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  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Rick Steve sez,#46

    "Fact is, Diane. And I Know that you do not like facts. Is the largest right wing radio conglomerate is about to go belly up."

    Great, I have heard all that before but if it does, then will you shut your piehole or will you still live your life in a hive of bitterness and jealousy?

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    From Wikipedia:

    Executive compensation or executive pay is composed of the financial compensation and other non-financial awards received by an executive from their firm for their service to the organization. It is typically a mixture of salary, bonuses, shares of or call options on the company stock, benefits, and perquisites, ideally configured to take into account government regulations, tax law, the desires of the organization and the executive, and rewards for performance.[1]

    The three decades starting with the 1980s saw a dramatic rise in executive pay relative to that of an average worker's wage in the United States,[2] and to a lesser extent in a number of other countries. Observers differ as to whether this rise is a natural and beneficial result of competition for scarce business talent that can add greatly to stockholder value in large companies, or a socially harmful phenomenon brought about by social and political changes that have given executives greater control over their own pay.[3][4] Recent studies have indicated that executive compensation should be better aligned with social goals[5] (e.g. public health goals [6]). Executive pay is an important part of corporate governance, and is often determined by a company's board of directors.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Fact is, Diane. And I Know that you do not like facts. Is the largest right wing radio conglomerate is about to go belly up. But they prefer to broadcast the right wing hate radio.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Reynolds...ditto...give us all and example of leftie hate radio and while your at it, give us an example of alt right love radio.

    When the sht hits the fan you'll finally realize what many of us have been warning you about.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    What a waste of my time, but here goes....Coffee, your impression that "I see almost everyone as a Fascist" and that I'm angry, are your words, and distorted opinion, which has nothing to do with the reality of my expression. I'm a patriot who wants what our founders and enlightenment thinkers intended.

    Why don't you just express your feelings for Putin and the Kochs instead of attacking my view. Respond with something that confirms your beliefs so we all understand your true motives.

  • Greetings from Thom in Cuba with Code Pink   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Hi Thom,
    One week in Cuba with government tour guides/sponsors can not give you a true perspective of what living in Cuba is about. I would suggest that you communicate to your loyal listeners..I am one of them,.... of your limited experience regarding what it is to live in Cuba, not as a tourist, with foreign currency and pampered by the government. Do you really think that they were not aware of your position as a radio personality? Please try to make an attempt to familiarize yourself with a wider perspective before communicating with your listeners,.

    Yours truly.
    Armando Verea.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    @#40 Go back and re-read my post. Here, I will highlight part of it in bold to make it easy for you,

    “Think about the fact that all radio talking bobbleheads never base their shows on positives so what is to be expected from those with a tendency to be malleable and slightly off bubble? Hence……

    Ref. me

    @#41 Rick Steve, If anybody actually listened to leftie/socialist radio stations they would be very profitable. Owners, regardless of political views, live for profit $$$$. You do the math. Oh God, I forgot and used the leftie/socialist's most hated word "profit" and that brings to topic other peoples money which will wind you up even tighter.

    Ref. Me



    He would deny it but in my opinion, Thom is a full on closet communist.

    Huge democrat party supporter, Jeff BezosIs the number-one shareholder in Amazon, with approximately 78.89 million shares as of March 2018. Someday Rick Steve may grasp the difference between asset and stock holdings vs. cash in hand.

    Ref. Me & Wall Street

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    You missed the point. The point is that billionaires do not get to that level from income. They get there from the rise in the value of an asset. In the case of Bezos it is the rise in value of Amazon.

    When Thom suggests that we should not "allow" them to become wealthy, what does that mean? Should we nationalize the companies they created? Should we force them to sell their companies and take the proceeds?

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    #39. Another factless Foxmerized opinion post by Diane and totally off base.

    There is a huge right wing conspiracy to buy up all of the radio stations and put left wing hate radio fomats on them.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Reynolds #39

    Hmm...lets see. Right wing talk radio listeners aren't "malleable and slightly off bubble"?!!
    Yeah right! Your only going to convince yourself of that one!!

    The happy, positive, uplifting, caring, and truthful messages of...
    Dana Loesh
    Mark Belling
    Laura Ingrahmm
    Sean Hannity
    Glenn Beck
    Dennis Prager
    Michael Savage
    And last but not least...
    Lets not forget the most positive and morally uplifting of them all..
    The Rush Limbaugh.. himself!!
    [And lm sure l forgot a few others..]

    There's no " hatred" or "rage" in this group..
    No "bitterness" or " negativity"...
    Absolutely not!!

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago


    HotCoffee, I have questioned the same. Leftie hate radio is in full bloom but one interesting discovery while going way back through the archives here, their hatred and rage goes way back a very long time including the years they had a full control in the WH, house, and senate.

    I have come to the conclusion there are some people that get their “happiness” by projecting their bitterness and discontent with literally everything regardless of who is in political power. Their mission is to suck the life out of any room they enter and you will see the same negativity when they are successful in a future election cycle. All sides gloat when they win, but these malcontents tend to thrive on complaining.

    Think about the fact that all radio talking bobbleheads never base their shows on positives so what is to be expected from those with a tendency to be malleable and slightly off bubble? Hence……

    Ref. ME

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Yes, all the major religions were writen by "men".
    Yes, all the religions are controlled by "men".
    The "god" that most of us worship is supposedly a "him"...
    Yes, almost all the governments were formed and are now controlled by "men".
    Why is don't ever hear about the morbidly rich "women" in the world?
    There must be a few? "Chuckling"

    Lets face it..we're in world that's owned,controlled and run by morbidly rich"MEN"!
    [With their "women" at their side..UNFORTUNATELY!!]

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago


    Since you seem to see almost everyone as a fascist....what do you consider yourself to be politicaly?

    The bible written by men..states new rules after the coming of Jesus. Jesus said as written by men" love your neighbor as your self ". Don't see why that makes you so angry?

    Are you a self interested person?

    Do Greek writings make you angry?


    Also everything we know about history was written by men.

    Everything I know about you was written by you.

    So far you seem as red with rage as your avatar.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    BTW: Blessing assault weapons could only happen in a society quickly spiralling out of control, and right into the hands of Fascists. Iron rods???? ,yeah right! The words of the bible are all ancient writings by self interested men. ...not a word there from God.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Neo-Feudalism is Fascism plain and simple! ....and yes indeed if the Kochs get their constitutional convention, it's game over for the hope of ever restoring representative government. November will be the tipping point. What many fail to realize is that the Kochs are every bit as dangerous as Putin in their hatred of democracy. Sure we can all continue to pretend fascism is just a bombastic term being tossed around by antifascists like myself....well good fffnnn luck with that attitude.

    Trump was installed by propaganda and election fraud. Putin played a large role in planting the Trump chaos bomb and thus turning our country into a house of cards. His nuclear bluff is welcomed by our military industrial spy complex...sure why the hell not, more job security for that sector, but with economic collapse closely to follow.

    I have an idea in reply to Thom's comment about the impending constitutional convention. How about we rewrite the first amendment......congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of the morbidly rich.????

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    I did not count on interest or existing income either.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    In fact.. Hed probably just give up on all his endeavors...
    Obviously there would no longer be any "incentive" for him to even try...

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Hmm..I don't know legend. You really think Jeff Bezo could "survive" on only 25 "millions" a year?
    "Chuckling" How dare you even suggest such a thing!
    All the sacrifices he would have to make...
    It would be cruel and inhumane...

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago


    source for #29 Of two minds

    #27 Proparanoid

    # 26 Norman Davies

    and Remus's antidote:

    as was posted with each comment

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    HC, you really should give credit to the sources that you cut and paste from. Otherwise we call it plagiarism.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Risk, Of Two Minds - There is nothing natural about the stability of the past 9 years. The bullish trends in risk assets are artificial constructs of central bank/state policies. As these policies are reduced or lose their effectiveness, the era of artificial stability is coming to a close. Market participants have become accustomed to an implicit entitlement: that investors / speculators will earn consistently positive returns on their capital, as central banks and governments have both the power and the mandate to "save" participants from losses and generate phantom wealth. This entitlement is ending, as the central banks'/states' power to maintain a permanent bull market in stocks and bonds is eroding.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    What a surprise, fact free brainless post from Diane.

    I certainly never said that I want any of Jeff Bezo's fortune. Do not put words in other people mouths Diane. Of his $124 billion he could afford $123 billion to the government and would still have more that he could spend in a lifetime. He is 54. Let's say he lived to 94. That 1 billion would give him $25000000 a year to spend.

    Also he could afford to spread a few billion of that to his employees. You cannot take it with you.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Rules of Disinformation
    via Proparanoid

    Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

    Become incredulous and indignant

    Create rumor mongers

    Use a straw man

    Sidetrack opponents with name calling, ridicule

    Hit and Run

    Question motives

    Invoke authority

    Play Dumb

    Associate opponent charges with old news

    Establish and rely upon fall-back positions

    Enigmas have no solution

    Alice in Wonderland Logic

    Demand complete solutions

    Fit the facts to alternate conclusions

    Vanish evidence and witnesses

    Change the subject

    Emotionalize, antagonize, and goad

    Ignore facts, demand impossible proofs

    False evidence

    Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor

    Manufacture a new truth

    Create bigger distractions

    Silence critics


    Remus's antidote: tell the truth as plainly as you can. Humor helps.

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    The Five Rules of Propaganda
    Norman Davies

    Simplification: reducing all data to a single confrontation between ‘Good and Bad', ‘Friend and Foe'.

    Disfiguration: discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

    Transfusion: manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

    Unanimity: presenting one's viewpoint as if it were the unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: drawing the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star performers, by social pressure, and by ‘psychological contagion'.

    Orchestration: endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.”

  • How to Prevent More Billionaires from Happening   6 years 30 weeks ago

    The Five Stages of Collapse
    Dmitry Orlov

    Financial Collapse. Faith in "business as usual" is lost.

    Commercial Collapse. Faith that "the market shall provide" is lost.

    Political Collapse. Faith that "the government will take care of you" is lost.

    Social Collapse. Faith that "your people will take care of you" is lost.

    Cultural Collapse. Faith in the goodness of humanity is lost.

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