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  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    There are other types of nutrition to...




    that children need to be taught.

    How many times a day on tv do they see violence instead of love?

    And we tell them it's ok to kill unborn children but not born ones????

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Todays response by the NRA at CPAC (a conservative audience) was as close to Fascism and Nazi culture as it gets. They are scheduling the next mass murder in America.

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Satanic symbolism on the GOP mascot? Oh gimme a break, Thom. Using Christianized superstition in your essay only serves to weaken your otherwise very good points. It's as retarded as Jebus fanatics claiming America is the devil's nation, because it has pentagrams on the flag!

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    "Is it any less brutal to deprive children of adequate nutrition?" Republicans are doing that with cuts in medicaid, SNAP and CHIP. The rest is just a diversion by you.

    So much for the gun free zone that Diane was rabid about. There were 2 armed security guards at that school. All Broward County Schools have armed guards.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago


    No problem with any of your suggestions. "Common sense" should always be employed whenever making any law. I still believe, though, that in the emotional turmoil that follows each of these tragic shootings, people often mistake the cause of the problem for the instrument used. I believe the "gun" or the "assault rifle" has come to be the symbol of violence in our society, and that's a cop out. Is it any less brutal to deprive children of adequate nutrition, wreck the retirement of millions of people through mortgage fraud or remain silent (and therefore complicit) while our own government rains hell down upon innocent non-combatents in countries all over the world? I think the "school shooting gun thing" is a very convenient distraction used by our own leaders, R&D alike, to deflect attention from the "real" evil that's going on.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Thought of a couple that I missed.

    Raise age limit to 21.

    Ban Congress and Senate from receiving funds (bribes) from the NRA and other gun lobbyists. I would prefer to say all lobbyists.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    I realize that the NRA and the Republican Party have let the herd of horses out of the barn long ago. Last person in the Republican Party that had some good common sense about guns was Ronal Reagan who banned semi auto. In Place of banning gun we would need some common sense rules. So you would agree to some common sense controls?

    A real background check, not just a 5 minute check.

    A mental aptitude test (MMPI)

    A 7 to 10 day waiting period after purchase

    Gun registration

    Gun Insurance

    A tax on guns and ammo to cover medical costs of people injured by gun violence.

    Database of Gun ownership and Ammo purchases with triggers.

    I am sure that there are a few more common sense additions. Part of the problem is in the past the NRA and Republican Party have screamed about the slightest change. Thus you have what you have today. I do not think that any of these would affect you drastically.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    #7 Legend, knives were not invented to kill either (or were they .... enter OJ Simpson). Guns were invented (or more correctly, were "evolved" over centuries) for various purposes. Among these are providing the bearer with an advantage far outstripping his/her natural abilities. A human can't reasonably be expected to run down and slit the throat of a game animal (survival). An army can't reasonably be expected to win a battle where the opposing force has superior weaponry (war as a favorite human sport). But as has been observed numerous places in this thread, guns are here to stay, like it or not. 300 million or more in this country alone which is FAR too many to legislate out of existence. The "bad guys" will always find access to guns. This is why the more reasonable, rational and mentally sound among us must have access to guns as well. I don't know where you live, but as my monicker suggests I live out in the middle of nowhere. This doesn't mean there aren't plenty of meth heads or just plain crazies around. It simply means that I take some measure of comfort knowing I'm well armed. In fact, I'm probably less paranoid about bad things happening than a person living in an urban area. It doesn't happen much here because a would be intruder knows that the overwhelming majority of households is protected - from within. Police response time here is a joke, and even the cops appreciate that there are plenty of responsible gun owners here. So deturrence is a hugely important aspect of private ownership of even the most deadly of firearms, shotguns along with AR-15's, and I don't see anything wrong with that. I will agree with one poster above; perhaps we should start treating our schools more like airports until we get around to addressing the root cause of this kind of violence which, in my opinion, is a sick and radicalized segment of our population made that way by excessive exposure to violence in entertainment, economic inequality, a glorification of our national predilection for warfare and maybe a dozen other social ills that have absolutely nothing to do with guns.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    I'm sticking with government blame. All future decisions for or against gun control will be made by them. No one else! If different entities throw money at them and they take it in exchange for favors, well, that's on them too. They could "just say no." They have all the power. It's their call.....100%

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago
  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    I do not know about other states but mine has gone to a lot of undercover (unmarked) Police cars. I know that they like it because it is easier to ticket speeders. But does it outway the criminal that pulls people over with fake grill lights. Rapes and murders have happened in several states from this. Or do they not realize that a police presence is a good thing to lower crime. If that kid had seen a cop car regularly patrol that High School he might not have done it.

  • Thom Hartmann: We Live in a Country That Has a Totally Corrupted Political System   6 years 32 weeks ago

    never happen...As long as "gun" control or "gun Ban" are used it puts fear into legal owners and users.Emotional approaches don't work. BUT there is a way and every cop, every carry instructor and hobby shooter and hunter world be up in a uproar.......................................................First the All men are created equal must be explained, so that police, and civilians know they must both obey the law equally. Second the Government ATF must be put in charge of the change in law. It must reclassify the definition of a military weapon. . This has been done before.Weapons have restrictions as to use and ownership. Try buying a machine gun. The fee's and restrictions are outrageous. BUT IT WORKS. New regulations must change the military use. Add the Semi auto loader to military use only. MEANING that all semi and full autos would be banned for Police, hunters and collectors.Home owner and the under counter guns in some stores. Police would no longer have 12 to 2 0 shot hand guns. No more AR 15's or AK 47's. Even the 22 rifle autos.Auto load shotguns gone. back to lever action, bolt actions, revolvers, single shots and double barrels. Run a study on what guns are used in crimes. School shootings, cop murders,mass shootings. THE SECOND AMENDMENT IS STILL NOT EFFECTED. BUT it would end the overkill. A buy back program could start the new law, it could be used for 5 years. then a Jail sentence if found with an auto loader. My best friend would be upset he loved his Remington 1100. I preferred the O/U. I got 4 shots in the time he used his 3. But we are too old now.He is gone and soon I will be soon. All people carrying in the US would be subject to the same law, all men would still be equal. On base military would still use and train on auto as they do now. but off base would have to go with legal arms.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Does anyone have a factual reference to the Big Pharma connection in this? I believe that it has an affect, Columbine kids were on them, so was this kid. But is there a study that would be used to eliminate or control them better. Kend is willing to blame Obama so he must have a reference that Obama ignored. Diane and HC also must have some reference or study that proves what they are talking about.

    Diane, Your list applies to every country in the world. The games and movies are translated and distributed. South Korea has PC (that is what they are called and have huge neon signs) business's that are much bigger than anything that I have seen here. The games are played by multiple players on huge screens.

    #20. The NRA with bribes and propaganda (Along with the Republicans that they have bribed) have allowed this country to become an uncivilized mess. Where common people have lost the freedom of being safe in public. Also when people refer to the AR-15 they are referring to all semi auto weapons. It just happens to be the most famous. Do you expect us to list every one?

    As far as "gun free zones". I do not know if this school was a "gun free zone". Ours are not. Police regularly patrol them. In car and on foot. But unless they are carrying assault weapons they are outgunned by teenagers. Fine Country that we live in.

    By the way #29 if you think that the NRA is not involved watch this:

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Thats quite the list your compiling..
    But, do you REALLY want to go there putting hocus pocus..mumbo jumbo, RELIGION into the mix?!?
    Because, the belief in such. Can definitely fuck people up in the head!
    Just as much (if not more) as no belief at all!!

    In fact; one could argue that mans superstitious beliefs in one religion vs. another.. is the BIGGEST cause of mass murder and genocide!?!

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    You cant leave the NRA out of the mix!
    They ARE "empowered" to bribe and buy out our politicians.
    Ensuring that laws that go against their agenda WONT get written and passed!!

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    More pondering.

    #1. There's too much focus on the AR-15.

    #2. Too much blame directed at the NRA.

    Back to #1. Even without the AR-15 there's still an abundance of semi-automatic rifles and pistols out there.

    And #2. The NRA is not empowered to write or change law.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    @#16 Willie ,HC and Kend, you are correct,

    Big Pharma versus the NRA


    Cell phones

    Constant texting


    Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc.

    Ultra violent video games

    Al Gore's internet

    Hollywood movies

    Parents that want to be "friends" with their kids instead instead of encouraging and setting high standards.

    Schools lack of ability to discipline bad behavior.

    Declining participation in some sort of regular religious activity.

    An 18 year old being able to buy ANY gun.

    A few to ponder.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Did you read the link on post 15?

  • EPA Says Fracking Harmful to Drinking Water - Will Trump Listen?   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Significant deterioration of the ecology manifests itself with increasing momentum, but it is not known when the authorities will pay attention to this. I wanto to byu speeches for disclosure of this problem. Hope this will bring the result.

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Reply to #25

    Ckrob, the 2nd Amendment is wriiten in clear, concise language. "A well regulated miltia" is exactly that. Militia means "armed citizenry". A well regulated "armed citizenry". However you fail to grasp the part where the 2nd Amendment reads "the right of the People to keep and bear arms...". The 2nd Am does NOT say the right of the Militia. It says the "People" as in "We the People". As in "...the right of the People..." also stated in the 1st Amendment and the 4th Amendment. Is it your silly contention that the "People" stated in the 2nd Am are different from the "People" mentioned in the 1st Am and the 4th Am? It is your comprehension skills that are lacking, not the Founding Father's.


  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Food for thought Legend,

    Another mass shooting will happen. Chances are overwhemling that the next shooter already has the weapon(s) and ammo to commit the next horrific act. The next shooter probably has already planned the attack to a certain degree i.e. when, where, and how.

    The next mass shooter is also known by a number of family members and friends. In the case of the Florida school shooter, is was:

    See Something

    Say Something

    Do Nothing

    My question is, how do we stop it before it happens?


  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Good points from Kend and HotCoffee.

    Big Pharma versus the NRA.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    It certainly will not get as much publicity but today another mass murder was stopped before it happened. If you do nothing, you are scheduling the next mass murder.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Today he obviously showed that he is beholden to the NRA. He obviously is tied to coal. He obviously is beholden to the Mercers. He is obviously tied to Wall Street. I could go on and on. That has to be the stupidest sentence that I have read on this site.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Legend. For 8 of the last 9 years while this horrible problem was growing your Democrats sat back and did nothing. They are both guilty in this one. This is why I like Trump he doesn't owe anybody anything.

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