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  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Yes HC, it is amazing how people ignore what they don't want to hear…"Let me be clear: Despite Rep. Devin Nunes' assertions, nothing in his memo-none of this FBI misconduct, however unacceptable-undermines Special Counsel Robert Muller's investigation of Trump and gang......before Hillary paid for a copy, the file was already written for a news front sponsored by Republican billionaire Paul Singer."

    Are Palast's conclusions any less fuzzy than "True, the FBI dropped a footnote about the source coming from a political entity." So Palast claims that the FBI failed to inform the FISA court about the source, then admits that they did inform the FISA court. He just didn't like the method used.

    Never mind that most of these guys have been on the FBIs radar long before the Steele Dossier ever became an idea in Paul Singer's brain. That the Steele Dossier is not really a factor in the Mueller investigation. That Mueller got rid of Strzok as soon as he was made aware of Strzok's emails.

    And so what if there was an agent with a political bias? Do you think that agents don't have a political bias? I happen to know an FBI agent, and "believe me" most of them are rabid Republicans.

    "Believe me," I'm no fan of cops or the FBI, but I don't intend to let my disdain for another political figure cloud my judgement. Hillary is no longer a factor. The FBI has been doing dirty tricks since the days of Hoover. This is nothing new. Even if there was no Steele Dossier, to quote Palast, "nothing in his memo-none of this FBI misconduct, however unacceptable-undermines Special Counsel Robert Muller's investigation of Trump and gang."

    Now, what other rabbit hole do you want me to waste my time on because of your obsessive hatred for Hillary?

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago


    It was sent back to Adam Schiff and the democrats on the House Intel Committee to redact the classified information their memo contained. That is the last anyone has seen of it.


  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    The Republicans released the Nunes "Memo" with great publicity. What happened to the Democratic "Memo" that was to be released?

  • Hypocrisy! NRA Won't Let members bring guns In Convention Center When Trump is Scheduled To Speak   6 years 32 weeks ago

    NRA's Annual Meeting is coming up in Dallas May 4 - 6, 2018 - is this the one you're referring to? Their convention website says the Firearms Policy is "During the 2018 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits, lawfully carried firearms WILL BE permitted in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center and the Omni Dallas Hotel in accordance with Texas law. When carrying your firearm remember to follow all federal, state, and local laws." I didn't see any mention of Trump or Pence speaking, although it says "More Speakers Announced Soon" and shows Ted Cruz as one of the speakers on May 4th.

  • Trump Won't read His Daily Intelligence Briefings - In Order to Get Him to Read - Should We....   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Why does T need to read his briefs? Fox News gives it to him the easy way.

  • Thom Hartmann: We Live in a Country That Has a Totally Corrupted Political System   6 years 32 weeks ago

    The powerful are organized with the resources necessary to win the war of actualization of their own greedy self interest and are so winning it. The threat is plain to see for anyone who chooses to look. The progressive cause seems like a supine Europe in the face of the Mongol invasions of the 1240's with its middling lackluster tepid uncoordinated response to the relentless assault on and impending demise of our republic. I may not live long enough to see it happen but my grands sure will. We need action.

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Stopgap...want to stop being vile long enough to comment on this?? Still waiting for anyone to comment on it.

    A few words from Greg Palast

    The “Steele Dossier” on … Me:
    Why I won’t praise the FBI lie & spy machine

    Amazing how people ignore what they don't want to hear!

    Even if Trump is the biggest piece of sh!t that ever lived it still doesn't excuse this.

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Oh, pardon me! I forgot to include Kend with with list of Trump loving Russian oligarchs and Rodrigo Duterte. Sorry for the oversight!

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    The rightwing nazi/fascist cult of Trump, goose-stepping, military parade bastards, can go on and on about their stupid leftwing government conspiracies, insane paranoid rationals and all of the other self-serving dumb-ass excuses for why this happened. But the one thing that is common to all of these mass murders, is easy access to assault rifles. If the Trump dumb-ass, child fucking abettors can't understand this, then there is little hope of ever reasoning with them. Not that that was ever in the cards!

    It means nothing to the cult of Trump that two thirds of the American public despise this shit-head president and virtually everyone else in the world, except for Russian oligarchs and Rodrigo Duterte, hate his thin-skinned, pathological lying, pussy-grabbing guts.

    Not to change the subject though…but, there is no such thing as "Tax Cuts" for anyone but the top one percent. "Tax Cuts" are nothing more than high interest payday loans that are collected by means of increases in hidden taxes, state taxes, community taxes and fantasy lotteries. The government does not get cheaper to maintain. Costs go up every year and the only way to keep the ship afloat is to pass the tax burden on to the naive saps that believe in "Tax Cuts." And the interest on the debt for financing "Tax Cuts" is paid to the rich by the sham of disproportionate "Tax Cuts" that favor the filthy rich. "Believe me."

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    So this is the Republicans fault. So what did the Democrats do with gun control in the eight years they where in power. Two of them with a majority. The answer is nothing. Truth is there isn't a lot that can be done. There is so many guns out there anyone who wants one legally or not will get one. We tried to do a gun registry here in Canada and they ended up cancelling it after a couple of years because no one did it. It just seemed stupid because we all know bad guys wouldn't do it so what's the point. My question is why are all of these schools kids doing these mass shootings. What changed to get this started. I have to believe it is the way we are doping them up now. It just seems so wrong that anyone would even consider giving a child drugs.

    At least 35 acts of school-related acts of violence, including mass school shootings, have been committed by individuals taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs documented in 27 drug regulatory agency warnings to cause mania, psychosis, hostility, aggression and homicidal ideation.

    Fact: At least 36 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been committed by those taking orwithdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 172 wounded and 80 killed (in other school shootings, information about their drug use was never made public—neither confirming or refuting if they were under the influence of prescribed drugs). The most important fact about this list, is that these are only cases where the information about their psychiatric drug use was made public.

  • Thom Hartmann: We Live in a Country That Has a Totally Corrupted Political System   6 years 32 weeks ago


    I don't need an excuse or a nanny state or your permission as long as I'm a decent human, responsable for my actions and not a threat to anyone.

    I realise you claim not to like dictators...unless you get to dictate. However I will agree that there are people on this blog I wouldn't want to see own a gun.

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Those statistics are dubious as hell. Give your citations -- and use more than 1. Never seen any figures anywhere near those.

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Why doesn't gun control advocates simply go for accomplishing one thing at a time in order to get anything done? First, put some teeth into the record check system. Then once that is accomplished, go after magazines that hold more than ten bullets, then eventually getting rid the military type rifles. Trying to tackle everything at once will get gun control advocates nowhere. Why bite off more than the pro-gun people will chew? Get a clue, people! "One thing at a time."

  • Thom Hartmann: We Live in a Country That Has a Totally Corrupted Political System   6 years 32 weeks ago

    #10 - Sorry! Any excuse to have a gun huh!

    As if there is no other way of doing things

    So sad!!!!

    Nobody NEEDS a gun


  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Right, and Trump yammers tht the FBI was so busy investigating alleged Russian connections that they ignored potential shooters. Right, all three special agents in the Bureau couldn't be bothered.... Unfortunately with firearms we're talking about the emotional "reptilian" part of the brain, not the thinking "mammalian" section. Hence tring to use reason doesn't work on this topic.

    But you see the level of fear that has pervaded this country, parents afraid to let their children play outside, Halloween candy under suspicion, people being "denounced" because they are wearing turbans, burkhas, or speaking another language. It is all of a piece, made worse by a sociopath at the top.

    Once upon a time I was proud of America because we didn't have a European-style "Department of the Interior" (not one for parks but for internal police). No longer. The DHS (I won't use that obscene "H" word) fits the bill very nicely. The next president will be pleased to use all the powers his or her predecessors have accumulated, thank you very much.

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Guns laws are truly crazy.

    Years ago I looked out the window of the office to see a dark colored big rig pull into the lot. My first thought was, this looks like something the feds would drive to intimidate someone.
    Now this is a weekend when we're normally closed, however I happened to have left the gate open...said gate is 1/4 mile up the gravel drive and said office is over a mile from anyone else.
    To continue...The rig had backed into the parking spot, in effect it's pointing back out the driveway...something that now had me sitting up.
    I watch the driver get out of the truck...he fiddles around inside a bit, then opens the door...on my side so I get a good look.
    He's wearing a long rider coat which struck me as odd...most folks who would wear one take it off to drive.
    As the first foot hits the ground, he reaches down to sweep the long coat out of his way...that's when I saw the shotgun. He proceeds to stand with his back to me adjusting the coat, then turns to walk to the office, wearing the coat, gun perfectly hand in the pocket to support the gun.
    Now any guns I own are locked and unloaded...and not in the office.
    I take a chance, step to the door and request that he stops where he is. If he wants to visit he can first divest himself of said gun.
    He turns, heads back to the rig, and drives off.
    Now I'm really freaked, however I did get the license plate #, called the State Police, they ran the plate, checked on the registered priors...and NOT A SINGLE THING THEY COULD DO ABOUT IT.
    As it was technically a place of business he is legally allowed to entered said public premise with a shotgun under a long rider coat.
    Go figure...bothers me to this day.

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Having a gun obsession is a mental illness, just like being obsessed with religion is. The focus on mental illness is just a distraction from focus on a complete ban of assault weapons.

    The kids in Florida need to realize that without a strong Democratic Party majority in power, the odds of a ban and or meaningful gun control laws is zero. They need to start speaking out and drawing negative attention to Foxaganda, Kochbaggers, and Putin's Bots...which are going full blast right now spinning the shooting as a false flag event etc.

    Voting out the Kochpublicans is the answer.

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    And this is ONE I have. Thom, you posted just the other day a figure I believe said a WHOLE 200 persons died via guns via robbery, assult, etc. at the homestead, vs 20 something killed by accident, domestic, etc. All those people saying we need guns to protect ourselves and ALL of those protecting themselves were less than .01% that were needed for that lethal outcome, the rest were self inflicted amoungst themselves, including children's "accidents".

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Didn't hear any of you hollar about this....

    1) The 2,300 Special Agents at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are allowed to carry AR-15’s, P90 tactical rifles, and other heavy weaponry. Recently, the IRS armed up with $1.2 million in new ammunition. This was in addition to the $11 million procurement of guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment procured between 2006-2014.

    2) The Small Business Administration (SBA) spent tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to load its gun locker with Glocks last year. The SBA wasn’t alone – the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service modified their Glocks with silencers.

    3) The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has a relatively new police force. In 1996, the VA had zero employees with arrest and firearm authority. Today, the VA has 3,700 officers, armed with millions of dollars’ worth of guns and ammunition including AR-15's, Sig Sauer handguns, and semi-automatic pistols.

    4) Meanwhile, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) agents carry the same sophisticated weapons platforms used by our Special Forces military warriors. The HHS gun locker is housed in a new “National Training Operations Center” – a facility at an undisclosed location within the DC beltway.

    And before you yell ...trump ....Trump...look at the date....

    Last year, we released our Oversight Report: The Militarization of America in an editorial published with former-U.S. Senator Dr. Tom Coburn at The Wall Street Journal. Our report quantified the $1.48 billion spent by 67 non-military federal agencies on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment from 2006-2014.

    This week, our organization at updated our data to include gun and ammo purchases over fiscal year 2015 and a partial FY2016. Spending on guns and ammo at 58 non-military federal agencies – including 40 regulatory, administrative agencies – amounted to $158 million.

    The continued growth of the federal arsenal begs the question: Just whom are the feds planning to battle?

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    I hope you are not losing it Thom. I understand your emotions. I attempt to supress my outbursts while listening to people rationalize mass murder by assult rifle as primarily a problem of mental illness by trying to understand their paranoia. We seem to have a lot of mentally ill people in administrative positions in the NRA a well as in congress.

    Their arguments in favor of a gun in every purse, pocket, car ,house, school... are so ludacris that I think the gun pushers are like drug pushers hooked on their own products. These people suspect a large number of "bad guys with guns" are out to get them. Many of them probably sleep with an AR-15 under their pillow.

    My solution is to round them up along with every AR-15 and a tone of ammo, put them on a rocket and give them a free one way ride to mars.

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    A few years ago a guy was walking down the street in Colorado Springs with an AK-47. People called 911 and were told that is perfectly legal and they could do nothing. It was not until he shot and killed the first person that police could respond. He killed 2 others before the police killed him.

    We are protecting the rights of people to carry arms. To buy unlimited quantities of guns and ammo. We are protecting the rights of mental cases to buy guns. And we are ignoring the rights of our citizens to live in freedom. You cannot go to a school and be free to live in a safe environment. You cannot go to a Country concert and be free to live in a safe environment. You cannot go to a pre-school and be free to live in a safe environment.

  • Thom Hartmann: We Live in a Country That Has a Totally Corrupted Political System   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Kend, You really suck up the Fox News Koolaid. Please read the references so that you do not live in ignorance. Solyndra was a bad investment. One of many that were sucessful. It was all part of the recovery from the Bush/Cheney years. The Bush/Cheney Crash brought on by lowering taxes on the wealthy and raising defense spending. As far as infrastructure spending the Republicans voted down and filibustered any attempt. If you want to refute pleas post a reference not just opinion.

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Wow Thom..
    You hit this one out of the park!!
    This should be an interesting 24 hours of posts in response...

    Its the sick and painful truth!!

  • Trump Won't read His Daily Intelligence Briefings - In Order to Get Him to Read - Should We....   6 years 32 weeks ago

    He doesn’t need to read them, his friend Putin will let him know when he can read those

  • Thom Hartmann: We Live in a Country That Has a Totally Corrupted Political System   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Legend, Obama spend billions on failed enviromental projects like Solyndra, No new roads, bridges, or any real changes in infrasture. Trump is spending it on hard working Americans. Everyone gets a tax break and all that money will pour back into the economy. Obama just gave it to a few of his buddies.

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