a pubic option ISP. I bought a Whopper this weekend.

    People relentlessly try to pursued others with their boisterous opinionated views in order for their proverbial "pig" to fly. It is these individuals that love plain old socialism so much they need to create diversion re-labeling it as leftie to distract from the real socialism that they must protect. If only the word socialist were used we would immediately identify it with welfare queen corporate socialism, welfare and entitlements for the rich socialism which seem here to stay and never discussed by these bloggers.

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 35 weeks ago

    chuckle chuckle

  • If we Don't Regulate Capitalism It Will Dismantle Democracy!   6 years 35 weeks ago


  • Net Neutrality Means You Can Have The Internet Your Way   6 years 35 weeks ago

    Back to subject

    These men are simply shills for greed and the power of influence having forgotten for whom they were voted in and why they are really in their post

    They are greedy, self interested and have no integrity

    Bet they go to pray every Sunday though

    And, they might kneel down... likely in fear and guilt

  • Net Neutrality Means You Can Have The Internet Your Way   6 years 35 weeks ago

    Oh! Sorry! And its color

  • Net Neutrality Means You Can Have The Internet Your Way   6 years 35 weeks ago

    What is it in America about skin?

  • Will the UK Set Off A Secession movement?   6 years 35 weeks ago

    Each American state is a sovereign nation-state unto Itself by law. They ratified the Constitution in their capacity as such, while also doing so with each state being a direct democracy. The phrase "we the people of the United States", refers to each state respectively, each by the will of its respective voters. In doing so, the voters in each state overruled their government to elect State ratification conventions, but they did not authorize these conventions to unite their respective nation-states together as a single nation state callled "the United States of America."
    Therefore, just like the people of each state seceded from the Articles of Confederation to form the more perfect union under the Constitution, so likewise they can just do it again by popular vote in State Convention. Again, each state is a direct democracy and it makes the people simply choose to delegate certain powers to state and federal governments. That is the fact of history that nobody will tell you because of agenda-driven politics, but it has the Merit of being the truth.

  • Net Neutrality Means You Can Have The Internet Your Way   6 years 35 weeks ago


    That is perfect...LOL Great idea.

    Also someone give Pelosi a mirror she seems to have forgotten shes white...what nasty pandering...there is not much chance of California becomming white and she damm well knows it. She also knows California is not trying to become " White again". She also knows that it's not whites screamming in her face every time she opens her mouth.

    Actually my experience with the public in Ca. working with people from everywhere (literally) people were getting along with each other just fine until CNN started stiring the pot. Also people in my area are still getting along fine and working together.

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