Recent comments

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Last time you were on your was mazagines, so they were limited.

    This time iT's assault weapons

    next time guns

    hell one of you admitted it a blog or 2 ago.

    Gotta take it one step at a time.

    We're not as dumb as Nancy whom you ignored like you do with all the lefts BS....we're not as dumb as the people that represent you.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Well I guess I'm on troll watch duty right now.....So Coffee, do you really think anybody wants to ban "guns? " Other than your Foxaganda/alt reality belief that Obama or Hillary were coming to take your "guns," there has never even been talk about it. A ban on assault weapons yes, a ban on "guns" in general, absolutely not.

    You might be able to convince and freak out your peers that the liberals are coming to confiscate their shot guns with the slippery slope bull sht talking point, but that's all it is.... a BS talking point, fake news, lie, desception, take your pick. BTW: Governments that have banned assault weapons do not have a black market problem with them.

    Why do I even bother anymore?

    God and Guns....when will you fools figure out it's all about voting against your own best economic interests?

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Holy Shit, the Mother Ship has returned, Hot Coffee is back with some talking points about Nancy Pelosi, gun control, blah, blah. blah, yada, yada, yada.

    Radical & Jeff, I don't know what happened to that bastard Deepspace. Believe me, I wish I was one tenth as smart and articulate as that wordy nerd. Maybe he took my advice and made a million dollars writing.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    seeker64, Don't forget Malcolm X and the Black Panthers. Martin Luther King laid the ground work, and even as a white hick from Indiana I was really touched by the march on Washington, none the less, things really started happening for black Americans when Malcolm X and the Black Panthers came on the scene.

    I really don't think that they get enough credit for their sacrifice. Things were progressing at a better pace for Black Americans in the early 70s until Ronald Reagan came along with his winks and nods toward subtle, and sometimes overt, racist innuendo, and anti civil rights policies and anti unionism, that empowered the greedy racist Republicans that have divided the country ever since.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Well I think us trolls have been busy laughing our butts off over Nancy Pelosi telling the people in the Arizona desert they don't need a wall they should just mow their grass.

    Yea Nancy there's lot of grass in Arizona and you must be smoking it.

    Speaking of grass how did the war on marijuna go for you?

    Or Prohibition ??

    So you think guns will be different??

    I guess you must love the black maket.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    As an African American woman born the year of Brown v Board of Education, this sounds all too familiar.

    “There is no doubt that the so-called civil rights movement as it exists today is used as a Communist program for revolution in America just as agrarian reform was used by the Communists to take over China and Cuba.”

    “Our Nigras were just fine until them outside agitators from up North riled them up,”

    And even though history has shown the Civil Rights Movement to be a just and necessary part of this nation's growth we still have comments like these:

    “Since today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I believe that it is important that we understand that MLK was a communist, and thus the entire merit of his glorification is found wanting.”

    I just want to tell those kids to stick with it, prepare for attacks from without and within, and I'm with them ALL THE WAY! Finally, some words from Dr King:

    “We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there "is" such a thing as being too late. This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action.”

    ― Martin Luther King Jr.

    Hang in there babies, you may just save us all.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    "Chuckling" Yeah.. Stopgap, your comments remind me of deepspace. BTW..
    What ever happened to him? I sure miss his wordsmithing!

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Dear StopGap : Thank you very very much for your fantastic comments. I couldn't have said it better myself. Keep up the great work . Thank You The Radical.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    "This is why I like Trump he doesn't owe anybody anything." This is from Kend 2 days ago. Besides Putin:

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Not much babble from the trolls. Must be waiting for the mothership to make it back through the wormhole from the Universitis Oppositus for more talking points.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Wow. An American Oligarch steering our Foreign Policy into war.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    That was hilarious. Laughed my ass off!
    Lets hope it's actually prophetic!!

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago
  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Just to keep DeathRey updated on my whereabouts, it was around 1:30AM here when I last posted. Like Stopgap and others, I too have occasional sleepless nights of "giving a damn" about my country and fellow man.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Indeed stopgap! They had a show series in the late 70's, called 'The 'Barney Miller Show' One show in1978, was about the mentally ill, litterally thrown out into the streeets with their medication, the clothing they wore, and the Mental Hospitals were shut down. One ended up in their police station. He had nowhere to go so they took him in. Dietrick eleborated on the doings of the governor; setting them free, left to fend for themselves. My jaw dropped on the floor when I watched the program. Ronald Reagan was governor of Califonia then.. They had no heart back then, and less now!

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 31 weeks ago

    What well regulated militia do you belong to K2?

  • Gun Lobby Shills Ask For More Surveillance Instead Of Needed Gun Control   6 years 31 weeks ago


    Your reply is completely irrelavent. The 2nd Am. does not depend on any status of a standing army. Now, if you believe the 2nd Am. needs to be altered, changed, or even eliminated, the Constitution provides a mechanism for just that.

    Good luck. I seriously doubt that New York, California, Massachusettes, or the most liberal state of the union would vote to repeal or change the 2nd Am.


  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Trumps son in law cannot get a security clearance. A security clearance has never been done on the paranoid, schizophrenic, seriously deranged, delusional, thin-skinned, corrupt thug POTUS. He can push his bigger button easier than he can buy an AR-15.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Ironic that Republicans are suddenly interested in the welfare of the mentally ill. After all, it was their iconic idol, Ronald Reagan, that led the charge against the mentally ill in California by closing all the mental hospitals and kicking all the mental patients out into street. But the real irony is that they would place, at the fingertips of a paranoid, schizophrenic, seriously deranged, delusional, thin-skinned, corrupt thug, a nuclear arsenal that can destroy the world a thousand times over, just because they were so enamored with his brand of greed and bigotry.

    Yes DeathRey, I'm up in the middle of the night typing out this post. Since Trump was elected, it becomes more and more difficult to get a good nights sleep, at least for the sane. Now that I think about it though, isn't Trump often "up all hours of the night spitting out stomach bile" on twitter?

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Trump wants to arm teachers. He should because not 1, 4 officers (good guys with guns) were hiding behind cars during the shooting.

    The only solution to stop this from happening again is to get rid of the semi auto gun and large clips. If you do nothing you are scheduling the next mass murder.

    Should be noted the CPAC is a Gun Free Zone.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    It sure seems to take a long time but Mueller is making progress. Rick Gates is talking and some are saying that Manafort will spend the rest of his life in Prison. Does the right realize that Manafort was Trumps Campaign Manager? He was not a Coffee Boy. Look at the people that work and have worked with Trump: Bannon, Flynn, Carter Page. Read up on what kind of a sleazy guy was Campaign Manager for Trump.


  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    It's important to note that because of a patsy named Trump, we currently have no firewall between us and Putin's continuing assault on what's left of our democracy. Our intel agencies have been fooled into thinking election tampering was all just a Russian political stunt that agreeably put the party these agencies favor in power. Well they're wrong, and are severly underestimating what Putin has done and will continue to do to destabilize this country.

    BTW: Putin's cyber bots have allied with Trump and the NRA in spreading the same crap Thom mentioned in his blog.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Thom mentioned Shay's Rebellion the other day and said something about bootleggers rising up against their new government. That in fact was the 1790's Whiskey Rebellion. Just to clarify, as I'm sure Thom knows, Shay's Rebellion took place in 1786 and lead directly to the 1787 Constitutional Convention....the new and improved version of the Articles of Confederation.

    Shay's rebellion was a well justified uprising against timeless economic injustice and in my opinion our modern day Antifa Patriots most closely resemble this early movement.

    I'm sure these same early patriots would be rising up against the NRA's twisting of the second amendment to enrich associated Fascists who would rob the rest of us of our liberty.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    #7 - Agreed!

    Pharma knowingly issue drugs that effects human behaviour and bend research to their own ends... they own the FDA

    They put the disclaimer document in their little boxes and put side effects in small print having created an addict that is unable to comprehend it after the fact

    Need to be out of the political machine

    Money and lobby need to be out of politics

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Is this really a right / left thingy?

    Or, indeed a mental health issue?

    People are dying by gun ownership... that is very, very largely unecessary

    Gun ownership is out of control

    Why can just ANYBODY buy a gun?

    2nd is dished out as a reason for gun ownership

    This is a complete misunderstanding of intention and misused as a marketing tool purely for commercial interest (greed?)

    2nd was written when there was NO standing army


    Massive gun ownership is irrational

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