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  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    So #35 basically proves that we sell military grade weapons to civilians.

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    With all of the distractions we are missing out on Mueller's indictment of the former (coffee boy) Campaign Manager Manafort and his side kick Gates. Our POTUS hung around with some great guys. How does the chant go?

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    So a few comedians have had jokes abkut Trump. Kind of leaves himself open for it with the thousands of Tweets, lies and talking point notes. But I do remember republicans leading chants of "lock her up". Why is she not locked up? Because it was all a Fox News promotion.

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Her brother Bailey lived with my family for about 6 mos. Met her Mom too ...back when people wen't so hateful.

    As you hate on Christians remember MLK was a Christian and Maya always claimed to be a Christian under construction.

    “Alone” “Lying, thinkingLast nightHow to find my soul a home,Where water is not thirstyAnd bread loaf is not stone.I came up with one thingAnd I don't believe I'm wrong,That nobody,But nobodyCan make it out here alone. Alone, all alone,Nobody, but nobodyCan make it out here alone. There are some millionairesWith money they can't use,Their wives run round like banshees,Their children sing the blues.They've got expensive doctorsTo cure their hearts of stone,But nobody,No, nobodyCan make it out here alone. Alone, all alone,Nobody, but nobodyCan make it out here alone. Now if you listen closelyI'll tell you what I know...Storm clouds are gathering,The wind is gonna blow.The race of man is suffering,And I can hear the moan,'Cause nobody,But nobody,Can make it out here alone. Alone, all alone,Nobody, but nobody,Can make it out here alone.”

    - Maya Angelou

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago


    If you think what the libs are doing in #3 is turning the other cheek...I feel sorry for you. If you and your supporters here can claim that those are not acts promoting violence your mentally ill. Or maybe you like violence as long as it's directed at repubs.

    First you try to dismiss it by saying but...but it wasn't the politicians...then it's turning the other cheek. You are good at swicthing the subject if the truth gets to close to home.

    You dismiss comments about hillary by pretending she wasn't the other candidate...or thats in the past...well no, cause thats what got you all riled up was that she lost.

    She lied, she cheated, she ran with Harvey Weinstien and and most every pervert that tossed her a dime and so much more. You Dems chose her. YOUR mistake.

    Sorry you won't face the truth and you whine because someone dares to come here and tell it to you.

    You can insult me all you want but it doesn't change the truth.

    The repubs are just as slimey, but then I'm not defending them. I defend issues not politicians.

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Problem I see is the 2-party System is Obsolete> It's come compleatly off the rails where members of both parties wear blinders and R just in it for theirself enrichment, unable to discuss issues so SOLUTIONs fall by the wayside as opposing sides stick to their DOGMA It's unwritten law of Engr'g that a Problem can be defined by "any undesireable result" Hence America's Problem is a Dysfunctional 2-party system unable to solve ANYTHING & disolves into a fight to gain control at all costs, no common sense to find solutions at all We'll either end up in a 2nd Civil War or WW3 will be the common denominator to bind us as a singular nation again> I now understand what my GrandPa' menat when he said "They aught to marched outside, lined up against a wall and SHOT" (All of 'em)

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Very well said. Your quite the wordsmith.

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Yeah Jeff, You gotta love how that if we don't turn the other cheek, we are the hateful warmongers. God forbid that we might try to organize and try to raise some money too! How dare us? How terrible that some rich person might be sane enough to want to help save the planet, protect the children, insure a bit of comfort for the elderly (including Me!) and support other progressive causes.

    It seems they are so obsessed with money that they cannot believe that anyone thinks other than them….anyone that doesn't always bow down to the god of the almighty buck, can't be trusted or believed and is an enemy that has to be crushed.

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Yeah stopgap..
    I think HC is just a little too tightly wound! Maybe too much caffeine?!?
    Take a look at her last couple posts on yesterdays blog. She was conflating abortion with the school shooting... Pretty messed up! I think its time to switch to decaf...

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    There's a vast difference between Coffee's Hillary derangement syndrome and everyone elses obsessive hatred of Trump. I don't think I even need to explain!....or just read Thom's first paragraph.

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago


    Anyone who can read the posts can tell who the bitter one is. The truth does seem to make you especially cranky!! LOL

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Obviously Dan Foreman forgets that he is a public servant. He is employed by the families of those students. They need to just fire his simple ass.

    Foreman: "I am a Roman Catholic." "I am a conservative Republican." What the hell does being a Roman Catholic and Conservative Republican have to do with democracy and the will of the vast majority?....absolutely nothing!

    What kind of fool would brag about being a Fascist Catholic?

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    How charming. HC and DiRey, patting each other on the back after abetting another school massacre. And the richest of all is HC bloviating about the left's obsessive hatred of Trump. This coming from the very one that can hardly go a minute without venting her spleen about her hatred for Hillary. The one who incessantly trolls the internet like a drug addict needing another fix, looking for any morsel, not matter how large small or from who what when or where, to reinforce her crazed mania of sticking another needle in her Hillary voodoo doll. The one, even a year after the election, that has to continually slither around in the mud, just so she can come on here and vomit out her anti-Hillaryisms. But of course, were the haters!

    Lets face it, when coffee is left on the burner too long, it becomes bitter and hard to digest.

    By the way, if you haven't checked out Randi Rhodes, lately, she's better than ever. As she pointed out today, Republicans want gun-free zones for everyone but themselves. You can't go to the Republican convention carrying a gun. You can't go to a Trump rally carrying a gun. You can't go to CPAC carrying a gun and I'll bet you can't go to a Wayne LaPierre speech carrying a gun. But these same bastards had to make sure that they had some dimwitted bigot asshole show up at an event where Obama was speaking, packing heat, I mean exercising his second amendment right.

    Jeff, thanks for that link. Talking points that were, no doubt, written by the NRA!

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    I'd like to share this one, but in some parts of the story it says Ohio & in others it says Idaho.

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    #1 - I don't believe in the religious concept of a devil opposing good

    But, I do believe in the rational concept of devilish and we are it incarnate

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    What a completely insensitive buffoon!!
    He needed a talking points card to respond to survivers of the Stoneman Douglas school shooting... WTF!!

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Thanks Diane,


    I suppose next you will tell me the dems don't go fund raising with...(Cloony $15 mil all by himself) these peaceful folks... yeah right. How much was it 1.2 billion?

    Easy to find pic's of Obama and Hillary with every one of images works really well.

    You can pretend if you want....but pretending isn't truth.

    Also I'm a she so you're wrong about that too.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    #32; 33 - Totally agree

    Love is a lack in life and living

    Love begins in the home as any mom knows

    Mysogyny is a love killer and woman beater... is and has been

    It is prevalent pretty well all over the planet

    Don't know any woman that "packs a gun"

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    It is interesting that "He Who Is Named Hot Coffee" looks only at the actions of private citizens with no formal conection to the Democrats. These are not the elected officials that Thom has been talking about so can it HC! Elected officials, if they are not sold out shills, will generally take time to consider all sides of an issue, determine what the voters want and take some action. And, yeah, Johnny Depp lives in France. Should we invade the wine country?

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    @#3 HotCoffee

    Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago


    Thanks for this article. I've been arguing this since Newtown.

    A caller today kept referring to NATO rounds when talking about 5.56mm vs. the .223 caliber rounds but I don't think you understood what "NATO" he was talking about. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. All militaries in NATO use NATO ammunition including the US.

    A 5.56mm NATO round is not the same as a .223. He had a good point about using the NATO tag as a frame in the ammunition area. Framing Thom...Framing.

    Here's another frame. I enlisted in the US Army in 1983 and was very personally introduced to my own personal M16A1. I carried that thing for 16 hours a day for the next 10 weeks. Fired it a few thousand times too. It was physically identical to the AR15 at that time. But not mechanically. AR15 didn't have Auto mode.

    About 1990 we replaced the M16A1 with the M16A2. Want to know the main mechanical change between the A1 vs. the A2? No more Automatic mode. They took away the "machine gun" that the previous M16A1 was. Automatic was replaced by "Burst". Burst fires 3 rounds per trigger squeeze. They got rid of Automatic mode because it wasn't lethal enough.

    And a personal note. I'm retired Army. 20 years of firing either the A1 or the A2. At least 4 ranges a year for zeroing and qualification, and usually several more practice ranges. I was allowed to use Automatic mode once in those years. 20 rounds in Basic Training. I never was allowed to fire Burst. So in 20 years I fired in Semi-Automatic every single time except one

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago


    it's ok to kill a child in the womb but not in school....not!!!

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 32 weeks ago

    #29 - But... that was when there was no standing army

    There is now!

    2nd needs amending then

  • Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy   6 years 32 weeks ago

    The peaceful left.

    Liberals used to believe that words mattered and images had consequences; the casual glorification of carnage trivialized violence and only made it more acceptable — and likely.

    In 2017, the obsessive hatred of Trump led, for instance, to many obscenities: Madonna told us she dreamed of blowing up the White House, comedian Kathy Griffin posed with a bloody facsimile of Trump’s head, Snoop Dog shot a Trump likeliness in a video, a Shakespearean company ritually stabbed Trump-Caesar every night on stage, Johnny Depp joked, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? … It has been a while, and maybe it is time.”

    Take the high road??? I think the children were listening!

  • Two Simple Laws Could Solve America's Epidemic of Violence   6 years 32 weeks ago

    Coffee #32

    I agree, nurturing is very important..
    But your last statement made no sense at all!!!!

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