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  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    With Congressional approval of the Iraq war you could not charge Bush. If anything could have been charged it would have been torture. After 9/11 I do not think that would have flew. Granted they lied to get the votes, they got the votes.

    This once great country always has Fox News pumping the Republican agenda. Now we have NRATV to go along with it. I also heard that Sinclair (described as worse than Fox) recently purchased a local TV station nearby.

    Obama had the House and Senate for 72 days.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Legend, I'm perfectly willing to be enlightened on the Obama administration's reasons for not seeking accountability, but Obama, after his inauguration, signaled right away that his administration was not going to dwell on the past, but focus on the future. As I've said here before, the one thing that Republicans are good at, is campaigning on the public dime via bogus congressional hearings, panels, investigations and sham congressional votes like repealing Obamacare, Benghazi, etc.

    True, it's up to the congress to bring charges, but Obama had leverage to call for hearings and congressional investigations and could direct his attorney general, to peruse indictments. Eric Holder made little, if any efforts, regarding seeking accountability.

    I realize that Democrats only had the majority for a relatively short time, a much shorter time than the 2 years that Republicans like to claim. But Obama had made his course of action clear and accountability regarding the previous administration was not part of that agenda

    The vote on the second Iraq war was more complex than was obvious. Democrats were between a rock and a hard place regarding their support for going to war. Considering what happened after their unwillingness to support the first Iraq war, resulting in wholesale loses by many progressive Democrats in the following elections. History, all but guaranteed that to oppose the second Iraq war, would have been devastating to the Democratic party, virtually placing the country into the hands of the Republicans without any restraints.

    Not that I agree with that assessment, but it is understandable how the Democratic party would come to that conclusion. I believe that the decision was made that those that were in safe districts and states could oppose the war. Otherwise, it would be political suicide for themselves and the party for candidates in purple states and districts not to support the war.

    None the less, the build up to the Iraq war by the Bush White House was built on lies about weapons of mass destruction, yellowcake uranium, resulting in the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame, and any number of other bogus excuses that deserved congressional investigations. Nothing in the Obama administration suggested any appetite for bringing anyone to task for the lies and disinformation campaign that led to the decision to go to war. Nor was there much of an appetite for directing Eric Holder to peruse indictments regarding the banking industry and Wall Street.

    Again, I give Obama all the credit in the world for much of his presidency. BUT, the unwillingness to peruse accountability, thereby allowing the failures and crimes of the Bush administration and the Republican party to fade from the memory of the American public, was in my opinion, a critical mistake that left the door open for the Republican insanity that we are now stuck with.

    But, I could be wrong!

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    So Stopgap, I can surmise from your comments that you have no compassion or empathy for the unborn. Why is that? I thought progressives/democrats were all about defending the defenseless. I guess not so much in this case. The right to have sex with no consequences "trumps" the right to life. Got it...

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago


  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    It would have been Congress that would have had to bring charges against Bush/Cheney. But Congress voted for war in Iraq so what were they going to charge them with?

    Obama even went on Fox and defended his policies. The truth is softer than lies. The problem is this stupid population that keeps electing Republicans into office. Any office.

    Here is a problem. NRATV. Another mass media brainwasher. Google, Amazon and Apple are broadcasting it:

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    WOW Stopgap,

    That's the most honest comment I've seen you write!

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    I don't know how much longer everyone will realize we need a new government. The US government will no longer work for you. That why I made the 7C Constitution @ The petition is

    Why does everyone keep pining for failed solutions in the past. It will never get any better. Just look at the 7C Constitution, made by and for the people only, and compare what we have now. We need all the help we can get.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Yes 10K, I agree with you in principle, but actions speak louder than words. Obama had the chance to stop the fascist Republicans in their tracks, and accountability was the means of doing it. At that nexus of history, that is what the majority of Americans craved more than anything else. That included the Democratic base, independents and crossover voters. Everyone but the most extreme rightwing Republicans.

    Even more than bailing out the banks, resurrecting the auto industry, restoring the economy, enacting healthcare reforms, and ending the mortgage crisis; the American public wanted to know that no one was above the law and that justice was equal for all. They wanted those that lied us into war, lied us into the mortgage crisis and bank failures, would be indicted and brought in front of the American public to answer for their crimes .

    But, Obama almost immediately turned his back on what the American people most longed for. And as a result, history was doomed to repeat itself. As one saying goes, "the past is the future." By not dealing with the crimes and treasonous excesses of the Bush administration. The oligarchs, bank-sters and corrupt politicians, cynically accepted their get out of jail free cards, and declared open warfare on their emancipator. And the wave of enthusiasm that carried Obama to the White House quickly ebbed.

    Don't get me wrong, I still think that in many ways, Obama was a great president and there are many things about him that I find honorable and laudable: His intelligence, his diplomacy, his wit, his work ethic, his oratory skills, his calm-rational demeanor, his temperament and so on. He certainly deserves credit for leading the country out of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and bringing healthcare to millions, rescuing the auto industry and many many other important achievements. All while the Republicans that weren't running for cover, were conspiring to bring down his administration.

    But, in my mind, his failure to exact accountability of the Bush administation will forever haunt his legacy. The nagging question remains, why? Why he chose, as he said, to "look forward" and not address the past? But the Republican past is a cancer that is destroying the country from within.

    Yes, Obama had an enormous amount on his plate at the time of his inauguration. Yet, he neglected an integral part of the oath, "to defend against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC." He neglected to defend against our domestic enemies. I can't help but think that there has to be more to his answer that we should concentrate on the future and not be distracted by the past. There has to be an answer more plausible.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    I admire your consistent irreverence stopgap. If you want to see someone else with like minded deep feelings for Trump, google MOJO Nixon, " Trump can s...... my d....." Good little tune, just skip to the middle of the song if you prefer.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    BTW stopgap, your comment about Obama on the last blog struck a nerve with me. I too blame Obama for falling short , but for a different reason. Why didn't he ever speak out and explain to America how hope and change got derailed by the Fascists? Trump sure has no problem tweeting and blurting out bloated faced lies. Obama simply needed to blurt out the truth....things like, Fox News is fake news, the Kochs are purchasing our democracy in order to destroy it, anti-american McConnell has with a record number of filibusters obstructed the will of the vast majority, loudly summarize Ryan's budget plans to the entire country, etc etc. He had the bully pulpit yet never used it.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    LOOK UP IN THE SKY! IT'S A BIRD! IT'S A PLANE! No, it's Super Trump. Stops bullets with his tiny bare hands. Rushes in to schools and singlehandedly wrestles down armed assault rifle carrying mass murderer! And, who disguised as illegitimately elected President of the United States...five time bone spur draft dodger, leaps over grieving and wounded students to play another round of golf and down a few Big Macs! It's SUPER TRUMP!!!!!

    When are you fucking rightwing greedy bigot morons gonna wake up to who this insane, lowlife, conman, grifter, piece of shit really is? Never if history is any indication! Never!

    Of course, the "tax cut," his only real legislative accomplishment, was a classic example of pedigree rightwing pit bull obedience. While Trump was waving the bright and shiny "tax cut" in his lefthand, he was busy picking their pockets with his righthand…and the tail-wagging conservative lapdogs were eating it up. All the while, ecstatically trying to hump the legs of liberals in a pathetic attempt to prove their delusional fantasy of dominance.

    Just how crazy does this fucking insane asshole have to get before you conservatives wake up?

    By all means, lets arm the teachers. And when one of them "goes postal" and wipes out a bunch of students? Then what next? What kinda of fucking insanity is this?

    I apologize if I didn't offend anyone. I'll try harder next time.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Reynolds: Looks like you're a member of the misinformed/clueless minority that doesn't admire Bernie, the by far most popular politician in the country, that even with the corpse media blackout of him. Do yourself a favor and google Democratic Socialism and get back to me on which part of it you disagree with.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Jeff: Regarding your question from the last blog.....I don't live in N.C. but have leftist friends living way off the grid near Asheville. I can't even contact them, they contact me from anonymous public places like libraries etc. Saves them money, who knows? ...but I no longer travel to red states!

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago


    You need to do some fact checking.

    I don't know about your entire article, but the $3.3 m that Rubio took from the NRA has been over his entire political career which started in 2000.

    I'm still on your team... 'Rebel with a KOZ'

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Reminds me of when I was a kid in the '50s and my mother caught our New York City councilman blatantly lying about his use of city funds for contracts. Not proven to be corruption exactly, but he was favoring some businesses. She called him on it, and immediately caught him in a lie. His response: He hung up. This is the same thing, writ large.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    #50 - The rich have not got this

    If there is no economic activity and there is no middle class and there is no one that spends money they will become extinct

    The rely very heavily on the value of fiat money

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Forget them Hephaestus. Chronic lying must be a prerequisite to get nominated and supported.. Oh! Oh, and they have to LOVE money!! Remember, birds of a feather flock together. So then you get a big liars club. The "right" voters. The "right" candidate.. The "right" interest group$$$. For those um. dirty jobs.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    #1 - Did you get this bit... FYI

    More than 98% of the contributions went to Republicans.

    Can't possibly imagine where the 2% went... can you?

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    #1 - It was like ~25 odd years ago... incidentally!

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    #1 - So! The point is?

    Eleven grand... peanuts

    What did the NRA pay for Trump?

    Circa 30 million

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago


    "How the National Rifle Association helped get Bernie Sanders elected"

    BURLINGTON, Vt. — A few days before Election Day in 1990, the National Rifle Association sent a letter to its 12,000 members in Vermont, with an urgent message about the race for the state’s single House seat.

    Vote for the socialist, the gun rights group said. It’s important.

    “Bernie Sanders is a more honorable choice for Vermont sportsmen than ­Peter Smith,” wrote Wayne LaPierre, who was — and still is — a top official at the national NRA, backing Sanders over the Republican incumbent.

    That was odd. Sanders was the ex-hippie ex-mayor of Burlington, running as an independent because the Democrats weren’t far enough left. He had never even owned a gun.

    But, there may be more!!

    Did Bernie really accept $11,129 from the NRA?

    "ON UPDATE: In the same year that Bernie was accepting direct donations from the NRA, he slammed Hillary for attending a fundraiser held by Jeff Forbes, a lawyer who had (till 2015) included the NRA among his lobbying clients. He said: "Hillary should stop taking NRA lobbyist money" at the same time that he was taking money directly from the NRA."

    "The only non-Republican in the top 25: Bernie Sanders, a Senate independent whose state, Vermont, has a strong hunting tradition. He accepted $11,129 in cash. Sanders, of course, challenged Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party’s presidential nod."

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Maybe I'm not as smart as the toxic pus-ball, Rush Limbaugh. But I'm not dumb enough to fall for his rightwing, oligarch think-tank generated, nazi/fascist bullshit propaganda either. Many years ago, I knew nothing about Rush Limbaugh, but after listening to him for less than fifteen minutes, I knew everything that I ever needed to know about him. Everything was built on half-truths, innuendo, hearsay ("some people say…"), false context and lies by omission.

    But, like Rush and Fox News, I'm smart enough to know that their audience does not come to them for enlightenment, facts or truth - In fact you are more likely to get fired from Fox for telling the truth, than for lying. Their audience comes to them for validation of their racism, greed and anti government tendencies. Anti enlightened American tendencies that they were compelled to suppress until Rush and Fox came along encouraging them to be proud and open about their selfishness and presumed racial superiority.

    And yes Coalage, you are still creating your own definitions to prop up your argument, "everybody knows that calling the unborn a fetus…" when it is actually the other way around: you are calling a fetus the unborn.

    Then you try to make a blanket statement that Democrats are fine with abortions "anytime, anyplace, anywhere." Bullshit!!! You are just making shit up to so that you won't feel guilty about harassing and bullying women that are making, what is likely, the most painful decision they will ever have to make and one that they will have to live with for the rest of their lives.

    But of course compassion and empathy from the right is only reserved for the "unborn." "Once you're born…you're on your on!" "Don't come crying to me for help…I've got this big fucking wall to build on the Mexican border to keep the born out." "I've gotta go stock-up on some more ammo."

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    I find it interesting that CPAC was a gun free zone. They gave a rifle out as a prize and could not even bring it out on stage.

    Out west here gun ranges have become popular. Some are Gun Clubs similar to Golf Country Clubs where they have restaurants and even serve liquor. Nice places for Republicans to gather and socialize. I am sure that Democrats could go also. Yesterday I happen to be at an auto dealer next to one. The Main Range etc was in one building and in a separate building was the Administration office. On the door to the administration office was a sign that said "Absolutely No Guns Allowed Inside".

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    And as to Limbaugh's solution for immigration, what is your problem? He may be a dope fiend, oxycontin abuser, but he's a whole lot smarter than you are.

    Don't you care about the poor illegal immigrants? You obviously only support them because they willl most likely vote democratic. You could say that not getting to vote for some number of years is their penance for living here illegally. You trade immediate citzenship for the right to vote for some number of years.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    I didn't really expect a reasoned answer because progressives don't have one. If you did, you would have given it. Everyone knows that calling the unborn a fetus just makes your guilty conscience feel better. No one really believes that a fetus is not a living being. You can try and make that argument but most people don't buy it.

    Most people, including myself, believe that abortion is reasonable in some situations (health of the mother, rape, incest, etc). It's the pregoressive/democratic mantra of "anytime, anywhere, for any reason" that doesn't hold water.

    Killing the young or the unborn, whether by gun violence or by some doctors hand, still ends up with a dead person. Now, try and explain the difference why the left is in an outrage over killing in one instance, but supports killing with no questions asked in the other case. And please, don't try to raise "womens health" as the reason. Most of the dead unborn are female. What about their health?

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