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  • Donald Trump's Budget Will Cut Trillions From Social Safety Net To Give Tax Breaks To Morbidly Rich   6 years 33 weeks ago

    The GOP coudn't care if it littleraly split the world in half. Just as long as the GOP gets money from the Ultra-Rich, and the Ultra-Rich and their Corporations gets tax breaks... Public service done in private rooms away from the eyes of the voters.

  • Donald Trump's Budget Will Cut Trillions From Social Safety Net To Give Tax Breaks To Morbidly Rich   6 years 33 weeks ago



    In the worlds biggest economy

  • Donald Trump's Budget Will Cut Trillions From Social Safety Net To Give Tax Breaks To Morbidly Rich   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Ah, well the moral and ethical implications of treating people so abusively aside, you have to follow the money. Not the pittance given to the unemployed, but who is profiting off of the "war on drugs." Like the other "wars on nouns" there is plenty to be made here. So trace what companies (not just their front corporations) control drug testing, then see how much they are giving legislators in "contributions".

    It always works like this; body scanners suddenly came in after Obama spent some time with the president of the company that made them--and got them a stimulus money contract too. Powerless, ill-informed or fearful people are typical prey for those using the system.

    And, I might add, the budget that cuts Medicare, Medicaid, education, etc. also inflates the War Department. Why not? That is more profitable for those who work with Congress to get contracts and give some of the money back. The fact that ultimately there will be no America left to defend seems to have escaped them entirely.

  • Donald Trump's Budget Will Cut Trillions From Social Safety Net To Give Tax Breaks To Morbidly Rich   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Thom, I certainly concur with you regarding the decisions being made by the Trump administration and the self-described “conservatives” who have the votes to dismantle the nation’s safety net of social welfare programs. These programs have been necessary because our systems of law and taxation have their origins in an ideology that secured and protected privilege rather than equality of opportunity.

    The source of inequality in the United States is not a recent occurrence. It goes back to the founding era and the design of the U.S. Constitution. The North American colonies ruled by Britain were colonies granted to a landed elite of families and aristocrats. Independence from Britain did not lead to the elimination of landed privilege in the new United States. Those leading citizens who met in Philadelphia to forge a new system of government had no desire to change the fundamental systems of law and taxation that had enabled them to inherit large landed estates subject to minimal taxation. To fund government they imposed taxes on commerce and tariffs on imported goods.

    Fast forward to the early 20th century and the “progressive” effort to begin to tax incomes of the wealthy. That was at the core of the individual income tax as initially designed. Only those with relatively high incomes was subjected to taxation, on the sound observation that much of this income is unearned, derived as “rents” associated with the ownership of land and land-like assets (e.g., licenses to monopolize frequencies on the broadcast spectrum, and licenses to exploit natural resources that have an inelastic supply provided by nature).

    It was the American political economist Henry George, who, in the last two decades of the 19th century, made the case for bringing an end to landed privilege by changing the way revenue is raised to pay for public goods and services. George’s analysis proved that it was possible to create a full employment society, one in which there would always be more jobs looking for workers than workers looking for jobs. Eliminate all taxation, he argued, replacing taxation with societal collection of the potential annual rental value of all locations, all natural resource-laden lands, and all other natural assets with an inelastic supply.

    Henry George’s perspectives are receiving renewed attention, not in the United States (except by some cities as restructuring of local property taxation) but in the United Kingdom. After years of studies by economists, by public policy think tanks by the Labour and Green parties, it seems possible that enabling legislation might be brought forward to a vote in the House of Commons. The latest political figure to endorse the measure is former prime minister Tony Blair. He and other leaders in Britain might be recalling that none other than Winston Churchill campaigned for the taxation of Britain’s land as a young man. In a 1909 speech he declared that while the monopoly of land was not the only monopoly or the only source of unearned wealth, but the monopoly of land was “the mother of all monopolies.”

    We in the United States desperately need to a high level of public discussion the analysis of our economic system’s shortcomings offered by Henry George over a century ago.

  • How the GOP Used a Two Santa Clauses Tactic to Con America for Nearly 40 Years   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Let me get this straight...
    This " two Santa Clauses" tactic is based on insane supply side, Laissez Faire economic philosophies.
    You know.. The economic philosophy that won Milton Friedman a Nobel prize?!?
    And.. Alan Greenspan the Medal of Freedom?!?
    And l thought us Jews didn't believe in Santa Clause?
    Let alone...two of them!!

    What this Jew wants to know is...

    In the science of economics:
    Why in the world, did the world, listen to the crazy economic ramblings of a couple of...absolutely insane Jews??
    Wasn't there any economic- Jewish "voice of reason" 40 years ago??
    Where the fuck was Paul Krugman back then?!?
    "Not chuckling"

  • The Republican Lie about the Self-Made Myth   6 years 33 weeks ago

    U would like to copy and paste Thom's rant on Joe the republican is not a self made man. Heard it for years and would like to forward on to republican friends. Thank you Thom been listening to you since air america and lost you for a couple years when Clear Channel shut down KPOJ progressive radio. A supporting member of XRay FM

  • How the GOP Used a Two Santa Clauses Tactic to Con America for Nearly 40 Years   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Well of course, give people what they want and, as my father (1900-90) said, they will vote their pocketbooks. Unfortunately the link between reckless spending for pointless wars, cutting useful spending by government, and boiling the economy into steam is missed by most people. Which, since Congress collects the campaign contributions from contractors (hired to fight the enemies created by pointless wars) is exactly how they want it. The fact that this is totally unsustainable, and a growing war department has less and less of value to defend at home is, to their way of thinking, nobody's problem.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    @#26. Your first couple of sentences says it all. Private money is just that and it applies to all sides of the political aisle.

    Glad you put the Koch's in the same class with Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg.

  • Trump Won't read His Daily Intelligence Briefings - In Order to Get Him to Read - Should We....   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Can't select all three equally qualified answers. Would if I could.

  • How the GOP Used a Two Santa Clauses Tactic to Con America for Nearly 40 Years   6 years 33 weeks ago

    We need to find out who, how, why, and where the military industrial spy complex is laundering all of those missing billions. We know Cheney got massively rich off all the for profit global death and destruction.

    If you think our system is less corrupt than Putin's Russia, better guess again.

    Reliable word is out that Pompeo won't do a god damn thing to stop the Russian interference in the midterms....that from Rex Tillerson. T-Rex's words.."we can't do much about it" Why would they do anything about it? Putin supports their fascist cause which will lead to our economic collapse.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Hot Coffee: Who decides where Soros' wealth belongs? If he wants to spend his money on what he believes, and express his opinions, that's his business. That's what the Koch bros do, and they have a much better funded and systematic campaign than Soros, although you wouldn't know that if you get your info from Fox News. It never ceases to amaze me how the right wingers obsess over whatever the right wing media tells them to obsess over. Easily manipulated much?

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    The expectation of perfection is a diversion to steer people away from the joke of neoliberalism. People who are constantly getting down on themselves for falling short of the neoliberal ideal of personal capitalist virtue will be to occupied to have the resources to question the tenets of the system that they work in, because they might ultimately realize that the entire system is far, far from perfect, that it may just be a dysfunctional and pathological economic system. It's the old strategy of getting people to blame themselves for falling short of expectations when they are working in a system that is itself to blame.

  • How the GOP Used a Two Santa Clauses Tactic to Con America for Nearly 40 Years   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Banksters surely have a role in this seeming never ending cycle

  • How the GOP Used a Two Santa Clauses Tactic to Con America for Nearly 40 Years   6 years 33 weeks ago

    History keeps repeating itself and the Republicans (that should be Democrats) keep falling for it and voting for it. How many times does it take. Huge tax cuts for the wealthy + massive increases in Defense Spending = Recession.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    The original Constitution of the US should be enforced.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago
  • GOP Is Wrecking Your Retirement Savings   6 years 33 weeks ago

    If history is any gauge, then the market will always come back. Not the worst. You need to reread your economics history.

    Of course my 401K was worth at the end of each presidency because the stock market always goes up over time. If you hold stocks, then you will see a positive return over time despite the occasional hiccups and corrections.

    Now, tell us...where is the panic you were talking about?

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago


    Instead of German women spending £87 on a pair of anti-rape pants, wouldn't just wearing an inexpensive Angela Merkel mask accomplish the same thing?

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    This country has become a country of Archie Bunkers on one side and Ediths on the other! Both sides Dumb.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    George Soros: I won’t ‘butt out’ of Brexit politics

    Financier George Soros has vowed not to “butt out” of supporting a campaign to keep the U.K. in the European Union because Brexit is a “tragic mistake.”

    The Best for Britain campaign came under fire last week from newspaper articles in the Telegraph and Daily Mail for accepting £400,000 in funding from Soros’s Open Society Foundation. But Soros has hit back in a comment piece for the Mail on Sunday, citing his past as a refugee and his foundation’s work promoting democracy.

    The people of Britain voted for Brexit. They voted to leave the European Union. Yet people on the left refuse to accept it, much in the same way American leftists refuse to accept the fact that Trump won the 2016 election.

    Left wing billionaire George Soros is even working to reverse Brexit.

    Politico reports:

    George Soros: I won’t ‘butt out’ of Brexit politics

    Financier George Soros has vowed not to “butt out” of supporting a campaign to keep the U.K. in the European Union because Brexit is a “tragic mistake.”

    The Best for Britain campaign came under fire last week from newspaper articles in the Telegraph and Daily Mail for accepting £400,000 in funding from Soros’s Open Society Foundation. But Soros has hit back in a comment piece for the Mail on Sunday, citing his past as a refugee and his foundation’s work promoting democracy.

    “I am a proud supporter of Best For Britain, a group that wants Britain to remain a member of the European Union. I consider Brexit a tragic mistake,” he wrote.

    “Prior to Brexit, Britain enjoyed the best of all possible worlds: it was a member of the European Union without adopting the euro.”

    He said he viewed the decision to hold a referendum on EU membership as a mistake. “Egged on by unscrupulous agitators, people use [referenda] to express their dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs rather than contemplating the consequences.

    The people decided. That should really be the end of it.

    I guess it's ok for him to stick his wealth where it doesn't belong.

    Oh, and the people of Hungry would like to see him strung up.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    You must mean like germany's government is protecting these German women.

    German Designer Creates ‘Anti-Rape Pants’ After Spate of Sexual Assaults in Cologne at New Year

    Chloe Kerr, The Sun, January 19, 2018

    ANTI-rape knickers complete with combination lock and 130-decibel alarm have gone on sale.

    Or do you think thats why they voted for Merkle? I hear things are just about the same in Sweden and other northern countries. I actually have friends I've spoken to in a couple of these countries and they don't see it the way you do. Where do you get your info???

    You can google the wall around Nancy Pelosi's mansion too...just in case you don't think she wealthy. I wonder how many dark hair, bown eyed people are visiting that her grandson wants to be like...that aren't the servents I mean?

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    The capitalists are blaming working class pay raises for the market downturn. In other words they're worried about the rise of a middleclass once again....the threat of Democracy looms heavy on their tiny Fascist brains.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Neoliberalism? Sorry but the word liberal doesn't fit at all with an economic/social theory that is simply miserable right-wing free market capitalism. Who the hell coined Neoliberal anyway?... the same guy who calls Fascists, Populists? Making as much off the sweat of another persons back while paying them as little as possible, is still, and always has been, a conservative ideology.

    Unrestrained capitalism is not a new form of capitalism, its the same sht, just another day of we the people being stripped of control of our own economic destiny by those who would absolutely refuse to work under the same conditions they impose upon us.

    Just ask the modern day Mr. Potters, piggish individuals like the Kochs, and Murdoch, if they think there is anything liberal about out of control greed?

    Profiting off another person's labor needs to be regulated by those we elect to represent us, whether it be a union rep or government rep.......profits need to be shared when they reach a level agreed to by employees and the capitalist using us for self enrichment.

    What if nobody is allowed to gain enough wealth to have more power than our government, meaning those we elect to represent us ? My guess: We'd be represented like citizens in Democratic Socialist countries!...actually represented...heaven forbid, the will of the people.

  • Neoliberalism Is Creating a Mental Health Crisis   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Anthropologists claim that for the last 20,000 years, our brain size has been shrinking. We've supposedly lost about a tennis ball size portion of our brain. They've offered a lot of theories as to why. One of which is called the "Idiocracy theory". According to this theory; back then, only the strong and mentally adaptable survived. Back then, we were in tune with our surroundings and living in harmony with it, we wasted nothing! The ebb and flow, and struggle for survival, kept us both mentally and physically sharp.
    Also, according to this theory; there's been a slow but steady "dumbing down" of our species since the last ice age. As our life as a species slowly and steadily got easier, then no longer did only the strongest and smartest survive!
    Maybe, Neoliberalism isn't the cause? Maybe its just one of many symptoms, of the already deteriorating mental capacity of humans?

    "Chuckling"...Who the fuck knows!?!

  • Trump Won't read His Daily Intelligence Briefings - In Order to Get Him to Read - Should We....   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Before the election was won, Republicans already had bills of devastation and destruction set up like a machine gun to pass... The Democrats have to kind of do the same thing. And since their bills make sense, Democrats need to make a lot of noise as to why the bills of logic and sanity are not being passed to the NEWS media. Meekness is going to kill the Democrats.

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