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  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Fox News has websites that debunk its false news. The others do not. But you need to remember that CNN and MSNBC are owned and operated by the morbidly rich. Glenn Beck was originally on CNN. Morning Joe on MSNBC has a very conservative agenda. I challenge you Trolls to try and debunk Rachael Maddow and you never do.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 30 weeks ago

    The Santa Clarita Railroad decision in the 1800's was the result of a clerical error in the write up. Apparently these things cannot be corrected as my husband was the victim of one by a certifyably mentally challenged person in the past. It was a small civil incident by really stuck in our craw.

    I have the reference somewhere in my files but don't have time to look it up. Am sure you know about it--had to do with "personhood".

  • "People Need Health Care, Not Health Insurance" (w/Guest Charles Sauer)   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Great video.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 30 weeks ago

    As a woman I have run into very few misogynists. Perhaps it's being hyperventilated like most things today. Or perhaps because I don't run in those circles, maybe because I won't compromise myself for gain...or maybe because I don't choose to be a victim. I have worked in male dominated workplaces where a sexist man or two has entered the premises and always found myself guarded per se by other men watching over me.

    This has been the case in more than one place I have worked.

    Just blessed with good men that respected me I guess.

    It's true some women have truly been victims ...and so have some men.

    However Mark Twain is truly a treasure....that I hear many on the left are trying to ban as racisist and not pc.

  • The Corporate Conquest of America   6 years 30 weeks ago

    And, the better part of humanity fights on to this day

    Misogynist needs to know this and realize they have a mother

    "What, sir, would the people of the earth be without woman? They would be scarce, sir, almighty scarce" Mark Twain

    What, sir, would the people of the earth be without woman? They would be scarce, sir, almighty scarce. Mark Twain
    Read more at:, sir, would the people of the earth be without woman? They would be scarce, sir, almighty scarce. Mark Twain
    Read more at:, sir, would the people of the earth be without woman? They would be scarce, sir, almighty scarce. Mark Twain
    Read more at:

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago


    If you are suposed to see it you will,

    not my job to do your homework.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Coffee: Please state some examples of destructive propaganda by CNN and MSNBC.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Legand: Sure, used for evil intent, hypnosis could be in the same ballpark with Foxmerization, ....with brainwashing being the umbrella term.

    Jeff: #12....I wish what you stated was only true with a tiny percent of the populous, and I always assumed that to be the case, before Trump that is, now it's very clear to me how 1920's and 30's Germany was able to unfold. I sadly agree with your observation.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    I agree with the above posts except I also add CNN MSNBC et al. to the mix, they are not immune, just excused by those who watch them.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Yes legend. I believe it is." We".. As in most of " us" are ill equiped to. "Critically think"!! To form logical thoughts on truthful and well informed information!! In fact; its getting harder and harder to find honest, truthful information.. We're now being bombarded by lies and propaganda!
    Must of "us" were never taught how to decipher or differentiate between reality or fantasy.And it started at a very young age.
    So most of "us" are very easily manipulated i.e. "brainwashed".. by the lies and propaganda, thats posing in the guise of the truth!!

  • The Battle to Save Democracy   6 years 30 weeks ago

    The Battle to Save Democracy? Maybe progressives should start with their own. From Andrew Bacevich:

    I submit that something similar is occurring today. Ours is another low, dishonest era, for which progressive intellectuals will one day have much to answer. Not unlike the Stalinists of the 1930s, many of today’s most prominent writers and thinkers—that “herd of independent minds,” in Harold Rosenberg’s derisive description—have forfeited any actual independence of mind in favor of fashionable ideological fetish.

    As was the case with the American Stalinists, they demand conformity and permit no dissent. Rather than socialism as interpreted by Marx and further refined by Lenin and Stalin, their agenda centers on demolishing traditional norms related to sex, gender, and sexuality, all in the name of perfecting freedom.

    In their ranks, the spirit (not the substance) of American Stalinism has found a rebirth. Like the devout Stalinists of yore, they see utopia just around the corner. Their latest version looks to uninhibited sexual expression, compulsory diversity, and infinite choice on all matters pertaining to personal identity to make things right.

    The contempt for bourgeoisie values cultivated among American Stalinists back in the 1930s—due process and the presumption of innocence, for example—finds its counterpart today in contempt for the so-called heteronormative order. As was the case during the Moscow Trials, accusation suffices as evidence of guilt, even when it comes to doling out punishment, shunning and public humiliation have today replaced exile and execution.

    We may doubt that the utopia imagined by today’s progressives will ever make its appearance. In Trilling’s judgment, the leftist intellectuals of the 1930s, enamored with Stalin’s USSR, gave birth to a politics marked chiefly by a “dull rigidity.” For all of their ostensible “solicitude for mankind [sic],” they lacked wit, imagination, and creativity, not to mention a minimally adequate understanding of human nature. They were not only misguided, but also boring. It was only a matter of time before they got their comeuppance. So, too, with today’s cultural ideologues.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago


    Kind of like Santa Claus. Parents convince their kids that he exists and then threaten that he will not bring them gifts.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Agreed 2950-10k. For a large part of "us"we are brainwashed ( a form of repetitive hypnosis) starting at a very young age. Being indoctrinated into one or another " hocus pocus..mumbo jumbo" organized religion..

    Or going to our school and not being taught accurate representations of our countries( or the worlds) history. Or, not being taught civics anymore.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Is Foxmerized the same as hypnotized? Or is it just brainwashed.

  • The Battle to Save Democracy   6 years 30 weeks ago

    There is hope. Went to my precinct caucas last night. Saw the list of registered Democrats in my neighborhood. Democratic enrollment was definitely up. Do not have list from 2 years ago to compare. So this is unscientific, but there were a lot more.

    Hope that they are seeing the light back east as houses fall into the ocean and Trump wants to burn more beautiful clean coal.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    So the moral of the blog: Just like hypnosis can manipulate a person's mind, the media can influence an entire populous in a manner that's self destructive by creating fear of something that may be helpful....shouldn't we start taking that more serious? So now we can see how much damage Citizens Untited has caused by unlimited money for fascist speech....thanks to just five unelected men.

    Democratic Socialism would be more than helpful to an entire populous to say the least...the purest form of Democracy... but demonized by a few powerful and piggish citizens.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago


    yes, been there too.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    #3 #4
    Its also a state your mind sometimes goes to when your driving a vehicle while deeply thinking of other things (even to the point of visualizing in your head), yet you automatically, and without conscious effort, can operate the vehicle and still follow the rules of the road...

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Now you know it's a meaningless question
    To ask if those stories are right
    Cause what matters most is the feeling
    You get when your hypnotized

    Fleetwood Mac " Hypnotized"
    Circa: 1973

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago


    I did read the entire article and I do agree with that statment...I think it is especially true when we are tired, and get that glazed over look.

  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    #1 - Hypnosis works

    I quit smoking cold by hypnosis... cost me a lot of money and came with a guarantee

    I was ready and conditioned my demenour before hand

    Subsequently, required maxillo facial surgery to remove cancer caused by smoking several years after... the connection surprised me somewhat

    Kindly go a little further into your hyperlink and find the following remark -

    "At the same time, the nature of “ordinary” consciousness is better understood as a series of trance states that we go into and out of all the time."

    That observation is absolutely true


  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Change of subject since no one is here

    The mainstream media has largely downplayed recent reports exposing how friendly former President Barack Obama and Democrats have been with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

    In an unexpected turn, CNN anchor Jake Tapper called out the media and Democrats for refusing to condemn Farrakhan and his history of making anti-Semitic and anti-gay comments.


    Good job, well done Jake that was a suprise.

    Or, we could talk about

    Video goes viral of Bill Clinton admitting Democrats connection to KKK

    Remember former President Bill Clinton defending a known racist and admitting Democrats joined the Ku Klux Klan for votes?


  • The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Do you trust hypnosis...would you let someone hypnotise you?

    It's Not for me.

    Learn about the history of hypnosis - a fascinating subject!From Magic Power to Everyday Trance

  • The Battle to Save Democracy   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Well Legend, I hate to think it will come down to another massive cataclysm like the world faced with the rise of Hitler and Fascism.... It took massive death before the brainwashed fools of that period got their heads out of their asses. The human race won't survive WW III.

  • The Battle to Save Democracy   6 years 30 weeks ago

    Thom you are right on with the Corporation vs Martha Stewart comparison! The real tragedy is that someone from the corporate level should have taken incarceration. A corporation is a set of human beings that designed the marketing. What is absurd that the justice system can be paid off or influenced under the table. Another sideways tragedy is who will benefit from the settlement? And even more ludicrous is that large corporations will make up the loss by passing the proverbial buck onto the consumers. Simply raise the price of a popular pill by $7.38 each multiplied by 500 million sold per year and the company may even make a profit!! It's all a big joke.

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