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  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    If l ever do need to protect my home/castle from an intruder... I'd much rather have my Remington 870 with its 8 shot tube extension...
    Always loaded with buckshot, slug, buckshot, slug, etc..

    Way more effective than any "assault weapon"!!

    I truly hope l never need to...

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    HC (If that last was directed at me): I claim that "lawful owners" are not the issue, where I expand the definition to include owners of "assault weapons" that have obtained the weapon legally AND who abide by the law. So what's the point?

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Adios HC, Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! You can take DeathRey, Kend and all the other rightwing nazi/fascist, greedy bigoted trolls with you for all I care.

    But, alas, its not my site and I'm sure Thom loves having as many as possible on the site. Oddly enough, all these rightwing trolls are doing him a favor by posting here. In the world of the internet, there is no such thing as a bad hit. And to be honest, Thom would probably rather have HC on this site than an embarrasing potty mouth like myself.

    Since you love to cozy up with the right-wingers, what else was I to think? Its not a football game, it's war. Maybe you haven't noticed, but Republicans have declared war on our American democracy. True, they won't come out and say it, in fact they love wrapping themselves in the flag and questioning everyone else's patriotism. But there actions show otherwise. Ever since Nixon initiated the Southern Strategy, the oligarchs and evangelicals have joined forces to sidestep and undermine the Constitution in an effort to impose a fascist and religious agenda as the rule of law. A large part of their strategy is to divide and conquer and surprisingly they have been abetted by leftwing progressives like Nader and Stein, resulting in the last two Republican Presidents losing the popular votes but winning the Electoral College. Not that there wasn't a lot of help from gerrymandering, Fox News, voter suppression, and good ole Russian meddling

    Over and over again on this very site I have laid much of the blame for the rightwing takeover at the feet of Barak Obama for his lack of accountability of the Bush administration and that lack of accountability, in my opinion, resulted in Democrats losing the congress in 2010 and the senate in 2012 and many of the 2016 elections. But I've been over this again and again before.

    Interesting that you bring up Glen Greenwald. Greenwald has squandered much of his credibility with his denials of Russia meddling in the election, and sadly by association has somewhat tarnished the reputation one of the greatest progressive reporters of all time, Amy Goodman.

    Because of your obsessive Hillary hating, you want us to believe that there is little difference between the parties. A theory disproved by the election of Goerge W. Bush.

    But we can see, hear and read and we have seen the differences for ourselves and though both are flawed, the differences are lightyears apart. Just because Bernie wasn't able to waltz into the Democratic party, a party that he had never really supported, and declare himself the head of the party, you want to divide us, insuring Republican domination. Again, I've been over and over this territory again and again. But since we can't have utopia, apparently, we can't have anything.

    Maybe Hilary is far from perfect but she has for the last 40 years been the most investigated person this country has ever known and no one has been able to lay a glove on her. True, you can troll the internet and find no shortage of support for believing any number of Hillary atrocities. Hell, I'm sure I can troll the internet and find irrefutable evidence that proves the world is flat.

    So because DeathRey is a competitive bang bang shoot'em-up cowboy suffering from arrested development, we have to endure one school massacre after another. Personally, I have no use for guns at all, but we can see by gun owners like Jeff and others on this site, that there can be reasonable compromise with responsible gun owners.

    Personally though, I'm sick of this Second Amendment bullshit. Where the fuck is this "well regulated militia" that all you fucking gun nuts belong to? Must be the NRA. But as usual, the only way Republicans can justify their actions is by creating their own definitions….you know, like crazy people do!

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    I stand by what l say/ believe...
    And lm not " hysterical" about any of this.
    Im a "proud" gun owner.. Who would be willing to make "some" sacrifices for the greater good!

    Are you?!?

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago


    Thank you,

    Reg coffee in the morning and decafe at night.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Hypothecitacly lets say we banned " assault weapons " for 3 years and people could turn them in to their local police dept for safe keeping. Then we found that the black market was strongly in effect...or the bad guys moved on to pipe bombs instead... or for whatever reason lawful owners were not the issue...would you be in favor of returning the weapons to their original owners?

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    My next question is:
    How is "assault weapon" defined?!?

    Lets say; you remove the collapsible plastic buttplate..
    And the billeted,freefloat handguard..
    And the plastic forgrip..
    And the pretty heat shrouds..

    You know.. All the G.I.JOKE parts..

    And say; replaced it with..
    A traditional " wood stock"..

    Would that same "such" gun still be called an "assault weapon"??

    An example: A Ruger mini 14.
    It uses the same caliber as most "assault rifles".
    It is semi auto.
    It comes with a 5 round magazine.
    [Though-10, 20, and even 30 round magazines are readily available.]
    But.. It comes with a "traditional" one piece wood stock..
    It doesn't look like a G.I.JOKE gun!

    Would this particular gun be considered an "assault rifle"??

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }

    #13, Legend, and #35, #37, #40 (there are so many hysterical people ranting here that it's impossible to give you all your due), let me say this: To state that assault rifles and/or large capacity magazines are categorically responsible for the epidemic of mass shootings in this country is nothing less than a TROBBING dicto simpliciter; fallacy and a sweeping generalization. You call anyone that doesn't buy your simplistic logic a “gun nut”. If you want logic, think about this: A person capable of intentionally committing mass carnage must by definition be insane. To protect ourselves from those few insane people bent on doing us harm we must ensure that potentially lethal implements do not fall into their hands. Therefore, an acceptable solution would be to outlaw potentially lethal implements, including cars, gasoline, any poisonous or explosive substance or the ingredients from which these substances could be manufactured....etc. Are you willing to go this far? Doubtful. Oh, you'll fall back on your specious argument “but fertilizer was not invented to kill people”. Face it, you are fixated on assault rifles and large capacity magazines as the SYMBOL of the illness that is at the bottom of these school shootings. And as George Carlin once observed “Symbols …. for the symbol minded”.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Five sounds adequate to me Jeff....isn't that the limit Florida already places on hunters? Could still mess up a deer pretty good. Your stance on gun control is identical to Thom's, I don't disagree.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Reynolds, just to be clear , I listen to Thom because I accidentally stumbled across his broadcast years ago, one that echoed my life experience of paying attention to painful economic facts and reality. I didn't start with a blank slate and happen to turn on Foxaganda letting Fascists do all of my thinking for me.

    However I don't disagree with Thom's recent extreme position on gun control...I'd be happy with that too. It would clearly end most of the mass shootings , if not all.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    ...and a huge waste of money too Legend, same as having a giant pick-up truck that gets 8 miles per gallon.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    I think a five round magazine limit would be a good start..
    But in my post # 35 l stated that a complete ban on ALL future sales of ALL types of semi auto weapons is whats really needed!

    In my opinion.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    The only thing they get with 30 or more per magazine is a hard on.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    I agree Legend, 15 shots still is way too high!...the gun nuts will tell you it's not a clip though, it's a magazine. Oddly enough , many of my friends, both liberal and conservative, seem to be gun nuts.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Jeff are you saying that that the defintion of an assault weapon boils down to magazine capacity? If so, that's fine, so we need to deal with that then, which is what Democrats proposed doing many many mass shootings ago. I certainly agree with you on this.

    Everyone be aware that the recent Kochpublican media strategy is to repeat that many Democrtas are against gun control period. This is an attempt to depoliticize which party would enact legislation and which one would def not.

    Assault weapons don't frighten me as much as millons of brainwashed citizens armed with arrogance and stupidity.

    BTW: I'm the proud owner of a Rev war period musket and small cannon...both single shot.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Colorado lowered clip capacity to 15 max. Which to me is way to high. Can any of you gun nuts tell me why you need more than 15? How many people have to die for your rights?

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    People like Diane that want to do nothing are scheduling the next mass murder.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Take a "chill pill" or heed your own advice and smoke a little "doobie"!

    You and l both know that congress will NEVER propose a bill ( let alone get enough votes to pass it) to remove ALL guns from the general public. So there's no "slippery slope" for you, on your "high and mighty horse" to fall down!!
    And l agree.. Diane Feinstein is a gun NUT of the other extreme!

    Ive seen that video of the sharp shooter before. Its quite impressive what he can do with a six shooter...

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago


    Excellent point. Unfortunately when it comes to these " gun nuts"... Logic and reason have no foothold!
    Hence.. Thats why they're gun NUTS!!

    I'm not sure what size magazines that kid in Florida had? Probably 20 -
    30 round. But.. Even if he'd been limited to 15 round magazines. He probably would have succeeded in doing just as much carnage!

    Im sad to say..

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago


    "Well I guess I'm on troll watch duty right now.....So Coffee, do you really think anybody wants to ban "guns? " Other than your Foxaganda/alt reality belief that Obama or Hillary were coming to take your "guns," there has never even been talk about it. A ban on assault weapons yes, a ban on "guns" in general, absolutely not.

    You might be able to convince and freak out your peers that the liberals are coming to confiscate their shot guns with the slippery slope bull sht talking point, but that's all it is.... a BS talking point, fake news, lie, desception, take your pick. BTW: Governments that have banned assault weapons do not have a black market problem with them."

    Road runner must not listen to the head bobblehead Thom Hartmann who

    "I'm a competitive shooter, I like guns" > nobody should have an assault weapon > nobody should have any semi-auto long guns > nobody should have any semi-auto guns at all" > whats next Thommy? Can I keep my revolver please? After you watch the link, probably not.

    My friend Diane Feinstein


  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Sorry Hotcoffee. I'm apologizing for all of us! Please don't leave...
    Did you heed my advice and switch to decaf yet?

    I have to agree with 2950-10K. This country needs to ban ALL future sales of ALL semi auto weapons to the "general public". And when l say ALL, that would be ALL semi auto long rifles, rifles, carbines, shotguns and ALL semi auto handguns!
    Maybe even offer a buyback program similar to what Australia did in 1996. Although "chuckling" lm not sure how our government would "pay" for it...

    And l say this, as an experienced gun owner ( who owns a lot of guns) and avid hunter for over 45 years.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Election Reform can be passed with 51 votes since that is how the
    Last Tax Reform Bill was passed.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    I live in a state where they set a limit of 15 rounds in a clip. NRA and everyone other gun nut went ballistic. You cannot do minor sensible changes. Why do you need more than 15 rounds in a clip?

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    I'm positive you can't show in any post where I said Trump was the answer.

    I did say the people fighting each other is not the answer.

    Somehow you just can't see both sides keep getting the shaft and the only way to keep this country together is for the people to come together, which is exactly what they don't want.

    Tell me who are you really pround of on the left because while you want me to be the enemy I want everyone to stop treating this situation like a football game of who's for what side. I posted here we need solutions not hate.

    Even people like Glen Greewald and Greg Palast get it, they are honest enough to call BS on both sides...while the propagandist prattle on.

    So if you want me to be an enemy fine I really don't have a need to post here, I'll leave and wish you well. Let me know.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    You may not be as dumb. You may not be as stupid. But you are definitely more brainwashed, if you think that Trump is the answer to any of Americas problems. There could not be any other person that is worse for the country than Trump. It really does not get anymore basic than that. If you think otherwise, then you are the enemy. Pure and simple!!!!!

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