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  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    I understand why the corporate Oligarchs want to destroy organized labor.They've looked at it as a threat to their (never ending) quest for more wealth, power and control.They only care about themselves..after all, they're Sociopaths!!

    But for the life of me... I'll never understand why or how the average Republican on "main street"(Joe and Jane sixpack) got so brainwashed by this anti-union bullshit!! The shear magnitude of it is totally baffling..

    Are they really that gullible and easily manipulated?!?

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    What is it with these f#@kn Republicans. Its bad enough that They've been demonizing organized labor it seems for ever...
    But their rank and file, always make these "blanket" statements grouping ALL unions together in their they're ALL one and the same!

    How fuckn ignorant can they get?

    Ive been a building trades (carpenters 344) union member for 38 years.
    Ive wrote in some length in past posts, about the major differences between unions. Ive also posted in length about the anti-labor policies and legislation pushed through in my state of Wisconsin. By the "Koch whore" Scott Walker and the Republican state legislature...

    That #1 post by Reynolds made absolutely no sense at all!!
    Just another ignorant Republican foot soldier...

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    This link explains just how anti-labor..anti-union Reagan really was!

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    #10 (norgotoad): Really! You got all that out of the dieneraynolds thing? Amazing. What I remember about the Reagan era is unions being busted by fiat, and I cite as an example the Air Traffic Controllers Union. I was a shipyard worker for the federal government back when the unions really started to slide in the mid 60's. The unions had a presence and I voluntarily joined the IBEW but, as a federal employee, I had no collective bargaining advantage. It was a "solidarity" thing. I'm having trouble understanding your "John Wayne" concept. I don't believe rank and file union members have ever voluntarily given up the gains their parents and grandparents fought for. The unions were corrupted from within and castrated from above (oh, I guess that would be the equivalent of decapitation, not castration). You and diane are drinking the same fruit punch, I think.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago


    Unfortunately, those unfunded and underfunded liabilities the leftie/socialists speak so fondly about are bankrupting most of the cities and states in America.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Benjamin Franklin once said: "We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Public sector workers chose the former; private sector workers chose the latter. Guess things worked out as Franklin predicted. Stupid results from stupid decisions. No need for sour grapes or sour "conditions."

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Forget DeVos and look at the public. Unfortunately getting across the fact that privitazation does not work for some industries is very difficult. Far too many people have been conditioned to think that this means socialism = communism = dictatorship. Broadly speaking The really poor are too busy fighting to survive to do much, and the middle class is hanging on and afraid to make waves. They've been put into a state of learned helplessness, or left in ignorance, or don't care because it doesn't directly affect them. Turn around will have to come from the bottom up, from people willing to fight for it and those with a little power who are willing to risk it.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Hi Outback: Her points are quite simple and clear. Private sector workers bought the Reagan Kool Aid back in the 80's which resulted in de-unionization of the private workforce together with a joyful loss of the defined pension programs, wage increases, and employer paid health plans. You see, it was a belief that each worker would be their own "cowboy" so to speak. Pensions, health care, and wage increases were for "wussies." Instead they would be John Wayne at work and play the market with their retirement with 401k and IRAs. Well, her conservative colleagues were feeling a bit arrogant when the market was going up, and 401k programs were performing OK. Wages flattened, but, hey, John Wayne would just suck it up cowboy style! Then came the big crash of 2008. Whoopsie!! Well the only workers not dumb enough to buy this load of dingo kidneys were government workers. They remained unionized and became the recipients of regular wage increases, employer subsidized health care, and defined pension programs. This resulted in a lot of sour grapes from the dummies who got suckered by the right. Sooo... we have the aforementioned "4 Conditions."

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    #1 - No disrespect!

    You simply do not really know what you are talking about

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    You can not compare US with UK in the 1960 /70s

    Unions and their political cohorts brought Britain to it's knees... those orgs backed financially by Russia

    Subsequently, bringing in their nemisis named Thatcher who found a soul mate in Reagan

    These two thought they had reinvented the "meaning of life"

    We now suffer the consequence

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    And, 2950, this is coming from another "Berniecrat": Hillary is just another self serving career politician, this one serving the neo-conservative wing of the Democratic Party, which has been in charge for quite some time. Pro corporate, pro free trade (spelled TPP). Hillary has been up in lights since she bought a New York State based US Senatorship. She drove the final nail in her own coffin when she colluded with Debbie Wasserman Schultz to scuttle any chance Bernie had of gaining the D nomination, though it had long been clear that Bernie would have cleaned Trump's clock! Let that witch burn in hell!

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Could you put that another way, Dianerreynolds? I, er...., didn't quite follow where you were going with that.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    BTW: Unrelated, and this from a Berniecrat...I'm sick and tired of the Hillary Clinton bashing with zero to back up any of the allegations. She has to be the most negatively propagandized politician in history. Minus the election fraud, and corp media propaganda, she clearly won the election hands down. She was the original advocate for single-payer decades ago....which got the Fascist profiteers stirred up and on a relentless attack. She was right, they are wrong....medicare for all is the only solution.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    From my own personal experience. I worked for several major American Companies. I also consulted at several companies in the USA and international. Of all the companies in the USA I would only consider 1 as reasonably well run. I found several overseas that I considered well run. This is my personal opinion. Two that I worked for went through bankruptcy. I went through several buyouts that were due to poor operation. Subbing it out to contractors is not necessarily a good thing. Look at any DOE subcontracts.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    So it's only inflation when you pay hard working citzens more. Giving 90% of all wage growth to the top 1 % since 2008 didn't count as inflation? That was OK..really! That's what a unionless economy gets you Reynolds.

    Obviously we can't afford unregulated capitalism anymore. We need to totally unionize and make the following sectors not for profit.... Education, Energy, and Healthcare.

    The Kochpublicans are against medicare for all, and the Democratic Party is for it..that's all that needs to be repeated over and over until Nov.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    As usual Reynolds has it back-ass-wards. ...typical of foxmerized Kochbaggers. She's arguing in favor of a race to the bottom. Instead... how about workers in the private sector get the same union benefits and protections most government employees get? Lets lift all boats, instead of being jealous and childish of what others have fought for and gained.

    Oh I forgot, you foxmerized citizens fight for underpriviledged billioniares, but of course they need to keep wages low and benefits down, or else the stock market will crash. That's the message yesterday...higher wages mean inflation and that means higher interest rates which translates to a stock market crash...LMAO! Give me a break. I smell more trickle down lies.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    I would be willing to join in with you under four simple conditions.

    1. Workers make exactly the same salary as those in the private sector and I will be willing to lower the pay of top management if you so wish.

    2. Workers get exactly the same retirement benefits as their counterparts in the private sector.

    3. Workers can be terminated under exactly the same rules as those in the private sector.

    4. No unions allowed in the government sector (which prevents strikes), but the government must pay the same wages as those in the unionized private sector.

    Do we have a deal?

  • Did Trump Just Announce His 9/11 'Unification' Strategy?   6 years 34 weeks ago


    Canadians will forever love Tommy Douglas “The Father of Medicare”. His Medicare plan was enacted in 1962 and later by the federal Pearson government in 1966.

  • Did Trump Just Announce His 9/11 'Unification' Strategy?   6 years 34 weeks ago

    The democrat party will not allow a typical progressive candidate to be nominated. A relative outsider with views somewhat accepted by both sides may get the job done. A Gabbard/Haley type ticket would scare the shit out of DC. and still give lefties/socialists and rightie/tighties reason to whine.

  • Did Trump Just Announce His 9/11 'Unification' Strategy?   6 years 34 weeks ago

    I didn't think any Kochbaggers would choose to go on offense regarding my inconvenient truths. That's how we fight back my friends, go on offense and stay on offense...

    Crooked Donny and his foxaganda are on perpetual distraction offense, and it has worked, at least on minds like Coffee, Kend, Bachmann, Door Knob, and Reynolds.

    Another inconvenient truth that the corspe media puts a Fascist spin on...hype about all of the new "huge" job creation! has actually been slowing since the Obama years.

  • Did Trump Just Announce His 9/11 'Unification' Strategy?   6 years 34 weeks ago

    I have a qestion for the Kochbaggers that post on this site. For years I've heard you numbnuts constantly harp about how working people pay no federal income tell me how federal tax breaks help those who already pay zero federal income tax?????

    Reynolds and Door Knob have been talking up the big windfalls in paychecks, well the reality is more like Ryan's pathetic praise about a woman getting a buck fifty windfall.

    Might as well add another question that will go unanswered: The effective tax rate on corp america was already around 17% before the rates got dropped to 22%....explain the math on that one. ... yeah that's really going to bring high paying jobs back..LOL

    Debt is at an all time high and savings are at an all time low....half the population doesn't have enough savings to pay for a basic car repair....tell me that we have a strong economy. Greed and concentration of wealth are behind the stock market issues.

    What a shock, the market is in trouble! Who could have ever predicted..LOL Don't count out more manipulation before it takes the big dump.

  • Did Trump Just Announce His 9/11 'Unification' Strategy?   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Thanks stopgap for your link about Tulsi Gabbard.
    Hmmm... Maybe a "wolf in sheep's clothes"??

    Its a good read hotcoffee.

  • Did Trump Just Announce His 9/11 'Unification' Strategy?   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Well said changeX.

    Like "Donny" would ever go against the giant corporate, for profit, health insurance "monster!" With its tentacles feeding politicians in Washington... while squeezing and strangling the rest of us!!
    It would be like a snake oil salesman selling a real cure to our ills...

    War would be easier!

  • Did Trump Just Announce His 9/11 'Unification' Strategy?   6 years 34 weeks ago

    This retired psychiatrist agrees with your assessment that "psychiatry carries little crdence". I consider myself a neuro-scientist and stress researcher, althoough I did practice psychiatry for 41 years, only to be utterly amazed by the lack of neuro-science knowledge among my colleagues, which resulted in their total misuse of most of the psychotropic drugs they prescribed willy-nilly according to the frequently bogus protocols provided by the drug companies. Sadly, America is filled with gulibile folks who are prescribed these powerful drugs by the train loads and often by primary care physicians, as well as naive psychiatrists. A larger principle here is that young doctors are being taught how to practice by people who practice little or never. My 25,000 patients' responses to 1,000,000 psychotropic medication Rx taught me everything I know about those drugs, along with extensive neuro-science reading. I never met another psychiatrist who had an informed, rational basis for their prescribing practices. This should be a nationwide scandal but drug companies rule the airways.

  • Is Trump trying to purge the government of disloyal elements?   6 years 34 weeks ago

    For all the "IT 2017 Pennywise Georgie scene" movie clowns living the in the stormy daniels oops i mean stormy drain stop your trolling, hissing, and clawing.

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