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  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago

    These mass murder crimes are done by people that are mentally off of their rocker. I have posted many time that beyond the 5 minute background check, each person buying a gun should have to take the MMPI. A psychological test that determines if you are nuts or depressed. If you fail you should not be able to purchase a gun or ammo. This is a highly respected test and would cut down on the crazies. No matter what the results, you should know where you stand mentally.

    Outback, do you honestly believe the Taliban is constantly having weddings? Just maybe they say that.

  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Most of these mass murders are by males under 30. Perhaps they need special testing before being allowed to purchase a gun. Notice the Military always trys to capture young 17 to 25 year olds.

    These mass murders are also mostly in cities.

    So maybe cities & rural areas should have different laws, the life circumstances are different. Can take a policeman an hour or more to get where I live. Takes 30 min. to get to an area where there is cell ph. service. Yet where I live you can't carry or purchase easy.

    One law does not fit all.

  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Legend: References to what? The fact that we've butchered countless thousands of innocent civilian noncombatants in the Middle East (for example) since GWB's fiasco? If you really really really insist, I could probably dig some up without too much effort.

    Beyond that, I agree with your point that the big difference between our society and those in most of the rest of the "developed world" is that we are inherently violent. And here I WILL give you some references (though I won't attempt to embed links here; they are easily found by googling the titles and going to Amazon to read samples of the works: The first is Howard Zen's "A People's History of the United States: 1492 to Ptresent". I've cited it here before. I consider it one of the most important books writen in the 20th century (no, I haven't read them all). Next, for something more contempary, try the trilogy by Chalmers Johnson, the first of which is entitled "Blowback". If you can get through those without having formed some idea of why we Americans are predisposed to blowing ourselves and everyone else to hamburger, then you are one tough, indoctrinated cookie.

  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago

    One of my Senators has received $3.9 million in Bribes from the NRA. Fifth most. This is 1 years worh. That is disgusting. May they rot in Hell.

  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago

    All those movies and games are played in South Korea. They have "PC" centers with large screens and all of the games you talk about. They show American movies in theaters just as nice as ours. Even serve beer and drinks. Same in most other countries. Only thing missing is the real murders. This is an American problem. Unique to America. What is the difference? Gun Nuts. A gun society. Weapons of mass destruction easily purchased. Hell, Trump just signed a bill protecting the rights of the mentally ill to buy guns. It is a sick society.

    Outback do you have any references?

  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago

    HotCoffee: I believe you just nailed the root of our "local" problem. Gratuitous violence commercialized. Maybe it's also the reason we, as a "good Christian nation" also look the other way while our military industrial complex brutalizes other people worldwide.One thing is for sure, our media will not be calling anyone out. Until concerned citizens in this country take to the streets again, as they did in the 60's, ain't NOTHING gonna change!

  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago


    Maybe Hollywood with all their chainsaw massacres will help clean up the blood..and the video game producers too. The left never looks at their participation...they dump evil on childrens minds 24/7, while pointing their fingers at the right.

  • Is This The End Of Patriarchy?   6 years 33 weeks ago

    I don't think that a forced 50/50 split is the right way to do things but I certainly think that there should be equal opportunity. Sometimes men are just a better fit for certain jobs and likewise women are better suited for others. There is a big difference between equality and equity.

  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago

    ckrob: And immediately after that dispatch them to Afghanistan "to clean up the blood, brain tissue and move the bodies of the children slaughtered to the hearses" after the next wedding party or hospital is hit by one of our drones! Why the fuck hasn't anyone been screaming about that? The number of casualties over there towers above school shooting casualties here! Oh, I get it .... they're "rag heads".

  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Off topic:

    Please suggest that legislators now accepting NRA $ be requested to go to the scene of the next school shooting to clean up the blood, brain tissue and move the bodies of the children slaughtered to the hearses. Perhaps that might bring home the reality of the results of their lawmaking neglect.

  • He is a White Supremacist so Why is the Media Only talking About Mental health   6 years 33 weeks ago

    No one took "health care" away from anybody. STOP with the lies.


  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Eventually the Fascists will get around to privatizing the entire United States intelligence community.....make it a for profit industry with loyal operatives, sort of a 21st century mafia serving only the mega wealthy. So no more government health insurance and federal pensions for intel employees!

    BTW: The CIA is the only "intel" agency with the power to conduct covert operations...thus the only agency in my opinion that can thwart Putin's cyber warfare. They have the ability to disrupt and destroy his hold on the Russian citizens much in the same manner he's screwing with our democracy. But they won't because they know what Crooked Donny is being blackmailed with, and Pompeo is just fine with a Kochbagger government anyway... However not all of his employees agree, to say the least!

  • Trump's America First Policy Is Leading America To Last Place in Healthcare   6 years 33 weeks ago

    #23 - Inhuman


  • Trump's America First Policy Is Leading America To Last Place in Healthcare   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Where is the good Samaritan in there?

  • Trump's America First Policy Is Leading America To Last Place in Healthcare   6 years 33 weeks ago

    #8 - Write off the debt... simple!

    It is compound usury interest based upon fiat money

    Get real!

  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Here the government used to run the liquor stores, DMV, highway maintenance, and years ago they privatized them. Honestly it all worked out great. No more lineups at the DMV, lower liquor prices and the highways are maintained by local companies who care for them very well. Not to mention no pension and healthcare benefit liability. Lots of our rural roads where built by oil companies at no cost to the tax payers and are used by everyone. It can work.

  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Government still issue contracts to private contractors that milk and bilk with giant salaries, obscene bonuses along with dividend payouts to the (so called) investors

    Then they go belly up and leaving taxpayers to bail out

    There appears no integrity in the system or process

  • Why We Can't Privatize Fire Fighters... Again   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Spot on as usual Thom. I still can't understand why some people think that "privitization" makes, in any universe , basic since and construction of the commons "less expensive". They spin the "legasy costs" associated with state or federal retirement pensions and say that's why. Here in the "Once Great State of North Carolina" they (our Koch and ALEC elected legislature) are paying about twice the costs of having State Employees do the same. I never really thought that any elected representative would be such fools but; greed is now the controlling factor of them. Merely in acquiring property for "infrastructure projects such as highways"; condemnation rates on projects contracted to "consultants" as opposed to amicable settlements by state employees are astronomical. And; the "contractors" turn the claim back to the State when it's condemned. No accountability whatsoever. They have their money and are gone..... Jury verdicts are mostly over the rainbow also when property is condemned. At the very least, a "State" employee with the power to use Emminent Domain, should be the one to exercise the right of the government to take property and be accountable several years afterward as to what was said in negotiations. The people have been brainwashed that government is bad. That is so incorrect. I will bless their hearts, for "they know not what they have done". YET! AND I"M AFRAID IT IS DONE!

  • Trump's America First Policy Is Leading America To Last Place in Healthcare   6 years 33 weeks ago

    If you think only about yourself - And not who's blood you shed

    Only care about the rich - Not starving you left dead

    With your heart as hard as stone - Your constituents will tremble

    Ask why to you, they voted for - Voters never be remembered

  • Trump's America First Policy Is Leading America To Last Place in Healthcare   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Roadrunner, of course the states taxpayers will have to fork over the money for what the Feds do not send the states. That is the whole point. Make the states accountable and let the population decide who they want, to run their state, some lefties/socialist who promotes free everything, or a realist that may decide to put the brakes on a choo-choo train to haul the homeless from San Francisco down to the warmer climes of LA for the winter. Who knows, some selfish individuals may even run from the high tax states like California and move to say, Colorado where they don't have to pay "their fair share", yet. Free market ya know. Seems to be working quite well in TX.

    Beep Beep!

  • Trump's America First Policy Is Leading America To Last Place in Healthcare   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Reynolds: The Kochbagger plan is for the states to take financial responsibility, not accountability, "laugh very loudly", LVL ... for Medicaid funding. Your Kochbagger Federal government is cutting funding for Medicaid and using words like "state accountability" to mislead gullible citizens like yourself. What this really means, which seems lost on everyone, is that local taxpayers will foot the bill via property tax increases, a regressive tax, which the wealthy love, ...far better for them than a federal progressive income tax.

  • Trump Won't read His Daily Intelligence Briefings - In Order to Get Him to Read - Should We....   6 years 33 weeks ago

    All I have to say, is what I tell anybody who complains to me about Trump, 'Don't get mad, get active'. Get up and do something about it. Google your preferred political party and find a local meeting and join up.

  • Trump's America First Policy Is Leading America To Last Place in Healthcare   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Off topic:

    A non-conservative Congress might reduce the number of Justices of the Supreme Court, perhaps by name or those last appointed. Dangerous as a longer term strategy!

  • Trump's America First Policy Is Leading America To Last Place in Healthcare   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Yes Legend. I totally agree. The Washington Post also did a thorough breakdown of all the cuts in the Republican budget. Some of which, are quite substantial! And most of the cuts are to social (safety net) programs... All these cuts, while a massive increase in spending to the military. About a 15% increase. WTF!!
    In fact: in this latest budget, we will still drastically outspend..
    And all this while giving away a 1.5 - 2 trillion dollar tax cut to the wealthy! Just add it to the 20 trillion dollar bill?!? Right Kend?
    Fuckn insanity!!
    Even my daughter, a sophomore in high school,( who just had civics) has done the math... and can see that it just doesn't add up. Yes, there are a "few" millennials who are aware.. "Chuckling"
    Of course, if the GOP maintains control of our purse strings? They plan on continuing to out spend revenue ( like drunken sailors), while enacting much more massive "draconian" cuts to our social programs...
    [Another reason why the midterms are so important!]

    So, according to you..we could make 10% cuts to "almost" every government department, and not feel the loss...
    Well, using that ridiculous logic, lets start right at the very top, and cut the most wasteful of all government spending by 10%... The MILITARY!!

  • Trump's America First Policy Is Leading America To Last Place in Healthcare   6 years 33 weeks ago

    Cut the executive office spending by 10%.

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