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  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    It is well settled amonst intelligent folks that Rumpy is one dangerous idiot. We can only hope Mueller will get enough evidence to rid us of the creepy crawler once and for all. His anti American rich buddies should go with him. A revolution is coming.

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    But the child wanting the parade asked this repeatedly to an unnamed foreign policy expert...."Why can't the U.S. use it's nuclear weapons stockpile"? That during a during a national security briefing.

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    As a leftist friend of mine commented when I told him about Donny's military parade "he's such a child" LOL.

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    I agree Oldskoold, the Kochpublican Party has been infiltrated by Putin's war machine, but only for the purpose of destabilizing a super power that would keep his expansionist desires in check. He knows what a compete pushover/arrogant fool Trump is, and I'm sure Putin is quite amused by the Pee Pee tapes. The Kochpublican Party is powerless to stop Putin while he has blackmail material on the entire party , which he does.

    The thing that nobody talks much about though is the fact that the CIA was way ahead of the whole thing. They knew what Putin was up to and would have stopped him had Putin been trying to install Clinton and the Democratic Party. As we can plainly see in the recent budget proposal...there is still unending spending on the military industrial spy complex by the the party Putin propped up, so thus the look the other way apathy. Putin is just fine with our country going bankrupt with endless war spending...he should know...LMAO.

    I was hoping a young patriot in the CIA would have leaked the truth before it was too late.....the CIA fired a bunch of younger/newer employees in August of who knows?.

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Does this mean were not going to have a big military parade after all? I was so looking forward for the chance to see President Bone-spurs showing off his Stalin face and Mussolini jaw, while from a strategic position high above, he salutes the troops as they march off to some war-torn hell hole.

    Remember though…don't make the parade too long. Don't want Dear Leader to get bored and go inside and watch television halfway through the parade.

    Maybe they can have all the Fox News celebrities riding in open jeeps and waving to the crowd. Sean Hannity can be Grand Marshall! General Flynn can wear his new Russian military uniform. Tucker Carlson and General Kelly can show off their white hoods.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Oh! Mein Trumpsters! Mein Trumpsters!

    The Stock Market is falling!!! The Stock Market is falling!! Quick!! Quick!! Jam your heads up Sean Hannity's ass!! Ah! That's better…I knew it! Its all Hillary's fault! Its all Obama's fault. Damned text messages!!! Damn emails!!! Damn terrible black president!!! Damn deep-state conspiracy!! Damn all those Democrat FBI Trump-hating traitors!! Damn Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi…..!

    Bless you Mein Herr Trump. This stock market crash is just your way of proving that the Obama economy was just Fake News. It may hurt a bit, but it had to be done.

    No doubt the big military parade will turn everything around. Only a stable genius like our Dear Leader Trump could have thought of saving the country with a big showing of military tanks carving up the streets of DC. Of course this will stimulate the economy by employing hordes of street maintenance repairpersons to return the streets back to serviceability. This could only be from the mind of a great stable genius like Herr Trump.

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Probably Goosestepping fo sho! #3. Untenable though. I'm actually ashamed to be American now. Wonder if they will give me free air fare? Call me a dreamer I suppose....and deport me. Hell; then I would be a lookin' for citizenship somewhere! That depends on Ryan, McCain. and dipshit Graham. What farces! "No Bless hearts". They have enabled too damn long. Where the hell is Richard Burr? His ancestor challenged a duel! Guess genetics get diluted by $$$$.

    Screw them. I'm done.

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Did we miss chuckie's parade?

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    At the risk (hah hah) of Diane attacking me for being concerned about others salaries (abuse of):

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    This is today's Fascism. I can hardly wait for the great military parade. Bigger than any other countries.Into Goosesteping?

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    So now we have a new and improved nuclear bomb? I thought we already had an arsenal of bombs. Don't they work anymore? Maybe they will set it off as the finale for that big military parade Trump wants. The national credit card is going to get a real workout this year. But, he's used spending wild and then getting his loans forgiven. Our country will be bankrupt, but he will once again use his trusty old well worn golden parachute to float off into the sunset. And then, it will be time to put a Democrat into office for the cleanup.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    A little off topic... But ties in to discussion.

    Here in Janesville WI. The birth place and home of ( the Ayn Rand brain child) Paul Ryan. We have a YMCA. As you're all probably aware.. The YMCA is a non-profit organization. And being so; is exempt from all state and federal taxes. Yet..
    This "so called" non-profit (Christian) organisation has a CEO who's salary is 280,000 dollars a year. In fact: he's by far,the highest payed CEO of any non-profit organisation in Rock County, WI. In contrast: the CEO of the YMCA in neighboring Beloit, Wl. makes 100,000 a year. The vast majority of employees working there (the front desk, cleaning, daycare, lifeguards, etc..) make minimum wage, or just slightly over...

    So.. In a 2000 hour a year job ( which he most certainly doesn't work) he makes 140.00 an hour. And they make about 7.25 an hour. WTF!!

    Non-profit?!? Tax exempt?!? CHRISTIAN?!?
    Just a little microcosm of our "rotten to the core"corrupt, unregulated, capitalist society...

  • We Have to Stop Pretending Our Economy is Working (w/Guest Richard Wolff)   6 years 34 weeks ago

    I agree with Dr. Wolff. My take on's a fools gold economy created by out of control rich fools. A true Democracy is supposed to legislate against and regulate this kind of greed.

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Not merely incredible; untenable! Every day it becomes so much more apparent that we have an entire political party that has been infiltrared and compromised by a foreign government. Nothing else explains the actions of them. When Russia went "capatilast" they had no boundaries or checks and balances. What we are dealing with is 25% brainwashed and racist citizens and the "global mob" takeover of the once great USA! The supposed christian fundementalist are what I really don't understand. Psycology my friends. All the "Think Tanks" established by the republicans were and are nothing more than ways to establish racism as a basis for your vote by observing "focus groups" and their reactions. Then; the weaponize their findings. Add voter supression and Gerrymandering, you get Wisconsin!!! WE in deep shit!

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Off topic but not well known

    His spelling is a little off as he's losing his eyesight. He's a vet, an ex. cop...married to a Mexican woman living in Mexico.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    #6 Diane, Why are you so suddenly concerned about Elizabeth Warren ( i am amazed that you did not use an immature Pocahontas slur) income. You are the one that criticizes me for being concerned ablaut what CEO's make. And being concerned about what college coaches make really buts you at the top of hypocrisy. Actually you are concerned about what a Democrat makes but could give a rats ass about what a Republican makes.

    Maybe you should look at Mitch McConells net worth

    Or look at Paul Ryans net worth which is not nearly as spectacular but has dramatically changed since he became speaker of the house.

    By the way, in post #13 CVS will be taking at least some of its employees off of welfare and SNAP by raising there pay.

    Are you going to the military parade? To watch the troops admire our strong POTUS?

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Coffee: Nobody would complain about all those taxes if we got the same benefits Democratic Socialist countries give back to citizens for the same tax rates.,,but we have war for profit sucking up the commons. Maybe a parade will make it all worth while.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago's way too late to defend out of control greed anymore, turn off the propaganda and wake up! It's going to take a lot more than over politicized crumb tossing. This country is in deep sht.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Coalage 3: if you wanted a 20% gain you needed to cash out a month ago. Good luck now pal....after today, panic will begin setting in! The handful of financial institutions like Vanguard that control 70% of all stock manipulations are running out of time and crime strategies.

    I guess you Kochbaggers were never instructed to bitch about the crushing national debt. Thats only a Dem thing, really?.....give me a freaking break. LMAO.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago
  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    As a citizen you must pay a federal income tax, and, in places like California, a state income tax. Then you must pay sales taxes on almost everything you buy. Then there is the property tax; even renters pay it, for it is included in their rent. This means that even if you have paid off your mortgage you do not really own your home, for, in effect, you are paying rent to local government (largely to support the ruin of your children in the indoc centers).

    But then things really get interesting. Leftists call for high corporate taxes to “soak the rich.” But the CEOs and stockholders do not pay these taxes; they are passed on to you, the consumer, embedded in the price of whatever you buy. Take the example of the groceries you buy. You are paying the farmers’ corporate income taxes, and their property taxes, and the corporate and property taxes of the food processing companies, and the rail and trucking companies that ship the food to your area, and the corporate and property taxes of the supermarket.

    Most people are completely unaware of all these hidden taxes, and very few are aware that the Federal Reserve, a consortium of private banks wedded in unholy matrimony with the government, creates fiat money out of thin air, causing a permanent inflation, the ultimate hidden tax. No one even knows how much all of this impacts us, but, by even the most conservative estimate, the average citizen is robbed of well over half of what would have been his purchasing power.

    If you but anything on credit you then have a usary tax.

    That doesn't even consider fines and fees.

    To realize fully what the elites have done to us, consider what the world and America would probably be like if there had been no rigged wars and depressions, no IRS or Federal Reserve, no rule by judicial decree, no invasion by aliens. Imagine life with no IRS, and less government spending and lower taxes. Government could be funded by tariffs and a national income tax, and we could have a stable currency based on precious metals. Or we could even have the government, not a central bank, create fiat money, but do it openly and subject to strict limitations.

    Absent high taxes and a regulatory burden, absent the debt and deficit spending, innovation would flourish and our economy would be strong and stable. But above all we would be free…free of the IRS, NSA spying, and the corrupt and murderous FBI and CIA. And this is without even considering the possibility that the elites may have suppressed technologies that would have given us unlimited energy and better health care.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    I think you will have a very difficult time convincing most people that a 20% return on their 401K is wrecking the economy. But go ahead and try.

    Where were you when the debt was exploding during the Obama terms? Its only when a republican is in the White House, and with the GOP controlling congress, that suddenly progressives seem concerned about the national debt.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago
  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    I am sorry but I have to, Rick Steve you have noe officially passed Thom Hartmann as the most negative person on the planet. What a pain in the ass employee you must have been.

    I love your defense of the leftie/socialist bastions, the colleges and universities. You know the places where they forbid any conservative to speak. "In order for a top name University to attract top name staff it has to pay." I will come back and run that right up your ass the next time you ever squeal about executive pay.

    I did read the article and that is why I posted it. I did give credit to the unions and management for negotiating together and I was aware the bonus was reduced because of the new tax law which permitted GM who actually made MORE money in 2017 vs. 2106 but took full advantage of the old tax laws and wrote off sale of a European subsidiary.

    Now, go lash on a tin bill and pick shit with the chickens.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Just read part of your GM article which you obviously did not read. They have negotiated profit sharing in the pay base. The $11,750 was actually down from $12000 last year because profits were slightly down. It had nothing to do with the Republican tax cut giveaway to the 1%. Profit sharing is a great incentive and at least shows a resourceful company plan. If the company does not make a profit they get no bonus.

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