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  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Easy to figure that one out Diane. In order for a top name University to attract top name staff it has to pay. You have to remember that top name lawyers with doctorates can make millions in the private sector. I agree that it seems like college coaches are drastically overpaid but College Football more than pays for itself. It supports many other sports and activities at a University. It is also highly competitive. If you do not make a bowl game you loose millions. If you do the payoff is around $54 million. It also provides scholarships to poverty youth. There are abuses and some do not graduate but it is a money machine in a free enterprise system. A few lucky ones continue on to the NFL and make millions which I am sure that you are against. You are obviously against free enterprise.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Nice post Kend and right on the money. Leftie/socialists never want to talk about the over paid college professors ( Elizabeth Warren was paid $429,981 as a Harvard law professor from 2010 to 2011), or the tenured highly paid professors who never personally teach a class but instead have a staff of assistants who do their job for them. The athletic department whose football coach and his/her/alphabet's staff is usually paid millions, and the millions in benefits paid to the management and board of these precious institutions that lefties like to say "are serving the public good".

    Wonderful side note that must have been "accidently" missed by Thom and his staffs daily scouring of Al Gores internet for good news to report on those evil corporations.

    "Hourly workers at the General Motors Spring Hill Manufacturing Facility will receive bonus checks of $11,750, the automaker said Tuesday."

    A great example of successful negotiations between unions and management. Hard work pays off. "UAW bonus checks, tax overhaul play role in growth"

    I know it is just a "pittance" and "crumbs" to many of the elitist pricks in the democrat party but a few crumbs here and a few crumbs there and pretty soon you can bake a slice of bread.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Kend just posts factless opinion that he gets from Fox News. The same as all of the right wing trolls.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Where do I start with you Kend? Are you aware that the President alone has no authority to just spend trillions? Do you know the basics about how government works? Obama certainly didn't sign legislation handing a couple trillion to a few billionaires. Maybe the billionaires should try living within their means of self control Kend.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    I always refer to stats on the current extreme concentration of wealth when thinking about the inevitable economic collapse coming. As Richard Wolff stated today.. the perfect storm of greedy circumstances is brewing up a giant crash.

    In my opinion, because of the inept individuals in power right now, we're loooking at 1929 again. The stock market is fools gold and it looks like consumer credit is pretty much tapped out.

    A forced Fed reaction to the 2008 drill has set us up for the big quake. This is what happens when we let the rich and powerful control our's called Fascism.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Where do I start. Student debt isn't only a US problem. Canada has the same problem. What scares me is how many students go into debt and don't graduate. Depending on which study around 40%. Consumer credit debt is because most Americans do not live within their means. They have to have the best of everything instead of buying only what they need. Why is it that Trump goes into debt a trillion but the trillions Obama spent was just fine. That is like saying I am hungover because of the 12th beer I had not the first 11.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    So when the Democrats win the house, or senate, the trap will be complete!

    Or, if the Republicans win they will continue their folly all the way to this country's grave.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    #33. As always Diane cannot post fact or reference. It is purely the opinion that Fox News has given her.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    We don't want no damn Russians screwin' around in our elections;

    that's what our God-given Republicans is for!

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago


    Good answer outback. I agree on many of your points. I think my question was perfectly framed and you are correct in the fact I was getting to the point where everyone understands that whether the government, or outsourcing to private industry, the final completed cost is lower with the outsourced product. As the unfunded liabilities are becoming more apparent, cities all over the country are rapidly moving in that direction. The community I live in has added only two city employees in the last five years. This trend is growing exponentially.

    So, that leads us to understand the underlying problem which is, government employees receive too many benefits at the end of their career. I understand this will piss you off but the days of that government gravy train are over.

    I would ask that going forward with new hires, the government seek to match the salaries and benefits to those paid in the private sector. Nothing more, nothing less. If something on this order is not done, into the future you will see entire cities run by the private sector with few if any government employees.

    Rick Steve, It is silly to discuss anything with you until you get over your inordinate concern with what other people make.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Boris the billionaires by-product!

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Outback: Just look who Crooked Donny has appointed to all of our government agencies, need I say more?...he's taking this country along with the entire world to his own fabricated hell. His mind is tormented and tangled...we're in deep sht. my friend. I'm afraid it"s going to end very ugly for all of us, even Diane.

    You know it's funny...I have a good friend /co-worker who sounds just like you Outback, He wanted Bernie so bad, and thus I never hear the end of the Hillary hatred, every damn day.

    I just tell him, that he's drinking the Putin Kool aid...LOL ..But I understand your frustration and point.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    2950: I fully agree, and to quote Rex Tillerson, Trump is a "f**king moron". So you're right, we're all (or most of us) in deep kimshee. But don't worry about Diane, 2950, she's got a spot reserved in one of the 1%'s lavishly appointed bunkers. And speaking of Diane, I think we should begin addressing her by her real name: Boris. ;-)

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Outback: The fact remains, Hillary Clinton's Senate voting record was almost as progressive as Bernie's. Sure I voted for Bernie in the primaries and was as dissapointed as you. Surely you must admit that all of our lives would be much less stressful if she were in the White House right now?

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    2950: Well I guess it depends on what stresses you out. I'm more stressed over the fact that Trump was actually elected than his antics, which has more to do with Hillary's duplicity than her voting record. And I'm almost sure we'd be in a red hot shooting war in Syria right now if she were in office. Oh well....

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Reynolds: My answer was quite clear....I want all private sector employees to have what I have, not be jealous of it.

    As I commented, we never got a union in at the printing company. That's why I left. The company was out of control, they would buy out competitors just to get their a result they shut down plants in small towns and laid many was god damn blood thirsty capitalism.

    We had many multi-million dollar web presses, as well as a high quality sheetfed offset dept....they all ran 24/7 . This company was an example of unionless out of control greed. We worked mandatory 70 hour weeks in the pre-press dept...I witnessed this out of control insanity for many years. Some held on because of a desperate economy and job market while it ruined their family life....I can't remember how many times the company big heads would say to everyone..."you're lucky to have a job! " Well, I didn't let the door hit me in the ass.

    Digital tech and free trade changed everything by the 90's...not the Germans. The Chinese can do 4CP extremely cheap...take time to check where all of your Barnes and Noble books get printed..been that way for a long time....but I got out a long time ago too.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    #22. Since as usual you want to stay fact free I will post a reference. It does not surprise me as the private sector has not kept up with the Government sector because most of the profits in the private sector goes to overpaid CEO's and upper management. Not so in the Government sector.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Road runner, I will put you down for a non answer which I will expect to get from anyone who responds.

    What you forgot to tell everyone about your printing union was during the very early 1980's the Germans dominated the manufacture of printing presses and had unions required many as four men manning a 60" four color press and two or three on a 40" press.

    Along came the Japanese presses that required only one person on a 40" and I knew shops where one person could run two presses simultaneously.

    This change in technology which the unions hated is what forced the unions out of the printing plants. The unions lost out to modern technology and the print quality of these presses exceeded any the Germans had to date. Today the Germans and Japanese both require a fraction of the employees needed to produce good high quality six or eight color quality printing.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    norgotoad said it well....I lived it.....In the early 80's I fought for a union at a very large printing company, and the push back was all Reaganesque bullsht talking points. Many of my co-workers were browbeat with crap like unions are communist and will drive the company out of business. The 401K garbage about "your own personal" retirement fund instead of a guaranteed pension was actually implemented....sweet deal for the company owners and Wall Street criminals....but more misery for underpaid workers.

    Many of my co-workers did in fact drink the Reganomic Koolaid....lift yourself up by the bootstraps. The unionization attempt was defeated by firing employees who eventually won a lawsuit. All of this while the hands off/life of leisure owner raided the pension fund and simply gave old timers small lump sum payments. Replacement was a 401K plan ...put in your own money and let Wall Street have their god damn way with it...anybody remember Oct 19th 1987? etc. etc.

    I finally came to my senses, took a civil service test, and have been an extremely proud member of a giant union for decades now.

    BTW: Reynolds, You know those pesky entitlements you Kochbaggers want to hand over to billionaire bankers. I've been paying into Soc. Sec. for 44 straight years now and still have 7 more years before I'm eligible for the age 67 payout. Yes, I have been working since the age of 16! I have to go two extra years, thanks to Reagan for raising the age at the same time he got rid of pensions.! .... and oh, FYI... I only bike the roads, strickly run on trails. LOL

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    #20 dianereynolds: I've been a middle management engineering manager in a private sector company as well as an employee of the federal government on a couple of occasions so I can relate to your "question", which is really inadequately framed. You haven't provided enough context. It's a typical "false choice", such as "are you still beating your wife? Yes or no!"

    As an aside to #17, Diane just answered your question about why Joe Sixpack can't see through this BS; either his/her logic centers were burned out by Faux News or he/she never had the neurons in the first place. All of these people should engage in critical thinking and logic classes at their local junior colleges by way of rehabilitation.

    But back to your "question" Diane, I would be inclined to answer "yes", provided everything else was equal. Now if this government employee also enjoys a federal retirement program in addition to Social Security, plus a measure of job security since the federal government isn't so bottom line driven, then my answer would be "no", but your famous market would resolve the issue by offsetting the salary of the private sector employee upward, which is EXACTLY what happens in this country as individuals are still free to move between jobs. For example, my first job as an electrical engineer was with the federal government and I was only on that job for a year when I was recruited by Boeing for a much higher salary, plus equivalent health benefits. So you see, Diane, you need to actually "think" before you post your nonsense here or people who DO think will call you out.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Rick Steve. I don't have any idea what wou are trying to read into my simple question. Just a simple yes or no will suffice.

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Do you have reference that they do or do not? What does the CEO of your hypothetical company make?

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    The leftie/socialists appear to be so flummoxed, they have no answer for my post #1 which really proves when they are confronted with logic they just withdraw into the same old spitting hatred mode taking a page from Thom who raises his voice and talks over any guest with a strong opinion.

    Thanks for proving my points.

    Let me simplify it a bit,

    A middle manager engineer in a private sector job makes say $90,000/year with three weeks vacation, the usual sick days off, company contribution to his/her/alphabets healthcare plan, and a 1/3 match to their 401k retirement contribution while still employed. Social security to be available at appropriate retirement age.

    Is it reasonable to pay a government employee doing the exact same job the same wages and benefit package with Social security to be available at appropriate retirement age?

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    If the last election proved anything, its that the democratic party has now become the party of the elites, the 1%.

    Gone is the old democratic support for the working man, for christians, for small business owners. Now the dems are the party of free trade and big banking. Their support for open borders just reinforces the notion that they are desperate for voters. The party elites realize now that they have lost middle America, probably for good. And by nominating Hillary, the dems also became the pro-war party. Congratulations!!

    What has happened to the democratic party in this country?

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Fox News. I have worked with a lot of blue collar workers that are anti Union. They have been brainwashed.

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