Recent comments

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    I am surprised it comes to you as a shock that pampered, participation ribbon snowflakes are having a tough time adjusting to a mean, competitive, eat what you kill world. Would would happen to them if they lived in a place where there was no opportunity like the US.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Dear MaxM: Thank You for your fantastic comments, they came rirht out of my mouth and brain. You ought to be a commentater on MsNbC. Of thats right I forgot ,you aren't an asskissing right-wing neo-liberal weasel.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Taxes are too damn high!

    Can we refine that statement? Whose taxes and which taxes? Are taxes on the poor too high or should their taxes be lowered? Are taxes on those who can most easily afford a tax increase where we should look for a greater support of the commons? Let's look at tax regressively before we start throwing $ at the morbidly wealthy. Oops, too late.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Yes, we have over half our bankruptcies due to sickness but wait, bankruptcies due to education will soon be another major economic factor. Oh wait, student loads don't count so they can't contribute to the bankruptcy statistics. Never mind.

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Filling up your comments with 4 paragraphs of deep bs doesn't mean you were thinking!

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    In the meantime Jerry Brown wants to make Ca. all electric cars...yet I hear nothing about what will happen if there is a solar flare or emp attack.

    Chemtrails...are they killing off all the bees and birds, therefore our food supply? What are they doing to the wildlife, rivers, food crops, not to mention the GMO's, we still have PBC's lurking everywhere. Airplanes are never mentioned in the pollution debates.

    White women had their tubes tied in hoards during the 60's while the 3rd world populations exploded.

    Considering the positions of Bill Gates and his friends do vaccines now include un- mentioned birth control? How many are not taking Xanex or an equvilant? Big Pharma with meds that are worse than the illness they never cure.

    Is it really the flu going around or effects of being chem trailed with who knows what almost every day. Where are the marches to stop that? Too busy knitting pussy hats I guess. Nothing like having you priorities straight. I don't think chem trails care if your left or right.

    The Guide Stones are still standing, seems like one monument the left & right doesn't care to take down.

    Before anyone gets a raise or tax refund utility companies have figured how to gobble it what is there to be depressed about?

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Another contributor has already done a pretty good job below, however, the standard I use is the size of the human population on earth when all of our ancestors were hunter-gatherers and lived in ecological balance with the rest of living beings on our finite planet: 4,000,000. So, today, as we approach 7,450,000,000, were are 1850 times more populated since the start of the agricultural revolution. How many humans the earth can support in the face of our rapid depletion of non-renewable natural resources is a guess: 2,000,000,000? 50,000,000? What I have discovered is that we have built-in population regulation mechanisms: vulnerability to disease, loss of fertility, and Darwin's "checks to increase": famine, war, plague, etc. In Malthus' words: "misery and vice". I explain the history of crowded animal research and the early discovery of the neuro-endocrine population regulation mechanisms, which ultimately result in pan-species reproductive failure and extinction, in my free on-line e-book, "Stress R Us". Just Google the title for a real eye-opener. For instance, infertility in the US has increased 100% in the past 34 years: 8% in 1982, but 16.7% in 2016. Don't read it just before bedtime, unless you want to be up all night! :)) In summary: ALL of our 'DISEASES OF CIVILIZATION" are due to population density stress. Our contemporary hunter-gatherers have almost none of the diseases that are killing us off by the millions. Stress R Us

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Upton Sinclair was only repeating a long circulated socialist axiom in 1904 when he restated that the Democratic and Republican parties are just two wings of the same bird of prey. Unfortunately, in the US Socialist have been the only political organization to acknowledge the absolute and utter corruption of our political system and the true nature of capitalism. Yes history tells us that the founders were "fearful" of political parties. Since the vast majority of historians work in institutions subservient to the Capitalist Class their interpretation of history almost always serves The Establishment's narrative of history. The question of why the founders did not want political parties is never answered with truth, only with the ruling class Big Lie #1 that they feared for our democracy. It is an answer that was and is still being used to deflect our attention from the fact that the founders and their ilk could then ensure that the masses were organized to take away any opportunity for political participation in The Reformed American Monarchy by shuffling We, The Rabble through the cattle shute of our pseudo democracy being beat with the whips and chains of both wings of what I like to call our Wall Street Owned One Party System (WOOPS). Which could also be described as political muscle on the capitalist steroids of money. Until we on the Left acknowledge that The Democratic Party Wing is more responsible for the destruction Neoliberalism has wrought we shall always be in the clutches of this bird of prey. At best, George H W Bush was only making a half-hearted attempt to carry forward with the new Neoliberal incarnation he was supposed to preside over. Bush was not thinking of me and you he simply recognized Neoliberalism as a long term threat to his place of privilege in hereditary wealth. It took William Jefferson Clinton and the DLC Corporatist Democrat Party to destroy The New Deal and to make manifest the wet dreams of Neoliberalism. Until we recognize that we are the only ones on our side we will continue to be just a sack lunch in the break room of corporatism.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 34 weeks ago

    #5. One method I found is count the number of tower cranes you can see on the horizon. That is the number of multi-story buildings that are currently under construction in view. Typical USA city maybe 6 to 8. Some more, some less. I was in a coastal city in China. From my hotel room window I stopped counting at 200 and was about 2/3 done. Most were probably greater than 30 stories tall.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 34 weeks ago

    In case you haven't studied "over-population", it includes everyone and everywhere on this small, resource finite planet. Our speciecies will literally starve to death at around 9 billion people. Of course, it's already happening in "third world" countries and in poorer places in the Americas. Coupled with rising sea levels and our species inability to peacefully reconcile ourselves with each other, the end of human life and all terrestrial, save deep sea creatures is more probable than meerly possible. We are already seeing rises in cancer death related to "Chernoble". Now even worse the "Fuchushima meltdowns" which, to this moment haven't been contained, along with nuclear weapons on the table of options for a way to peace!? The whole problem with our future as a species is under-scored by human over-population. Competition for survival. We used to talk about "zero population growth" in the late 1960's. Since then, the world has almost doubled in size. So much for the U.N. efforts to educate people about birth control, especially in Hindu, Muslim, Judao-Christian societies.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 34 weeks ago

    The Study is an over simplification of the changes and causes for them in our society. Our parents knew of real poverty born of the Great Republican Depression and hardships of war(s). Power in mass movements gave us "the middle class". These achievements were damned from the early years starting in earnst in 1953 by the joint efforts of the CIA (Allen Dullus), FBI (J.Edgar Hoover) and the Pentagon. The deamoninzation, marginalization, coercion (blackmail) and murder of U.S. citizens never ended, but was expanded as Edward Snowdens releases demonstrate. Through those methods they control our media and national dialogue. I strongly suspect that the aristocracy will never allow real democracy to resurface again as it did during the Russian Revolution or with FDR's New Deal and the social organizations that made it happen. The worse is yet to come for North Americans. Perhaps then, if anybody is left alive (remember "they" hold the nuclear button) a new socially responsible society might re-emerge. Fear born of poverty is a tool of the aristocracy.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 34 weeks ago

    #2 - Kindly define over population?

    Paticularly relating to where!

    Countries affected (quoted) are the US, UK and to some extent Germany

    Kindly inform how many people need to be removed or reduced in number to alleviate the malady

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Of course, these problems did not begin with Reagan or Thatcher. Those two eagerly supported the resurgence of the capitalist capture of government that had been reined in by FDR and the New Deal.. Neoliberalism is nothing more than globalized, virulent capitalism. The US has always been a society characterized by individualism and competitiveness. That is part of our national personality and results directly from the type of economic system that has prevailed here since our founding. A handful of owners exploiting masses of powerless workers. Competition required for survival, and me-ism were, and still are natural outcomes. Now corporations fully control the news and information we receive, what entertainment we are exposed to, and all the advertising we see and hear. We are all a captive audience to the messages they want us to receive. And those messages have only intensified our selfishness, suferficiality and paranoia. We need to do far more than getting money and the rich out of politics. We need to get capitalism permanently out of its position of control over government, society and its institutions.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Now Gmilk; youngest son who hasn't visited the "meeting site" agrees with you. A vehicle of the over population is overdue. I just hope it will be a "Stupid/Racist/Lazy" gene that the next plague's virius will target. I'm almost afraid to show him where it is. He just might go off and I don't want to take "Chicken on Sunday" to visit him. It's got that damn bad. Hope I hit the lottery tonight. I'll be somewhere else. I'll leave all my "deterrents" and delivery systems here! There not leagal in most "civilized countries" and; unneeded.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 34 weeks ago

    What a great example of bad science, of made-up "just so" stories to explain natural phenomena, rather than serious scientific hypothesis building and testing. I would like to suggest that these emtions are the direct consequence of of overpopulation and the status hierarchies that all mammals sort themselves out in. Just look at the body language of football players or any other sports contestants when they win a contest versus those who have lost. Ask them how they're feeling and they will describe either joy and elation, or sadness and deflation. Our problem, living in the overpopulated society that we have created, is that our hierarchies are filled up and have little room for newcomers. Try to be the top student in your freshman college chemistry class, when there are many hundreds of competitors vying for that status. We suffer from "fitting-in" exhaustion and the consequence is dysphoric mood, increased anxiety, increased depression, increased suicide, increased substancee abuse, etc. Want the details? Google "Stress R Us" and go to Topic 25, "HIERARCHY: STATUS, DOMINANCE, AND SUBMISSION". Stress R Us. Thank you, Thom, for bringing up these important topics and for your ever curious mind. I put you near the top of my media status hierarchy! Can you feel it?! :)) I wish I had the money to put it where only my words are now! Afterall, I'm a retired neuro-psychiatrist and left my 41 year paractice being owed $1,000,000. in unpaid fees. I wouldn't trade the million for my clean conscience! :))

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Wonderful! The dots connected. We are dealing with a generation and a half that won't able to go to college and come out debt free. I don't mean "online college" (Thom Tillis perhaps has a simblance of a soul lately but I hazzard a guess as to where his degree is from, and, was it online or as I will describe below just out of High School and/or liberty University and FGS Trump college/university as I suspect? I mean the room and board college! The kind where the page is somewhat blank at 18 years old and you have to assimilate with other cultures. I mean Yankees and Confederates and the ocassional immigrant in 1975 that you (perhaps encountered if so lucky to have had the opprotunity as a new chapter in your life on your own without daily influense by southern norms). I felt it as a coming of age and explored/investigated and disregarded ingrained opinions I had been raised around and heard while growing up. Fortunately; my father drove us away from a Clan meeting in Polkville NC when I was around 6 years old. I had an open mind due to the fact he did that. My Dads best friends were black and I loved them all as uncles, aunts, and brothers and sisters. I will never forget seeing young black girls with broomstraw in their ear from a recent piercing running around the un-underpinned shanty's of a sharecroppers home. We were the last of a legasy of cotton growing landowners in Cleveland Co. NC. Luckily I have had the opprotunity to take my oldest son to the site of the Clan meeting. We found several trailers, not underpinned, but they had the Rebel Battle flag flying. I guess you can't fix STUPID! And; I'm kinda getting tired of trying to wait then out. I find it telling that the trailers won't underpinned either. I bet some, and I hope all, those girls are living in New York and in palatial apartments or houses................LOL! Bet there underpinned and painted or masonry structures too!

    And most likely not flying a damn flag except for a flower!

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Coffee: I hope didn't hurt yourself with all that deep thinking? LMAO

  • Trump Won't read His Daily Intelligence Briefings - In Order to Get Him to Read - Should We....   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Mr. Trump is so unqualified in so many ways--too many to list and you all know them. To survive this nation needs a change in Banana Republic White House and Banana Republic Congress.

    Absolutely, voters need to elect a leader who is smart, literate, and empathetic. Someone with adminstrative and leadership skills. Someone who knows history and is willing to learn from it.

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    I think a parade would be as dumb as the above comments.

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Coalage, Calm yourself. You might want to look up the definition of the words satire and sarcasm.

    So was your 401K and your property values worth more at the end of the Bush presidency or the end of the Obama presidency? Was the stock market higher at the end of the Clinton presidency or the Bush presidency? As Trump likes to say, "we'll see." But if history is any gauge, prepare for the worst!

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago


    No response from the "foxnotized" trolls...
    Their silence is deafening!!

  • Donald Trump Orders Test Of Nuclear Weapons as North Korea Crosses Red Lines   6 years 34 weeks ago

    Maybe its that old adage about men and their toys..
    He's got those tiny little boy hands..but...

    All those manly men in crisp uniforms, carrying guns and marching in perfect formation..
    And the artillery and the tanks rolling by...
    And missiles on launch trucks..WOW!
    And helicopters buzzing overhead, with fighter jets streaking across the sky!
    And if that's not enough...
    Maybe a real BIG BANG in the Desert for an encore!!


    And he's in command of ALL that..

    Tiny little hands..but..BIG BOY!

    The admiration of the populous
    will be overwhelming!
    You will be a role model for our youth..
    Men will envy you..
    And women will...
    ...will lay at your feet!
    What woman, could even resist you?
    With ALL those pussies to grab!!!

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    My 401K is still worth much more now than when Obama left office. I am still way ahead despite the drops in the last few weeks.

    Where is that panic you are speaking about? Where is it? I watch the news just about every night and I have seen no reports of panic. Months ago I did see panic among left leaners as Trump continued to bamboozle them. Is that the panic you speak of?

  • The End Of Democracy Brought to You by Thatcher, Reagan and Trump   6 years 34 weeks ago

    To Post #29...unless you are an illegal immigrant hiding from ICE, what "stress" are you supposedly under now that Trump is president? Be has your life changed that dramatically in the past year?

    If you voted for Hillary, then you must be pro-war. Just check out her record. I remember when principled democrats used to be anti-war. Not so much anymore. Why do you think McCain and L.Graham like her so much?

  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 34 weeks ago

    And only a progressive idiot would claim that Trump wants to "turn everything around" with a parade. I must have missed that quote.

    And by the way, the stock market hasn't crashed. But I appreciate your immature German references. The problem is you are applying them to the wrong political party....dummkopf.

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