Recent comments

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Right on HotCoffee

    @#40 Worn out door knobs,

    If you come here and expect any sort of support, you are required to come in as a malcontent leftie/socialist as for the most part, as that is the only language that is allowed to be spoken here. This is the place happiness goes to die and it reminds me of an old movie where the trestle bridge has been blown up and the long train never stops, allowing car after car to drop into the abyss.

    On a positive note, it is comprised by a tiny number of sleep deprived unhappy people who seem fixated on the other guy’s money and how they are entitled to take some because it’s “fair” and their “right” so there is no danger, just comedy.

    Bringing up the fact that most of their liberal darlings do the same thing they accuse the rightwing of doing just enrages them all the more. Go figure.

    Look at it this way, this is low level entertainment at its finest and Christmas is delivered every day of the year in the form of two or three of them going totally off the rails in a world class hate filled rage.

    Don’t question it, just sit back and enjoy the parade.

    As someone wisely once said,

    "If you don't want people touching your critters,

    Don't make your barn look look like a petting zoo."

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago


    When wasn't there socioeconomic inequity?

    How does going thru life pissed off help's your health?

    I've heard being pissed off all the time isn't good for you, doesn't hurt anyone else

    just boomarangs back on you.

    Cheer up! Enjoy life.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago


    My friend I thought this was a neo-nazi site. Anyone with a differing opinion is perscuted and belittled. Where is the tolerance, love and compassion?

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    What cracks me up most about Reynolds and the other Kochbaggers posting here is that they seem oblivious to how pissed off those of us who are aware of current socioeconomic realities really are. These same trolls helped create the mess we're in by voting for Putin's and Koch's asswipes, and then they expect us to be polite and respectful of their verbal attacks on us.... yeah right. Boo Hoo! Maybe just sticking to their neo-nazi sites would be the answer.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    An example of why some of the left is so discouraged with the dems

    One has to wonder what San Francisco, which has some of the wealthiest citizens in the nation, is doing with all their money. After all, the major tenet of liberalism, which San Francisco declares is its guiding public policy, is to help the disadvantaged and poor.

    a snip...

    In order to understand the lack of financial commitment to helping the homeless, it may be helpful to review the salaries of San Francisco County "public servants." Their jobs, and their professed mission, is to devote themselves to helping the needy. There is no shortage of money, but there appears to be a shortage of commitment to allocating public taxes to helping the homeless.

    The money goes to those who are dedicated to helping the homeless. There are many examples of salary extravagance. For example, according to the website TransparentCalifornia. com, Madonna P. Valencia, the manager of the Dept. of Public Health, had a salary of $275,395.65 in 2016. In addition to that, she received benefits of $65,154.15 in that year for a total compensation package of $340,549.80. Another manager of public health, Theresa A. Dentoni, received $276,109.42 in 2016 and benefits of $64,073.87 for a total of $340,183.73. And this in a city that cannot afford to make portable toilets available to residents.

    The assistant medical examiner, Harminder S. Niarula, another person in public health, had a total salary in 2016 of $336,000. Stephen C. Wu, a senior physician specialist, earned $336,000 in 2016. Another supervising physician specialist, Catherine T. James, collected $333,000. And nursing supervisor Patricia Carr got $333,000.


  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    From my e mail today...

    “Have you pledged to use your office to restore fair and free elections?" That's the question Americans across the country are asking their elected officials and candidates ahead of the 2018 midterm election.

    oops wrong link

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Hotcoffee #30
    Yes, l don't think you will get a disagreement from most of us posting here on that particular post of yours.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Info about Reynolds l was not privy to. Yes legend, she's obviously a hypocrite...

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    I disagree,

    because it's so repetitave. Constant negitive bombardment.

    just reminds people of the similar actions on the dems part.

    Hardens the position of people you say you want to get thru to.

    Solves nothing.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Also Diane is on Medicare which has been drastically cut. When she gets cancer chemo will probably not be available on the cost plan. Also Social Security has had huge cuts. She votes against her own interests.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Well said stopgap!
    And another thing l still find amazing is how many women actually did vote for ( and still support) that sexist, womanizing, "pussy grabbing"sexual molester n chief!!

    Obviously Reynolds is one of them..

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    I think what Rush proposed was to grant the illegal immigrants citzenship status immediately, except for the right to vote for some period of years (15?). Not just legal immigrant status. His reasoning was that his proposal should satisfy both republicans and democrats if the arguments they are putting forth about immigration are genuine.

    Not a chance though that politicians are genuine.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Since D-Rey kindly sacrificed valuable time to list many of the words that I've used to describe Trump and his supporters. Let's review the list:

    Sycophants, even Trump agrees with this, "I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and they ( my supporters) would still vote for me."

    How many here doesn't think that Trump and many of his supporters are bigoted?

    How many here doesn't think that Trump and a number of Republican politicians are sex abusers?

    How many here doesn't think that Trump and those in his administration are pathological liars?

    How many here doesn't think that Trump and most Republicans are greedy?

    How many here doesn't think that Trump and most Republicans are sociopathic traitors?

    How many here doesn't think that Trump and many Republicans are abetting child fuckers?

    Ok, 'fucking idiots" was name calling and I apologize!

    How many here doesn't think that Trump and his many Republicans are Nazis?

    Nimrods - name calling, I apologize!

    How many here doesn't think that Trump and his supporters are delusional?

    I'll skip the repeated comments.

    How man here doesn't think that Trump is a con-man thug?

    How many here doesn't think Trump is a "thin-skinned corrupt thug?"

    How many here doesn't think that most Republicans are "fucking (name calling, I apologize) gun nuts?

    How many here doesn't think that Rush is a "lying, oxycontin drug-addled dope fiend?"

    How many here doesn't remember that Rush was busted for cooing back into the country with 29 hits of viagra that weren't prescribed to him?

    The real "Warning signs" are that any Republican can still support Trump!

    I could go on about D-Rey repeatedly calling me a "birdbrain idiot, etc. and Doorknobs essentially calling me an asshole and F-word (homosexual) in Spanish. But, sticks and stones….

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    I would like to see us...

    go back to paper ballots

    return to Glass Segal

    get rid of citizens united

    outlaw lobbist.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Diane lives in a very small world, where fact and history are not allowed. She rants about Senator Sanders having some real estate in his home state. McCain could not even count how many homes he owned. It is interesting that she claims that Sanders had a tax lawyer that snuck this through. He released his taxes. Trump, who she voted for, never did.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Watch some of these. By the way Republicans will only go on Fox News.

  • Young People in Hard Right's Crosshairs   6 years 31 weeks ago

    You and Rush do understand that there's a difference between being granted legal immigration status and becoming a U.S. citizen right? After becoming a legal immigrant one has to live in the U.S. for 5 consecutive years without any long spans outside of the country before they can even apply for citizenship. Then it can take several more years after that to become a citizen. Then they can vote. Rush is not nearly as smart as some think,

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    DeathRey likes to confuse my fact-stating about Republicans with name calling. Now for instance, if I called DeathRey, a shithead, rotten, scumbag…that would be name calling and improper. But mostly, I have just described what are factual observations about Republican actions and conditions. Yes, there is an occasional example of name calling, like toxic pus-ball. But, in that case, I was talking about the king of name calling, Rush Limbaugh.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Reynold's..what the hell was that all about? Take Jeff's advice....or mine, go for a long slow run...or both. Regarding Bernie's and his wife's home ownership, you just made my case, you're drinking the Kool Aid. Tell me why you think the Fascists fear Bernie and Democratic Socialism.....put some effort into it.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Stopgap, Regarding Obama, I don't disagree with anything you said. I just feel strongly that he needed to call press conferences to communicate truth and warn the American people about by fascists like the Kochs and Putin. The way I see it, the most pressing problem is this lack of commuication of the truth....message control, with election engineering a close second. The Fascists have almost total control of our corpse media with outlets like Foxanganda. Until we figure out how to warn and convince our fellow citizens like Reynolds, that they're drinking the 1920's German Kool Aid, I have little hope things will change. Obama had the opportunity to speak out and warn the nation, but he didn't.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    #21 References????

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    You rant and rave like a maniac!
    Take a " chill pill".. Or heed your own advice, light up and smoke some "doobie"!!

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Lets not forget..
    While Obama did use Keynesian economics ( not enough, the "Fed. Reserve was actually more responsible for staving off disaster) to help lift the economy out of a near catastrophic economic collapse...the reality is; that he actually bought into the Friedman - Greenspan, Supply side economics.
    As much of his policies showed..

    Dont get me wrong. He was still worlds above anything the republicans offered!!

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Warning signs?

    “Sycophantic, bigoted, sexual abusing, pathological lying, greedy, heartless, sociopathic traitors of the Republican party, rightwing child fuckers, these fucking idiots, Nazi nimrods, delusional, sycophantic lemmings, bigoted, sexual abusing, pathological lying, greedy, heartless sociopathic traitors and child-fucking abettors!, pathological lying, con-man thug and his sycophantic ass kissers, pussy-grabbing , thin-skinned, egomaniacal blowhard, bigot sycophant supporters. When are you fucking rightwing greedy bigot morons gonna wake up to who this insane, lowlife, conman, grifter, piece of shit really is? Just how crazy does this fucking insane asshole have to get before you conservatives wake up? at the fingertips of a paranoid, schizophrenic, seriously deranged, delusional, thin-skinned, corrupt thug, fucking gun nuts, lying, oxycontin drug-addled dope fiend stack of shit and Dominican Republic viagra sex junketeer known as Rush Limbaugh, toxic pus-ball, Rush Limbaugh.

    With respect to bernie, I love the guy. He put Trump in the White House.

    In Bernie's defense I'm pretty sure some real estate agent realized a nice commish on the sales of his 3 homes or some accountant was paid handsomely so Bernie could exploit loopholes so he didn't have to pay his fair share of taxes. Oh, I almost forgot, he must also be paying some attorneys well to get him and his bride out of trouble with the govt investigation of his financial dealings. Closet capitalists are the worst.

  • Tom Cotton Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Constituents. What Happened to Democracy?   6 years 31 weeks ago

    Don't forget stopgap, that they had Obama under a micro - Make that a nanoscope because he was BLACK. So shutting down the looney banks and taking charge of them would make him out to be a Hitler in their right wing (blind) eyes. ALSO, in that "window " that the Democrats had. Obama not only passed healthcare, he passed a record number of bills that did good for us average folks.

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