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  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Hey Coalage, Since you take your cues from the lying, oxycontin drug-addled dope fiend stack of shit and Dominican Republic viagra sex junketeer known as Rush Limbaugh, why the fuck do you think that we would give serious consideration to anything that you propose?

    When are the right-wingers going to abandon their racist voter suppression tactics, their discriminatory voter ID laws, their extreme unconstitutional gerrymandering?

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Coalage, Since by definition a fetus is not a young person, I'm going to have to say Gun Violence kills more. But since conservatives love to create their own definitions to prove their points, using your method, then I would have to say that birth kills more people since everyone that is born will eventually die.

    If "pro-lifers" cared half as much about the welfare of the born, as they do for the welfare of the "unborn," then their arguments might have some credibility. But their support of the most morally corrupt president in U.S. history only makes clear their hypocrisy.

    The conservatives support of the new "tax cut" that will result in ballooning the deficit, surly resulting in cutbacks of programs that support babies, both born and "unborn" along with the future development and education of these "young people."

    All this for the purpose of making the rich richer to continue the pipe-dream myth that "trickle down" really works, even though it has been a dismal failure every time is has been tried. But conservatives fall for it every time anyway, because their greed and bigotry outweigh any real convictions they might have regarding the future of the "unborn."

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    #44 #46
    Like l said.. Your here looking or "trolling" for a confrontation! Maybe one of the others will oblige? Your so not worth wasting my time on..

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    #44 #46
    Like l said.. Your here looking or "trolling" for a confrontation! Maybe one of the others will oblige? Your so not worth wasting my time on..

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    #44 #46
    Like l said.. Your here looking or "trolling" for a confrontation! Maybe one of the others will oblige? Your so not worth wasting my time on..

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    #44 #46
    Like l said.. Your here looking or "trolling" for a confrontation! Maybe one of the others will oblige? Your so not worth wasting my time on..

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    #44 #46
    Like l said.. Your here looking or "trolling" for a confrontation! Maybe one of the others will oblige? Your so not worth wasting my time on..

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    As to DACA and immigration, why not try the Rush Limbaugh solution? That is, the republicans would agree to amnesty for all illegal immigrants and DACA people. However, they would not be allowed to register to vote for say 15 years.

    Now, that addresses at least some of the concerns of republicans, and it would make the democrats prove that they really do just have the best interests of the DACA people at heart, and are not just concerned about buying their votes.

    But of course, not a chance either party would agree.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Your a smoker.. I sure hope its the green stuff?!?

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    What's different about them? You have young dead in both instances. Sounds pretty much the same to me. I find it puzzling that the left is so vocal in one case, and yet so silent in another when the outcome is virtually the same.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Conflating two completely different things together is really "childish"!
    You obviously, are looking for nothing more than a confrontation!!

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Which kills more young people...gun violence in schools or abortion?

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Perhaps it's because I see most of these issues as being complicated, not cut and dried.

    I'm not perfect and as I said I'm looking for solutions.

    And hey I'm a smoker in Ca. and I sure get razed for that, being picked on doesn't bother me except to the extent I find it a waste of time when there could be useful conversation.

    That's why I said I would stop posting here if most of you wanted me to leave, theres no point in talking to people who don't want to hear you.

    I don't really know how or why anyone here thinks the way they do either.

    Also I'm female and most of you seem to be men for whatever thats worth.

    Anyway I have a busy day hope you all enjoy you day and I won't take over the conversation tomorrow. :)

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    If nothing else.. You do seem to be very contradictory in your posts. You actually tend to contradict yourself at times. Maybe thats why some of the others tend to pick on you..
    It is mildly amusing.

    At least your not belligerent and down right nasty when you voice your views and opinions...

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    One more thing....I really believe we need to clean up our mess here with over 60,000 homeless just in LA before we add more people to the mix.

    It might not be such a huge issue in your state, but Ca. is a border state and most illegals end up here, partly because of our laws and the fact we have always lived together in peace...until recently, partly because were are an ag. state so many move from the fruit & veggie fields to the pot fields.

    Many and I mean many pot growers are being put out of business due to legalization, the price has bottomed out and the new taxes, regs, fines and fees are so high that the only ones who can compete are the wealthy. There are no jobs in rural Ca. either.

    Very few pot growers had the kind of weath the state thought it had so they grabbed all of it and more. You can't grab what doesn't exist. This all adds to the stress of more new comers.

    That is going to lead to a massive increase in people going on welfare as they won't be able to make a living anymore.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago


    I agree some times I go to fast and try to fit too much into one post.

    I tried to explain to all, that I was posting that article because of the question ...How did we get where we are...not because of his opinions of how. I didn't expect you to read my mind as I thought I was being clear on that point. I still find that question interesting. He posed it so I credited it to him.

    Also if you checked out his site you would find he's married to a mexican woman and lives happily in Mexico. She teaches spanish to anyone that would like to learn. Even so I disagree with much that he says.

    You seem determined to prove me a rascist and you couldn't be more wrong. I wasn't raised that way and never was interested in being that way. And being raised in S.F. most people I knew were never that way. I didn't even know it existed until I took a trip to Tenn. when I was 13. You seem so quick to judge me...why? There are many people of varing colors in my life that I truly love.

    I find it difficult to express myself when I have to wipe all the trash talk out of the way and sometimes to my regret get caught up in it myself. MY Bad. I really do know better.

    I do read from all perspectives and watch for the truth, the lies and relevent questions in all that I read.

    After all I read your posts. Disd you ever watch the movie the great debate?


  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    All about guns


    Any human love in there?

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Hey 10K, I got the impression that you were from North Carolina and I found this video about the Pisgah National Forest that you might enjoy. I camped out there for a few days last summer. I'll be back in Asheville this April but I'll be camping out in a motel this time. Not that I don't enjoy camping out in the wild, but we old folks do like our creature comforts…not to mention easy access to a bar.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Agree with stopgap.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    HC, Maybe your response was clear to you, but to me, and I suspect to anybody else here, the implication was that DACA was somehow opening the door to illegal immigration andcriminal gangs. You very quickly glossed over the plight of the Dreamers but chose to lump it all together with illegal aliens and gangs and then threw in the plight of the homeless to further confuse the issue. Maybe the rest of the readers are better at reading your mind than I am? But, after your long racist rant, the other day, about we were happiest when we were largely an anglo/Christian culture, you might understand my confusion?

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    In reality the Wild West was not like TV at all. Guns were checked in at the sheriffs office in Dodge City. The OK Corral was one of the few shootouts. And it was lightly armed by todays standards. I read a history book that said the biggest problem in the 1800's was mud. It could stop everything.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    That's true too almost makes you (me) want to quit voting.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago


    You're so right and then it carried on into Clint Eastwood, mayor of Carmel in.. Dirty Harry, The Good The Bad and The Ugly,and on to Arnold Swartzniggers Terminator... who was once our govener here in Ca.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    As far as DACA goes, Republicans will resist to the end because they think it is 800000+ Democratic votes if they give them the vote. It is that simple. Elections have consequences. If you voted for Trump or third party that is what you (or more appropriately, they) get.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    We have a society that was bought up on guns on TV from a very early stage. Gunsmoke, The Rifleman (Pa,Pa), Bonanza and the Vietnam War. Have you ever watched reruns of Bonanza? Almost every show they are in the bar doing shots and fully armed. Illegal today. In those days not everything was shipped overseas. It may be that deep rooted.

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